DEV Community

Iain Freestone
Iain Freestone

Posted on • Originally published at

🚀10 Trending projects on GitHub for web developers - 16th October 2020

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1. Module Federation Examples

This repository is to showcase examples on Webpack 5's new Module Federation can be used.

2. Matter.js

Matter.js is a JavaScript 2D rigid body physics engine for the web

3. React-Grid-Layout

React-Grid-Layout is a grid layout system much like Packery or Gridster, for React. Unlike those systems, it is responsive and supports breakpoints. Breakpoint layouts can be provided by the user or autogenerated.

4. qiankun

An implementation of Micro Frontends, based on single-spa, but made it production-ready.

GitHub logo umijs / qiankun

📦 🚀 Blazing fast, simple and complete solution for micro frontends.


npm version coverage npm downloads build status


In Chinese, qian(乾) means heaven and kun(坤) earth. qiankun is the universe.

Qiankun enables you and your teams to build next-generation and enterprise-ready web applications leveraging Micro Frontends. It is inspired by and based on single-spa.

🤔 Motivation

A quick recap about the concept of 'Micro Frontends':

Techniques, strategies and recipes for building a modern web app with multiple teams using different JavaScript frameworks. — Micro Frontends

Qiankun was birthed internally in our group during the time web app development by distributed teams had turned to complete chaos. We faced every problem micro frontend was conceived to solve, so naturally, it became part of our solution.

The path was never easy, we stepped on every challenge there could possibly be. Just to name a few:

  • In what form do micro-apps publish static resources?
  • How does the framework integrate individual micro-apps?
  • How to ensure that sub-applications are…

5. React Flow

React Flow is a library for building node-based graphs. You can easily implement custom node types and it comes with components like a mini-map and graph controls.

GitHub logo wbkd / react-flow

Highly customizable library for building interactive node-based UIs, editors, flow charts and diagrams


React Flow is a library for building node-based graphs. You can easily implement custom node types and it comes with components like a mini-map and graph controls. Feel free to check out the examples or read the blog post to get started.

React Flow was initially created for datablocks. A node-based editor for transforming, analyzing and visualizing data.


npm install react-flow-renderer

Quick Start

This is a very basic example of how to use React Flow. You can find more advanced examples on the website.

import React from 'react';
import ReactFlow from 'react-flow-renderer';
const elements = [
  { id: '1', data: { label: 'Node 1' }, position: { x: 250, y: 5 } },
  // you can also pass a React component as a label
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6. Pre-trained TensorFlow.js models

This repository hosts a set of pre-trained models that have been ported to TensorFlow.js. The models are hosted on NPM and unpkg so they can be used in any project out of the box. They can be used directly or used in a transfer learning setting with TensorFlow.js.

GitHub logo tensorflow / tfjs-models

Pretrained models for TensorFlow.js

Pre-trained TensorFlow.js models

This repository hosts a set of pre-trained models that have been ported to TensorFlow.js.

The models are hosted on NPM and unpkg so they can be used in any project out of the box. They can be used directly or used in a transfer learning setting with TensorFlow.js.

To find out about APIs for models, look at the README in each of the respective directories. In general, we try to hide tensors so the API can be used by non-machine learning experts.

For those interested in contributing a model, please file a GitHub issue on tfjs to gauge interest. We are trying to add models that complement the existing set of models and can be used as building blocks in other apps.


Type Model Demo Details Install
live Classify images with labels from the ImageNet database. npm i @tensorflow-models/mobilenet
live Real-time

7. Fluid

The Fluid Framework is a TypeScript library for building distributed, real-time collaborative web applications.

GitHub logo microsoft / FluidFramework

Library for building distributed, real-time collaborative web applications


The Fluid Framework is a library for building distributed, real-time collaborative web applications using JavaScript or TypeScript.

Getting started using the Fluid Framework

You may be here because you want to...

