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Cover image for ๐ŸŒ I made my website with Gatsby!
Chandu J S
Chandu J S

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

๐ŸŒ I made my website with Gatsby!

Even though I've been a web developer for more than 6 years, I bought a domain name for my website only in 2018. And just now I finished my website. I'm lazy, maybe.

But I am pretty sure that this website is the fast, performance-optimized website I've ever made.

Alt Text

Pretty simple, right?

Lets breakdown the things I used to build my website.


This static site generator made me think to reconsider getting back in web development.
Gatsby is fast, performance baked in, modern static site generator for React. The first version of the website was done in Angular. I ported it to Gatsby after I learned Gatsby.

You can clone a starter project and start messing around from here


Gatsbyโ€™s plugin archive is rich enough. You will get plugins for almost anything for your website.


I have a blog section on my website. So I used gatsby-source-dev plugin to fetch posts of my user id and render on my website. Effortless blogging ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Portfolio Showcase

For displaying my portfolio on the website I've used the following plugins.


Performance optimization is out of the box available in Gatsby.

I wrote a separate article about how I purged 95% of unused bootstrap from the website. Read it here

Netlify CMS

I'm using a headless CMS from Netlify which is a simple easy to integrate CMS you can use with your static site. It's very easy to integrate with a Gatsby website.
Learn more about Netlify CMS here

Progressive Web App

This website is PWA, which means you can access the website later once you open the website. You can make a Gatsby website a PWA with very easy steps.

Install gatsby-plugin-offline node package and Add below to end of plugins array in your gatsby-config.js file

      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-manifest`,
      options: {
        name: 'Chandu J S',
        short_name: 'Chandu',
        start_url: '/',
        background_color: Variables.colors.brand,
        theme_color: Variables.colors.brand,
        display: 'standalone',
        icon: 'src/assets/images/icon.png',
        crossOrigin: `use-credentials`,
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


In terms of hosting, I had to pay NOTHING to host my website ๐Ÿ˜. Netlify is an awesome service that provides free hosting for static websites.

It doesn't matter what kind of static site generator you have, almost all kind of them are supported by Netlify.

Let me know in the comments if I need to clarify anything more.

The source code of my website is open and available here. Feel free to use it as per the license.

Top comments (28)

benjaminjprice profile image
Benjamin Price

Why make Dev your source and publish to your blog vs the blog the source and have Dev fetch the RSS? Would one direction be better for your blog/website SEO over the other?

ctrleffive profile image
Chandu J S

I didn't know there is a way to publish articles via RSS. I'll do it in the next release. Thank you. And I don't know what will be the impact on SEO.

benjaminjprice profile image
Benjamin Price

RSS doesnโ€™t auto publish. It saves it as a draft for you to make any final tweaks / tagging / etc. you have to publish it manually.

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ctrleffive profile image
Chandu J S

Ok. but is there will be any issue with my current setup? SEO based.

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benjaminjprice profile image
Benjamin Price

I think it depends on which side the canonical links are on. Youโ€™ll want your blog to be the canonical source so search engines credit your site as the source and not

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ctrleffive profile image
Chandu J S

Right now, what I'm doing is, using my website's blog link as canonical for article. Is that ok?

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benjaminjprice profile image
Benjamin Price


Thread Thread
ctrleffive profile image
Chandu J S


matgott profile image

Pretty nice.

In terms of UX I'll focus on this (specially for navigation):

And in home page, the scroll doesn't do anything, but you have an arrow that is calling to go down, it may be confuse.

UI is really nice. Anyway... great site! Congrats, bro!

ctrleffive profile image
Chandu J S

Thank you very much for your feedback. โค๏ธ
I'll try to improve the UX.

mayankkalbhor profile image
Mayank K

Will the new version of Gatsby 3.0 will break this. Please suggest the changes that needs to be done with keeping this intact with the new version 3.0

ctrleffive profile image
Chandu J S

I havn't updated my website for a long time. I'm working on integrating Most probably ill upgrade the dependencies as well. I'll post an update once its done.

mayankkalbhor profile image
Mayank K


anandbaraik profile image

Loved your portfolio! UI is elegant

ctrleffive profile image
Chandu J S

Thank you! โ™ฅ๏ธ

chakrihacker profile image
Subramanya Chakravarthy

Nice site, I can see how much of hardwork there

ctrleffive profile image
Chandu J S

Thank you!

mayankkalbhor profile image
Mayank K

Is there any tutorial for this one?

ctrleffive profile image
Chandu J S

I'll find something and share it here.

mayankkalbhor profile image
Mayank K


waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

๐ŸŽ‰ Congrats! Netlify and Gatsby make it way too easy to have a wicked fast site!

ctrleffive profile image
Chandu J S

Yeh! ๐Ÿ˜Š

jaycruz profile image

Very cool! Been thinking about doing the same for my portfolio.

ctrleffive profile image
Chandu J S

try. i never made a website with this much performance before.

delta456 profile image
Swastik Baranwal


ctrleffive profile image
Chandu J S

Thanks โ™ฅ๏ธ

mdhesari profile image
Mohammad Fazel • Edited

Congrats! I did the same using gtasby

ctrleffive profile image
Chandu J S

awesome โค๏ธ