Check out the site here! 👀
Hey! How's it going? I've been a little quiet on DEV recently, but... I'm very happy to finally share why! 🎉
Well, as you might have noticed from the big ol' title/URL above, I have launched my very own site! As much as I love DEV 💛, and think it's a fantastic place to publish, I have found myself wanting a singular home for all of my CodePens, articles, and other bits and pieces — so I decided to build one.
The site is built with Eleventy, hosted on Netlify, and is finished off with a healthy scoop of generative magic ✨ It features all of my past writing from DEV, and will be the best place to catch any new content from me going forward.
Honestly, I could chat forever about the design process, tech stack, etc, (and maybe I will someday) but for now, I'd just like to share the site with y'all! If you do have any specific questions, though, please do give me a shout. I'm always happy to chat.
Anyway, now that the site is launched, I am starting to rattle through my ever-growing Trello list of article ideas, so expect some fresh new creative coding/generative art content from me soon 🎨
In case you missed it up there ^ here's a link to the site.
George 👀
Top comments (53)
Great site! By the way, is it your face on the website? If yes, please tell me how did you generate it
Thank you! It is! The illustration was done by a buddy of mine 🎨
Really good looking website!
However, there seems to be something wrong with the email subscription feature:

Protonmail says that the email has failed it's domains authentication requirements. You might need to look into it.
Ah! I think I may know why this is... thanks for the heads up! 🙌
Nice and clean! What's with the rolling eyes?!
Thank you! I just love em’! Lots of my generative art stuff features googley eyes, so I thought hey, why not add them here 😊
I like the eyes.
Thank you, Ben! 💛 👀
Very creative eyedea
Looks great!
Cheers! ✨
Very clean design! I especially love the recently published section.
Thank you!
Hi George,
Love your site.
Please what rich text editor did you use?
Thank you! To write my articles? I use the Hemingway app usually ✨
I like it! It looks really good on mobile and feels like a native app.
Thank you :)
oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! The important thing to say three times.😃
Haha! Just for luck!
Hey George your website looks so nice and cool.
GL man.
Thank you!