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Top comments (126)
Heyo peoples! 👋 Welcome to DEV and nice to meet ya.
If ya have any questions about the community, the platform, whatever else, feel free to hit me up!
Hi Michael,
thanks for helping out! :)
Is there a place where I can ask for feedback about my project?
Heyo Sebastian,
No probs, I'd be happy to help! And this is a great question.
I think the best way to do this would be to write a short post that links to your project & gives some basic info on what it's all about, then end your post by asking readers for feedback. Something like:
Other suggestions:
These are some of the things that I think I'd do if I was in your shoes. If you have any questions about this, don't hesitate to hit me back up!
Your collection of landing pages is impressive. We will provide you with a good mattress cover that will provide your body with the necessary cushioning and support, as well as
How to make a firm mattress softer? Silk and Snow Toppers could be the best option to make your mattress soft. I believe these are the perfect lead-generation landing pages. Could we use it on the WordPress website? Do I need to hire a developer to use it? Please let me know so I can make a wise decision. Thanks
Thanks for open invitation
Hello Everyone 👋👋, I just got here.🌚
I am building up my skills as a technical writer and I love using Flutter to develop mobile applications📱
So what brought you here.
Hello Bamidele!
Welcome to the community!
Great to meet you. Here to get better at my writing and Web development.
Hi all,
New to coding just started learning Python.
Python is one of my favorite languages! I haven't used it in years, but I am re-learning it and re-familiarizing myself with all of its capabilities. How is the learning going so far?
Good so far but a little slow due to work but I keep on trying to squeeze in 30 minutes in my lunch break and in the train but I M enjoying it so far. What do mainly use these days?
That's good. A little every day is the way to go when busy with work, I think. My current position has me mainly focused on report development in PowerBI and querying data using SQL. But due to my history with Python and the openness of my company allowing me to explore other options and solutions I am trying to get back into Python to test out its capabilities.
I am sure you will pick Python again without much issue and shouldn’t take you long as you said you have used it previously and as you work with large data sets already Python will enhance what you already do.
Thank you for the vote of confidence! It is already feeling familiar but still new as I'm using libraries I haven't previously used. I am excited to keep moving forward and yes that is my hope, that Python can enhance what I am already doing. What languages and programs are you typically using right now?
My apologies for the massively delayed response. Just started learning Python 🐍 recently and mainly for package management and automation as something to enhance the MDM offerings with the business, their are a lot smarter people at my company than me, so I am just soaking up as much knowledge as I can and trying not to get overwhelmed. My current idea is to incorporate custom actions with macOS spotlight and as such with my very limited knowledge and experience that is goal.
No worries at all. We all get busy, I understand. That sounds like it will be a great application and use of Python, it is admirable that you are trying to learn Python to implement that improvement.
Welcome to DEV.to!
If you have any questions about the platform and community or anything about open source feel free to contact me!
Happy Coding!
I bet we'd be best friends in the coming days. 😅
I have a ton of questions concerning open source.
I hope that we can connect.
Hi everyone, I'm Leonardo an old Developer in multiples languages. I'm so exited to begin in dev.to I hope to help us and learn more about us.
See ya
Welcome everybody!!
Hello friends 😃
How are you doing?
Thank ya for the warm welcome.
Hope to be part of de growth in dev.to
Hello 👋🏼
And welcome to new members here ! 🎉
I have joined a Developer Advocacy Program at my job and as part of the program we are working on our technical writing/blogging skills. I am here to learn from all of you and to test my hand at technical writing myself.