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Welcome Thread - v44


Welcome to DEV!

  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just a hello. 👋

Great to have you in the community!

Top comments (631)

arctouchthiagosantiago profile image

Hi everyone, my name is Thiago and I am a Software Engineer. I started my carrier as an Android developer but in the past few years I’m focused on iOS, but I like to always learn new things too as Flutter (Dart), React Native, Go, Augmented Reality, and other crazy things. I’m from Manaus but I was living in São Paulo and now I'm living in Florianópolis. In my free time I like to read, play video games, practice sports (now that I’m here at Florianópolis I want to learn to surf too ) and between these things some doses of Netflix, but the most part of my free time I spend with my daughter and wife.
So, this is a little bit about me. 😬

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome Thiago! I love React Native :) - haven't had much experience with Flutter, but I hear it's good as well. Good luck learning to surf!

erinoggz profile image

Hello Chris. I'm having a hard time learning react native but I love it so much. I'm really interested in it.

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chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

It can be tricky for sure... what are you having the most trouble with?

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erinoggz profile image

The Use of props in multiple pages and the navigation systems. Most tutorials I have on navigation are using a very old version.

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chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Ah yes, that can get tricky. I tend to use Redux (or something else) for that - but yeah, it can be frustrating when tutorials are out of date (libraries move so fast!)

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erinoggz profile image

Exactly. I've stopped learning it for a week now because I don't know what to do. So u said redux will solve my props problem right ?

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chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

I would actually probably suggest using Context to start - it's built in to react now, and there isn't as much learning curve as redux (learning redux can be really tricky!).

So yeah, I would look into using context to share data across an app.

If you're just talking about launching a new react native screen with props though - then that can be accomplished with react navigation. It sounds like that's what you're having trouble with, but it also may just be worth it for you to get that working first (since you don't have to use anything else to get that working).

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erinoggz profile image

Okay Chris thank you so much for your time and help. I'll check that out asap 😎

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bernardbaker profile image
Bernard Baker

I would also suggest looking into the Context API + Hooks useContext().

Really straight forward to get started.

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erinoggz profile image

Okay Bernard thanks for your contribution

segunolatoye profile image
Segun Olatoye

Me too will be learning that.

papuruth profile image
Papu Kumar


runrunbian profile image


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hamidyfine profile image

Cool :-)

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h4sohail profile image

Cool :-)

godfreddigod profile image
Godfred Digod

I'm really impressed by how developers are utilizing Flutter.

melconcoast profile image
Krishna Vyas

Hey man, nice name Thiago..

raman_andryianau profile image
Raman CreativeIT

Hi Thiago! Nice to meet you!

I am a full-stack JavaScript expert with almost 10 years of experience and CEO at CreativeIT, a software house in Belarus. Being an active contributor to open source development, I also know React, Angular, and React Native.

Here I'm going to create my blog and share experience. I will be glad to discuss technical issues and exchange ideas.

runrunbian profile image


abdelhak_azzi profile image
Azzi Abdelhak


bernardbaker profile image
Bernard Baker

Surfing..... Are there SHARKS???

jujorie profile image
Juan José Riera

Hi! and wellcome!!

psybermind profile image

Hey Thiago! I think one of the modules we'll be covering is React, I'm looking forward to picking your brain at some point when I need it :)

tongdesign profile image

Welcome Thiago! I love React Native :> but I use NuxtJS hahaha....

shreyan62084887 profile image
Shreyansh Jain


denton19 profile image


segunolatoye profile image
Segun Olatoye


scastile profile image

Welcome Thiago! I'm new here as well.

jankoch profile image
Jan Koch

Hey Thiago :)

lauragyre profile image
Laura Gyre

Hi, I tried to post this already, but maybe it didn't go through? I have some background in web design, but am not working in tech currently. I recently decided to get more serious about app development, specifically doing a few Udemy courses on Flutter. I'm learning a lot and love it so far, but I feel like working alone I'm missing out on some important things like learning to communicate about coding, network, collaborate and other related real-world skills. I've also found it surprisingly hard to find discussion communities, especially ones that are friendly to beginners, so I'm happy to meet you all!

ashacoleman profile image
Asha Coleman • Edited

Hey Laura,

The same thing happened with my post! I had to rewrite it for some reason, but I totally understand what you mean about it being lonely sometimes. I would feel lost on where to start with learning new stuff and feel like I don’t have any one who can help. Hopefully we’ll both find that here!

