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Cover image for Determining the RGB "Distance" Between Two Colors
Adam Nathaniel Davis
Adam Nathaniel Davis

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Determining the RGB "Distance" Between Two Colors

[NOTE: The live web app that encompasses this functionality can be found here: All of the underlying code for that site can be found here:]

At this point in the series, I've done things that are, quite honestly, pretty simple (from a programmatic sense, at least). Loading an image in React isn't exactly rocket science. Transferring that image into a <canvas> element has been done a million times before. Pixelating the image and repainting the canvas requires a bit of code - but it really ain't that hard.

Here's the point where I hit an unexpected hurdle. I now have a complete inventory of paints with their associated RGB equivalents. (Or... at least as close as I could determine. That particular journey was outlined in the first article in this series.) I also have an image that's been loaded into memory, and I've parsed through the image, pixel-by-pixel, in order to create a pixelated version of the original. So now that I have the pixelated blocks, I need to look at the color of each block and determine which color in my inventory of paints most-closely matches the block.

Image description

The "easy" approach

When I set about creating the underlying code for Paint Map Studio, I thought that the color-matching aspect of the equation would be simple. I was working off a few basic assumptions:

  1. Now that I have the pixelated version of the image, each block is represented by RGB values.

  2. I've captured all of the RGB values for every paint in my inventory.

  3. RGB values are nothing more than... numbers. And as long as I have the numbers associated with the pixelated block, and I have the numbers associated with every paint in my inventory, it should be elementary to do some simple math and determine which paint is closest to the color in the original block.

Then, I started noticing some... quirks.

First, let's look again at the pixelated image that I'm trying to match against my inventory of paints. We generated it in the last article, but I'll display it again here:

Image description

Then let's look at my inventory of paints. They look like this:

Image description

Obviously, if those paint colors are represented onscreen, then I must have the underlying RGB values for each color. (You can see the full list of paints here: There are more than 200 of them.)

Image description

RGB matching

Previously, we weren't trying to match the pixelated blocks against any kinda reference color. So if we want to do that, we'll need to add some more logic to the pixelate() function. The new function looks like this:

const pixelate = () => {
   const { height, width } = canvas.current;
   const stats = {
      colorCounts: {},
      colors: [],
      map: [],
   const blockSize = 10;
   for (let y = 0; y < height; y += blockSize) {
      const row = [];
      for (let x = 0; x < width; x += blockSize) {
         const remainingX = width - x;
         const remainingY = height - y;
         const blockX = remainingX > blockSize ? blockSize : remainingX;
         const blockY = remainingY > blockSize ? blockSize : remainingY;
         const referenceColor = calculateAverageColor(context.current.getImageData(x, y, blockX, blockY)); = '';
         const closestColor = getClosestColorInThePalette(referenceColor);
         if (Object.hasOwn(stats.colorCounts,
         else {
            stats.colorCounts[] = 1;
         context.current.fillStyle = `rgb(${}, ${}, ${})`;
         context.current.fillRect(x, y, blockX, blockY);
   return stats;

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This is pretty similar to the pixelate() function that I showed you in the last article, with a few key additions:

  1. Before we enter the for loops, I've added a call to loadPalettes(). This will grab the RGB data from all of the existing paints in my inventory.

  2. After we calculate the average color, we need to take the resulting RGB object and pass it into getClosestColorInThePalette(). This will compare the RGB values of the pixelated blocks to all of the RGB values for the existing paints.

I'm not going to bother illustrating the code in loadPalettes(). It grabs a static object that contains all of the RGB values for my paint inventory. Those values look like this:

{red: 77, green: 33, blue: 33, name: 'Liquitex: Alizarin Crimson Hue Permanent'},
{red: 63, green: 55, blue: 48, name: 'Liquitex: Raw Umber'},
{red: 220, green: 208, blue: 33, name: 'Liquitex: Yellow Light Hansa'},
{red: 201, green: 31, blue: 27, name: 'Liquitex: Cadmium Red Medium'},
{red: 205, green: 195, blue: 168, name: 'Liquitex: Parchment'},
{red: 16, green: 145, blue: 139, name: 'Liquitex: Bright Aqua Green'},
{red: 10, green: 113, blue: 180, name: 'Liquitex: Brilliant Blue'},
{red: 95, green: 67, blue: 135, name: 'Liquitex: Brilliant Purple'},
{red: 141, green: 190, blue: 49, name: 'Liquitex: Brilliant Yellow Green'},
{red: 141, green: 105, blue: 44, name: 'Liquitex: Bronze Yellow'},
{red: 106, green: 50, blue: 35, name: 'Liquitex: Burnt Sienna'},
{red: 61, green: 44, blue: 38, name: 'Liquitex: Burnt Umber'},
// and on, and on, and on...

