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I maintain webpack, ask me anything!

Sean Larkin on October 11, 2017

I'm Sean,

I maintain webpack.

I work on Microsoft Edge DevTools.

I love 🐔s.





ben profile image
Ben Halpern

If someone wants to become a core contributor on a popular open source project, what would you recommend they do to get started on that path?

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin • Edited

Maintaining a project In my opinion takes a lot of passion and love for it and it's users. So with that in mind, I'd say picking a project that you really really really enjoy.

I love webpack, the experience it gave me, and most days I can't stop obsessing about it 😂.

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

I guess to answer the second half is: show whatever existing team that you want to help and build and create the relationships with them over time. Gaining trust is part of how new responsibilities are handed over to potential maintainers.

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great advice. How do you keep up the motivation to keep contributing to the project?

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thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin • Edited

What motivates me more then the project itself is the people behind it.

A great example. I've been working to empower and create communities outside of the US for webpack. Specifically, Africa. I had recruited some very passionate and excited individuals who wanted to lead the efforts to help grow and teach the communities there and represent their voices (in many places where I cannot). So we met and talked about a few things and some take away items. This morning, I got this image in my twitter DM's:

webpack-africa's logo

This left me with watery eyes and a sense of overflowing joy and pride just being able to know that there are people out there who are just as passionate and excited to help grow and build a more vibrant, diverse, and inclusive community, even globally. At the end of the day if I can change one persons life for the better, I've won. And open source and the incredible blessings it has provided me, have been the perfect vessel to continue that mission.

cassidoo profile image
Cassidy Williams

How did you communicate to your employer that you have outside interests/pursuits that have nothing to do with the company? Along the same lines, how do you manage your time between your day job, your OSS maintenance, and your other interests?

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

When I was at Mutual of Omaha, I was very up front with them about my passion for maintaining webpack, working on open source, and speaking at conferences.

Because of that honesty I think that they were more flexible and generous with the amount of time I could spend on OSS and speaking.

How do I manage my time? Honestly I don't whatsoever. There are some days I feel I'm constantly under water. (Which may sound scary, but in fact, it's an open source authors greatest asset for new contributors as long as you work hard no matter what you do). If people see me drowning, they always reach out their hand. Many of our most active contributors we're drawn to us this way.

markerikson profile image
Mark Erikson

Sean: can you please tell me, in great detail, exactly why React is better than Vue? :)

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

Mark to me, I'll boil it down to a few things.

Ecosystem: Vue is a grass roots community driven project. They have no business incentives. Because of this, we see things like:

  • Supported router - This is maintained by the Vue team, doesn't have breaking churn, and is an incredibly nice experience.

  • Solved completed and maintained state management - Because of this it works seamlessly with a Vue app. Most of us know...a React app looks completely different then a React+Redux app. or React+StateManagementLibrary app.

  • Great interaction with community best practice build tools (like webpack). Code splitting in Vue takes one line change.

import Component from './vue-component.vue';


const Component = () => import('./vue-component.vue');

Its these kind of small and juicy details that screams "We give a shit about the people who use our project and they are always first when it comes to the innovation we bring".

Syntax: Single-file-components are the future of dev in my opinion. Not only are they backed by webpack to create a killer Hot Module Replacement experience out of the box, but they also allow you to write the JSX to have fluid composition if you need to. Most cases I've found that the familiar and rich system that Vue single file components provides is usually enough for me in most cases to never have to write JSX.

Tooling: The tooling behind vuejs for vscode etc is incredible.

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

A feature difference that sets them apart is their eventing systems also and "dependency detection".

So instead of having to use a bunch of componentWillUpdate, Vue automatically tracks what state has changed and saves the users the cost of needed to do these kind of things in React.

See here:
Reactivity in Depth

Oh and. There is nothing you cannot do in Vue, that you can do in React.

  • JSX? Check
  • HOC? Check
  • Jest/Enzyme? Check (Enzyme => Avioriaz)
  • Context? Check

So to me it's like: If you are going to choose React as a project, just use Vue instead!

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thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

UPDATE: I just realized you asked why React over Vue. lol. In which (comments below have shown me its vice versa). Sorry!

Well I can say this:

React right now is better then Vue in only one way that I can think of. It's ecosystem has a pure native solution that is pretty strongly maintained. Right now Vue has Weex and NativeScript, but I'd like to see Vue/Evan write an official Native Renderer. However that would take a lot of time, and probably not on the roadmap for vue.

