DEV Community

Cover image for Welcome Thread - v253

Welcome Thread - v253

Sloan the DEV Moderator on November 29, 2023

Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about ...
princeodee profile image

Hi everyone I'm prince by name
I'm trying to do my best to become
Good developer, at first it was very hard for me because I don't really get the code but now I'm getting it gradually, and I think i can do my best and I will really need each and everyone of you to educate me in this field as well thanks

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV, Prince. It will take time to get it just keep studying and coding.

sammar profile image
abbeycity500 profile image
Arowolo Wahab Abiodun

Hello, Prince. Welcome to the dev community. We are glad to have you here. 😊

You have taken a great step towards becoming a good developer. Learning to code can be challenging, but also rewarding and fun. You are not alone in this journey. There are many resources and people who can help you along the way

princeodee profile image

Thanks bro. 🙏

Thread Thread
sammar profile image
Comment marked as low quality/non-constructive by the community. View Code of Conduct
henrik1969 profile image
Henrik Sørensen • Edited

One thing I have learned by writing a lot of code is that it is VERY important to

  • 1) Embrace errors. They often teach you way more than any examples. Read through the error messages and try to understand why the code failed.
  • 2) Play with the code. Studies have showed that you learn at a factor 10 by playing than by cramming. It goes for almost all subjects Math, Chemistry, Physics, Baking, cooking and coding ;)
  • 3) Read a lot (and I mean a lot) of code. By seeing how others create code, you often get inspired and might learn a trick or two :)
  • 4) Sometimes just put in the example and make it work. Then try to understand it. Sometimes its easier to understand by actually running it and see what it does than trying to figure it out beforehand.
  • 5) Learn how to systematically debug. All coders make errors along the way and if you meet one that says they do not. They are either a wizard from the other realms or a liar.
  • 6) Get to know your debugger everyone needs it from time to time.
  • 7) If your code fails. Try something simpler, then build from there.
  • 8) Keep thing simple (one function -> one responsibility)
  • 9) Keep things in a logical structure (Refactor things out of long functions if you can) I know some people that writes functions that are as long as a literary work. OMG they might work but try debugging such a monster.
  • 10) Understand concepts and algorithms (When you get to write larger pieces of code O(2^n) and O(exp(n) actually gets painful).
  • 11) Have a plan. It is very difficult to build a house if you don't have some kind of building plan. This goes at all levels. Learn about pre and post conditions. And most of all. Simply crack on. Everyone started at NOOB it is because they have gone through hours and hours of coding, failing, debugging, redefining the plan, reimplementing, failing, debugging again, reredefining the plan over and over that they got where they are :) Happy coding
pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

Hello! Nice to have you here! 🙏

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
princeodee profile image

Yeah thanks and God Bless

Thread Thread
Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
sammar profile image
sammar profile image
Comment marked as low quality/non-constructive by the community. View Code of Conduct
carlson profile image

Are you employed now? Can you start working with me immediately?

ikejijustice profile image


princeodee profile image

Sure I can how do we go and where are you from

sloan profile image
Sloan the DEV Moderator

Just wanted to say welcome to everyone new and not-so-new to DEV. 👋

Hope y'all enjoy it here!

If you're wondering how to get started with posting a post, then consider checking out this article here.

To learn more about writing on DEV, check out our Best Practices for Writing on DEV series. 😀

tuturado profile image
Alef de Paula • Edited

Hello everyone, my name is Alef, I'm 25 years old and I'm Brazilian.
I am completing my degree in Computer Science and am currently an intern at an American multinational.
Looking for junior developer opportunities. If you want to talk or find out more, connect with me on LinkedIn:

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Alef! Welcome to the DEV community! Best wishes on your degree in Computer Science!

tuturado profile image
Alef de Paula


kaamkiya profile image

Hi Alef! Welcome to the DEV community! Hope you find a great job :)

martinkr profile image
Martin Krause

Hi everyone!

Welcome to the!

I'm Martin, and I worked as a Senior Front End Architect and Engineering Manager at one of the world's largest digital agencies, where I led Front End Teams for international projects. After 15 years, I quit my job. Now I travel the world as a professional scuba diver, work as a freelance Front End Tech Lead and technical Recruiter for international clients. Besides that, I write about technology.

My latest book about Modern Full Stack development will be published in the beginning of next year by No Stach Press. It's an easy, hands-on introduction to creating web applications with Next.js, MongoDB and Mongoose (there's currently a 25% Discount!). You can read more about how to become a published author in my upcoming article about writing books.

I am mentoring fellow developers on another platform as well as on I am currently publishing the "LevelUp: Elevate your Career Today" series where I give Career and Interview advice based on my experience as Engineering Manager and Technical Recruiter. (It's bascially free mentoring, don't tell my paying mentees about that :D)

If I have enough time, I write more in-depth articles, for example how to create multi-language pages with next export, which is on GitHub:next-export-i18n and npmjs: next-export-i18n

I recommend following the general tags webdev, vscode , career and productivity and javascript, react, CSS. Head over to your Dashboard and adjust the tag weight to personalize your home feed.

