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What was your win this week?

Michael Tharrington on September 15, 2023

Hey folks 👋 Hope y'all enjoy your weekends! Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing? All wins count —...
adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

My first article on freeCodeCamp got published! 🥰

It's one of my big wins because freeCodeCamp helped me a lot at the beginning of my webdev learning journey. So it feels good to give back to the community. ✨️

dumebii profile image
Dumebi Okolo

Way to go! 🥳

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Thank you, @dumebii! 😄

ranggakd profile image
Retiago Drago

Can you share on how to publish your first article on freecodecamp?

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati • Edited

First, I had to apply to become a writer at freeCodeCamp. After got accepted, then I wrote the draft of the article. Then they reviewed and published the article.

barrymichaeldoyle profile image
Barry Michael Doyle

Whoop whoop! Congratulations!

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Thanks, Barry! 😄

ewenikeemmanue4 profile image
Ewenike Chukwuemeka Emmanuel👨‍💻

Amazing, freeCodeCamp helped me too

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Wooohoo! That is seriously awesome, Ayu. Major congrats! 🙌

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Thank you, Michael! 😄

andypiper profile image
Andy Piper • Edited

Wrote about and made some code contributions to Postmarks, social bookmarks for the Fediverse! And then, we went camping 🌿 🏕️

a blue tent lit from within, in a field at night

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Loving the setup! Hope ya enjoy the great outdoors, Andy. 🏕🚙

Also, excellent #fediverse post — love the idea of postmarks and being able to share bookmarks. 🙌

This reminds me that I previously relayed a feature request for adding a similar mechanic to DEV in this GitHub discussion called Allow folks to share reading lists. I think I may have to go back to this one and advocate for it. 🙂

It would offer a brand new way for folks to be able to interact with content... build a link list of posts you like and share it. Plus, it would jive well with our current reading list. It's a win-win... the person building the list can organize their reads and hopefully get some cred for sharing a cool list + the authors of the posts in the list get to have their posts shared in a collection and seen by more folks.

youngfra profile image
Fraser Young


thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Me - 1 september in the last thread What was your win this week?
Have MOOOOORE plants 🌱🥰

Got mooore plants 🌱😆

srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai
pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo • Edited

I created the react-state-factory node module, which helps to make the useReducer great again. You can read more about it here:


youngfra profile image
Fraser Young


pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo • Edited

Thx, the version 0.0.7 is works with require too. Need to fixing the package.json and vite.config.ts for that.

ranggakd profile image
Retiago Drago

From this

my wish

Into this

my trending post

Also, I started learning Dart and Flutter this week! Hope to ship my own SaaS one day!

dumebii profile image
Dumebi Okolo

Congratulations!! 🥳

ranggakd profile image
Retiago Drago

Thank you 😉

avanichols_dev profile image
Ava Nichols

Took most of the week off!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Ooooo nice! I just got back from some time off recently too. Had last Friday + Monday and Tuesday off... I went to the Outer Banks (the beach) and it was so refreshing! 😌

barrymichaeldoyle profile image
Barry Michael Doyle

Did you find any treasures there? ;)

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Haha!! Not this time around. Saw a lotta metal detectors out there sweeping the coastline though. 🙂

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barrymichaeldoyle profile image
Barry Michael Doyle

I guess you better go back again then ;)

michaelpb profile image

I finally am getting attention on a side project I have been working on for years! I haven't been very good about promoting it, granted, but it's still good to start seeing other people using it.

freezernick profile image

The project looks interesting, I hope to play around with it soon!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Oh that's awesome to hear, Michael!

modulo.js sounds really cool btw, glad it's getting some well-deserved attention. 🙌

juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez

I finished a whole 6-week program and even though I didn't complete the project, I submitted the weekly updates made it all the way to demo day (which is tomorrow Sept 16).

Also, I'm not totally sick after all that odyssey!

vulcanwm profile image
Medea • Edited

I've got another brilliant idea for a project and made a poster.
I've also launched a waitlist for the project so anyone interested can join!


dvddpl profile image
Davide de Paolis

definitely speaking at the AWS Community Day in Munich!!! speaking at a conference was one of my early goals ✅
and even beside being a speaker, just being there and getting to know great people was a win for itself!
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svemaraju profile image
  • Took a half day on Friday, just to slow down and relax.
  • Refactored a messy piece of code that was giving me stress. Mainly due to the said messy code was written by me. I was trying to follow my own advice., and it was a good choice.
  • Resumed my learning journey with Go
dumebii profile image
Dumebi Okolo • Edited

My win this week. Hmmmm

1) My article trended on Dev Community. I was so surprised and humbled.