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markerikson profile image
Mark Erikson

Yeah, I figured you either deliberately or accidentally misread the question :)

rhymes profile image

I love how he asked "why React is better than Vue" and you answered "why Vue is better than React" :-D

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jimschubert profile image
Jim Schubert

Easiest way to be right is to answer the question you wish was asked.

darjun0812 profile image

As someone unfamiliar with Microsoft Edge, what sort of innovation is the browser bringing with it?

As for the agriculture and farming world, are there any innovations there that you are particularly interested in?

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

Right now, as we speak, we are working on Remote Desktop Protocols and Remote Debugging APIS. This really excited me because it opens up the opportunity for us to debug edge on every windows device. Xbox One X, Hollolense, and Everything!

So that testing story will be fun playing with the super secret hardware dev kits 😎.

If I had any it would be an easy way to harvest pumpkins. Like, common. We need that.

tal_rach profile image
Rachel Tal

Hey Sean! What or WHO got you into farming?!

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

Well Ive always loved working with my hands. So woodworking, gardening, etc. I'm even obsessed with collecting Orchid Species.

tal_rach profile image
Rachel Tal

That's awesome! Have you ever incorporated this into developing?

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thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

I haven't yet. Haha although looking at all the hobbiest orchid, woodworking, etc forms, they all are pretty painful interfaces and experiences. I'm sure it would be a great way for me to chip in to an org like that.

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functionalstoic profile image

It's funny, I grew up as a chicken farmer. Imagine 3 large barn-ish buildings with 35k-50k chickens in them. There are obvious reasons I moved on. I now enjoy getting eggs from our neighbor 3 doors down. Ha!

But I in my first 10 years of working I was a Kitchen/Bath/Home remodeler with cabinet/various woodworking projects thrown in.

The last 5 years I've been in software and web development.

We recently bought a home built in the 1920s and I find there are many correlations between software architecture and well-built home architecture. In a home, you have various systems. Electrical, Plumbing, HVAC, Structural framing, etc. Those all easily translate into a well-built software application. The planning required for both is just so similar.

The similarities become even more hard to distinguish with a poorly built home or software application. The lack of planning for how those systems will work together as a cohesive system becomes really problematic.

michaelgv profile image

Did you have any other names for Webpack before it became Webpack? How did you come up with these names? I've personally nicknamed Webpack on my system "Ninjastuffs" because it does a heck of a lot faster than I've seen with others - so it's ninjastuffs to me.

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

Yes before webpack Tobias Koppers the original author called it modules-webmake. See the bottom of our github Readme for the full story behind webpack. 😍

mrdanack profile image
Just buy a Mac.

We use webpack with watchers to continually rebuild css + Javascript. The project we're working on actually has multiple sites each with their own webpack config, so we actually have one webpack worker running per site - currently that means 6 different workers all watching the files.

This is putting quite a bit of load onto our dev machines - and we'll need to add more sites as time goes by. Do you have any advice on how we can keep the ability to have the js + css built continually but without adding too much load to our boxes?

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

It seems like a unique challenge. Whenever I try and figure out ways to optimise webpack I boil it down to "how can we do less work". Tools like DllPlugin are a great approach to this and may work for you. If not, put in a github issue! We want to help you innovate these kind of challenges.

luispa profile image

What are your responsibilities at Microsoft?

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

I am a Technical Program Manager for the Web Platform Team. Edge DevTools is team inside Web Plat that I am on and I'm responsible for helping create a new image, engagement strategy for Edge DevTools.

In addition to that I'm also responsible for landing, managing, defining new features for Edge DevTools. Also working with Standards Bodies on features that every browser should be conforming to.

On the side, since webpack is the number 3 most used JavaScript OSS project at Microsoft, I'm also working all the time with internal users and helping ensure their challenges and unmet needs are solved. Currently as we speak I've connected one of our Outlook Web team engineers with our project and we are working on making some significant build time contributions to the webpack also.

mohamed3on profile image
Mohamed Oun

Hey Shaun! Can you give us a brief history of your software career to date?