Here's a list of articles to start your journey as a successful developer and a great writer:

If you are looking for your next job, I highly recommend buying the Book De-Coding the Technical Interview Process by Emma Bostian. It is hands down the best preparation for every technical interview.

If you're interested in my articles, follow me on or

If you have questions or want to get in touch, don't hesitate to contact me on

And remember to start posting today!


kojot profile image

Hi all, I am Joshua from Nigeria, a graduate of computer science from the University of Benin. An IT technician/ Senior Transas IT technician with some front-end skills currently delving into the world of security. Almost done with the Google cyber security course.
Looking to work on more projects as a cybersecurity analyst and looking for internship roles to build my skills. Be happy for a buzz, thanks.

abbeycity500 profile image
Arowolo Wahab Abiodun

Hello and welcome to the DEV community! Best wishes on learning cyber security

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt


kojot profile image

very many thanks Arowolo

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello, Joshua from Nigeria! Welcome to the community! Cybersecurity analyst sounds awesome, best of luck with your course!

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Welcome on DEV!

kojot profile image

very many thanks Anita

mlhacks profile image
Major League Hacking (MLH) • Edited

Hey folks, Fiona from Major League Hacking (MLH) here! If you want to build your tech skills, join a global community of student developers, and partake in events like hackathons - MLH is for you! Sign up for events and start getting access to our resources (all free) on our website ➡️

If you search MLH on Dev, you'll find a lot of information about our programs from other new developers!

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Welcome MLH on DEV!

mjamshaidkhan profile image
Muhammad Jamshaid • Edited

hello everyone,
This is muhammad jamshaid , i am new here.
I reached here through openAI, i was searching for a good platform to improve and learn new thing.
Now a days i am learning REACT from Udemy.
Also i am freelancer on UPWORK .

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

mjamshaidkhan profile image
Muhammad Jamshaid

Thanks Chris.

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

Hello! ✋

mjamshaidkhan profile image
Muhammad Jamshaid

Hi pawel,

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Muhammad Jamshaid, welcome to the community! You have come to the right place! I hope you will like it here!

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Welcome here!

mjamshaidkhan profile image
Muhammad Jamshaid

Thanks Anita

sagaofsilence profile image

Probably you would find the following links useful:

React Resources

Codux - Visual IDE for React

ivanzanev profile image
Ivan Zanev

Hi everyone. My name is Ivan. I am a 33-year old full-stack PHP web developer from Sofia, Bulgaria. Mastodon.Social brought me here. I see some great information and people. Looking for job opportunities as well.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Welcome Ivan! ✨

ivanzanev profile image
Ivan Zanev

Thanks :)

kaamkiya profile image

Hi Ivan! Hope you find a nice job soon. Welcome to the DEV community!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hi there, Ivan and welcome to the DEV community!

emmjayp profile image
Michael Pollaci

Hi all!
I am an entrepreneur who loves to help people solve problems. I am not a dev (unless you consider html5 and CSS dev work! 🤣). I am a branding and marketing guy who has partnered with a great dev and a great admin to form Flusso Software.

With Flusso Software the team wants to help people with software ideas stop wasting countless hours and thousands of dollars navigating the pitfalls of software development without ever knowing if their idea is even worth investing in. We want to guide them through and around the pitfalls, so they save time, save money, and bring their great software ideas to market.

We do it the way we do because we know when you guide people with empathy and integrity you have an opportunity to change their lives.

I am here to learn some insights about the industry so I can create authoritative content to share with the world and hopefully make the industry just a little bit better.

Michael :-)

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

Hello! ✋✋✋

emmjayp profile image
Michael Pollaci

Hello back...

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello and welcome to the DEV community! Best wishes on learning Rust. I have no knowledge of Rust but I am positive you can do it! Also I hope you will like it here!

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

Hello! Nice to have you here! 🙏🙏🙏

ksaini9 profile image
Karan Saini

Hey folks, I am Karan. I work as a Software developer in Canada. Happy to join this community. Looking forward to learn from amazing people in this community and hoping to share my knowledge as well.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hi Karan, much welcome to the community! Working as a software developer sounds awesome, how is it like?

ksaini9 profile image
Karan Saini

Hi Anita, it's great for the most part. My job mostly involves building web applications, which is fun.

stephenj93 profile image

Hi all! I'm Stephen, from the UK. Long story short, I used work as a Software Developer in the early 2010s, but then health difficulties forced me to quit my job and spend the last 4 years exploring ways to heal myself. I am now wanting to get back into Software Development though and restart my career.

