Over the years, I have dabbled in various software/hardware studies and hobbyist blogs, in addition to my enterprise IT work experience.
I have aggregated my list of many web pages and projects that I am interested in. Some of these products I have already used and do endorse. Outside of that, I have no other affiliation with them other than researching or saving for future reading.
Not everything here is free or open-source but much of it is.
Please feel free to share any of your favorites. I hope this will serve as an aid for others, at whatever stepping stone you are on in your career path.
<-- Heads up the post below is a wall of text and HTTP links but I've tried to categorize and structure it -->
⭐️ Security ⭐️
https://www.zeek.org [Network Security Monitor or IDS]
https://www.ipvtechresearch.org/resources [Toolkit for preventing digital stalking/abuse]
https://rarenet.gitlab.io/dfak/en/support [Digital "1st Aid kit"]
https://pipefile.com [secure file transfer using PGP]
https://lite.qwant.com [Privacy focused search engine]
https://analyze.intezer.com [Analyze hosts & malware]
https://vault.bitwarden.com [Password manager]
https://www.netcraft.com [anti-phishing apps]
https://www.opennic.org [Decentralized, Secure DNS]
https://crxcavator.io [analyze chrome extensions]
https://app.any.run [malware sandbox]
https://portswigger.net/burp [CVE scanner]
https://hci.princeton.edu/adintuition [Youtube extension to flag sponsored videos]
https://portswigger.net/web-security [Test web app security]
https://pi-hole.net [adblock your network via Raspberry Pi]
https://www.quad9.net [Secure DNS]
https://www.chexsystems.com [Freeze your personal credit]
https://www.sans.org/security-resources/policies [Infosec guides]
https://zeltser.com/lookup-malicious-websites [Sites to analyze URL safety]
⭐️ HTML ⭐️
https://material.io [Google's "Material Design" UI]
https://builtwith.com [Website/extension to deconstruct HTML]
http://www.amp-what.com [HTML Special Chars]
https://knightlab.northwestern.edu/projects [Timeline UI for your site]
https://www.pond5.com/stock-video-footage/1/.html#1/16399/pricelt:25 [Public Domain stock media]
⭐️ Windows 10 ⭐️
https://ninite.com [Batch install programs]
https://github.com/Sycnex/Windows10Debloater [Powershell script]
https://www.phrozen.io/freeware/windows-privacy-tweaker [Harden OS]
https://patchmypc.com/home-updater-download [Patch Applications]
https://www.aida64.com [benchmarking tool]
https://www.varonis.com/blog/windows-powershell-tutorials [Powershell]
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module [search cmdlets]
https://poshgui.com/Editor [Powershell GUI creator]
http://www.osronline.com/page.cfm?name=Analyze [Analyze BSOD dumps]
https://wpd.app [Debloat Windows 10]
https://www.reddit.com/r/TronScript [Windows cleanup script]
http://www.lockhunter.com/index.htm [Remove "locked' files]
https://github.com/slacka/WoeUSB [Create bootable USB with Window .iso]
https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm-edu [Python IDE]
https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter [Powershell Scripts]
https://ss64.com [Command line reference]
⭐️ Learning ⭐️
https://www.netacad.com/portal/learning [Cisco Net Academy]
https://labex.io [Learn to code]
https://www.sapien.com/books_training/Self-Paced-Training [Learn Powershell]
https://edabit.com [Learn to code]
https://www.codingame.com/start [Coding exercises]
https://bento.io/tracks [tutorials on web technologies]
https://regexone.com [Learn Regex]
https://www.dataquest.io/directory [data science courses]
https://www.datacamp.com [data science courses]
https://glitch.com [Dev community]
https://www.notebookarchive.org [Wolfram|Alpha math/science]
https://education.github.com/pack [Github Perks with valud .edu email]
https://www.wolfram.com/wolfram-u/an-elementary-introduction-to-the-wolfram-language [Wolfram|Alpha query language]
https://overthewire.org/wargames/bandit [SSH game]
https://github.com/bateskevin/PWSHSchool/blob/master/docs/Students.md [Powershell "School"]
https://wizardzines.com [educational IT comics]
https://tutorialinux.com [sysadmin/linux guides]
https://www.w3schools.com [web tutorials]
https://www.professormesser.com [Video/Study for IT Certifications]
https://www.oercommons.org [find courses online]
https://edx.org [Various Online courses]
https://developers.google.com/edu/python [Learn Python from Google]
https://learn-js.org/en [Learn Javascript]
https://beinternetawesome.withgoogle.com/en_us/interland [Cyber safety game for kids]
⭐️ Linux ⭐️
https://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/browse [community of CLI commands]
https://kepler.gl [Geospatial data analysis]
https://linux.die.net/man [man page wiki]
https://codebox.net/pages/bitmeteros [network monitor]
https://mrchromebox.tech/#devices [custom Chromebook firmware]
https://rawgraphs.io [Submit/Graph raw data]
https://elementary.io [Modern Linux OS based on Ubuntu]
https://getsol.us/home [Modern Linux OS, Independent Project]
https://www.shellcheck.net [finds bugs in your shell scripts]
https://xon.sh [Python shell]
https://appimage.org [Container Linux Apps; similar to Snaps, Flatpak, Docker?]
http://www.chkrootkit.org [check for rootkits]
https://wingware.com/downloads/wingide-personal [Python IDE]
https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm-edu [Python IDE]
⭐️ Cloud / Networking ⭐️
https://www.seafile.com/en/download [Self-hosted cloud storage]
https://sonar-lite.constellix.com [troubleshoot network tools]
https://adminscriptbank.wordpress.com [Network admin blog]
http://pynet.twb-tech.com [Python for network engineers]
⭐️ Productivity ⭐️
https://readthedocs.org [Documentation]
http://game.rainwave.cc [Chiptunes radio]
https://noonpacific.com [Music playlists; requires Spotify]
https://www.draw.io [make flowcharts, diagrams, etc.; similar to LucidChart?]
https://app.raindrop.io [bookmark manager]
https://rain.today [rain/white noise ; similar to rainymood]
https://www.gitbook.com/ [notes/documentation]
https://www.splashtop.com/downloads [Remote Desktop apps]
⭐️ Environmental / Community / Fluff ⭐️
https://stopthinkconnect.org [keep the web a safe place for everyone]
https://recyclenation.com [Find recycle locations]
http://wellbeingtrust.org [Mental Health resources]
https://www.homesnacks.net [Tidbits about where you live in America]
https://www.niche.com/ [City/State information about schools, real estate, jobs]
https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/Information#crnt&panel1-1 [File FTC complaint]
https://headsupguys.org [Manage & Prevent Depression in Men]
https://www.doctorondemand.com [non-emergency virtual doctor visits]
https://www.bedsider.org [find birth control]
https://www.upwork.com [find/post freelance jobs]
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/security-clearances-faqs-michael-tanner-sappc-isoc-psc-lpq [Explains the convoluted processes of gaining "clearances" for U.S. Government Careers]
Top comments (5)
Hey Chris,
great list, thanks for sharing. Some of them I retrieve in my own bookmarks collection. At some point in time mine got so big I had to find a better solution for managing it. So I developed bookmarks.dev where I handle my dev "work" related bookmarks...
Nice list!
Awesome list, will have to spend some time checking it all out 😉
Helpful list. Added to my bookmark!
Adding one more to this list:
Domain/IP Blocklist Checker: grademyemail.co/email-blocklist-ch...