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

Haha. It will be very brief. (This is taken from my AMA page on GitHub

After I graduate college with a Parish Music degree, I moved to Nebraska where my wife is from, and while looking for a viable career (protip: unless you are extremely talented, you cant do much with that degree), I decided to take a technical support role at MacPractice, Inc. This is a SMB/Startup that make native Mac medical management software.

At heart, I am an extremely personable person, and quite the talker, so after about a year, breaking all support records, a couple awesome raises and becoming the most skill support representative for this software in house, I hit a brick wall.

One day I realized that, constantly, I was having to work people around the same software defects in our product. I wanted to fix peoples problems, rather than work-folks around them.
This was the motivation initially.

So I started learning programming by applying my work directly to my support role. First started by learning how to write AppleScript to use our computer softphone and automatically dial support numbers with just a keystroke.

As I learned it more I started to speak with developers in-house (Obj-C) and one suggested I look into Ruby.

I learned as much as I could from ruby, and really learned to love the non verbose, duck typed language. I realized quickly that this was something that excited me, and that I could pickup.
I expressed interest in becoming an Obj-C engineer and was asked to start learning it. After another 1.5 years of side by side tech support (meeting all quotas) & QA'ing software, I was learning Obj-C.

I then lobbied my boss and engineering VP if they would consider me promotable to this role.

I was told yes, but was given a series of tests to accomplish before it would have to happen. After a few months of dragging their feet on the approval process, I had completed the tasks (implementing a live chat system (combination of OS ViewControllers, WebViews and JavaScript)), and earned the promotion.
Then I had the opportunity (and now title), to work in a few other places, drop in my lap.

tl;dr look at my linked in profile for the rest of my job history.
I've now reached my 3rd official year of programming and 2nd full year of ft JavaScript. At this point I was working at mutual of omaha, and really this is where my open source experience took off being apart of webpack, and other projects.

But that is really as much to date as I can think of.

maestromac profile image
Mac Siri

Do you use Edge as your default browser? Should it also be my default Browser?

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

I do use it as my default browser!!! What has blown me away is how fast improvements get made for things like performance, stability, etc. And so I've really enjoyed Edge since the last insiders build that shipped!

As for you, try everything once, and then use what compelles, and engages you the most.

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him) • Edited

I've heard you are a farmer + developer, which is literally my end game.

How did you do it?!?

Or more specifically, if you'd prefer, what similarities in both do you see and how does one help the other?

Do you find farm work and programming compatible in terms of scheduling, or do you often have to choose one over the other?

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

When I was still living in Lincoln, Nebraska the laws for owning birds and chickens is pretty flexible and loose.

So it only took owning a house, building a coop, and filling it with birds. I might say urban farmer.

getdanarias profile image

What is your favorite chicken breed and why? :)

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

Ugh really hard question. Instead I'll just put a few of my favorites.

Ayam Cemani - Pure black breed because of genetic mutations
Black Copper Marans
Mille Fleur d'Uccle Bantam
Speckled Sussex

getdanarias profile image

Ayam Cemani are pure beauty! They look like ninjas!

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darjun0812 profile image

Ayam Cemani is definitely my favorite!

jess profile image
Jess Lee

thank you.

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank • Edited

Hey Sean, thanks for doing this AMA!

Can you expand on your love of 🐔s and farming in general?

I feel very disconnected from agriculture and animals — sitting here behind a computer all day — so I'm curious about your experience given that you have a career in tech alongside this entire other perspective and life experience.

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

Well I think the connection really likes with being in tune with the source. The source of the food we eat. The source of the code we write. I also wanted to breed chickens. they are perfect specimines for genetics studies as their young hatch in 21 days. So it's awesome to see and study how chicken breeds have evolved over time.

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Sean!! Two Qs for ya:

  • Have you dabbled in hardware since I/O?
  • What's your approach to pair programming?
thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin


My approach is to foster an environment that enables the mentee to go from Deer in Headlights, to brave enough to try anything and ask any questions. Most of the time I've seen the problem with paired programming is that it puts developers in either role in a nervous state and doing anything I can to remove that is super effective in the learning experience.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern
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thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

This may have been me. But then, I see something and I'm like ILL DO THAT SOME TIME.

Buys $50 of components of Ali Express.
Puts on shelf

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

Any guidelines or resources for turning an existing project to an open source project?

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

Not specifically, however I will say this.