I am looking for ways to update my knowledge and get back in the field. My previous experience was mainly working as a full-stack developer, using ASP.NET MVC C#, with SQL and entity framework behind the scenes. I was predominantly coding in front-end languages though, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery. If anyone has any suggestions on what to research and dive into in order to update myself, I would be most grateful!

Many thanks and best wishes,

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello, Stephen from the UK! I am sorry to hear about your journey but awesome that you are coming back into Software Development! I wish you the best of luck!

stephenj93 profile image

Thank you 😊

sagaofsilence profile image
Sachin • Edited

Welcome Prince into the world of programming! Programming is all about problem solving. All it takes is mathematical thinking in disguise - think logically and break down problems into smaller, manageable pieces. And less about programming languages, tools and syntax.

As explained in How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

The single most important skill for a computer scientist is problem-solving. Problem-solving means the ability to formulate problems, think creatively about solutions, and express a solution clearly and accurately. As it turns out, the process of learning to program is an excellent opportunity to practice problem-solving skills. That’s why this chapter is called, The Way of the program.

Last but not least, coding is just the tip of the iceberg. So don't get lost in the woods of codes. There are so many roles to perform in software development. Find your gem.

All the best!

marcallington profile image
Marc • Edited

Hi there, great to be here, and hopefully I'll be able to contribute some content about my personal projects. I'm currently building a personal website, and spending my free time understanding precisely what it takes to create fast websites, covering caching, Cloudflare settings, kv/redis, lighthouse performance score intricacies, GPT integration for workflow and personal assistants and more. I'm also creating a local community site for those living and working in Colchester.

It's early days for my personal website, but I've already started investigating what works best to engage my readers, such as adding polls and quizzes for the curious. I know the world is moving towards short-form content and I want to add features that automatically repurpose content such as 15-second videos, threads, tweets/Xs, social posts etc.

All in all, I code by day, and then spend my evenings and weekends coding - it's a passion that I've had all my life and still enjoy it as much today as I did when I started.

I do wonder where AI will take us all in this disciplined tradecraft, but so far it's been tremendously useful.

Nice to meet you all, and if you are a coder and live in the Colchester area then make sure you say hi! And if not then say hi anyway!

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

Hello! So great to have you here Marc! 🙏🙏🙏

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hi! Welcome to the DEV community. What an awesome introduction you made! It sounds to me like you will be making some real cool websites! We are lucky to have you. I hope you will like it here!

officialphaqwasi profile image
Isaac Klutse

Hello everyone, I'm Isaac currently a computer science student at the university of Ghana. All I want to become is a good developer and so far this community is doing just fine.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Isaac, welcome to the DEV community!

officialphaqwasi profile image
Isaac Klutse


botster profile image
grammakov • Edited

Hey Dev fam! I’m Denis, founder and maker of Botster where users can create and run web robots for data extraction, web monitoring and automation. I’ve been an active developer since 2013 (mainly Ruby), participate as a mod on StackOverflow, and try to actively share my journey and challanges. I also make YouTube content in my spare time (currently at 1500 subs). Nice to meet yall!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Denis! Wow, that sounds awesome! Welcome to the DEV community!

isitizzet profile image
James Ohlhausen

Hello Everyone! I used to do competitive coding in Highschool, took some college classes and stepped away to build a career, now I'm in classes to finish up my coding and make a career jump! been building a fun little project before class, I hope I'm able to make it a little open source for people to use after I learn more!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello and welcome to the community! I hope you will like it here!

huijoson profile image

Hi everyone, I'm huijo, and I'm an SRE engineer. I'm currently learning the Rust language 🦀 and applying it in my work. It was really challenging at the beginning, but after maintaining it for a week or two, I've started to find it quite endearing. The language I use at work is Python 🐍, which is also cute and very convenient, but I still want to achieve new breakthroughs. I'm very happy to be working hard alongside all of you developers ☺️.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Huijo! Welcome to the DEV community! We are lucky to have you.

animitchel profile image
Mitchel Ani

Hi 👋 i am python developer with a year+ exprience, always have a positive mindset, something i am really proud of. I'm keen on breaking in to the industry, wish me luck guys. i appreciate being here 😀

kaamkiya profile image

Hi Mitchel, welcome to the DEV community! Glad you always have a positive mindset, that helps in life. Good luck!

animitchel profile image
Mitchel Ani

Thanks man i appreciate 🙏🏽

johnrajan95908 profile image
John Rajan

Hello everybody!
Nice to meet you.
I'm John Rajan. I'm glad to be here today.
As an experienced front-end developer with over 7+ years of web application development experience, I am passionate about working with the latest web technologies to create products of high-quality user experience and excellent performance.
I have a strong foundation in front-end development and am skilled in creating reusable and maintainable code.
Throughout my career, I have consistently focused on improving my programming skills and staying up-to-date on the latest technologies and trends.
I look forward to more lively discussions about the software.
Warm regards,
Thank you.