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Much more important is what happens inside getClosestColorInThePalette(). That's shown here:

const getClosestColorInThePalette = (referenceColor = rgbModel) => {
   const key = `${},${},${}`;
   // use the existing calculation if we already determined the closest color
   // for this given referenceColor
   if (closestColors[key])
      return closestColors[key];
   let closestColor = {
      blue: -1,
      green: -1,
      name: '',
      red: -1,
   let shortestDistance = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
   // loop through every paint color - this was already loaded inside loadPalettes()
   palette.forEach(paletteColor => {
      // if we already found an exact match, then short-circuit the comparisons
      if (shortestDistance === 0)
      // calculate the "distance" between referenceColor and this particular paint color
      const distance = Math.abs( -
         + Math.abs( -
         + Math.abs( -;
      // if this paint color is "closer" than any of the others we examined, save it
      // as the paint that is currently the "closest"
      if (distance < shortestDistance) {
         shortestDistance = distance;
         closestColor = paletteColor;
         closestColors[key] = paletteColor;
   return closestColor;

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Imagine that our reference block has RGB values of rgb(201, 182, 19). Then imagine that we're looping through the colors in the palette and we're comparing it to Liquitex: Alizarin Crimson Hue Permanent. That paint has RGB values of rgb(77, 33, 33). We can determine the difference between both colors by adding the difference between each color's red, to the difference between each color's blue, to the difference between each color's green.

Therefore, the formula for determining the RGB difference between the reference color and Liquitex: Alizarin Crimson Hue Permanent would be:

const distance = Math.abs(77 - 201)
  + Math.abs(33 - 182)
  + Math.abs(33 - 19);

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So the distance between the reference color and Liquitex: Alizarin Crimson Hue Permanent would be: 287.

Moving onward through the array of paint colors, we see that Liquitex: Bright Aqua Green has RGB values of rgb(16, 145, 139). Therefore, the formula for determining the RGB difference between the reference color and Liquitex: Bright Aqua Green would be:

const distance = Math.abs(16- 201)
  + Math.abs(145 - 182)
  + Math.abs(139 - 19);

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So the distance between the reference color and Liquitex: Bright Aqua Green would be: 342.

This means that, according to our RGB calculations, Liquitex: Alizarin Crimson Hue Permanent is "closer" to our reference color than Liquitex: Bright Aqua Green. Obviously, this doesn't necessarily mean that either of those two paint colors are particularly "close" to the reference color. At least, not as judged by the human eye. But mathematically speaking, Liquitex: Alizarin Crimson Hue Permanent is a closer match to the reference color than Liquitex: Bright Aqua Green.

The idea here is that, once you've cycled through every single paint in the inventory (more than 200 different colors), the algorithm will find the "closest" paint color to the reference block. And the hope is that the closest color will be a pretty good match to the human eye.

So how does it perform? Well... let's take a look.

Image description


When we use the RGB color difference algorithm shown above to match all of the blocks in the target image to our inventory of known paint colors, this is what we get:

Image description

That's... not great. It's still pretty obvious that we're looking at a (pixelated) image of a woman's face - a woman with brown skin tone. But the algorithm has done some wonky things. Her face looks as though it's been smeared with pink-and-tan paint.

When I first started doing this, results like these baffled me. I reasoned that, with 200+ colors available in my inventory, I should be able to come up with pretty close matches for nearly any color in the image. But there were a few things that I didn't understand.

First, 200+ colors is not really a lot of colors with which to recreate something as nuanced as a human face. When you're setting up to do some painting, that may feel like a huge inventory, but it's nothing compared to the millions of colors that we perceive in any given photo. So one problem is the breadth of my palette. However, I'm not going to dive into that issue yet, because that's the subject for a future article.

Second, although RGB values feel to us (as programmers) as though they're nothing more than numbers, and numbers feel as though they should be easy to manage programmatically/mathematically, the human eye does not perceive color in the same way that our program does when we we're trying to parse through the image algorithmically. It's entirely possible for two colors to be relatively "close" in terms of their RGB values - but for our eyes to perceive those colors as being quite different.