If you open source something. You need to be prepared to foster growth and love the users and community behind the project. And no matter what, anything you do for the direction for that project should be to help drive your community forward.

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

Awesome, thanks for the advice.

samccone profile image
Sam Saccone

What is the worst part about raising chickens?

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

Cleaning the coop. 🐔💩

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I haven't followed Webpack closely in a while, but we are going to look to integrate it via Rails' Webpacker gem. What's the latest for the project? What pain points from previous versions may have been resolved?

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

webpack 3.6 is the latest! We've solved a lot of bugs in regards to Scope Hoisting (ModuleConcatenationPlugin). 3.6.0 is definitely the most stable version of webpack we have so far.

For the rest of the breaking changes we want to land, they will all be pushed into webpack 4.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Nice, thanks.

rhymes profile image

side note: webpacker is great! I've migrated a project from the asset pipeline to it and I would never turn back. Still have to keep the asset pipeline for ActiveAdmin though :(

Webpacker has an awesome set of defaults, I wish it were "language agnostic", a sort of a webpack starter kit.

krazyjakee profile image
Jake Cattrall

Anyone who has worked with Webpack will know just how horrible it was to learn and get used to. The made-up-on-the-spot terminology. Confusing, lacking and unempathetic documentation. Configurations using bizarre syntax contained in a single string. Mega-ultra hideous configurations, even for simple projects and boilerplates. Unintuitive naming conventions. Lack of useful tooling. Lack of GUI's.

What is being done to bring Webpack back into the real world where real human beings desperately struggle through the process of learning this unwieldy, fragmented, clustertruck of a tool?

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

Anyone who has worked with Webpack will know just how horrible it was to learn and get used to.

Hey Jake. First, thanks a lot for the candid feedback. It's stuff like this which continues to set the bar high for us.

The made-up-on-the-spot terminology. Confusing, lacking and unempathetic documentation.

I can't speak as much for the terminology, but I know naming are hard. What's incredible to me is that if you feel you have some great ideas or suggestions, then your are simply an issue or PR away from webpack's next great contribution. So I totally urge you to submit one with some ideas.

In terms of our documentation, we know that webpack 1 was pretty bad, but when we released webpack 2, we considered our documentation the number one feature of the release. If you haven't checked it out yet, go to Also if you have suggestions or ideas that can help us better empathize with developers here also, we yearn for your feedback.

Configurations using bizarre syntax contained in a single string. Mega-ultra hideous configurations, even for simple projects and boilerplates. Unintuitive naming conventions. Lack of useful tooling.

This is one of the hardest things we struggle with as maintainers & users of this project. The single handed largest trade-off to JavaScript as configuration is that, like all code, can be written extremely poor. My advice for now is to try and treat your webpack config with the same amount of scrutiny that you do the rest of your code. That way it is readable, approachable, etc. I cover this in a course I did on!

I'm not quite sure what you mean by lack of tooling, but I definitely know that having some sort of UI or VSCode integration would be a killer feature to add to webpack in some way or another. Again, feedback, ideas, RFC's, and simply communicating with us on GitHub, etc can really help getting these great ideas flowing.

What is being done to bring Webpack back into the real world where real human beings desperately struggle through the process of learning this unwieldy, fragmented, clustertruck of a tool?

Every day, we try and work with Framework Authors, users, contributors, even browser vendors to try and empathize on a variety of different levels to understand what we can do to continue to innovate not only the performance, and internals, but also public facing API's.

To be honest, the passion burning through this paragraph makes me believe you'd be a huge positive impact on webpack through your ideas and contributions. Doesn't have to be code either, bring your best skills, and make some real positive impact on the 5million users and 9million monthly downloads that use webpack.

georgenorris profile image
George C. Norris

100% agree with this

underbyte profile image
Than Nguyen

One of the most difficult part of webpack is learning how to configure it. Particularly, setting up loaders for different workflows. I heard many times from devs that they don't understand how to configure webpack because of the config file. Anything thoughts on how to improve the setup workflow for new/expert people?

Also, what's your opinion on javascript assets loading for an HTTP2 world? Code splitting, aggressive splitting, ES6 import all the things?

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

One of the most difficult part of webpack is learning how to configure it.

I would say this is one of the biggest misconceptions out there and I believe it boils down to fundamentals.

Most people fear the config because they don't realize:
It's just a JavaScript object that is module.exports'd.


module.exports = {


That's a webpack config ^ .