ahmedjan profile image

Hello everyone,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is [Ahmedjan], and I'm thrilled to be a part of this community. I am diving into the world of software engineering with immense curiosity and enthusiasm.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Greetings! Welcome to the community, Ahmedjan!

blessiing profile image

hello everyone. I'm Blessing. a Nigerian tech/code newbie switching from sciences to tech.
I want to learn coding skills to be a fronted developer. I hope i can learn through this platform in a fun way, while making friends ✨️

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello and welcome to the DEV community, Blessing! I hope you will like it here!

pravynandas profile image
pravynandas • Edited

Praveen here. Stumbled upon this amazing site several times but always thinking it's 'medium' site. Only recently realized it's DEV and a dedicated community for us. Have plenty of years and thousands of hours of experience in coding various languages, frameworks, and setting and destroying devops stuff. Hope I will write some long pending stories and share with you guys. Happy coding.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello and welcome to the DEV community! I am looking forward to read your future posts!

itsrajputamit profile image
Amit Rajput

Hi Everyone Amit this side ...!!

Hope everyone is doing good here. I joined this platform today and would be sharing my learning in the field of DevOps and Cloud consistently here. I am open to learn and grow together with all the beutiful souls here on this awesome community here. Currently I am working as A DevOps and Cloud Engineer @Accenture.

Apart from this have been contributing to the community in the form of write ups and visuals related to DevOps and cloud since last 6 months on X(formerly twitter).

I have been working on other freelancing projects as well for the clients. Have experience in Java,Linux,go,docker,K8 etc ... Happy to be here and excited for the journey ahead.

Keep smiling people .. <3 ..

mahes2 profile image
Mahes • Edited

Hi everyone, my name is Mahes, a software engineer from Indonesia. I love to code and learn new things. And i'm new here :D

Recently i'm developing a golang repository which collects handy and powerful utilities inside. I would love for everyone here to check and i'm very welcome if you guys can give any suggestion. Thank you and nice to meet you all.

kaamkiya profile image

Welcome, Mahes! I also like Golang. Hope that you find people to contribute!

muhammadsayed93 profile image
Muhammad Sayed

Hey there! 👋
I'm excited to join this community! 🚀 I'm a senior Android developer passionate about crafting seamless user experiences with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose.

Currently diving deep into clean architecture (recent open source project), and I can't wait to connect with fellow developers and share insights.

Let's learn and grow together! 🌟

saima32 profile image

Hello everyone, I'm Saima bibi. I'm on a journey to become a skilled developer, and I'm putting in my best efforts. Initially, grasping the code was challenging for me, but I'm making gradual progress. I believe I can give my best, and I sincerely request each one of you to guide and educate me in this field. Your support means a lot. Thank you!

luisbett profile image
Luis Fellipy Bett

Hi there! My name is Luis, I am from Brazil and I am currently living in Ireland. My background is developing on-premise systems during 5 years in Brazil (using ADVPL) and my plans to the future is to work with web development. I am currently working in a company developing apps using Power Apps and I am studying React JS and Node JS.

pinguin profile image

Hello everyone,

I just recently discovered this community and wanted to join since it was very helpful with a few problems I had regarding Rust.
Mostly interested in Rust and Softwareengineering but I'd also like to improve in a lot of other fields like:

  • Basic knowledge/concepts
  • Cpp
  • Webdevelopment
  • Server related stuff

Yeah that's about it, feel free to ask questions or just say hi:)

bonhamgrant profile image
Grant Bonham

Hey Everyone, I'm Grant. Senior Front-End Apps Developer. Been lurking here for awhile so thought I would join in. Excited to bring my knowledge of new tech to the next level. Also newly working with Angular so any pointers or projects to help build my foundation would be really appreciated! Thanks for having me

jimp81 profile image
James Parry

Hi, folks. I'm James. I'm 42, working in IT as a Service Desk Engineer in the UK. I started my HTML, CSS and JavaScript learning journey over at FreeCodeCamp only a week ago! So lots to take in. I'm aiming for a Front-End Developer career path as I've always been interested in what goes on behind the scenes when creating blogs or online stores. The customization of the site always interested me more than the blog or whatever I was trying to sell, haha!

I'd like to say good luck to everyone that is just starting out, and thank you to everyone with experience that is taking the time to support others in their development.

Many thanks.

