As a part of my Open Source Development course this term, I will be working as a project team member of!
ChatCraft is a ChatGPT clone which is geared towards answering questions for developers! It is built with Typescript, JavaScript (Node.js) and Express.js framework as well as React and Vue.js.
Developer-oriented ChatGPT clone
Welcome to, your open-source web companion for coding with Large Language Models (LLMs). Designed with developers in mind, ChatCraft transforms the way you interact with GPT models, making it effortless to read, write, debug, and enhance your code.
Whether you're exploring new designs or learning about the latest technologies, ChatCraft is your go-to platform. With a user interface inspired by GitHub, and editable Markdown everywhere, you'll feel right at home from the get-go.
We think ChatCraft is the best platform for learning, experimenting, and getting creative with code. Here's a few of the reasons why we think you'll agree:
🛠️ You're in Control: Customize all aspects of a chat. Use your own System Prompts, edit, delete, and retry AI messages with models from competing vendors in the same chat.
🌍 Multiple AI Providers: ChatCraft supports both OpenAI and OpenRouter, giving you access to a…
Setting Up ChatCraft
This is not my first time working with ChatCraft (See past blog), but since I reformatted my computer recently, I need to redo the installation procedures.
1) Clone the main repo to my local.
2) Install pnpm
3) Restart Powershell and run pnpm install
To fix this, I went to the folder .pnpm-store
on Windows and changed the permissions to give my user full permissions. I then ran pnpm install
4) Run pnpm dev
To fix this, I ran:
pnpm add --save-dev @babel/core @babel/cli @babel/preset-env
pnpm add --save-dev @babel/runtime
5) Visit localhost:5173
6) Enter an OpenRouter API key and click Save
7) Ask ChatCraft a question
Team Meetings and Sheriff
As I am part of a project team for ChatCraft this term, I also chose two meetings dates where I will act as the Sheriff. Sheriff is similar to a PM and duties include:
- Running, documentating the weekly triage meeting
- Communicating and helping the team resolve issues
- Filing, monitoring the system and current issues
- Github - Moving PRs forward, resolving git issues
- Monitoring and resolving CI issues
- Doing releases
Team Discord
I have joined a project team discord where we will be communicating to work on ChatCraft! It is a small group of six students and two administrators :)
Get access to OpenAI API key using sops
1) Create a new SSH key
2) In administrator level Powershell, run:
Get-Service -Name ssh-agent | Set-Service -StartupType Manual
Start-Service ssh-agent
3) In regular Powershell, run:
ssh-add c:\Users\katie\.ssh\id_ed25519
4) Add new SSH key to GitHub account
In Git Bash, copy contents of ssh key to clipboard:
Go to Github Settings > SSH and GPG keys > New SSH Key
Type a Title and paste the key from clipboard > Add SSH Key
5) Ask for an admin to add me to the YAML doc now that I have an SSH key
6) Install Go
7) Install dependencies for sops
and ssh-to-age
go install
go install
8) Pull the remote branch taras/sops2
9) After the admin adds me to the YAML file, I will pull the latest code for this branch and continue.
Research on ChatCraft technology
There are many new technologies used in ChatCraft that are new to me. I have chosen to do research on the following:
ChakraUI, a component library used to build React applications.
MermaidJS, a JavaScript library used to make diagrams and flowcharts.
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