Trending Projects is available as a weekly newsletter please sign up at to ensure you never miss an issue.
1. React Location
Enterprise Client-Side Routing for React
tannerlinsley / react-location
⚛️ Enterprise Client-Side Routing for React
Enterprise Client-Side Routing for React
Enjoy this library? Try the entire TanStack! React Query, React Table, React Charts, React Virtual
Visit for docs, guides, API and more!
2. Programming Fonts
Test drive programming fonts online in your browser. All fonts in one place, with proper credits towards the creators.
braver / programmingfonts
Test drive programming fonts online
Programming Fonts
Test drive programming fonts online in your browser. The interactive counter part of the Tumblr Blog. makes it easier to find monospaced fonts. All fonts in one place, with proper credits towards the creators. It's not a download portal, we don't track anything, it's strictly by nerds and designers for nerds and designers.
Buy me a coffee
Please feel free to make a little donation via PayPal towards the coffee that keeps this labour of love running. It's much appreciated!
Project layout
- All information about the fonts is stored in fonts.json
- Which adheres to a schema.
- Font files are stored in fonts/resources
- We store only 4 variants (if available), in
format (if available): regular, italic, bold, bold+italic
- We store only 4 variants (if available), in
- All font files (and directories) are normalized to lowercase, without
unless it's really part of the name. - The license needs to…
3. Node Version Manager
Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
nvm-sh / nvm
Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
Node Version Manager
Table of Contents
- Intro
- About
- Installing and Updating
- Usage
- Running Tests
- Environment variables
- Bash Completion
- Compatibility Issues
- Installing nvm on Alpine Linux
- Uninstalling / Removal
- Docker For Development Environment
- Problems
- macOS Troubleshooting
- Maintainers
- License
- Copyright notice
allows you to quickly install and use different…
4. Hieroglyphy
A tool and javascript library for converting strings, numbers, and scripts to equivalent sequences of ()[]{}+! characters that run in the browser.
alcuadrado / hieroglyphy
Transform any javascript code to an equivalent sequence of ()[]{}!+ characters that runs in the browser!
A tool and javascript library for converting strings, numbers, and scripts to equivalent sequences of ()[]{}+! characters that run in the browser.
Usage and installation
You can get it from npm to use the command line tool or using it from node.js.
Also avalable as AMD module or by exporting itself to window object in the
browser. Just clone the repo or download hieroglyphy.js
5. xdm
Just a really good MDX compiler. No runtime. With esbuild, Rollup, and webpack plugins
wooorm / xdm
Just a *really* good MDX compiler. No runtime. With esbuild, Rollup, and webpack plugins
xdm is an MDX compiler that focusses on two things:
- Compiling the MDX syntax (markdown + JSX) to JavaScript
- Making it easier to use the MDX syntax in different places
This is mostly things I wrote for @mdx-js/mdx
which are not slated to be
released (soon?) plus some further changes that I think are good ideas (source
maps, ESM only, defaulting to an automatic JSX runtime, no Babel, smallish
browser size, more docs, import/exports in evaluate, esbuild and Rollup
There are also some cool experimental features in
Use Node 12 or later
Then install xdm
with either npm or yarn.
npm install xdm
yarn add xdm
This package is ESM only
Node 12+ is needed to use it and it must be import
ed instead of require
6. Just
A library of dependency-free JavaScript functions that do just do one thing.
A library of zero-dependency npm modules that do just one thing A guilt-free alternative to those bulkier utility libraries. Ideal for PWA development or whenever bytes are precious.
We welcome contributions. Please follow our contribution guidelines.
Try 🍦
A REPL for every utility (powered by RunKit)
Read 📚
- -- When to use Just (and when not to).
- The Zen of Dependency-Free -- Why I wrote Just.
ES and CJS modules available for every utility
All packages support ES module or Common JS syntax without requiring transpilation
// esm (node / bundler)
import clone from 'just-clone';
// esm (native browser code)
import clone from './node_modules/just-clone/index.mjs';
// cjs
const clone = require('just-clone');
We're in the process of adding TypeScript definitions and tests to every Just utility. You're welcome to help us get there! Here's an example PR.
