
Michael Tharrington Subscriber for CodeNewbie

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What you learning about this weekend?

Hey folks πŸ‘‹

What y'all learning about this weekend?

Whether you're sharpening your JS skills, making PRs to your OSS repo of choice πŸ˜‰, sprucing up your portfolio, or writing a new post here on DEV, we'd like to hear about it.

Expand your mind!

A cartoon of a person reading books as their head grows larger like a balloon

Top comments (20)

rileyglander profile image
Shooting Dragon

This isn't anything major but I thought I would share anyways. I just started looking up different social media influencers and blog posts. I have found many articles with CSS tricks, some of them showing how to make a calendar or a clock. I'm still new to this so I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing but I will continue searching around.

overflow profile image

i was busy learning git the entire week end last and the whole of this week and am now comfortable with the ideas. And I agree there is a lot to learn still. But I am happy and it is gonna be something that I am gonna keep using and learning as I go on ahead.

I wonder why git is not something that most tutors and or tutorials will teach from the beginning maybe with HTML and CSS so that it becomes a habit. Because it is very important and it takes wrapping one's head around in the beginning and once on e is in there it opens doors to other peoples 'real' code, coding ideas and the going on's in the real coding world. as well as a real way of approaching and providing coding solutions. At least that is what I think so far. Which is awesome. All I need at the moment is my digging shovel.

This week though I'm going back to learning my 2nd language. And the most important part is that I learn a different way to code; from what JS has to offer. Even though I still am not that good at JS. However I might perhaps learn extra from Python. Hopefully the knowledge is cross-transferable. I am exactly like @parenttobias just said. I would rather jus learn how to code JS only but it looks like I will need an arsenal of coding tongues to know. Is it really necessary though?

parenttobias profile image
Toby Parent

Depending on how you approach that learning, you might be learning more than you think. Critical thinking, pattern spotting, analytical reasoning... these all come with languages.

And as to whether having more languages makes you more valuable... that depends on you, and on the path you choose. Some shops are javascript front-to-back, others are a hybrid (python, php, java, something else on the server with the usual front-end stuff).

Are you planning full-stack? Are you looking at hybrid-type companies? Then yeah, extra languages might become necessary.

The discipline of picking up another language is a skill in itself, though. You learn not only the language, but the patterns behind the languages, and what they have in common. We tend to learn to reason about the languages while coding in them.

overflow profile image

Hello. Thank you very much. I would rather be JavaScript only all the way...But what I see is people talking about being versatile but that’s gonna do me in mentally. I feel like I’m gonna go insane and I have no interest for it. I kinda love JavaScript ONLY. But I don’t wanna feel like I’m missing something.

sjmulder profile image
Sijmen J. Mulder

For git, after getting a little bit of a feel for the basics I suggest reading chapter 1 to 3 of the official Git Book: It's not long and after it you'll know all the important things and also where to find more.

For a second language, you can get along with just JS perfectly fine but if you do want to explore more I'd suggest looking outside of that bubble, so to say, something with not just a different programming paradim but also a bit of a different culture. Python is an option, but also C#, Clojure, Swift, C even. If you're up for something mind-bending try "Learn yourself a Haskell for Great Good":

overflow profile image

thank you very much I'm definitely gonna dig into the git book. its looking delicious. As for a language. I went through a little bit of python. I had a taste of PHP. Its laborious. I am forcing myself. I kinda picked up certain nice things about some of them languages but I am afraid I am going to thin myself out if I am not careful. so I am resorting back to my lovely JS. I'll go visit those language lessons randomly.
I need to learn more and become better without mixing myself up.
But i will pace myself with little visits now and then. Ill check Haskell out. Thanks.
But is it possible to be just a JS specialist ONLY?
Because I am still to learn the frameworks as well and those are like languages also.

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sjmulder profile image
Sijmen J. Mulder

But is it possible to be just a JS specialist ONLY?

Certainly! Don't feel pressured to learn everything at once, or even at all. But when you do feel like learning more it'll give you whole new perspectives. Did for me, in any case.

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and most valued.

soumyadeepdey profile image
Soumyadeep Dey β˜‘οΈ

Check my git vs github post

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I'm diving into collaborative filtering, and trying to better understand the underlying math.

parenttobias profile image
Toby Parent

Ooooo golly. That sounds interesting as heck. Found my next rabbit-hole!

envitab profile image
Ekemini Samuel

I'll be learning about Structs in Go.

How about you?

vulcanwm profile image

i'm learning more about how to integrate cookies in a Next.js and React website, and how to make sure it's not hackable.

techtech profile image

I learned how to build your own ad blocker FREE forever; This is quite simple! Instructions will follow soon!

sjmulder profile image
Sijmen J. Mulder • Edited

I've been familiarizing myself OpenIndiana again, a Solaris-derived operating system, to fix some build issues with software. Learnt some about autoconf and Go in the process.

For a post on my site I learnt about inline SVG to have my line drawings be not just scalable but also adaptive to dark mode. Fun, but laborious!

parenttobias profile image
Toby Parent

Further deep-diving into Local First Web Dev, and playing around with writing a dynamic chord generator for a LoFi music book. Fuuun stuff!

kurealnum profile image
Oscar • Edited

I've completed a Leetcode every day for a week now, and I've started figuring out Django's authentication app!

danbailey profile image
Dan Bailey

Decided to do a 100 days of Python course, just for the sake of doing it. I'm even doing the coursework for the stuff I already know. Hoping to blow through the whole thing in a month or so.