P.s I don't know why my profile pic is a Pelican but I'll change it at some point 😊

dedeyd70 profile image
Dorothy Dede Quao

Hello Everyone I'm Dorothy Dede Quao and new to the tech space, I find immense joy in what I'm learning, despite the initial challenges of grasping certain concepts. The journey began with uncertainties, but I'm making steady progress. My determination to evolve into a skilled developer is unwavering, and your support holds significant value to me. I am confident in my ability to excel in this field, and I sincerely seek the guidance and expertise to enhance my education further. Your support means a lot, and I'm eager to continue growing in this dynamic field

techjetai profile image

Hi everyone , I am Techjet - startup in bangalore providing services like website development , app development , webdesign . We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients by providing exceptional service and support, and we take pride in our ability to deliver effective, custom web solutions that help our clients achieve their business goals.

sardar-kawish profile image
saradr kawish zahid

I'm Kawish, a Python Full Stack Developer passionate about crafting dynamic web apps, fostering innovation, and achieving excellence collaboratively.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Kawish, welcome to the DEV community! I hope you will like it here!

sardar-kawish profile image
saradr kawish zahid

yes of course

maciker profile image
Iker Macaya Faber

Hi everyone!!

My name it’s Iker, I’m from Spain and I work as software developer.

I’ll try to contribute to this community and learn as much I can.


anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello, Iker from Spain! Welcome to the DEV community! I hope you will like it here!

maciker profile image
Iker Macaya Faber


johnsonit profile image

Hello Friends,

This is Johnson from KBS Technologies, Hope every one is doing great.

Joined her to explore my coding skills and take support from the community members.
Let keep exploring together as a team.

jump3rman profile image

Hi everyone,
I'm Trevor- I graduated with a degree in Computer Science this past May and am working as a web developer (React, TypeScript, Express)! I'm always open to learning and trying new things when it comes to development, I just happened to see this site on google and thought "why not". Looking forward to what everyone has to share!

kaamkiya profile image

Hi Trevor! Congrats on you CS degree! Hope you have a fun time on DEV 😀

maharajanmr profile image

Hello everyone,
This is Maharajan from India, I'm 19 years old. I am in the pre-final year of my bachelor's degree and am currently seeking for an internship. If you want to talk or find out more, connect with me on LinkedIn:

thugpigeon653 profile image
Lachlan Neilsen

Hi everyone,
My name is Lachie, and I am a self-taught AWS certified developer, looking to get more involved in the IT community. I have a background in High Voltage testing, and a keen interest in devops, so most of my work is geared toward CICD and automation.
If anyone is interested in having a look, I have created another post which outlines an open-source tool I created - any feedback, criticism, or complains will be massively appreciated!
I have been studying and applying my knowledge solo for a really long time now, and look forward to being more involved with the world outside of my office.


dscriptmaster profile image

👋 Hey Devs!

I'm oluwathecreator, a newbie on a full-stack learning journey. 🚀 Seeking a vision-oriented code buddy to tackle exciting projects together. Let's build cool stuff and learn along the way. 🌱💻

Excited to connect!


shirinabdz profile image
Shirin.abdz • Edited

Hello everyone,

My name is Shirin

and I am currently learning to become a front-end developer . I chose this field because I possess both artistic and logical skills, and I believe that combining these two characteristics will make me a great front-end developer.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

momatininja profile image

Hello, I'm ninja. I'm from Iran. and 14 years old.
I'm working and learning python, django, flutter, react, jquery from 4 years ago from my father I love to contribute on projects and discuss about language and issues
I really like oscar posts in dev community until now

samuel-96 profile image

Hello everyone! I'm Samuel, and I've recently joined the DEV Community to enhance my coding skills. I love reading the stories and experiences shared by others, it's a great way to learn and improve as a developer.

I've just finished my studies and almost completed The Odin Project. Currently, I'm actively working on improving my skills through projects and on the lookout for a junior developer position in Spain!.

kaamkiya profile image

Welcome, Samuel! I hope you can find great articles about peoples' experiences, and that you improve your skills 😁

pixelrella profile image

Hello 🙋‍♀️
I am an experienced game programmer (Unity) gradually expanding into mentoring and educating. I joined here to learn about the different journeys programmers go through.

Already exited to see what this community can help me discover 🤓

saman16 profile image
Saman Kushwaha

Hello to all i'm Saman i'm a student seeking some knowledge regarding cpp and DSA , i'm lucky to be here and a part of this community.i have some basic knowlede about Python , C and in MySql , so i was googling something about requirements to become a SDE in a company so then i found this website and thats how i reached here.

abnaseer profile image

Looking to use it as a friendlier stackoverflow alternative to solve my problems, discords are not helpful so I ended up here.
Not just seeking help, also looking forward to contribute as much as I can!

jgdevelops profile image
Julian Gaston

Hello, my name is Julian and I’m a web developer working with a contracting agency. My goal is to make posts to help people who are new or provide reference to experienced developers. I look forward to getting support from the community and hopefully I can return a little of it! 💪🏻

kaamkiya profile image
Kaamkiya • Edited

Welcome, Julian! It's awesome that you want to make posts for other people. Have fun here! 😄

kavithabharathi profile image
Kavitha Bharathi

Greetings, all! I go by the name Bharathi . Striving to excel as a developer, the initial challenges with coding were formidable. However, I'm progressively grasping it. I believe in my potential and seek your guidance and support in my learning journey. Currently enrolled in a Python full stack development course. Thank you.

