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What are the things that scare you as a Developer? πŸŽƒ

Happy Halloween, everyone!

I think the question fits the theme, so I'd like to ask everyone:

What are your fears as a developer?

Here are the things I'm scared of (reasonable or not aside):

  • not being able to find my next freelance client.
  • production bugs.
  • performance anxiety when showing interviewers and clients my work output.
  • Imposter Syndrome (fear of being a fake or being too dumb)
  • that my Imposter Syndrome isn't even real, and that I actually suck.

  • running into a bug that has no StackOverflow, Github issues, and/or online solutions (which means I need to figure it out on my own).

  • posting a question online (especially on SO) where others might judge me.

  • the feeling of I'm not improving enough (lack of visible progress).

Almost forgot to add:

  • not understanding what I'm reading

I'd like to know what you all are afraid of as fellow developers!

Note: I'm learning a lot from what everyone's sharing. Thank you, everyone!

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Top comments (69)

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ • Edited

Developers/teams who choose technologies purely on whether they're popular, with no regard to the appropriateness to their project

rammina profile image

Typescript cough cough

I stopped arguing with those people, and I just link them to this article.

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ

React also

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rammina profile image

As someone who really loves React, I got hit pretty hard by that! Haha. When would React be inappropriate for a project (assuming its still FE web development)?

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jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ • Edited

Many, many places. Maybe not just React, but frameworks in general. I've lost count of the number of REALLY simple websites (Portfolio websites with next to zero interactivity, holding pages for upcoming projects, single page form websites, etc. - the list is long) that, for some bizarre reason, have been built using a framework. It literally makes no sense

(I personally loathe React, that's probably why I singled it out initially. I work with it on daily basis though, unfortunately 😞)

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rammina profile image

Oh, yeah! Vanilla Javascript/HTML/CSS would perform better than React for simple noninteractive webpages. It also has better SEO.

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jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ

Vanilla JS would perform better than React for ALL websites. Frameworks become handy when the complexity of the site means that development using raw JS would start becoming a nightmare... in these cases, a framework would likely be easier to manage. It's a trade-off

doehl profile image
Mathias DΓΈhl

Nothing is more scary then manually running a delete statement on a production database. 😳

Everyone, got that one story...

calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen

manually running a delete statement

What? Like this? delete databasePtr;?

rammina profile image

I think that is one common fear among many developers haha!

ryencode profile image
Ryan Brown

I resemble that remark... (shame of junior dev)

sa_webmastery profile image
Sasha Akhavi

Nothing's quite as scary as bugs that seem to have fixed themselves without any human intervention.
Except maybe the idea that I / we might do something with our tech that ends up hurting people. :(
Oh, and user tests are terrifying every. single. time.

calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen

Nothing's quite as scary as bugs that seem to have fixed themselves without any human intervention.

Logs. This is why you always keep plenty of debug info handy.
It really pays off to record the conditions of the program in-case a bug occurs.

rammina profile image

Yeah I make sure to keep printing the stack trace all of the time especially when I'm still in the development process.

Debugger is also great!

rammina profile image

Ah, I have encountered this multiple times and it is definitely scary when the code you're writing is for other people.

I didn't mind it as much when I was just doing personal projects.

calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen

PascalCase. For Everything!
C# is the best example!:

  • Classes? PascalCase.
  • Class members (methods and properties)? PascalCase.
  • Nested Classes? PascalCase.
  • Constants? Sometimes UPPERCASE, but usually they follow the same usual convention of PascalCase.
  • Enum members? PascalCase.
  • Function parameters and local variables? Lower case, thankfully.

It drives me mad! There's no way to tell if RandomIdentifier is a class, property, method, or constant (property) without seeing it being used, or going into the source code, and finding RandomIdentifier.

rammina profile image

Oh yeah, people that don't use the correct case for certain datatypes is annoying.

Like Constant variables should just be an easy uppercase, but people still are so lazy to do it.

calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen

It's not about laze, it's about people using outdated, or plain out wrong casing conventions.

Constant variables should just be an easy uppercase

And you'd think this is applicable to all languages with C-grammar. Nope. Apparently in C++ "uPpErCAsE is FoR mAcROs eVen ThOuGh ThEy'rE oUTdAtEd IN mOdErN cOde." - circa a person on r/CPP_Questions.

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calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen

This sounds really mean, since they're just giving me advice.
But I still detest certain stylistic features. - And if people can't code in a style that's suitable for them, even if it looks alright, and isn't hurting anyone, then I get real steamed.

thumbone profile image
Bernd Wechner
  1. Sinking deeper and and deeper into a given problem asking all the while if there is in fact light at the end of the tunnel, egged on by solid estimation in the first instance, then hope then the sunk costs so far, and ever fearful that it may be ... a dead end.

  2. Frustratingly poorly documented libraries that you pretty much, or totally have to reverse engineer while trying to utilise them

  3. Spending a long time developing something only to find someone else did it better and faster and you can toss the fruits of your labor out the window and just use that.

  4. Dealing with irascible hubris and poor interaction skills in other developers, not least gate keepers on repos or fora.