You can verify new TypeScript definitions by…
7. GitUI
Blazing fast terminal-ui for git written in rust
extrawurst / gitui
Blazing 💥 fast terminal-ui for git written in rust 🦀
GitUI provides you with the comfort of a git GUI but right in your terminal
Table of Contents
- Features
- Motivation
- Benchmarks
- Roadmap
- Limitations
- Installation
- Build
- Diagnostics
- Color Theme
- Key Bindings
- Sponsoring
- Inspiration
1. Features Top ▲
- Fast and intuitive keyboard only control
- Context based help (no need to memorize tons of hot-keys)
- Inspect, commit, and amend changes (incl. hooks: commit-msg/post-commit)
- Stage, unstage, revert and reset files, hunks and lines
- Stashing (save, pop, apply, drop, and inspect)
- Push/Fetch to/from remote
- Branch List (create, rename, delete, checkout, remotes)
- Browse commit log, diff committed changes
- Scalable terminal UI layout
- Async git API for fluid control
2. Motivation Top ▲
I do most of my git work in a terminal but I frequently found myself using git GUIs for some use-cases like: index, commit, diff, stash, blame and log.
Unfortunately popular git GUIs all fail on giant repositories or become…
8. applied-ml
Papers & tech blogs by companies sharing their work on data science & machine learning in production.
eugeneyan / applied-ml
📚 Papers & tech blogs by companies sharing their work on data science & machine learning in production.
Curated papers, articles, and blogs on data science & machine learning in production.
Figuring out how to implement your ML project? Learn how other organizations did it:
How the problem is framed
🔎 (e.g., personalization as recsys vs. search vs. sequences) -
What machine learning techniques worked
✅ (and sometimes, what didn't❌ ) -
Why it works, the science behind it with research, literature, and references
📂 -
What real-world results were achieved (so you can better assess ROI
⏰ 💰 📈 )
P.S., Want a summary of ML advancements? ml-surveys
P.P.S, Looking for guides and interviews on applying ML? applyingML
Table of Contents
- Data Quality
- Data Engineering
- Data Discovery
- Feature Stores
- Classification
- Regression
- Forecasting
- Recommendation
- Search & Ranking
- Embeddings
- Natural Language Processing
- Sequence Modelling
- Computer Vision
- Reinforcement Learning
- Anomaly Detection
- Graph
- Optimization
- Information Extraction
- Weak Supervision
- Generation
- Audio
- Validation and A/B Testing
- Model Management
- Efficiency
- Ethics
- …
9. React Autosuggest
WAI-ARIA compliant React autosuggest component
moroshko / react-autosuggest
WAI-ARIA compliant React autosuggest component
React Autosuggest
Project Status
Looking for maintainers!
Unfortunately, I don't have the time to maintain this project anymore. If you are interested to help, please reach out to me on Twitter @moroshko.
Check out the Homepage and the Codepen examples.
- WAI-ARIA compliant, with support for ARIA attributes and keyboard interactions
- Mobile friendly
- Plugs in nicely to Flux and Redux applications
- Full control over suggestions rendering
- Suggestions can be presented as plain list or multiple sections
- Suggestions can be retrieved asynchronously
- Highlight the first suggestion in the list if you wish
- Supports styling using CSS Modules, Radium, Aphrodite, JSS, and more
- You decide when to show suggestions (e.g. when user types 2 or more characters)
- Always render suggestions (useful for mobile and modals)
- Pass through arbitrary props to the input (e.g. placeholder, type, onChange, onBlur, or any other), or take…
10. next-cms-ghost
Publish flaring fast blogs with Next.js and Ghost CMS
styxlab / next-cms-ghost
Publish flaring fast blogs with Next.js and Ghost CMS
The fastest React frontend for headless Ghost CMS.
Create and publish flaring fast blogs with next-cms-ghost. Powered by the React framework Next.js and content fed by headless Ghost, you'll get a production ready hybrid frontend that combines the best of static and server-rendered sites. Most importantly, your website can be easily distributed globally to be served from the edge. At the same time your content creators can continue to work with the Ghost authoring system they are used to.
🔥 Alternative
Check out Blogody for an integrated solution with all the benefits of this repository included!
🎉 Demo
Play with the Demo to get a first impression.
✨ Features
Ghost CMS integration
- Supports Ghost `v3` and `v4`
Ghost Casper look & feel
- Infinite scroll
- Fully responsive
- Sticky navigation headers
- Hover on author avatar
- Styled 404 page
- Preview Section in posts
- Sitemap
- RSS feed
- SEO optimized
Extened Casper Styles
Stargazing 📈
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Top comments (1)
Mind cheking this not so popular but really good