This is a series organized by the Deepgram Devs where we talk about and answer questions about getting started in DevRel, Community, and Tech.
How do you get started in DevRel? What have you done to get build your "DevRel resume"?
Feel free to share your tips or experiences of how you got into DevRel.
We held our first zoom session on how to get started on Monday, but we'll be holding our Getting Started in DevRel Twitter Space this Friday at 3pm ET with Rizèl Scarlett and David G. Simmons.
Looking for more information on DevRel? Check out my post on the Deepgram approach!
Want to catch our next small group (Zoom conversation), Getting Started in Community? You can sign up now.
Top comments (4)
Perfect timing! I will start as DevRel in the next week 🎉🎉🎉🚀🚀🚀
Nice! How'd you land your DevRel job?
The exchange of energies creates new forms of energy.
In the work we do, sharing experiences, sharing knowledge with other developers generates an incredible exchange of energy and knowledge.
This is my "why". You asked me the "how".
Two things brought me closer to the DevRel world.
The first is listening and prioritising my passions. Although writing articles, tutorials, developing proofs of concept and demos was not part of my main job, I tried and found the time to do it in my spare time, in the evenings, at the weekend.
The main job gave me the opportunity to get to know the needs of the market, and to consolidate my knowledge of technologies, languages, libraries. My side projects have allowed me to experience new things and above all to share them with the world (Open Source).
The other thing is to challenge myself. I have always had two 'problems': one is my English language, two is my shyness to speak to the public.
Well, in 2020 and 2021 I gave myself two goals: the first is to write a book in English (and release it for free) the second is to attend a conference as a speaker. I did it and I am very happy. I definitely have a lot of room to improve my English and improve as a speaker, but that is totally OK.
All this has been noticed by more than one person, thus creating two opportunities: the first is to start working for an exciting company with Developer Relations Engineer (June 2022) and the second is to write a book for one of the biggest publishers in tech (Q4 2022)
What a great story! Thanks for sharing.