In addition to that, I think that really people not understanding the module ecosystem, why it exists, and why we write with modules. If you've never written a CommonJS, AMD, or ES Module before, you certainly are going to have a stronger uphill battle in understanding why webpack is awesome.

In terms of the configuration properties itself, we have bent over backwards creating and keeping it strictly up to date to ensure that people understand what each property does or should do. IF NOT, please please please please please please please put in an issue to our docs GitHub. We consider even issues to be significant contributions!

Thoughts on HTTP2...

H2 makes bundling even more powerful. Instead of shipping 6-7 bundles/assets to a page, now you can ship 20-30 of them.


So these 20-30 JavaScript bundles shouldn't ever add up to anything more then 250kb UNCOMPRESSED. I challenge anyone to do that, and see how impactful it can be on your project and web load time.

ekanadily profile image
Esam A Kanadily

i agree with everything you said.

the point however that understanding all that AND figuring out the exact syntax needed in the config file AND sometimes also the order of things ( things that should go before other things) is very much a high bar for new developers.

very very high bar. only god knows how many developers quit web development all together in front of that fence.

rhymes profile image

Unfortunately lots of libraries push the code size way beyond 250kb. jQuery by itself is more than 250kb

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thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

Exactly. And really that is why we see a lot of slow web today.

xybin1990 profile image
Nic • Edited

i use DllPlugin to produces bundle.dll.js and put it on cdn.
then,i use externals extract the library,but there is an error i dont understand

  • webpack.bundle.dll.js
const webpack = require('webpack');
const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
    entry: {
        bundle: [
    output: {
        path: path.join(__dirname, 'dll'),
        filename: '[name].dll.js'
    plugins: [
        new webpack.DllPlugin({
            path: path.join(__dirname, 'dll', '[name]-manifest.json'),
            name: '[name]',
        new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
            beautify: false,
            comments: false,
            compress: {
                warnings: false,
                drop_console: true, //no console
  • webpack.config.js
externals: {
    'vue': 'vue',
     "vuex": 'vuex',
     'axios': 'axios',
     'vue-router': 'vue-router'
new webpack.DllReferencePlugin({
      context: path.join(__dirname),
      manifest: require('./dll/bundle-manifest.json')

the error

index.min.js?b40cc7a554404568b02b:2844 Uncaught ReferenceError: vue is not defined
    at Object.<anonymous> (index.min.js?b40cc7a554404568b02b:2844)
    at __webpack_require__ (index.min.js?b40cc7a554404568b02b:689)
    at fn (index.min.js?b40cc7a554404568b02b:110)
    at Object.<anonymous> (index.min.js?b40cc7a554404568b02b:5096)
    at __webpack_require__ (index.min.js?b40cc7a554404568b02b:689)
    at fn (index.min.js?b40cc7a554404568b02b:110)
    at Object.<anonymous> (index.min.js?b40cc7a554404568b02b:13318)
    at __webpack_require__ (index.min.js?b40cc7a554404568b02b:689)
    at module.exports (index.min.js?b40cc7a554404568b02b:790)
    at index.min.js?b40cc7a554404568b02b:793
xyuri profile image

Hey Sean, what exactly is Webpack's manifest? How can I see it? I'm trying to understand why I should move runtime into a separate chunk (optimization.runtimeChunk = 'single'). And can't reproduce this case where content hash changes with each build, with no changes in the project files.

dhruv profile image

What was your motivation when you first started contributing to open source projects?
How would you suggest which project to pick when people are just starting to contribute to open source?

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

So crazy enough, my first open source contribution was way before I was working on webpack. It was a weird Ruby gem, and I noticed a bug. So I put in an issue and the person said: Make a PR. So I googled "Make a PR", followed the steps and fixed it! XD

I guess sometimes I'm so blindly brave that contributions have never been scary to me. I always wear mistakes on my wrists so I think "wow this could be a great way to get mentorship from someone else even if I bomb it".

dhruv profile image

Thanks Sean. It's the scary part that keeps most of the people away from open source.

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thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

Exactly. I think the more we celebrate the mentality of failing as a growth opportunity. The more open source will thrive.

