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Saurabh Rai for Vector Podcast

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These 8 Podcasts will help increase your knowledge and expand your mindset.

I’m a big fan of podcasts, the most underrated pure knowledge resources. Podcasts have emerged as a revolutionary medium in learning and entertainment. In recent years, they have transcended from being a niche listener’s hobby to a mainstream media format.

Learning from two or more experienced people talking about a specific topic, discussing challenges they faced while doing something, and sharing their journey is fascinating.

It gives incredible insights into tackling specific problems and building unique solutions. You get to know about:

  • Different mindsets and how other people think about things.
  • The diverse array of tools that people use to solve problems.
  • Prominent people and their stories and how they solve a particular problem.
  • Come out of the mental bubble and start to see things differently.

The other good thing is that the knowledge you acquire by listening to these podcasts becomes your latent knowledge or tacit knowledge reservoir.

So, when you face challenges in a similar domain, the knowledge you gain from podcasts can give you a moment or a roadmap for building a solution to your challenge.

And as an AI enthusiast and working in the knowledge and data domain. I picked up Vector Podcast because I was curious about vector databases and vector search, how they are helping companies establish artificial intelligence-based products, etc.

Here are my top 8 podcast recommendations you can listen to. I’m giving their YouTube channels, assuming everyone knows and uses YouTube. Most of them are also on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc.

Vector Podcast

Vector Podcast

Vector Podcast is the brainchild of Dmitry Kan—a Ph.D. Graduate Research Scientist venturing into Product Management & entrepreneurship. He also used to lecture at Helsinki University.

With over 15 years of experience in the Search Engine Domain, Artificial Intelligence, and Software Development domains, he interviews professionals and CEOs in the field of AI.

Some of the notable episodes are:

  • Searching with Swirl along with Sid Probstein, CEO of Swirl.
  • Vector Databases along with Bob van Luijt, CEO of Weviate.
  • Future of Search with Connor Shorten.

Subscribe to Vector Podcast

Lex Fridman

Lex Fridman

Lex Fridman is a popular figure, and because of this, he can host many famous figures, CEOs, leaders, and top-notch researchers. Bringing them to the mic-table and asking them questions (he’s pretty good at that.)

Some notable people he interviewed were Sam Altman, Elon Musk, Guido van Rossum (Creator of Python Language), Stephen Wolfram, and a Goose.

He’s also a Machine Learning Instructor, and you can view them in this playlist.

The Knowledge Project

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Hosted by Shane Parrish of Farnam Street, The Knowledge Project Podcast uncovers the best of what others have already figured out so you can apply their insights to your life.

The podcast and the insights given by Shane Parrish are undoubtedly breathtaking. You have to experience the knowledge project to understand it well.


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Comes from Wes Bos of 30 Days of JavaScript. This podcast talks about JavaScript and Web Development.
It covers some fascinating topics ranging from newer features in web development to JavaScript testing and other topics.

This Week in Machine Learning (TWIML)

This week in machine learning

Join Sam as he explores the latest trends and breakthroughs in AI, discusses the practical challenges of bringing AI-powered products to market, and examines the intersection of AI technology with business and consumer applications.

This podcast is more than just a conversation; it's a gateway to understanding and leveraging the full potential of machine learning and AI to enhance our lives and communities. And I like this podcast a lot!

The Changelog

The Changelog

Changelog is more than just a collection of podcasts; it's a dynamic community and a rich resource for developers at all stages of their journey.

Whether you're a seasoned pro, a curious beginner, or somewhere in between, our shows and resources offer valuable insights, discussions, and stories that resonate with the developer experience.

Talk Python

Talk Python

Talk Python to Me is a weekly podcast hosted by Michael Kennedy. The show covers various Python and related topics (e.g., MongoDB, AngularJS, DevOps).

Beyond Coding

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Patrick Akil and his guests share their journeys and perspectives for you to take with you and form your own.

Beyond Coding is a weekly podcast with conversations that go "beyond coding" in a fireside chat format. Typical topics are software engineering, leadership, communication, self-improvement, and happiness.

💡 Fun fact:
Do you know that “podcast” comes from the blend of iPod and broadcast?


I hope you liked the lists of podcasts featured in this article. If you have any suggestions, feel free to share them in the comments.

Checkout Vector Podcast on YouTube
We’re trying to provide you with the best-in-class content on AI, Large Language Models, and more.

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Thanks for reading.

Top comments (41)

proteusiq profile image
Prayson Wilfred Daniel • Edited

My favourite two, that I have enjoyed for the last 5 years

  1. Python Bytes - Everything Python related
  2. contributor - Interview with people behind open sources we love to use
fast profile image

Excellent podcast list. I'll check them out later on.

srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai

Thanks, Make sure to check Vector Podcast.

karlstens profile image

Changelog JSParty is excellent listening - I never miss an episode and am catching up on all the episodes that I was late to the game with.

Looking forward to listening to Syntax for the first time, thanks for recommending!

srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai • Edited

You're welcome. Also, When do you listen to podcasts @karlstens ?? While commuting?

nathan_tarbert profile image
Nathan Tarbert

Nice @srbhr! I love Changelog. I didn’t know about a couple others. Thanks for sharing!

srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai

Yeah, I jam to Changelog on my return journey from Work.

dmitrykey profile image
Dmitry Kan

Great podcast list, Saurabh! Thanks for amplifying Vector Podcast!
It has been an awesome set of guests in Vector Search and general search engines.
Looking to record with more guests soon! 🤩

srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai

Yes, more guests. Some of them are really awesome.

forkedsofar profile image
Johann Abberton

I've been a listener to this week in machine learning, and it's really awesome. 🤩

srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai

Yeah TWIML is really cool. But, if you were to ask for a recommendation, I'd say to checkout "The knowledge project by Shane Parrish" it's really mindblowing.

fernandezbaptiste profile image

I didn't know about Beyond Coding! Thanks

srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai

I'm glad to introduce newer resources for learning!! :)

generator_garimu profile image
Garimu Alonso

Really nice list of podcasts and some of the comments recommendations are awesome as well.

srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai

I'm glad that you liked it!

wolvenhamster profile image

Awesome list

srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai


nevodavid profile image
Nevo David

Great resources!
Thank you so much!

srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai

I'm glad you like it!!

guybuildingai profile image
Jeffrey Ip

Thanks for posting!

hodden_j_123 profile image
Hodden James

Awesome podcast list, I like it.

srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai


xucian profile image

how could you miss Joe Rogan?
why watch it, you ask? to expand your mind, see how wildly different people think. believe me, I'm very picky, but the guy is a breath of air compared to everything else I saw -- all this while not being stupid or ignorant

srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai

Yes, Joe Rogan and Lex Fridman are awesome. But I was thinking that everyone knew about Joe Rogan. So, I skipped it.

xucian profile image

still worth including imo, maybe as a side note

annaredbond profile image

Always on the lookout for good podcasts and some of these have been on my list for a while so it might be time to take the leap! Thanks for the nudge.

srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai

Yeah, podcasts are fun!!

ruilyonesse profile image

thanks for sharing this list!

srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai

You're welcome!

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