It's no secret that Vue.js is one of the best and most loved JavaScript libraries out there (150.000 Github Stars at the moment, more than React). So I can only recommend it anyone who is interested in making a career as a Frontend Web Developer. But where to start you might ask. I share the sentiment that it's always helpful to understand the basic JavaScript concepts. However, learning Vue.js is very beginner-friendly so I suggest you make the decision on what to learn first dependent on what kind of person you are, what experience you have in programming and what gives you enough fun to stick with it for a longer time.
If you are curious about learning Vue.js though, I thought it would be nice to provide you with some great resources to get started with.
Checkout the official Vue docs
Going through the documentation while learning a new language, library or framework is always a good idea. From the status of the docs alone you can get some insights. And this one is very good and comprehensive so definitely check it out!
Official Vue.js docs
Vue JS Crash Course - 2019 by Brad Traversy
Brad Traversy made this great course on youtube some time ago but has also updated it for being useful in 2019. Wether you like Brad's teaching style, it is an awesome resource worth looking into!
Watch this on youtube
Learn Vue 2: Step By Step on laracasts
This is a series of small videos to grasp Vue.js step by step published on laracasts. There are 30+ free lessons available but for the last ones you'd need to have a subscription. Anyway it is worth to have a look at.
Check it out on laracasts
Vue JS 2 Tutorial by the Net Ninja
The Net Ninja released a series of great lessons (45 videos) to teach you the fundamentals of Vue.js on youtube. It's very comprehensive and well taught so you wanna check this one out for sure.
Watch this on youtube
Intro to Vue.js on VueMastery
This is more of an introduction to Vue rather than a full course but VueMastery is a great place for everything Vue so check it out and decide for yourself if it is worth to stick with them.
Check it out on VueMastery
Vue.js 2 - Getting Started by Academind
Academind respectively Maximilian Schwarzmüller is a well known for his courses on Udemy that attract a lot of people and have very good ratings. This one is a free introduction to Vue that you can use to get a good overview and also a picture of Maxes teaching style.
Watch this on youtube
Learn Vue.js - Full Course for Beginners - 2019 on freecodecamp
This is a great course (3 hours in total) published via freecodecamp and designed for beginners that are new to Vue. If you like freecodecamp and want to learn about Vue.js this one is for you!
Watch this on youtube
Vue.js Fundamentals by VueSchool
This one is a rather short introduction to Vue and can only give you a quick overview but it's free so you can decide yourself if you want to try it out.
Check it out on VueSchool
Learn Vue.js for free on scrimba
"This tutorial teaches you how to build Vue apps through nine interactive screencasts. You'll learn basic Vue.js concepts, and also take part in building two super fun apps: Schrödingers Div and the Emoji Color Picker!" I've taken this directly from their website. It's free after all so you could try this one out for sure!
Check it out on Scrimba
Develop Basic Web Apps with Vue.js on eggheadio
This one is a quick introduction to Vue and no real course but egghead is a great place with many useful resources and great teachers so use this one to get a feeling for what egghead has to offer!
Check it out on Egghead
In this article I showed you 10 free resources to learn about the wonderful Vue.js library. I hope that it helps you to enhance your skills or to get started as a frontend web developer. If you have other suggestions to share with the community feel free to leave a comment and also don't forget to follow me here and on Twitter for more upcoming posts!
Cover image Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Top comments (6)
Although I appreciate the article, we are all just JavaScript developers surely?
Hey Adam, thanks for your comment. Of course I don't know about you but what leads you to this assumption? I specifically named it Vue developers which might or might not be a term now or in the future. JavaScript makes the internet run, that is undeniable, right?
Internet can fully run without JavaScript, so no. :p
The problem with this kind of terms is not among the developer community, it's in the outside world: there are a lot of managers, recruiters and so on who are not looking to developers, or front-end developers, or JavaScript developers. Instead, they are wanting a React developer, an Angular developer, a WhateverStuff developer, because they think your knowledge is not portable, they think you won't be efficient and valuable, and they end thinking that if you don't fully match a subset of ideal skills, you aren't even worth meeting.
And the first people suffering from this kind of segmentations, at the end, are the developers.
That's just my two cents on this topic.
That said, thanks for your article. 👍
Iv said it before il say it again, it's like asking for a sausage roll mechanic instead of a baker.
The article is tagged JavaScript
For what it's worth, postings on this site are, I believe, targeting developers, and this article is specifically intended for developers who use, or what to learn to use, Vue. Specifically. So the comments you're getting about dividing developers I think is almost entirely the whole point -- which is interests -- in this case helping those interested in Vue find articles about the topic that interests them. There are many articles on JavaScript in general, but this article is about a specific Javascript framework, and of interest to those folks who are, or may wish to become, Vue developers. So from my perspective, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the title.
Maybe the concern/trigger for these comments is actually the word "career", since frameworks and tools come and go, but I don't see anything wrong with "Vue developer" here. This year, and last, I identify as a Vue developer, and insights there is where my interest in articles lies (mostly).