gpiechnik profile image
Grzegorz Piechnik

Hello everyone! My name is Grzegorz and I am a Performance Engineer. I hope to contribute many articles on system observability and application performance! :)

kaamkiya profile image

Hi Grzegorz! I'm looking forward to reading some of those articles :)

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Grzegorz! Welcome to the DEV community!

mahi07101991 profile image
Mahesh kumar k

Hi everyone,

I am mahesh. Lives in japan. Working as a react developer.
I am pretty glad to meet you all 😀
I could do intermediate programming but I am still feels that I am not 100% confident on the approaches i am following in my works.
I am here to improve my standard coding and confidence over your suggestions. Thank you 😊

kaamkiya profile image

Hello, Mahesh! Welcome to the DEV community! Hope you find some great suggestions from your fellow React devs :)

partha0073 profile image
Partha Pratim sharma


kaamkiya profile image


anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello and welcome to the community!

mmartinsfl profile image
Matheus Martins

Hi everyone I'm Matheus.
I'm a back-end developer.

kaamkiya profile image

Hey, welcome! Hope you write some awesome articles about backend :)

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Welcome to the community, Matheus! We are happy to have you!

matinmollapur0101 profile image
Matin Mollapur


kaamkiya profile image

Hello :) Welcome to the community!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello and welcome to the community!

toyin5 profile image
Toyin Muhammed

Hey guys.
I'm new here

kaamkiya profile image

Hello and welcome! Hope you have an enjoyable experience :)

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello and welcome to the community!

josphine_g profile image
Josphine Gatwiri

Hello... I'm Josphine
Here to learn, unlearn, relearn, connect and network.
Learning JavaScript and a little bit design at the moment.
Let's connect

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Josphine. Awesome! Welcome to the DEV community! I hope you will like it here!

josphine_g profile image
Josphine Gatwiri

Thank you so much, i will...absolutely

modsz3 profile image

Hi, my name is David. But I also go by my gamer tag modsz3. I'm using codecademy and freecodecamp to learn HTML and CSS. I want to go farther and learn frontend development and some backend. I have my own website that I have a small affiliate business and a couple site I use for testing.

3003mgf profile image
Ignacio Gramajo Feijoo

People! I'm new here, I just discovered it and it's amazing! Let's connect! :)

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello there! Welcome to the community! I hope you will like it here :)

3003mgf profile image
Ignacio Gramajo Feijoo

Thank you Anita! Let's connect to stay in touch :)

gruitt profile image
Daniel Gruitt

Hey Everyone!
I am a software engineer in training, currently enrolled on the Northcoders bootcamp. I am new to tech, but am surrounded by lots of fellow coders at my co-working space. I am very excited to meet people and get stuck into everything code!
I am blogging each week my journey into tech as a career switcher so follow along for the bumpy ride!

zabdieljr profile image
Zabdiel Elias

Hola, // A little about Who I Am , // What I have done in the past 3 years, // What I dream of Doing , <!-- How I spend 6 hrs a day on Udemy and 4 on Youtube --> , //@Ignore the fact that I need a job right now couse Im a 45 yr old Ex. Telecom Eng.
I've traveled alot. Ex. College Student In Alabama and Georgia, Im from Venezuela, and currently live in Colombia. My passion is Soccer and Gaming, In the past 3 years I have been making the transition from building ISPs in south america, to becoming a Fullstack Dev. In 2023, I have completly abandoned my previus Job, to Learn Java, Spring Boot, Angular, Vuejs and CSS becouse this is my dream. I spend 8 to 12 hrs a day in my Home, while my family looks at me wondering if Im just being entertained by 2 big screens on the wall. Finally, have had 2 interviews in the past month and they havent called me back, I learned that I have to be very specific into what im learning, and practice, practice , becouse whatching 3 times over an Udemy course doesnt make you a dev, I learned to use copilot like most everyone now, and its essential to be a part of communities like this one. return new dontgiveup<>(2024);

asaf_eliasim profile image
Asaf Eliasim

Hi everyone,
I am Asaf, a good developer. I am here to share my knowledge, but mostly to keep learning and developing. I love to play basketball in my free time and cooking.
It exists to be in the dev community, Thanks.

razen04 profile image

Hi I am Razen(won't reveal my real name).
I am a passionate developer excited to join this vibrant community. With a background in Web Development, I'm keen on exploring the dynamic conversations, learning opportunities, and collaborative projects that define this space. Please look after me.

