After working on and releasing the core functionality of the game, it was time to focus on getting Typper looking and feeling like a real game.
So, what's new?
✨ Main menu and game over screens
🏆 Game score and leaderboard (yes!)
🌈 General UI improvements
Give it a try, have fun and feel free to reach out and give feedback 📝 or report a bug ⭕️.
A simple typing game where our hero is a Ninja fighting off a never ending hoard of Zombies.
PatricePeartree @ Twitter
Top comments (5)
that was super fun, great job!
it definitely went from 0 to 100 real quick in terms of difficulty 😆
Super fun! I didn't know "atmosphere" was so hard to type 😂
Very fun! But quite hard, maybe there can be hard and easy modes?
Thanks! Yes, that has also crossed my mind... maybe I'll finally do it.
Awesome fun work @patricepeartree 👍