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Guille Ojeda for AWS Community Builders

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From EC2 to Kubernetes on EKS

Note: This content was originally published at the Simple AWS newsletter. Understand the Why behind AWS Solutions. Subscribe for free! 3000 engineers and tech experts already have.

Use case: Deploying a Node.js app on Kubernetes on EKS


You have this cool app you wrote in Node.js. You're a great developer, and you read the issue of Simple AWS about ECS and learned how to transform your app into a scalable app with ECS. However, the powers that be have decided that you need to use Kubernetes. You understand the basic building blocks of Kubernetes and have drawn the parallels with ECS, but you're not sure how to go from code to app deployed in EKS.


  • EKS: A managed Kubernetes cluster, which essentially does the same as ECS but using Kubernetes.

  • Elastic Container Registry (ECR): A managed container registry for storing, managing, and deploying Docker images.

  • Fargate: A serverless compute engine for containers that eliminates the need to manage the underlying EC2 instances.

Diagram of an EKS cluster with one service and one pod

Solution step by step

Install Docker on your local machine.

Follow the instructions from the official Docker website:

Create a Dockerfile

In your app's root directory, create a file named "Dockerfile" (no file extension). Use the following as a starting point, adjust as needed.

Use the official Node.js image as the base image

FROM node:latest

Set the working directory for the app


Copy package.json and package-lock.json into the container

COPY package*.json ./

Install the app's dependencies

RUN npm ci

Copy the app's source code into the container

COPY . .

Expose the port your app listens on


Start the app

CMD ["npm", "start"]

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Build the Docker image and test it locally

While in your app's root directory, build the Docker image. Once the build is complete, start a local container using the new image. Test the app in your browser or with curl or Postman to ensure it's working correctly. If it's not, go back and fix the Dockerfile.

docker build -t cool-nodejs-app .
docker run -p 3000:3000 cool-nodejs-app

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Create the ECR registry

First, create a new ECR repository using the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI.

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name cool-nodejs-app

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Push the Docker image to ECR

The command that creates the ECR registry will output the instructions in the output to authenticate Docker with your ECR repository. Follow them. Then, tag and push the image to ECR, replacing {AWSAccountId} and {AWSRegion} with the appropriate values:

docker tag cool-nodejs-app:latest {AWSAccountId}.dkr.ecr.{AWSRegion}
docker push {AWSAccountId}.dkr.ecr.{AWSRegion}

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Install and configure AWS CLI, eksctl, and kubectl

Follow the instructions from the official sites:

After installing it, make sure to configure your AWS CLI with your AWS credentials.

Create an EKS Cluster

You'll need an existing VPC for this (you can use the default one). Create a CloudFormation template named "eks-cluster.yaml" with the following contents. Replace {VPCID} with the ID of your VPC, and {SubnetIDs} with one or more subnet IDs. Then, in the AWS Console, create a new CloudFormation stack using the "eks-cluster.yaml" file as the template.

Type: AWS::EKS::Cluster
Name: cool-nodejs-app-eks-cluster
RoleArn: !GetAtt EKSClusterRole.Arn
SubnetIds: [{SubnetIDs}]
EndpointPrivateAccess: true
EndpointPublicAccess: true
Version: '1.22'

Type: AWS::IAM::Role
Version: '2012-10-17'
- Effect: Allow
Action: sts:AssumeRole
Path: "/"
- arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSClusterPolicy
- arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSServicePolicy

Type: AWS::EKS::FargateProfile
ClusterName: !Ref EKSCluster
FargateProfileName: cool-nodejs-app-fargate-profile
PodExecutionRoleArn: !GetAtt FargatePodExecutionRole.Arn
Subnets: [{SubnetIDs}]
- Namespace: {Namespace}

Type: AWS::IAM::Role
Version: '2012-10-17'
- Effect: Allow
Service: ''
Action: 'sts:AssumeRole'
Path: "/"
- arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKS_Fargate_PodExecutionRole_Policy

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Deploy the app to EKS

Create a Kubernetes manifest file named "eks-deployment.yaml" with the following contents. Replace {AWSAccountId} and {AWSRegion} with the appropriate values. Then apply it with kubectl apply -f eks-deployment.yaml.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: cool-nodejs-app
replicas: 2
app: cool-nodejs-app
app: cool-nodejs-app
- name: cool-nodejs-app
image: {AWSAccountId}.dkr.ecr.{AWSRegion}
- containerPort: 3000
cpu: 500m
memory: 512Mi
cpu: 250m
memory: 256Mi
serviceAccountName: fargate-pod-execution-role

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: cool-nodejs-app
app: cool-nodejs-app
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 3000
type: LoadBalancer

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Set up auto-scaling for the Kubernetes Deployment

Add the following contents to your "eks-deployment.yaml" file to set up auto-scaling policies based on CPU utilization. Then apply the changes with kubectl apply -f eks-deployment.yaml.

apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta2
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
name: cool-nodejs-app
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: cool-nodejs-app
minReplicas: 2
maxReplicas: 10
- type: Resource
name: cpu
type: Utilization
averageUtilization: 50

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Test the new app

To test the app, find the LoadBalancer's external IP or hostname by looking at the "EXTERNAL-IP" field in the output of the kubectl get services command. Paste the IP or hostname in your browser or use curl or Postman. If everything is set up correctly, you should see the same output as when running the app locally. Congrats!