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson • Edited

Mine disappeared too! Twice.

afhare profile image

Hi Asha— hard agree with looking for community when learning something new. If I can be a resource for you at all, I’m here! 🤓

raoufbelakhdar profile image

Hi Laura, Welcome to Dev. I'm also a web designer who just discovered this wonderful community. I hope we will all learn a lot here :)

afhare profile image

Hi Laura! Glad to see I’m not the only person having difficulties with the posting going through— nice to meet you, and as a fellow beginner, looking forward to chatting about code in the future!

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Laura, welcome to DEV! Yes - it can be hard to work alone for sure; DEV is great for that - good community to be apart of :) Good luck as you continue learning about Flutter!

ujjwalsittu profile image
Ujjwal Kumar Sittu

Flutter community is going to raise very high soon..

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lauragyre profile image
Laura Gyre

I hope so! It feels a little risky to concentrate on, but it seems to have a lot of potential.

jankoch profile image
Jan Koch

Hey Laura :)

himanshunikhare profile image
Himanshu Nikhare

Same thing happened with me😅
Will have to rewrite everything once again.

goodnovember profile image

Hi all! My name is Victor, I've been lurking around here for a while and I figured I would finally step up and introduce myself.

In order to exist in our capitalist society, I work for a prominent college and help manage their websites, which are built on Drupal.

For my own enjoyment, I am studying programming languages (currently Javascript) in order to build my own programming languages so that I can make some super weirdo crazy stuff.

Quick Facts!

  • I am self taught, with all the invisible icebergs that I anticipate hitting head-on every day.
  • My GitHub account looks like a junk drawer: @goodnovember
  • My views are my own and not necessarily that of my employer.
  • Trans Rights are Human Rights.
missadev profile image

¡Hola victor! También soy self-taught en javascript y en mis inicios pensé en crear mi propia librería/lenguaje, la única diferencia es que ni siquiera imaginé el montón de icebergs que supone ser autodidacta jaja Deduje por tu nombre que también hablas español, pero pensándolo bien, no es una idea muy solida. Anyway, have a good day!

jess_ingrass profile image
dr. jess

Hi Victor!

I'm self taught (peer taught? youtube taught?) also! I totally understand the invisible icebergs. How have you found learning javascript in comparison with other languages you have worked with?

ironnand profile image
Nathan Eggers

Hi Victor! Self-taught programming can be tricky, but it does shape you into the programmer you want to be. I've learned the hard way how college can push you sharply into certain IDE's and programming languages. Sometimes I wish I could go back to self-study... it was slow-going at times though.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome Victor!

h4xil10 profile image

Hey, welcome! All the respect to you for becoming a self-taught coder!

anpams profile image

Hi Victor!
Building your own programming language sounds really cool, please let me know when I can join you in the weirdo crazy stuff!

rsmets profile image
Ray Smets

Hi humans,

I love computers. Particularly the networking elements that allow mass, real time data flow. I also love tinkering with micro controllers + sensors in my free time.

Professionally leading the backend efforts in an IoT startup (a little oxymoronic, kind of, but not really)

Cool site and seemingly awesome community goin' on here!

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hello back to you fellow human! 🤪 I have messed with hardware (arduino + sensors, etc) in the past... fun! Are you working on any neat projects at the moment?

rsmets profile image
Ray Smets • Edited

I ordered a bunch of the new Particle Argon boards but haven't had time todo much with them. Impressive how beefy they are! With so many peripherals baked in. Have worked mostly with Arudino based guys as well in the past.

This is my favorite, strictly person project MPU 650 accelerometer/gyro chip + teensy 3.2 and leds makes for a buttonless "flow" controller led cane.

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chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

I hadn't seen the particle argon board before - and that project looks neat! Thanks for the links :)

ironnand profile image
Nathan Eggers

Hi Ray! IoT, that seems kinda awesome. I've been doing some deep digging on the topic lately... it's got some real potential. I hope that I will begin to understand networking one day... it's a crazy deep topic which can lead you down the rabbit hole into some deep mathematics like fuzzy computation, wavelets, and graph theory though.