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dhruv profile image

True :)

antonpilyak profile image

Hi Sean! I'm trying to write a plugin (or loader) for Webpack, but think that I'm stuck in trying to understand hooks and compilation stages. Could you please help me with this question:
I would be extremely grateful!

lizziekarr profile image
Lizzie Karr • Edited

Hi Sean! Thanks for being open to questions <3

I'm trying to use an a tag to download a .rdp file. This works fine with an image but not with the file I need. Do you know if there's a webpack loader that can accept .rdp ?

Thank you!

<a :href='../assets/access.rdp' download>Remote Desktop</a>

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

There might be, but if there's not you could always write one and then open source it to webpack-contrib!!!

renannobile profile image
Renan Lourençoni Nobile

Hi Sean,

I'm a simple Angular dev and I've been using it for the last year.

Most of the projects I've worked (a total of 5 or 6), do use We pack, specially Angular-CLI projects.

Although I have seen webpack, I have no idea what it actually is.

Can you explain it to me and, give me some insight on how I can learn it to improve the projects in working on?

Thank you very much.

roachjon profile image
Jon Roach

Hey Sean! What new features on webpack are you working on and what are you most excited about?

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

Our new plugin archetecture is going to be. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Also webpack 4 bringing the side-effects optimizations for es modules.

Take a look at and check out the Freelance Log Book which has our journal of weekly progress!!!

roachjon profile image
Jon Roach

Sweet!! Recently made first effort to build plugin so excited to see what's new there!

nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

Hi Sean, I'm Sean o/

While I haven't personally used webpack a bunch for my own projects, the work it's done for others has been great and I thank you for that :D

You mentioned below that you're also on the Web Platform Team for Edge and that you like the idea of single file components. So I was wondering if you like the idea of HTML Imports and Custom Elements. On UserVoice they are both still "Under Consideration" with Low and Medium priorities currently and was wondering their progress.

Side note: Why can't I log into the Edge UserVoice with my Microsoft account?

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

Although it says "Under Consideration" on the feature itself, it doesn't mean we aren't laying foundational api's and components internally to support these features in the future.

Something that we love doing is building in the internal render, paint capabilities and then reusing them for later features. So for now, Under Consideration is the best I can tell you (specifically it's not a feature I'm working on or owning as a PM either so I don't have that much info off hand). In terms of user voice, you should be able to use a Microsoft Account, if not, you can try and use the Windows Feedback Hub instead!

azu profile image

Hello Shaun!
Recently, I've research Node core shim library that are used by webpack/broweser.

webpack's node-libs-browser have been partially old.

Does webpack team have a plan about this module ecosystem?

rouzbeh84 profile image

whats it like going from a small town boy to living in the big city??

jk haha, thanks for being so welcoming to the webpack project!

how do you manage to be so available while still having a life let alone a growing family and full time job?

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

Well I grew up in Metro Detroit so "the big city" has always been in my veins. As seen above, I always am missing or behind on something. I really rely on giving more responsibility to those who want to step up and do more. It's been really fruitful.

yanlee26 profile image

Hi Sean!
What's your incentive to write JS for webpack? It's really comprehensive and compelling work!

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

Because I love the entire user experience behind it. I love its complete extensibility. To me its a specimin case study of event driven architecture, along with a complete pluggable system (internally and externally).

Those things are really interesting to me. I also love getting people to contribute, and be involved and have a sense of feeling and fellowship.

yanlee26 profile image

Thanks, and I wonder how can I gain the compelling programming skills like you? Haha...

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thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

Study the things you love obsessively and teach people about it! Blog, share, present, give talks. :)

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yanlee26 profile image

Exactly, but sometimes I find time is too short and work is too busy. Maybe I need implement more useful ideas about time management, I will be more than gratitude if you give me some tips in detail . Thanks Sean!

jimschubert profile image
Jim Schubert

Do you ever have to deal with people who take offense at how you've worded things? It seems common when you can't have face to face with users/contributors.

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

Yes and no.

But as all things I try to see them as growing opportunities in my life. Since we have no control how others feel or react to things (in many cases), the best advice is to always lead with love and kindness.

Here is a great example even on this AMA:

Do I know if I said something specific to upset? No. But love is always your greatest shield and sword when communicating with others.

jimschubert profile image
Jim Schubert

That's a really great mindset, and a perfect example. You took what reads as a negative comment about webpack and focused on solutions without getting upset.

