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Top comments (347)
Hi everyone!,
Just starting out my programming journey. I enjoy working with JavaScript, but I am up for learning anything. Excited to contribute to this awesome community.
I think the only person who tagged as an attachment
Hello everyone,
I’m Mina, a Java developer turned C# developer. Although I’m a senior at my work, I still feel like there’s so much to learn. I think that’s the beauty of programming — constant learning.
I also blog on my spare time and am learning React natve. I’ve always dreamed of publishing an app but never really got around to it. I now focus more on writing on my blog (craftedserendipity.com) and programming.
My manager sent me an article from dev.to about code reviews. It piqued my interest so much that I decided to join the community.
Excited to learn from passionate, like-minded people, and to contribute my ideas and experiences to the community. :)
Mina Opada
hi ..
how to create oop in Lua-language
Hi Khairi, unfortunately, I have not tried programming in Lua yet. But, object-oriented programming is a type of programming design. It's kind of based on what the language is catered to.
So, in OOP, we can create classes and relate them to real-world entities. That is okay for, say, Java or C#. But in C, we can't do that because C language doesn't have classes.
Maybe you can apply the OOP Concepts in Lua language. These concepts include polymorphism, encapsulation, etc. Click here for more information on OOP. :)
Hi-ya everyone! My name's Spencer and I mostly do [ actually only do, really ] Javascript stuff. I'm currently trying to learn backend stuff as I've really only ever done things with frontend code. My favorite frontend framework has to be Vue.js, and I'm excited to learn GraphQL.
I came to DEV.to after finding it either through Twitter or Product Hunt, I forget which. The design of the website stood out to me though, and the community here seems great! So, yeah... Here I am :)
Kima Arnett
Excellent to start with GraphQL (for me) it was with Gatsby. Vue is excellent FED i love it, especially Nuxtify ;)
BED always come with Linux administration, so welcome to the club ;)
Hi everyone,
I'm Helen and i'm a junior dev in JS in a french start'up. I'm working on React (I tried vuejs too but I felt in love with react). I finished school in november 2018 so I've got lots of stuff to learn, discover... I'm enjoying my new work (I was a comics bookseller for 5 years) and I discover Dev.to on march 8th for International Women's day with "Nevertheless she coded".
I'm really happy to discover this community :)
Welcome, Helen!
Hello Helen, you're welcome
Hi everyone, I'm Chris. I've been doing front end development for a long time, focused more on HTML/CSS/jQuery, with a little backend dev, a little UX and a little mobile app development thrown in. I've specialized in creating accessible sites lately, learned a lot about the WCAG 2.X guidelines.
I recently found this site through a couple of developers that I followed on Twitter. My coworkers mostly use Microsoft Teams to communicate.
Hi, Chris! I've been trying to wrangle better accessibility into our 25,000 pages and our content management system. So far, it's been winning, but progress is happening.
Hey there! I prefer messaging people, but I always intend for the messages to be asynchronous. We as a team strive for async communication, and no one is expected to respond immediately. It's a great way to stay focused and get things done, while talking with one another when needed.
Hey, my name is Cedric. I was brought here from Twitter after doing a follow blitz of developers (Ali Spittel, Ire Aderinokun, and Sara Soueidan just to name a few). I wanted another avenue to learn from like-minded individuals beyond my job. I currently acquired a Javascript cert. after only having working experience with it and jQuery for 9 years.
My coworkers mostly communicate in person and on slack. Majority of our conversations involves who's buying the office cookies next and funny gifs.
Haha I was also brought here on a Twitter follow blitz. I'm Wiley. JavaScript nerd currently selling my time to a small company in Colorado.
Selling your time cracked me up 😂
At least you know! Welcome!
Hey :)
Am Sara, i came in here after reading a lot of informative articles that was published here and shared on twitter, and decided to make my blog and share my Journey too.
I have just started working Professionally as a Software developer three months ago.
So its overwhelming a lot of times, and one needs such incredible community to keep going :D
Welcome! :)
Hey I am Suren... a software developer from Sri Lanka. I have worked with Java and PHP in the past but now doing Python and Javascript development mostly. Still learning those, thought I will check out Dev.to after listening to dev.to creator on product hunt podcast. Excited to be here and meet you all.
Hellooo :)
I've been a software engineer for over 14 years, focusing on javascript for a little over 10 years now. I've also recently become a Pluralsight author. I'm joining Dev.to so that I can get some technical content out there, and hopefully help someone with a problem they're trying to solve, just like so many articles out there have helped me get to where I am today. I'd love to write more articles about things that I'm working on, and I really like reading content on dev.to.
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