vineeth0509 profile image

Hi everyone I'm vineeth by name
I'm trying to do my best to become
Good developer, at first it was very hard for me because I don't really get the code but now I'm getting it gradually, and I think i can do my best and I will really need each and everyone of you to educate me in this field as well thanks

daisyauma profile image
Daisy Auma

Hi! My name is Daisy. Here to write and read stuff that will impact my life positively!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Welcome to the DEV community, Daisy!
I love to do such things as well! I have become more focused in recent years, on the positive, making it my main focus in everything I do and to improve my life for the better. It is SO important for our overall well-being! ✨

daisyauma profile image
Daisy Auma

Thank you so much for the warm welcome. I really appreciate it.

israelrotimi profile image
Israel Rotimi

Hi everyone😀😊, my name is Israel, I joined this community because I was looking for a place better than Facebook where I can share my coding achievements and meet other cool devs and hopefully😁 get hired😃. I'll call myself an advanced beginner, because, I've been learning web development for about a year and half now and things are getting easier to understand, I haven't been given any job though.😪😒

ananyadasgupta profile image

Hello everyone. I am a fresh college graduate and I have just started working as a fresher in the devops domain in a software company. I am keen on learning more about cloud and the platforms available for cloud computing. I have AWS Practitioner certificate and I cleared my GCP ACE exam today itself. I am looking for a community where I can get learn more about devops functionalities and cloud computing in general. With time I hope I will be able to give back to the community. some valuable information from my end as well.
Thank You.

ikejijustice profile image

Hello everyone am justice I want to be a good developer I dream to be by God grace, and I know it's hard and it's also easy if you believe that you can do it, so I believe do my best, and I believe you all will educate in this field, so help me God

mariettaberyl profile image

Hi everyone. My name is Mary.
I'm from Nigeria. I happened to get introduced to the tech world two years ago. At first I did not find my footing but now, I can write a little code in the frontend niche and I can create static websites(Though not easy, but I find it fun.) I really hope I get some help from you all as I journey with everyone here. :)

angel_cursed profile image

Hello everyone👋 i'm angel_cursed a student👨‍🎓 trying to learn programming (python🐍) and game developpement. If you have some tips i am interested

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello there! Welcome to the community! I am into Python and game development as well. I hope you will like it here!

angel_cursed profile image

Thank you for your warm welcome

victorkelly102 profile image
Victorkelly Irenuma

Hi new here. Needs solutions.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello newcomer. Welcome to DEV!

deolawage profile image

Hi, everyone I am Deolawage🤩 I am presently picking things up in this field. I will need every help I can get to grow to be great in this field.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello, Deolawage! Welcome to the DEV community! Feel free to ask away.

softriorromiz profile image
Romiz Bin Barek

Hi everyone, this is Romiz Bin Barek,
I'm trying to learn asp. net web development, I'm ready to hard work to learn Coding. thank you

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Greetings, Romiz Bin Barek! Welcome. I hope you will like it here!

ramtako8922 profile image
Ricardo Mejía

I am new in the community and ready to contribute

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello and welcome to the community!

codeoptimusprime46 profile image
Karthik Kumar

Hey all... I'm Karthik, learning development and wanna work with the community and learn new tech :)

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello there, Karthik! Much welcome to the community!

raushan_singh profile image

Hi @everyone
I am Raushan come here to learn new things about tech

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello and welcome to the DEV community, Raushan!

sokol96 profile image

Hi every one I am Sokol by name
I am trying to do my best to become web dev ,learn new skills and ease my learning thru here in this awesome website .

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Greetings Sokol! Welcome to the DEV community! We are happy to have you!

leyeleye22 profile image

Hello! My name is Babacar, I am a junior backend developer in Laravel and Java. I really enjoy coding apps and I’m counting on you to learn best practices.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Babacar! Much welcome to the DEV community. I hope you will like it here!

shadinmhd profile image
Shadin Muhammed

Hi everyone
My name is shadin muhammed. I'm a self-taught MERN stack developer. I'm excited to dive deeper into web development.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello there, welcome to DEV! We are happy to have you!

debisheart profile image
Takudzwa Newton Chimudzura

Hello guys, my name Takudzwa Newton Chimudzura. I'm a newbie trying to learn more about development. I would really appreciate your support.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello and welcome to the community!

jayeblack profile image
Jeremiah Boateng

Hello 👋. I'm Jeremiah. A junior computer scientist at UMaT. I aspire to be a great software engineer

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Jeremiah! Welcome to the DEV community!

pmig profile image
Philip Miglinci

Hi community

I'm currently building an Kubernetes automation tool, sharing my story and related knowledge here. If you have any specific questions / interests feel free to contact me :-)

yogitasahni profile image
Yogita Sahni

Hi @everyone I am Yogita.
I am currently working on .net c#.
But I have interest in Machine learning, AI. I would like to connect with people who can inspire me in this field.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen • Edited

Hello Yogita, welcome to the community! I hope you will find what you are looking for and that you will like it here!

luke_matakitoga profile image
Luke Matakitoga

Hi, I'm Luke. I am a Junior Software Developer from the UK. This is my first job in the industry and I'm about to enter my third month!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Luke. How exciting! Congratulation on completing 2 whole months! Much welcome to DEV!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello there! Much welcome to DEV!

darkbloom_io profile image

Hello World!