Solution explanation

Install Docker on your local machine

Kubernetes runs Docker containers. Docker also lets us run our app locally without depending on the OS, which is irrelevant for a simple test, but really important when your team's computers aren't standardized.

Create a Dockerfile

We're using the same Dockerfile as last week. In case you didn't read it, a Dockerfile is a script that tells Docker how to build a Docker image. We specified the base image, copied our app's files, installed dependencies, exposed the app's port, and defined the command to start the app. Writing this when starting development is pretty easy, but doing it for an existing app is harder.

Build the Docker image and test it locally

I'm going to repeat one of my favorite phrases in software development: The degree to which you know how your software behaves is the degree to which you've tested it.

Create the ECR registry

ECR is a managed container registry that stores Docker container images. It integrates seamlessly with EKS, which is why we're using it here.

Push the Docker image to ECR

We build our Docker image, and we push it to the registry so we can pull it from there.

Install and configure AWS CLI, eksctl, and kubectl

More tools that we need. The AWS CLI you already know. kubectl is a CLI tool used to manage kubernetes, and it's usually the main way in which you interact with kubernetes. eksctl is a great CLI tool that follows the spirit of kubectl, but which is designed to deal with the parts of EKS that are specific to EKS and not general to all Kubernetes installations. AWS built their own managed Kubernetes, which is EKS, but they (obviously) couldn't modify kubectl, so they built a tool to complement it.

Create an EKS Cluster

A cluster is a collection of worker nodes running our Kubernetes apps. The cluster is managed by the control plane, which includes components like the API server, controller manager, and etcd. Same concept as the ECS cluster, except that with EKS being a managed Kubernetes we can peek under the hood.
In our template we're also creating a FargateProfile, which EKS needs so it can run our apps on Fargate (serverless worker nodes, which we use in this issue so we can focus on EKS and not on managing EC2 instances).

Deploy the app to EKS

We're creating a YAML file, but this one's not a CloudFormation template. Kubernetes uses “manifest files” to define its resources as code, and our eks-deployment.yaml file is one of those. The key elements are:

  • Deployment: Basically, the thing that tells k8s to run our app. More technically, an object that manages a replicated application. It ensures that a specified number of replicas of your application are running at any given time. Deployments are responsible for creating, updating, and rolling back pods. Similar to a Task Definition from ECS.

  • Service: Basically, the load balancer of our app. More technically, a logical abstraction on top of one or more pods. It defines a policy by which pods can be accessed, either internally within the cluster or externally. Services can be accessed by a ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, or ExternalName. Same concept as a Service in ECS, just some different implementation details. Note that in this case it's going to be a load balancer, but it's not the only option.

You've probably noticed that we're not creating pods. A pod is one instance of our app executing, so that's what we're really after. However, just like with ECS where we don't create Tasks directly, we don't create Pods directly in Kubernetes.

Set up auto-scaling for the Kubernetes Deployment

We're changing the deployment so it includes the necessary logic to auto-scale. That is, to create and destroy Pods as needed to match the specified metric (in this case CPU usage).

Test the new app

You know it's going to work. You test it anyways.


Text in italics is (my mental representation of) you (the reader) talking or asking a question, regular text is me talking. That way, it looks more like a discussion. By the way, if you want a real discussion, or to ask any questions, feel free to contact me by replying to this email, or on LinkedIn!

So, this is me, the reader, asking for clarification about the format?

That's it?
Yeah, that's it! We did it in ECS in another post, and now we did it in EKS!

I was expecting a lot more work
I kept it Simple, so we got away with doing it in a newsletter issue instead of me writing a whole book (which is actually an option, by the way).

So, if it wasn't that hard, why do you always complain that Kubernetes is really complex?
Regarding Kubernetes, we've barely scratched the snow that covers the tip of the iceberg (I hope that's correct, I've never seen an iceberg IRL).

Why make us configure eksctl if you weren't going to use it?
Great catch! With eksctl you can create a cluster simply by running eksctl create cluster --name my-cluster --region region-code --version 1.25 --vpc-private-subnets subnet-ExampleID1,subnet-ExampleID2 --without-nodegroup. There's a few more things to create though, and I figured it would be easier if you just used a cfn template.

So, now that I use Kubernetes, am I cloud agnostic?
Your Kubernetes manifest files are 95% cloud agnostic. That is, you can run the same deployments, services, etc with the exact same files, but there are a few differences in how every Kubernetes installation implements them. For example, our service is defined as type Load Balancer, and AWS uses an Application Load Balancer for that. If you deployed the same file in GKE, you'd get Google's Load Balancer.