  5. Forking frigging forking ... umpteen wasted effort solutions solving the same problem, meaning when you want that problem solved, you don't have two or three options (which would rock) but like 20 or 30 and your first job is endless pros/cons research before committing to a path.

darkwiiplayer profile image
π’ŽWii πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ

3. happened to me not too long ago; then I did a benchmark and my code was x10 more performant sooo... not a complete waste of time, at least :D

rammina profile image

I see! I've dealt with number 2 and 3 quite a few times before. 4 seems like it's very common in the corporate world.

pikot101 profile image

most of what you said and...

micromanagement, jerk coach/pm, doing all the work in team, bad company..

okrohan profile image
Rohan Salunke

Bad leadership is the worst, I've worked with some of the best managers and the worst. The worst would do things like micromanagement, placing themselves as unnecessary dependency, trying to portray my desings as theirs, the list goes on and on :|
Software still is mostly about people. Bad People = Bad Software.

rammina profile image

Yup, management that gets in the way of the development process is just the worst.

rammina profile image

I mean no offense, but it seems like you've went through tough times. Those are also the reasons why I don't want to work for a corporate environment.

vonheikemen profile image

I'm scared of one particular situation. It goes a little bit like...

Project manager: Hey. Do you remember that api you did for that presentation a few days?

Me: yeah... that thing that is totally still under development.

Project manager: That one. It's in production now. We need you to fix it.

Me: I'm sorry-- what now?

rammina profile image

Yikes, who would push code that is still not tested and hasn't gone through quality assurance to production?

Then again looks at many companies

zakkatkk profile image
Zach Brackett

I gotta drop some dad-wisdom here, because I used to dwell on imposter syndrome. Look, I'd tell you gotta stop worrying about what other people think of you and focus on the trials ahead with confidence in yourself... but it took me some staring-in-the-mirror-after-eating-a-pot-brownie levels of introspection to realize why that advice doesn't help. I was pained to admit I wanted people to say that to me. My imposter syndrome was narcissism, undermined by insecurity or not. By publicly proclaiming my abilities were lower than they appeared, I would lower the expectations of others, prompting encouragement and protecting my image if I failed, while inflating the impact of my performance when I succeeded. Everyone experiences the undercurrent of an imposter occasionally, sometimes rightfully deserved and others not. Maybe you're not like this in real life, new to the field, or this is post is intended to be a bit humorous. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. If you do find yourself overtly focused on thoughts of imposter syndrome it's time to ask yourself why, without being afraid of some hard truths in the answer. I'd tell you you're a perfectly competent dev, but you already know you are. People have told you that a hundred times and you can see proof of it every time you sit down to work. Just relax, and enjoy the ride. Life is too short and precious to be dishonest with yourself. ;P

rammina profile image

It's okay! both serious and humorous comments fit in this thread!

I do agree that a lot of developers (including myself) have a tendency to understate their competency to play it safe. It hurts more to disappoint someone, and it's just "easier" to impress someone by lowering their expectations.

However, understating your own competence can be bad because it can lead to being lowballed in negotiations.

j_ma profile image

imposter syndrome is also a big one for me. i'm also terrified that low code development will get so advanced that the need for developers is going to significantly decrease

rammina profile image

I think there will always be a need for developers, that's just my opinion.

People with high self-awareness and low self-esteem will most likely have Imposter Syndrome. Also because the field of programming requires a lot of self studying, it's a lot harder to get validation about your skills.

dezfowler profile image
Derek Fowler
  1. Something I build ends up having a negative impact on someone.
  2. Production outages, cyber attacks, data leaks
  3. Part of the system seems to work by accident.
  4. A sales person committing to a delivery timeline without consulting the dev team.
williamlawrence profile image
Will Lawrence

Not an issue with every application, but I am terrified of revealing client PHI/PII.

rammina profile image

As a freelancer, I'm also scared of this because of the legal consequences. I try my best to use cloud-based solutions for security of data to avoid the responsibility of doing it myself.

williamlawrence profile image
Will Lawrence

Oh for sure. I do the same thing. Delegate the scary stuff to my betters.

darkwiiplayer profile image
π’ŽWii πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ

Writing some software for non-it coworkers only for them to not use it and instead ask me to do everything for them. This is very common where I work, mind you, so not at all far-fetched. You write a program, you have to take steps to not be the "operator" of your creation for the rest of eternity.

rammina profile image

Yeah, got to teach people how to use the things you make for them. Sadly not many are willing to put in the effort to learn things and do it themselves.

ryencode profile image
Ryan Brown

This happened this morning: Writing Documentation/Tutorials for "peers" who don't grasp that "Your-Repository-Name" is a placeholder and not the name of the repository to enter in. Good news is we can only have one "Your-Repository-Name" repository in any one azure devops project.

clavinjune profile image
Clavin June

What are your fears as a developer? changes.

rammina profile image

The constant updating of technologies? The fact that you always have to learn for the rest of your career?

clavinjune profile image
Clavin June

The requirement changes after all old requirements are already implemented xD

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rammina profile image

Ya, but that's just the nature of software development no?

rammina profile image

There are open source technologies (and projects) around though, other fields have more centralized knowledge than development.

Like, anyone could learn programming if they just look around for the right resources and people.