The name's DarkblooM, or Dark for short.
I'm a hobbyist dev trying to go professional.
My main languages are Python, Lua, JS and PHP, but I'm also into C and Rust.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Welcome to the DEV community, DarkblooM! I am into Python as well. All the best in your future endeavors!

igbul profile image

Hello everyone my name is Emmanuel i am here to learn more experience in my field which is data science and web development
I hope to learn new things from other developers

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Emmanuel and welcome to the DEV community!

tombeek profile image
Thomas Beek

I'm the old guy in the picture 🙂 I'm actually recently finding out very cool things about Excel.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello there, welcome to the community!

hari_krish profile image
Harikrishnan K M

Hi, everyone

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello! Welcome to the DEV community!

jump3rgames profile image
Jump3r Games

Hello guys. I'm Jump3r Games, i have a website where i put my games on.
I would appreciate if you go to

(yes i know i don't have a custom domain)

hashnoob profile image

Hi everyone!! I'm KK.I am trying learn about new technologies.Stumbled on this while going through a course on scrimba.Would love to become a part of the community.

kuzetsa profile image
CatSwarm (kuza)

probably opting out of some stuff unrelated to this community, and this place in particular seems reasonable for hackers who have been working with code for a few dozen years.

snow_lin_f50ca4bfdbfa1d2a profile image
Snow lin

Hi @everyone
I am snowlin come here to learn new things about tech and I am from china

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello! Welcome to the DEV community!

victorkelly102 profile image
Victorkelly Irenuma

Can I get a business management Opensource software built with laravel?

igbul profile image

Hi everyone my name is Emmanuel i am here to have more experience in my field from other developers my field is mainly data science and web development

codershayan profile image
Shayan Malik

Hi everyone, I am Shayan. I am still learning coding languages. I would love to learn everything there is to know on JavaScript. I use Replit, Github, and Visual Studio Code.

yousufrana profile image
Yousuf Rana


lindzlindz profile image

Hi Everyone my name is Lindelani.
i just started learning coding few month ago, started with c++.
i am trying to learn as best as i can

kaamkiya profile image

Welcome, Lindelani! Have fun learning to code. 😄

creativeb profile image
Ikwuagwu Okwuchukwu Blessing

Hi, I am Blessing and I'm new here. A frontend web developer and I am excited to be part of this community. Hope to learn a lot here and also impact others in this great community.

sulaemanhmz profile image

Hello everyone

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello there! Welcome to the community!

igbul profile image

Hello everyone my name is Emmanuel and i am here to have more experience in my field which is data science and web development i hope to learn more from fellow developers

kaamkiya profile image

Hello, Emmanuel! Welcome to the DEV community. I hope that you can learn new things about data science from here!

masum-xyz profile image
Moh Masum Safrulihsan

Hallo i'm From Indonesia,
I'n Newbie in WEB Programming, DEV is nice platform to developer to conect and growth. thank you

rahul12f profile image

hello dev,s

kaamkiya profile image


favv profile image

Hi , I'm new here

supernihal profile image
Nihal Razak • Edited

Hello everyone, I'm supernihal by name. I would love to share my experience at Fortune 500 IT companies and learn A LOT from you buddies.

staramidst profile image
Star Robinson

I'm Star. Just joined out of curiosity. 🧃

_ruchi_ profile image
Ruchi kumari

Hii everyone myself Ruchi a girl who is newbie and want to learn code...

maaniksharma profile image
Maanik sharma

Hello I am maanik sharma, a new fullstack developer. Currently doing internship, undergraduate from kuk.
Thank you

miguelgeorge profile image
Michael George

Hello everyone,

I'm Michael George, a cloud engineering rookie. Excited to learn and grow in this field. Confident in making valuable contributions to cloud success with dedication and hard work.

rentsms profile image
jacob broughly

hi , im jacob a team member of rentsms community. happy to be here among the Best Dev community .

mr_ahmad_70 profile image
Ahmad Raza Khokhar

Hi everyone can anyone teach me how to build** js logics** like complex ones with examples? it would be very helpful

bhavikk profile image

Hi :)

kaamkiya profile image

Hello :)

mmaalam profile image
Muntaka Abdulkadir Alkasim • Edited

Hello everyone my name is Muntaka and am also new here I want to learn computer and computer-related courses, so I need you everyone to help me🙏