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Shafayet Hossain Yashfi
Shafayet Hossain Yashfi

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The Strangest Coding Languages You've Probably Never Heard Of

1. Orthogonal

  • Purpose Created to explore multidimensional array operations and programmatically handle complex data structures.
  • Unique Traits Requires intricate, grid-like thinking, making typical row-column data processing a natural fit. Example:
matrix [2,2] = {1,2;3,4}
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Why It’s Weird: It feels unnatural compared to linear languages and requires spatial visualization.


  • Purpose A parody language designed to mock complexity in programming.
  • Unique Traits Uses commands like PLEASE, making politeness a code requirement. Example:
PLEASE DO ,1 <- #13
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Why It’s Weird: Fails if code isn’t polite enough, leading to absurd syntactic errors. (Which feels to be illegal to me😭)

3. Whenever

  • Purpose Demonstrates non-deterministic code execution where lines run whenever they please.
  • Unique Traits: Code doesn’t run in sequential order, causing unpredictable outcomes.

Why It’s Weird: Results vary every time you execute the same program.

4. Deadfish

  • Purpose Simplifies coding to four commands: increment, decrement, square, and output.
  • Unique Traits: Ultra-minimalist, challenging the idea of how simple code can be.


iisdo // Output after increment, increment, square, and decrement
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Why It’s Weird: You’re extremely limited in what you can do.

5. Java2K

  • Purpose Over-exaggerates Java's verbosity to make even simple tasks complicated.
  • Unique Traits Overuses Java keywords unnecessarily.

Why It’s Weird:Shows the absurdity of verbosity in code.

6. Unlambda

  • Purpose A functional language that avoids variables and works with combinatorial logic.
  • Unique Traits: Heavy use of backticks and anonymous functions.


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Why It’s Weird: It’s hard to understand without significant experience in lambda calculus.

7. BIT

  • Purpose Focuses on bit-level operations.
  • Unique Traits: Ideal for low-level programming and bit manipulation.

Why It’s Weird:Forces bitwise thinking for all operations.


  • Purpose Simulates coding in a zombie-apocalypse scenario.
  • Unique Traits Commands include survival strategies like attack and search.

Why It’s Weird:The code reads more like a game script than actual programming.

9. Taxi

  • Purpose: Treats code execution like a taxi service, with commands such as “pickup” and “drop-off.”
  • Unique Traits: Uses city maps and directions for control flow.

Why It’s Weird: Mimics real-world logistics in programming logic.

10. Malbolge

  • Purpose: Designed to be nearly impossible to code in; known as the hardest language to learn.
  • Unique Traits: Self-altering code and cryptic execution.


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Why It’s Weird: Even simple programs look like random characters.

11. Velato

  • Purpose: Encodes programs as MIDI files; musical notes dictate instructions.
  • Unique Traits: Requires understanding of music composition.

Why It’s Weird: You need musical skill to write or read the code.

12. Omgrofl

  • Purpose: Mimics internet slang in programming.
  • Unique Traits: Commands include LOL, OMG, and ROFL.


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Why It’s Weird: Hard to take seriously and looks like a meme.

13. l33t

  • Purpose: Written in l33t speak, popularized by internet culture.
  • Unique Traits: Uses alternative alphabet representations.

Why It’s Weird: Hard to read if you’re not familiar with l33t.

14. reMorse

  • Purpose: Commands are written in Morse code.
  • Unique Traits: Uses dots and dashes for program logic.


.- .... ..--
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Why It’s Weird: Takes forever to write anything significant.

15. Ook!

  • Purpose: Inspired by the language of orangutans in Terry Pratchett's novels.
  • Unique Traits: Commands are variations of "Ook." Example:
Ook. Ook! Ook? Ook.
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Why It’s Weird: Incomprehensible if you don’t know the specific meanings.

16. Chicken

  • Purpose: Every command is represented by the word “chicken.”
  • Unique Traits: Repetition counts as different instructions.


chicken chicken chicken
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Why It’s Weird: Code only says “chicken” repeatedly.

17. Piet

  • Purpose: Programs are images; colors dictate operations.
  • Unique Traits: Looks like abstract art rather than code.


Coding resembles pixel art.
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Why It’s Weird: Visual instead of textual.

18. Whitespace

  • Purpose: Only spaces, tabs, and newlines are significant.
  • Unique Traits: Other characters are ignored.


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Why It’s Weird: Invisible code makes it impossible to debug visually.

19. Chef

  • Purpose: Programs are recipes, and outputs are dishes.
  • Unique Traits: Ingredients and steps represent logic.


Put sugar into the mixing bowl.
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Why It’s Weird: Reads like a cookbook.

20. Shakespeare

  • Purpose: Code resembles Shakespearean plays.
  • Unique Traits: Variables are characters; functions are acts and scenes.


Act I: Romeo and Juliet meet.
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Why It’s Weird: Hard to decipher unless you love literature.

21. ArnoldC

  • Purpose: Commands are one-liners from Arnold Schwarzenegger movies.
  • Unique Traits: Commands include GET TO THE CHOPPER (set operation).


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Why It’s Weird: Every line references iconic movie quotes.

22. Befunge

  • Purpose: A two-dimensional language where code can move in any direction.
  • Unique Traits: Execution flow moves up, down, left, or right.


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Why It’s Weird: The structure makes debugging challenging.


  • Purpose: Uses LOLCat internet meme language.
  • Unique Traits: Uses phrases like HAI for start and KTHXBYE for end.


VISIBLE "Hello World!"
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Why It’s Weird: Meant to be humorous, not practical.

24. Brainfuck

  • Purpose: Minimalist, known for its highly unintuitive syntax.
  • Unique Traits: Only 8 commands, like +, -, >, <, ., and ,.


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Why It’s Weird: Extremely hard to read, but Turing complete.

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A meme for you😉😉😉

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Top comments (2)

pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo • Edited


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... or ...

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shafayeat profile image
Shafayet Hossain Yashfi

That’s a masterpiece of JavaScript obfuscation! 😂 It’s always fun to see the extremes JS allows, but decoding this would probably turn my debugger into a philosopher, pondering the meaning of life rather than solving the code. Thanks for sharing this madness, Peter!😅😅😅