For example, if you look closely at her hair, you'll see that there's a lot of dark green in the translated image. If you look at the original image, you probably won't perceive any green in her hair. But when the algorithm tried to find the "closest" RGB match for some of those darker shades of grey in her hair, the closest match it could find was a dark... green.

So aside from the problems we encounter with our limited palette (again, this will be covered in a future article), we also have problems with the basic algorithm that we're using to find the "closest" colors. Some colors that are relatively close in the RGB color space look as though they are not close at all to the human eye.

To be fair, calculating the basic RGB difference between colors is not always inherently bad. For some target images, it may be perfectly fine to use this basic algorithm. But when trying to match against more nuanced values - like those found on a human face - the RGB difference algorithm often falls short.

What images would work best for this sort of basis RGB analysis?

  1. Images that feature a limited color palette.

  2. Images that feature subjects with high contrast.

For example, this image:

Image description

Fares far better with only a basic RGB analysis:

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Every pixel on those balls is perfectly matched to one of the colors in my paint inventory. And there aren't too many parts of the image that look outright "wrong". This happens because those balls feature much higher contrast and it's easier for the basic algorithm to match them against the core set of paints.

Also, the color depth of this image isn't really that... deep. Although there are many different colors in the image (red, blue, green, yellow, etc.), there aren't many different shades of each color. So it's easier to match an image like this against my base set of paints.

But when we take a low contrast image like this:

Image description

We get strange color-matching again:

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This happens because the image has, overall, very little contrast.
Although there are still thousands of colors in the source image, many of those colors are extremely "close" to all of the other colors. (Also, notice how those odd greens have popped up in our processed image again.)

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In the next installment...

Thankfully, there are more ways than simple RGB difference calculations to accomplish color matching. In the next installment, I'll show different models we can use to find better matches. These include calculations based on different color spaces (XYZ, CMYK, and L*a*b), and a fancy-sounding formula called Delta-E 2000.

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Top comments (23)

cubiclesocial profile image

First, when working with colors, you never really want to work in RGB. You'll wind up in the wrong place really quickly as you alluded to at the end of the article. RGB is convenient for efficient use on active displays (CRTs, LCD, OLED) but not much else. Instead, convert to a minimum of HSB/HSV (Hue, Saturation, Brightness/Value) and then figure out the distance between two HSB/HSV colors and finally convert back to RGB for storage/display purposes. That will generally produce much more color-accurate results. HSB/HSV is one of the easiest color conversions to implement and also tends to be the least computationally expensive. As a side note, the Photoshop color picker dialog is my goto to determine if color conversions are "correct" to within a reasonable margin of error.

Second, fixing pixelated images for small palettes is a "mostly solved" problem. Dithering is generally the solution used when working with a limited color palette. Dithering basically takes a delta of an error value and then applies the error to subsequent pixels as each palette index is selected. Dithering produces a more technically accurate approximation of the original image at the cost of increased image size. Whether dithering actually "looks good" is much more subjective.

Color is an endless maze of discovery (and rediscovery) and the rabbit hole runs deep. You can spend years working on color and still never discover the end.

bytebodger profile image
Adam Nathaniel Davis • Edited

One more note on this:

Been doing some more thinking on this over breakfast. And the more I think about it, the more I realize that dithering must be a part of my "final" solution. But there's some interesting information on Wikipedia.

They present this pseudocode as a way to implement dithering:

for each y from top to bottom do
    for each x from left to right do
        oldpixel := pixels[x][y]
        newpixel := find_closest_palette_color(oldpixel)
        pixels[x][y] := newpixel
        quant_error := oldpixel - newpixel
        pixels[x + 1][y    ] := pixels[x + 1][y    ] + quant_error × 7 / 16
        pixels[x - 1][y + 1] := pixels[x - 1][y + 1] + quant_error × 3 / 16
        pixels[x    ][y + 1] := pixels[x    ][y + 1] + quant_error × 5 / 16
        pixels[x + 1][y + 1] := pixels[x + 1][y + 1] + quant_error × 1 / 16
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But then, at the bottom of the article (, they state:

The find_closest_palette_color is nontrivial for a palette that is not evenly distributed. In such a case, a nearest neighbor search in 3D is required.

So I guess that's what I was kinda getting at when I said that dithering is an important part of the equation - but it's also kinda answering a different question. Because even if you're applying dithering, the whole question of how you find the "closest" color in the palette is, as Wikipedia states, "nontrivial". You basically need to solve the problem of finding the "closest" color in the palette before you can start doing effective dithering.