I asked because my issue seems to be that I'm concise in my comments and replies to team chats, which can seem hurried or blunt. I'm always looking for ways to improve, and maybe the best way is to spend more time adding kindness into the mix.


zachcervi profile image
Zach Cervi

How can you conditionally load two different sass styles from webpack? Is it possible? I am trying to perform AB testing with two different stylesheets.

Condition A {
Load style A}
Else {
Load style B

alejandrofdiaz profile image

are you coming to spain soon for a talk?


thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

I would love to some time. Nothing on my schedule though.

atishaybaid profile image
Atishay Baid

What orthogonal skills you pursue other then programming, any particular skill which you developed merely to keep you motivated in Life and work?

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin


Empathy is single-handed one of the most impactful skill you can work on. Not only as a Maintainer of a project, a developer, or simply a human being. Having the ability to put yourself in the perspective of someone else, even if your experiences have no overlap, is very powerful, and will typically question almost every decision you make from day to day.

Empathy is what has allowed a Satya Nadella here at Microsoft to help "Hit Refresh" on the incredible culture we have here now.

Rocket League.

I'm an obsessed, addicted Rocket League player. I love the game, its incredibly mentally stimulating. I'm kind of a competitive person, and so games like that, that involve a bit of sports are really really really exciting to me and get the endorphins flowing like mad.

alexeir_7 profile image

How's your day going man?

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

It's going well. Today I'm working from home and catching up on more responses here while watching some videos helping me collect and recap all the features the Edge DevTools are going to ship for RS3.

Although, I haven't been communicating with webpack team today, and I should get to that too. XD :heart_eyes:

jacobgc profile image

Hey Sean, I was wondering, what are the perks of using WebPack and why should I use it?

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

Such a loaded question/answer.

Really you should always identify what are you needs for the project you are working on. I am a huge believer in Solution Architecture. I'll give you an example and why I chose webpack.

  • Really incredible developer experience that is flexible enough to work for any web project large, or small.
  • A tool that could optimize my JavaScript in a way so that I could split out pieces async without having to manually defining these pieces. (Statically).
  • Something that could let me tie and stitch together all of my assets as dependencies of my project.
  • A tool that is completely configurable, so much that the project even dogfoods it's own plugin system.
  • Out of the box dev server that let me have instant reload on the browser when I changed a file.
  • A build tool that will let me use JavaScript modules (CJS, ESM), and make them work on the browser. * et
barryblando profile image

Hi Sean, what can you say about the new module bundler parcel? their benchmarks are really convincing.

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

I'd say show me an optimized webpack build against a parcel build and let's see real benchmarks.

For what it's worth, there is no transparent information about that benchmark they post.

However I have created a benchmark that I hope more people contribute too that actually showcases some initial numbers.

kiransiluveru profile image

when I add new plugin to webpack dev config file javascript heap out of memory error is getting?
what do I do?

belhassen07 profile image
Belhassen Chelbi

If I want to start contributing to open source projects (with front-end technologies) what projects do you suggest I can start contributing to? any advices?

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

Suggest something that interests you! Open Source is the most enjoyable when you are passionate about the project you contribute to!

chrzx74 profile image
Chris Nuvoli

I hope this webpack thing burns in hell as soon as possible.

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

Sorry ;-) Not likely anytime soon. Happy to help you learn anyways XD

binyamin profile image
Binyamin Green

Using and customizing webpack can be very confusing for beginners. Why do you think that is? What can we as a community do to help them?

rtteal profile image
Taylor Teal

What do you think about using webpack for backend express apps? Is there a compelling reason to do this or not to?

imanhodjaev profile image
Sultan Iman

Do you plan so simplify webpack on configuration part it always feels over engineered?

luispa profile image

Do you have plans to have more educational material in

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

I do when I actually have time!!! I have a course on loaders that I was working on that was going to be a paid course, but then when I reviewed it, I really really didn't like it.

Creating paid content is really really challenging. I have another course that I'd like to make for Build, Load, and Size performance of an app. I think this will be probably the next one I revisit instead.

l1x profile image

Is there a way for mortals to use webpack or it is reserved for JS gods? :) I am a backend sort of guy, what is your advise on get to know webpack?

thelarkinn profile image
Sean Larkin

If you understand the concepts and why it exists, anyone can use and contribute back to webpack.

Both links are great starting points!!!