  • Learn more about the Fluid Framework
  • Build a Fluid object

Documentation and guides can be found at

Hello World repo can be found at

Core Examples repo can be found at

Have questions? Engage with other Fluid Framework users and developers on StackOverflow

Code structure

The core code for both the Fluid client packages and the reference ordering service is contained within this repo.

The repo structure is somewhat unique because it contains two monorepos as well as several standalone packages. The monorepos are managed using Lerna and are versioned separately from one another, but internally all packages in a monorepo are versioned together. Outside the monorepos there are plenty of packages…

8. Locomotive Scroll

Detection of elements in viewport & smooth scrolling with parallax effects.

GitHub logo locomotivemtl / locomotive-scroll

🛤 Detection of elements in viewport & smooth scrolling with parallax.

Locomotive Scroll

Detection of elements in viewport & smooth scrolling with parallax effects.


npm install locomotive-scroll
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With simple detection.


<h1 data-scroll>Hey</h1>
<p data-scroll>👋</p>
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Add the base styles to your CSS file.



With a bundler
import LocomotiveScroll from 'locomotive-scroll';

const scroll = new LocomotiveScroll();
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Or without
<script src="locomotive-scroll.min.js"></script>
    (function () {
        var scroll = new LocomotiveScroll();
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Get the JS file.


With smooth scrolling and parallax.

<div data-scroll-container>
    <div data-scroll-section>
        <h1 data-scroll>Hey</h1>
        <p data-scroll>👋</p>
    <div data-scroll-section>
        <h2 data-scroll data-scroll-speed="
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9. Fingerprint.js

Modern & flexible browser fingerprinting library

GitHub logo fingerprintjs / fingerprintjs

Browser fingerprinting library with the highest accuracy and stability.


Build status Current NPM version Monthly downloads from NPM Monthly downloads from jsDelivr

Discord server

FingerprintJS is a browser fingerprinting library that queries browser attributes and computes a hashed visitor identifier from them. Unlike cookies and local storage, a fingerprint stays the same in incognito/private mode and even when browser data is purged.

View Our Demo.

Quick start

Install from CDN

  function initFingerprintJS() {
    // Initialize an agent at application startup.
    const fpPromise = FingerprintJS.load()

    // Get the visitor identifier when you need it.
      .then(fp => fp.get())
      .then(result => {
        // This is the visitor identifier:
        const visitorId = result.visitorId
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Run this code

Alternatively you can install from NPM to use with Webpack/Rollup/Browserify

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10. Docusaurus

Docusaurus is a project for building, deploying, and maintaining open source project websites easily.

GitHub logo facebook / docusaurus

Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.



Twitter Follow npm version Github Actions status PRs Welcome Discord Chat code style: prettier Tested with Jest Gitpod Ready-to-Code Netlify Status CI Score

We are working hard on Docusaurus v2. If you are new to Docusaurus, try using the new version instead of v1. See the Docusaurus v2 website for more details.

Docusaurus v1 doc is available at and code is available on branch docusaurus-v1


Docusaurus is a project for building, deploying, and maintaining open source project websites easily.

No time? Check our 5 minutes tutorial ⏱️.

Tip: use to test Docusaurus immediately in a playground.

  • Simple to Start

Docusaurus is built in a way so that it can get running in as little time as possible. We've built Docusaurus to handle the website build process so you can focus on your project.

  • Localizable

Docusaurus ships with localization support via CrowdIn. Empower and grow your international community by translating your documentation.

  • Customizable

While Docusaurus ships with the key pages and sections you need to get started, including…

Trending Projects is available as a weekly newsletter please sign up at to ensure you never miss an issue.

If you enjoyed this article you can follow me on Twitter where I regularly post bite size tips relating to HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Top comments (4)

3ankur profile image
Ankur V


jwp profile image
John Peters

Fluid Framework says this :

An application model with data persistence requiring no custom server code.

Now that's interesting.

rowemore profile image
Rowe Morehouse

@iaian — how do you do the embeds like that on your post?

… the way the github repo html is embedded into the post.

iainfreestone profile image
Iain Freestone

Hi Rowe

Check out this page under "GitHub Repo Embed"

Hope that helps