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Viktoria Bors-Pajuste
Viktoria Bors-Pajuste

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Overcoming the Struggles as a Junior Web Developer?! How?

It's been about a year and a half since I began learning web development through a bootcamp program. The bootcamp itself only met for 5 hours a week, but I spent a lot of time self-teaching outside of class. The bootcamp was divided into three modules and I've successfully completed the first two, which covered HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. After completing the JavaScript module, I was fortunate enough to land a job as a junior developer.

During my first three months on the job, I often felt overwhelmed and like I didn't know the basics. But I reminded myself that it was okay to feel that way during the trial period. Now that I've been fully hired, I'm no longer on trial and the pressure is on.

Last week, I felt like an idiot every day. I was asking "wrong" questions, struggling to understand simple code blocks, and making mistakes on tasks. I know that there will be tough days and periods in any job, but it is hard to overcome failure.

Any advice how to handle these situations and overcome these struggles?

Top comments (11)

tqbit profile image

In a nutshell: You'll get used to it. I find it quite normal to be overwhelmed sometimes. That just means you're pushing your limits and grow.

I was asking "wrong" questions

Try to understand the business rather than the program. What does the user want? What's the purpose of this flow? Why would somebody do it like this?

If all else, fails, simply keep asking the wrong questions until you arrive at the right ones. That just means you're making an effort to understand what's going on.

struggling to understand simple code blocks

Especially code that was written in a hurry (= 80% of pretty much everything I've read lately) is a horrible experience. Since ChatGPT is out, I often run these lines of code by it just to get a grip on what's going on.

but it is hard to overcome failure.

Yet, it is what makes you grow as a dev. Keep it up, I think you're doing fine so far.

viktoriabors profile image
Viktoria Bors-Pajuste

Thank you for the encouragement and advice. I will focus on understanding the business and the user's needs, and keep asking questions until I arrive at the right ones. I will also use ChatGPT to help me understand code blocks (I have not thought about it before), and keep pushing myself to overcome failure and grow as a developer.

prsaya profile image
Prasad Saya

Web development is not just HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It can be challenging. One cannot be front end web developer without understanding the other aspects of the web app development stack. You will need some basic understanding of the other parts of the web apps also.

In a web app, the front end is only a part. This part interacts with the back end all the time (in addition to the users who use the app). How the data comes from the back end, how the data goes to the back end, the data validations, error handling, etc., becomes part of the knowledge.

In addition there are fairly complex concepts of networking which allows data flow from and to the back end.

Practice, training, and interest will help.

An aspect about the code is that allowing yourself understand one line (or piece) at a time. That way after five lines of code you can be a master of a function with five lines of code. That is how one gets thru lot of code - conquering one line at a time.

In this fast changing technology everyone is challenged, including the experienced ones. Cheers :)

viktoriabors profile image
Viktoria Bors-Pajuste

Thank you for the insight. I understand that web development is not limited to just HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and that there are many other aspects to consider, such as the back end, data flow, and networking. I will continue to practice, learn, and stay interested in these other aspects of web development. I will also take your advice to understand one line of code at a time, and focus on mastering small pieces of code before moving on. Thanks for the encouragement, and I will keep pushing myself to improve in this fast-changing field.

prsaya profile image
Prasad Saya

Here is a quote by Lao Tzu ~ New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.

richardoven profile image
Richard Oven • Edited

This is my honest opinion:

There are no 'wrong/dumb/idiotic/unnecessary questions'. Dumb or idiotic that if there are NO questions. Especially from a beginner - but on any levels.
If you don't ask a question - even if its a repeated question - you won't get an answer, so you won't be able to learn. Not only you: nobody else.

Don't forget: we are PROBLEM SOLVERS.
There can be a function which could be written differently by each person/developer.

I don't think I'm lying when I tell you that: if we are not running into issues during coding, then we are doing a bad job. Because we do. Because we always find things to improve, to fix, to shrink/rearrange/refactor/consolidate/etc...

Don't be scared: if you don't know something - just ask.
Or try to do a research online.

Don't give up. There are plenty of difficult times - these are part of the problems we solve :)

viktoriabors profile image
Viktoria Bors-Pajuste

Thank you so much for your feedback and for sharing your perspective.

I appreciate your encouragement to not give up and keep trying, and to seek help when needed. Your words are a great reminder that the journey is as important as the destination.

tellitwithcode profile image

I can only tell from my point of view and experience. I always tell myself that when I overcome these small failures and will be happy from small successes it will be a part of bigger success :) I try to focus on the journey and even when I lost the direction, make some mistakes I learn from everything and find something new :) Fingers crossed for you.

viktoriabors profile image
Viktoria Bors-Pajuste

Thank you for your advice, it is reassuring to know that even experienced developers face small failures and setbacks. I will try to focus on the journey and learn from my mistakes. I will also try to find something new and positive in every experience, and strive for small successes as well as bigger ones. I appreciate your support and good wishes, I'll keep fingers crossed for myself too :)

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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viktoriabors profile image
Viktoria Bors-Pajuste

I understand how challenging it can be to work in a fast-paced and deadline-driven environment, especially when the tasks are specific to the company and not easily searchable online. It can also be difficult to ask for help when everyone is busy and you don't want to appear to be bothering them. I will try to keep pushing and keep trying, and I appreciate your support and good wishes. I wish you all the best as well.