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Kanav Gathe
Kanav Gathe

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Day 6/90: File Permissions and Access Control Lists in Linux πŸ” #90DaysOfDevOps

Day 6: File Permissions and Access Control Lists πŸš€

Hello DevOps enthusiasts! πŸ‘‹ Welcome to Day 6 of the #90DaysOfDevOps challenge. Today, we're exploring file permissions and Access Control Lists (ACL) in Linux.

Task Solutions πŸ’»

1. Basic File Permissions

# Create and check file
touch test_file.txt
ls -ltr test_file.txt

# Change permissions (owner only)
chmod 700 test_file.txt
# OR
chmod u+rwx,go-rwx test_file.txt

# Verify changes
ls -ltr test_file.txt
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2. Permission Management Script


# Change permissions for multiple files
change_permissions() {
    for file in "$@"
        chmod 644 "$file"
        echo "Changed permissions for $file"
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3. ACL Implementation

# Create test directory
mkdir acl_test
cd acl_test

# Set ACL for user
setfacl -m u:user1:rx file1.txt

# Set ACL for group
setfacl -m g:group1:rw file1.txt

# View ACL
getfacl file1.txt
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4. ACL Permission Script


set_acl_permissions() {
    local file=$1
    local user=$2
    setfacl -m u:$user:rw "$file"
    echo "Set ACL for $user on $file"
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5. Special Permissions

# Sticky Bit
chmod +t /shared_directory

chmod u+s /usr/bin/script

chmod g+s /shared_directory
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6. Permission Backup


# Backup permissions
getfacl -R /path/to/directory > permissions.acl

# Restore permissions
setfacl --restore=permissions.acl
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Permission Types Explained πŸ“

  1. Basic Permissions

    • Read (r): 4
    • Write (w): 2
    • Execute (x): 1
  2. Special Permissions

    • SUID (4000)
    • SGID (2000)
    • Sticky Bit (1000)
  3. ACL Features

    • User-specific permissions
    • Group-specific permissions
    • Default permissions
    • Inherited permissions

Key Takeaways πŸ’‘

  • File permissions are crucial for security
  • ACLs provide granular access control
  • Special permissions serve specific purposes
  • Regular permission backups are important

Linux #DevOps #Security #90DaysOfDevOps

This is Day 6 of my #90DaysOfDevOps journey. Keep securing and learning!

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