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Learning Python- Intermediate course: Day 44, Summary of the week, examples and exercises

Today we will have a quick summary of the week

Let us see a sample OOP program

class animal:
 def makenoise(Self):

class pet():
    def bepetted(self):
        print("Pet me")

class canine():
    def shownails(self):
        print("My nails are long")

class dog(pet):
    def __init__(self):
        print("I am a dog")"bone"
    def makenoise(self):

class cat(pet,canine):
    def __init__(self):"milk"
        print("I am a cat")
    def makenoise(self):

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
I am a dog
Pet me
I am a cat
My nails are long
Pet me
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


1) Correct the following code

class sample():
 def fun(self):

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 6, in <module>
TypeError: fun() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

2) Correct the following code

class sample():
 def fun():

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 6, in <module>
TypeError: fun() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

3) Extend the above program to include a class tiger and class wild. Add attribute habitat to wild and pet. Use iterable for in loop to call out the methods (hint use try except)

Day 41

We learnt about inheritance in Python
Inheritance is an OOP concept which provides flexibility and code reusability to the program. We can make changes to the program without altering much code. We can also extend the code by adding new functionality without much effort. Inheritance in Python is achieved by adding the name of the super classes inside the constructor of the new class. In this part we studied how functions and properties are inherited from the super class. But object constructors are not inherited by the subclasses, however the number of arguments for constructors must be the same for both if the classes. Functions are overloaded in the subclasses, that is the functions with same name can be present in both the subclass and the super class. In such cases, the functions of the sub-class are considered as effective. Constructors and methods of the superclass can be called by the super() method in case of overloading.

Day 42

In this part we learnt about polymorphism, yet another OOP feature. Just like inheritance, polymorphism too does help in making the program more extendable and flexible. Using polymorphism, we can create new subclasses without doing much change into the superclass. Polymorphism is a technique by which subclasses can be considered as types of super-classes. Polymorphism in Python is achieved through overwriting of methods.

Day 43

In this part we covered some more of OOP. We covered concepts which are not directly supported by Python, like abstraction and interfaces. We saw a brief about duck typing and how to resolve the Deadly Diamond of Death. This part was just intended to bring together a feeling of completeness regarding OOP concepts and not a complete guide towards OOP.

Intermediate part of the course ends today.

So friends, this marks the end of the Learning Python intermediate course. I will be soon providing you all with the summary of the intermediate course.

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