0xessa profile image

Hi human, I love computers too.

jsmompdx profile image

Greetings, fellow human.

esogargar profile image
Israa Gargar • Edited

Peace and Respect
My name is Israa Gargar
I am from Sudan. 🇸🇩
I have just started a software development career
I have a strong background about Agile especially in the scrum
But our market here doesn't value good management skills🙁
I have been watching people coding for a while... Therefore because of, I am a knowledge 📖 seeker with 💪 passionate about coding and logic
I decided to start a programming career
Now I am learning react as my target is to go mobile with react native.
So here I am among you holding my golden dream ✨

I miss The Arabic language in the above Pic 😩

usalih profile image

Hello....nice bio

esogargar profile image
Israa Gargar

😊🤗 appreciate your comment

0xessa profile image

Hi Israa. I'm Essa.
Welcome here

esogargar profile image
Israa Gargar

Thanks ✨😎

khryseos0 profile image

Hello Israa. Welcome to I think it's awesome how you refer to your journey learning technology as your Golden Dream. Very inspirational.

kevinrue profile image
Kevin Rue-Albrecht

Hi all,

I'm Kevin, a computational biologist / postdoctoral researcher with a passion for open source software development, automation, and DevOps.

My day to day work involves workflows made of R, Python and Bash, but I've also worked with web-technologies like NodeJS and React, and C# and the .NET framework.

I love hearing about new technologies!

h4xil10 profile image

Awesome to see some Scientists around here! Welcome :)

puugu profile image
Courtney Kirkham

Hi Kevin! What sort of work do you do as a computational biologist?

kevinrue profile image
Kevin Rue-Albrecht

I work with big data that lab scientists generate from biological samples. Those can come from hospital patients or lab experiments on cell and bacteria. A lot of the time, that means comparing healthy and diseased tissues and cells to identify genes and proteins that are altered during diseases like inflammation or infection.

For that I use mostly open source software such as R and Python packages to write scripts and workflows that I run on high-performance computing clusters, to parallelise the processing of samples on as many cores as I can.

Additionally, I particularly enjoy refactoring, testing, and documenting the code that I write for my project, to openly distribute it with other academics who can use it in their own work, but also contribute back to my repositories like I do with theirs, making software easier to use and more efficient for everyone!

anubhav_madhav profile image
Anubhav Madhav

Hello Everyone, I am Anubhav Madhav and I am a Computer Science Student at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Vadodara, India. I know basics of C, C++, Java, Python and Web Development. I am interested in Artificial Intelligence, so will start learning Machine Learning very soon. I have also created an Action for Google Assistant, you can try that quiz on your Google Assistant by saying "Talk to Avengers in India", and enjoy the quiz. I am a big fan of Marvel Cinematic Universe. Currently working on a project for Train_Ticket_Booking_System using django framework. This was a bit about me. 😊

0xessa profile image


chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Anubhav! Welcome to DEV :) What are you excited to learn about Artificial Intelligence?

gladchinda profile image
Glad Chinda • Edited

Hi everyone, my name is Glad Chinda and I am glad that I finally get to join this awesome dev community. I am a Frontend UX Engineer currently based in Lagos. I am a lover of JavaScript (TypeScript) and get to work with React and NodeJS in my day-to-day job. In the past I have also worked with PHP and Laravel for building web applications.

I am very enthusiastic about web technologies and always try to make out time to write technical articles and build or contribute to open source projects. When I am not working, I am either reading, seeing a movie, or spending time with friends and family.

authief profile image
Robert Gold

It's great to see you're utilizing React day-to-day, Glad! Where can we follow your technical articles and do you have a GitHub?

gladchinda profile image
Glad Chinda

I my articles can be found in a handful of publications on the web — here is a list:

For my contributions and activities on GitHub, you can find my Github profile here:

tomastley profile image


My name is Tom and I'm Full-Stack engineer out of Chicago. I'm into React, Docker, Node pretty much anything. Looking forward to learning from this community.

I'm looking to make the jump to freelance and would love to hear people's experiences. Such a scary decision to make!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV T(h)om!

rizkyrajitha profile image
Rajitha Gunathilake

nice to meet react devs

bhattaraib58 profile image
Biplap Bhattarai

Hello T(h)om. Welcome to DEV.

eric_khun profile image
Eric Khun • Edited

Hi there! I’m Eric, infrastructure engineer at Buffer. I do all kind of things backend related! I like python and go a lot. If that's interesting, I've just finished to migrated all the applications for Buffer to Kubernetes few weeks ago.

I’ve been working remotely since 2013 now, from different places in the world. I happen to be mostly between Europe and Asia, but Asia is definitely my favorite part of the world!

Nice to meet you all!

joelpagliuca profile image
Joel Pagliuca

Been doing a lot more Go than Python lately, but still like them both!

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Welcome, Eric! It's nice to meet you, too!

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