Counting syllables
level of challenge = 3/10
- Define a function named count that takes a single parameter.
- The parameter is a string.
- The string will contain a single word divided into syllables by hyphens,
Such as these:
"ter-min-a-tor"Your function should count the number of syllables and return it.
For example, the call count("ho-tel") should return 2.
The trick is to realize that the number of syllables is the number of times the - symbol appears, plus one.
You'll have to count hyphens, then. Use a loop to iterate over each letter, or use the .count() method.
# My solution
def count(word):
new_word = word
count_syllables = new_word.split('-')
return len(count_syllables)
# Another solution
def count(word):
syllables = 1
for letter in word:
if letter == "-":
syllables = syllables + 1
return syllables
# using the count method
def count(word):
return word.count("-") + 1
# using split
def count(word):
return len(word.split("-"))
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