Up to this point in the series, I'm basically chipping away at that problem: How to find the closest color in the palette. Once I've thoroughly illustrated that, then I can demonstrate how to introduce dithering.

In the examples they show in their article, they're basically showing how to dither a 1-bit image - meaning: simple black-or-white. But when you're not delineating between a simple 1 (black) or 0 (white), it gets a bit more involved...

bytebodger profile image
Adam Nathaniel Davis • Edited

First I just wanna say that this is a great reply and much appreciated. I have some thoughts about some of the specific ideas you've brought up and I think I'll break those into multiple replies. But before I do that, I first wanna acknowledge this:

Color is an endless maze of discovery (and rediscovery) and the rabbit hole runs deep. You can spend years working on color and still never discover the end.

Yes! So much... yes! Honestly, that's basically the underlying theme of this whole series. Sure, I've built a little app that suits my painting needs. And along the way I've learned some really cool stuff about color. But when I started the whole "journey", I didn't think it would be a journey at all. I thought it would be some quick little throwaway app that I'd build in a few nights. But instead, it's been something that I've been chipping away at - over years! And I don't pretend for a moment that I'm any kinda expert on color, even now.

It probably doesn't come across properly in this series. But I didn't just start writing the series as a way to brag about some basic tool I built. I'm really writing it more as an overall general statement that: Color is surprisingly - even, shockingly - complex. Much more so than I ever imagined originally.

As a programmer - who's not a "designer" and has never been much of an "artist" - color felt to me like... just a set of numbers. And numbers feel... easy. But once you start to realize that two sets of numbers that are, mathematically speaking, very close to each other, may in fact look very different to the human eye - it starts to become that rabbit hole that you're talking about.

cubiclesocial profile image

I've been down the color space rabbit hole several times. You might find some bits of this blog post I wrote back in 2019 useful in your journey:

Working, functional source code is always a plus.

bytebodger profile image
Adam Nathaniel Davis

you never really want to work in RGB. You'll wind up in the wrong place really quickly as you alluded to at the end of the article. RGB is convenient for efficient use on active displays (CRTs, LCD, OLED) but not much else.

No doubt. But even though I've learned to start weaving other color spaces and "theories" into my approach, I still keep coming back to RGB as a... basis. Not because it's in any way "better". But only because, at the end of the day as a web-based programmer, I'm still probably gonna always be starting with RGB values. And no matter what I do to process those colors further, when I need to throw something back onscreen, I'm probably gonna be reverting back to RGB values.

It's like the imperial measurement system. We can all say it's stupid. And... it IS! But as long as I'm living in the US and having to deal with other US citizens on a daily basis, I'll never be able to fully escape the imperial system. I can wish all day that we'd suddenly drop all this imperial nonsense and just adopt the metric system. But let's face it. That's just not happening.

So just like I have to keep converting things from the imperial system, and back into the imperial system, I'll also need to keep thinking (on some level) in RGB values when it comes to color calculations.

bytebodger profile image
Adam Nathaniel Davis • Edited

Second, fixing pixelated images for small palettes is a "mostly solved" problem. Dithering is generally the solution used when working with a limited color palette.

This is a valid point. I've messed around with multiple approaches to dithering, but I may be revisiting it soon.

That being said, and with all due respect, I believe that dithering is essentially answering a different question than the one I've been trying to solve in this series. (Although I'm open to learning if I'm misunderstanding things.)

My first question, the one that started me down this journey, was: Given a color X, and a set of reference colors [Y], which color in the [Y] reference set is truly "closest" to X?

Dithering (IMHO), answers a different question: Assuming that we already have a set (palette) of colors [Y], how do we ensure that the eye perceives smooth transitions when we're moving from one color to the next in the image?

To be absolutely clear, I do see that, even if I were to get all of the "best" color matches, the resulting image could benefit from applying dithering. So I'm not discounting at all the need for dithering. (In fact, I'm thinking now about adding user-controlled variables that will allow dithering to be introduced to the finished image.) But dithering is still limited if we can't figure out the best way to match the millions of colors in our source image to the limited set of colors in our palette.

bytebodger profile image
Adam Nathaniel Davis

convert to a minimum of HSB/HSV

In the next article (that I published this afternoon), I show doing color matching based on HSL. In my mind, HSV and HSL really feel like almost the same thing? But if you can tell me that HSL is somehow inferior to HSV, I'm all ears...

vipert profile image

Image description

This is a result from the app, we have a custom color quanitzation algortihm and here we only have 64 colors, it uses euclidean distance along with some parameters making color distance looking natural...

bytebodger profile image
Adam Nathaniel Davis

Yeah... it looks pretty similar to mine. FWIW, after writing this article, I also converted the RGB algorithm to use Euclidian distance. (This is explained in the next article - basically, I did it to be consistent with the other algorithms, although the visual differences are usually trivial.)