Best Practices

Operational Excellence

  • Implement health checks: Set up health checks for your application in the Kubernetes Service manifest to ensure the load balancer only directs traffic to healthy instances.

  • Use Kubernetes readiness and liveness probes: Configure readiness and liveness probes for your application container to help detect issues and restart unhealthy containers automatically.

  • Monitor application metrics: Use Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights to get more metrics from your app.

  • Set up a Service Mesh: A deployment or two, each running 5 pods, is easy to manage. 10 deployments of (micro)services that need to talk to one another is 100x more complex. A Service Mesh solves the networking part of making pods talk to each other, making it only 50x more complex than a single deployment (it's a big win!)


  • Use IAM roles: Set up IAM roles for your Fargate profile or for the EC2 instances, so your resources only have the permissions they need.

  • Restrict network access inside the cluster: Set up Network Policies to define at the network level what pods can talk to what pods. Basically, firewalls inside the cluster itself.

  • Enable private network access: Use private subnets for your EKS cluster and configure VPC endpoints for ECR, to ensure that network traffic between your cluster and the ECR registry stays within the AWS network.

  • Use Secrets: Kubernetes can store secrets in the cluster. Same as what we've been discussing about Secrets Manager, but in this case you don't need another AWS service. You can sync them if you want.

  • Use RBAC: RBAC = Role-Based Access Controls. It's the same thing we do with AWS IAM Roles, but for Kubernetes resources and actions. Don't give everyone admin, use roles for minimum permissions.


  • Use Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA): Configure HPA to automatically scale the number of application instances based on CPU utilization, ensuring that the application remains responsive during traffic fluctuations. The scaling that we defined in the Kubernetes manifest only creates more pods, this is what creates more instances for your pods to run on. You use this instead of having your Auto Scaling Group launch instances, because while the ASG has access to instance-level metrics such as actual CPU utilization, HPA has access to Kubernetes metrics such as total requested CPU and memory.

  • Deploy across multiple Availability Zones (AZs): Ensure that your application's load balancer and Fargate profiles are configured to span multiple AZs for increased availability.

  • Use rolling updates: Configure your Kubernetes Deployment manifest to perform rolling updates, ensuring that your application remains available during updates and new releases. You do this directly from Kubernetes, like this.

Performance Efficiency

  • Optimize resource requests and limits: Kubernetes defines resource requests and limits. The request is the minimum, and it's guaranteed to the pod (if Kubernetes can't fulfill the request, the pod fails to launch). From there, a pod can ask for more resources up to the limit, and they will be allocated if there are resources available. For example, if you have one node with 2 GB of memory, you deploy pod1 with request: 1 GB and limit: 1.5 GB, pod1 will get 1 GB of memory and can request for more up to 1.5 GB. If you then deploy pod2 with request: 1 GB, Kubernetes will fit both, but now pod1 can't get more memory than it's base 1 GB, because there's no free memory available. Both pod1 and pod2 succeed in launching, because their request can be fulfilled.

  • Monitor performance of the app and cluster: Use tools like X-Ray and CloudWatch to monitor the performance of your application. Use tools like Prometheus and Grafana to monitor the performance of the cluster (free resources, etc).

Cost Optimization

  • Right-size the pods: As always, avoid over-provisioning resources.

  • Consider Savings Plans: Remember that EKS is priced at $72/month for the cluster alone, plus the EC2 or Fargate pricing for the capacity (the worker nodes). Savings Plans apply to that capacity, just like if EKS wasn't there.

  • Use an Ingress Controller: Each service of type Load Balancer is a new ALB. Instead of doing that, use a single Ingress Controller per app (you can use one or multiple apps per cluster). The Ingress Controller routes all traffic from outside the cluster, with a single Load Balancer and one or more routes per service.

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Top comments (2)

fiantyogalihp profile image

Why must migrate to EKS from EC2? What's the pros and cons?

guilleojeda profile image
Guille Ojeda

The cons of running your app in a single EC2 instance are that it doesn't scale, and it fails if the instance fails. Some options to fix that are an auto scaling group, migrating to Lambda, or using an ECS or EKS cluster. If you're running several separate services, ECS or EKS are a great choice to let them scale independently and make management much easier.

Choosing EKS or ECS (I wrote a very similar guide from EC2 to ECS) is a big topic. I generally prefer ECS, if you don't care for cloud vendor lock-in. EKS makes you more independent (not 100% independent though) from the cloud vendor, and will let you re-use more easily apps that are published as Helm charts (in some domains like data processing lots of apps are already available as Helm charts). It's also harder to learn and use.

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Create a simple OTP system with AWS Serverless

Implement a One Time Password (OTP) system with AWS Serverless services including Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, Simple Email Service (SES), and Amplify Web Hosting using VueJS for the frontend.

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