Leave your shoutouts here! What do you want the world/your friends/colleagues to know?
Shout-out-worthy examples:
- "Shoutout to everyone on my team for dealing with a crazy outage this week!"
- "I want to wish @my_fellow_bootcamp_grad best of luck on their interview!"
- "I want to celebrate @andy for walking through parts of the codebase I've never had to parse through before! Pun intended ;)
Top comments (15)
This week I want to shout out @rhymes :
Not only an incredibly active author and commenter on the platform, rhymes is also a regular contributor to the DEV open-source code. Most importantly, rhymes is consistently a positive, constructive, knowledgeable, and kind presence here in the community.
thank you Peter! It's deeply appreciated!
This week I want to shout out our team for creating a great remote culture!
I want them to know that I feel like we're moving in the right direction, and it's awesome to feel comfortable working remote and still be able to rely on everyone.
As cheesy as it is, this week I want to give a shout out to my wife. I've been doing A LOT of job interviews lately, and she's been super supportive - watching the kids while I do coding tests or fill out applications, sending me encouraging texts just before each interview, and wanting to know how I liked each team and how I think the interview went. I've been down on myself a good bit lately due to a lot of "you're great, but maybe not the best fit for our team" emails and conversations, and she's been there to pick me back up. I know she won't read this, but she gets my shout out this week.
This week I want to shout out @jamesmh :
James Hickey
I want him to know that I really appreciated his article on what separates a senior developer from a lead developer. That's something I struggled a lot with figuring out personally when I was trying to determine what career path I wanted to pursue, and it was nice to see it all laid out so nicely.
That's super nice of you to say Anna! Thank you so much for the encouragement!
This week I want to shout out @lkopacz :
Lindsey Kopacz
She's such a great sounding board and supportive friend! ❤️
This week I want to shout out @michaeltharrington:
Michael Tharrington (he/him)
I want Michael to know he's a super valued team member and that I hope he has a great couple of days off!
😀 What an awesome message to come back to! And indeed I did have some good time off. TY!
This week I want to shout out @chriscoyier :
Chris Coyier
It's been great to see such an influential frontend developer sharing wisdom with our community!
This week I want to shout out @helenanders26 :
Helen Anderson
She's contributed some of the best articles around SQL, databases, and even career related stuff.
But, I think she stands out as the leader for database related topics on Dev.to - def. a niche that I don't see anyone else filling.
Her writing is super clear, to the point and very honest.
My fav. so far is this technical look at SQL CTEs:
SQL Series: Why you should use SQL CTEs
Helen Anderson
Notably for back-end devs, check her stuff out. It's easy to get used to ORMs etc. and forget that sometimes you need to get your hands dirty in order to squeeze some more performance out of your apps.
And if you are a data analyst - must read!
Good job Helen!
Wow! Thank you for the kind words James, that's made my day :D
This wonderful human being. @burdettelamar
This week I want to shout out my PM for being supportive and optimistic although deadlines are not quite met; and appreciating investment in quality.