Also, I'm literally writing the article right now that talks about how to restrict the color depth, although you don't have to wait for that to be published. If you want to see it in action, just go to, load this image, and then use the "Color Depth" and/or "Minimum Threshold" features to limit the color range to 65.

vipert profile image

Okay, great! The color quanitzation algortihm we use is open-source (if you want to take a look at it)

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bytebodger profile image
Adam Nathaniel Davis

Oh, cool! I definitely will. All my code is also public at

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bytebodger profile image
Adam Nathaniel Davis

I just took a quick look at it. That is some... weird code.

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vipert profile image

Yeah, I was impressed by SIMD which makes similar instructions being processed up to 3x times faster on multiple data because it makes use of the CPU's little cache on nearly all operation upon little (<128bits) Typed Arra vectors... and so SIMD made us create SIMDope, which I think is THE fastest non-weassembly, non-webgl color blending library... (I think we can blend around 1M+ colors per second)

Also, then, regarding the color quantization class, we used cluster based on binary reduction, we encode colors within 1, 16, 256, or 4096 possibilities instead of 32bits and that makes them grouped in 1-4096 clusters... because when we at first tried to compare 20K colors with 20K colors, it took long (you can imagine it is a few minutes for 400 millions colors) but when they are classed inside 4096 clusters (that are so fast to classify as we divide R, G, B, and A by bit friendly numbers we then re-assemble into a unique unsigned integer) it is somehow passing from minutes to a few ms (100-300ms) which is something like one thousands times faster than our original algorithm architecture.

That said, I know it should be a bit prettier for human reading but private object's variables and methods make it very great in terms of memory efficiency, we'll nevertheless comment and make it a bit more readable soon! Stay tuned, I was greatly surprised to find someone digging into color computation in pure JS too!

dsmdavid profile image

Thanks for the write ups. Should the distance be squared?
[as in distance = root ( (r1-r2) ^2 + (g1-g2) ^2 + (b1-b2) ^2)]
Although the caveats you mentioned will remain 😅

bytebodger profile image
Adam Nathaniel Davis • Edited

This is the image processed using simple RGB differences:

Image description

And this is the image processed with the root-mean-square approach:

Image description

The differences are extremely subtle.

bytebodger profile image
Adam Nathaniel Davis

FWIW, I've converted the RGB calculation in my tool to use the root-mean-square calculation. Even though I've found the visual differences to be minimal, it will be more consistent with the rest of the articles in this series.


bytebodger profile image
Adam Nathaniel Davis

Great question! I did indeed play around a lot with a root-mean-square approach. In fact, I tried about a dozen different ways of using the same RGB values to come up with a more accurate match. Unfortunately, I found that it led to no discernible improvement in the visual accuracy of the processed image.

tythos profile image
Brian Kirkpatrick

This is a really cool problem! It reminds me of something I put together the other week to compare color interpolation for issue tracker labels:

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇 • Edited

Disclaimer: Sorry if I'm off because I didn't read the previous posts, if so please tell me 😅.

You can use the canvas API to load an image and read all colours from the array of pixels of that image. Don't really want to create a post on that so I searched the Internet and found some, here's the first result I get:

Then what I'd do to pixelate it is to create a subset of available colours. You can do that increasing each value by 2:

we know each colour (RGB) has a HEX value between 0 and 255, hence you can do a subset that's a half of that (0, 2, 4, 6 ... 254) for each, or one that's a quarter (0, 4, 8 ... 252) or whatever the scale you want to use.

Then you can match the nearest colour from the real image with the subset, or you can not do the subset and just fake it doing +1/-1 or +2/-2 or... based on some rule sets (if R>B then R = R-1 & B = B+1).

Edit: You can also pick the average of 4 pixels ((R+R+R+R)/4 and so) and blend them on a single colour, hence doing this pixelated, low quality image.

Best regards

bytebodger profile image
Adam Nathaniel Davis

This was covered in the previous two articles...

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

See, I should've read those before commenting 😂😂

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