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2) Although it came in late, but I found that I made it to Dormoshie's Javascript Trends blog for an article I wrote a while ago. This is the second time this article is getting featured and it feels surreal tbh
respect17 profile image
Kudzai Murimi

I received a swag from Offerzen
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barrymichaeldoyle profile image
Barry Michael Doyle

Ah yes! You too are collecting OfferZen T-shirts ;) My wife is starting to get sick of seeing only OfferZen shirts in my cupboards, but I proceed to wear all the swag anyway!

respect17 profile image
Kudzai Murimi

Yah l like those tshrts!

snaka profile image

Joined DEV's Discord for moderators!

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I solved a problem related to SSR in Next.js and published an article based on it.

dumebii profile image
Dumebi Okolo


fyodorio profile image

Is it normal if when I see this post each week I want to respond "I had survived"? 😅

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Lol! Good question? I suppose as long as you got a sense of humor about it, I think it's okay. 😀 Surviving is most definitely a win.

ksolomon profile image
Keith Solomon

Bashed together a shell script (see what I did there? 😂) to automate some of the manual processes that were tripping up the juniors when starting a new project. It’s not done yet (still have a few more actions to integrate), but as a 1.0, it totally works.

nathanhannon profile image
Nathan Hannon

Finally wrapped my head around PDFMake. Its a pain. I'm also diving into the world of big data.

lairdstreak_44 profile image
Laird Streak

Created a python lambda with layers to replace a legacy Monolith web application project was estimated at 4 weeks managed to complete it and test in under 3 weeks. The solution created will depreciate 12 VM's in Azure so saving my company a substantial amount of money and at the same time improving quality of the solution. Feels super good when things go your way. :)

barrymichaeldoyle profile image
Barry Michael Doyle • Edited

I wrote my first 2 blog posts here on this platform. It's been a while since I've done writing in the dev space and it's been so refreshing to restart back in this community!

I also built and published a Sudoku app in React Native, it's currently available for iOS here.

I still need to test and deployed to Google play for the Android devs, but I want to add more features on the iOS side before I port it to android :)

ramonsoarez profile image
Ramon Soarez

I got enough score for moderation on stackoverflow within a week and I managed to make my own extension in Rust for PHP to work asynchronously :)

youngfra profile image
Fraser Young


easewithtuts profile image
V Sai Harsha

Having a 1000 followers.

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

I spent a week in NYC for a company onsite. It is always great to meet my colleagues in person!

joemcmahon profile image
Joe McMahon

Found (and submitted a PR for) a 32-year-old bug in the Perl debugger.

integerman profile image
Matt Eland

I got a pretty big one today that I can't share until next week, so we'll say that my win this week was from last Saturday when I finished the first draft of my book "Refactoring with C#"!

irinakramer profile image

I solved 5 #Leetcode problems and I now have 73 total. In the past couple of months I've been solving at least 3 problems every week, it's a big win for me.

jhakumarashish profile image
Ashish Kumar

I learned swimming.

abba_m_ profile image

I finally published my first article here on dev. Check it out and drop a comment ❤️

femi_akinyemi profile image
Femi Akinyemi

I passed my AWS Solutions Architect Associate Exam today

bandantonio profile image
Mister Gold

I officially became a contributor to VS Code 🎉🥳
And I received my first badge here for publishing articles 😀

gondarmd profile image

Got push notifications going on my current Vue3 PWA project. Learnt some new (for me) tech along the way, so a double-win of sorts.

khair_al_anam profile image
Khair Alanam

Published my first blog on Rust and garnered over 100 views!

arskeliss profile image
Csokán Pál András

I have decided to become accountable for learning React by rewriting an existing project into React code.

respect17 profile image
Kudzai Murimi • Edited

My article was published on hackernoon

freezernick profile image

I did a short presentation of some of my personal projects at my first every developer conference and got some interesting feedback afterwards too!

respect17 profile image
Kudzai Murimi

l also received a Dev Community Bagde

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k_penguin_sato profile image

Staying alive