DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v44 staff on October 09, 2019

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
arctouchthiagosantiago profile image

Hi everyone, my name is Thiago and I am a Software Engineer. I started my carrier as an Android developer but in the past few years I’m focused on iOS, but I like to always learn new things too as Flutter (Dart), React Native, Go, Augmented Reality, and other crazy things. I’m from Manaus but I was living in São Paulo and now I'm living in Florianópolis. In my free time I like to read, play video games, practice sports (now that I’m here at Florianópolis I want to learn to surf too ) and between these things some doses of Netflix, but the most part of my free time I spend with my daughter and wife.
So, this is a little bit about me. 😬

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome Thiago! I love React Native :) - haven't had much experience with Flutter, but I hear it's good as well. Good luck learning to surf!

erinoggz profile image

Hello Chris. I'm having a hard time learning react native but I love it so much. I'm really interested in it.

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chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

It can be tricky for sure... what are you having the most trouble with?

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erinoggz profile image

The Use of props in multiple pages and the navigation systems. Most tutorials I have on navigation are using a very old version.

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chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Ah yes, that can get tricky. I tend to use Redux (or something else) for that - but yeah, it can be frustrating when tutorials are out of date (libraries move so fast!)

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erinoggz profile image

Exactly. I've stopped learning it for a week now because I don't know what to do. So u said redux will solve my props problem right ?

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chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

I would actually probably suggest using Context to start - it's built in to react now, and there isn't as much learning curve as redux (learning redux can be really tricky!).

So yeah, I would look into using context to share data across an app.

If you're just talking about launching a new react native screen with props though - then that can be accomplished with react navigation. It sounds like that's what you're having trouble with, but it also may just be worth it for you to get that working first (since you don't have to use anything else to get that working).

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erinoggz profile image

Okay Chris thank you so much for your time and help. I'll check that out asap 😎

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bernardbaker profile image
Bernard Baker

I would also suggest looking into the Context API + Hooks useContext().

Really straight forward to get started.

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erinoggz profile image

Okay Bernard thanks for your contribution

segunolatoye profile image
Segun Olatoye

Me too will be learning that.

papuruth profile image
Papu Kumar


runrunbian profile image


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hamidyfine profile image

Cool :-)

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h4sohail profile image

Cool :-)

godfreddigod profile image
Godfred Digod

I'm really impressed by how developers are utilizing Flutter.

melconcoast profile image
Krishna Vyas

Hey man, nice name Thiago..

raman_andryianau profile image
Raman CreativeIT

Hi Thiago! Nice to meet you!

I am a full-stack JavaScript expert with almost 10 years of experience and CEO at CreativeIT, a software house in Belarus. Being an active contributor to open source development, I also know React, Angular, and React Native.

Here I'm going to create my blog and share experience. I will be glad to discuss technical issues and exchange ideas.

jujorie profile image
Juan José Riera

Hi! and wellcome!!

abdelhak_azzi profile image
Azzi Abdelhak


runrunbian profile image


bernardbaker profile image
Bernard Baker

Surfing..... Are there SHARKS???

psybermind profile image

Hey Thiago! I think one of the modules we'll be covering is React, I'm looking forward to picking your brain at some point when I need it :)

tongdesign profile image

Welcome Thiago! I love React Native :> but I use NuxtJS hahaha....

denton19 profile image


segunolatoye profile image
Segun Olatoye


scastile profile image

Welcome Thiago! I'm new here as well.

jankoch profile image
Jan Koch

Hey Thiago :)

shreyan62084887 profile image
Shreyansh Jain


lauragyre profile image
Laura Gyre

Hi, I tried to post this already, but maybe it didn't go through? I have some background in web design, but am not working in tech currently. I recently decided to get more serious about app development, specifically doing a few Udemy courses on Flutter. I'm learning a lot and love it so far, but I feel like working alone I'm missing out on some important things like learning to communicate about coding, network, collaborate and other related real-world skills. I've also found it surprisingly hard to find discussion communities, especially ones that are friendly to beginners, so I'm happy to meet you all!

ashacoleman profile image
Asha Coleman • Edited

Hey Laura,

The same thing happened with my post! I had to rewrite it for some reason, but I totally understand what you mean about it being lonely sometimes. I would feel lost on where to start with learning new stuff and feel like I don’t have any one who can help. Hopefully we’ll both find that here!

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson • Edited

Mine disappeared too! Twice.

afhare profile image

Hi Asha— hard agree with looking for community when learning something new. If I can be a resource for you at all, I’m here! 🤓

raoufbelakhdar profile image

Hi Laura, Welcome to Dev. I'm also a web designer who just discovered this wonderful community. I hope we will all learn a lot here :)

afhare profile image

Hi Laura! Glad to see I’m not the only person having difficulties with the posting going through— nice to meet you, and as a fellow beginner, looking forward to chatting about code in the future!

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Laura, welcome to DEV! Yes - it can be hard to work alone for sure; DEV is great for that - good community to be apart of :) Good luck as you continue learning about Flutter!

ujjwalsittu profile image
Ujjwal Kumar Sittu

Flutter community is going to raise very high soon..

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lauragyre profile image
Laura Gyre

I hope so! It feels a little risky to concentrate on, but it seems to have a lot of potential.

jankoch profile image
Jan Koch

Hey Laura :)

himanshunikhare profile image
Himanshu Nikhare

Same thing happened with me😅
Will have to rewrite everything once again.

goodnovember profile image

Hi all! My name is Victor, I've been lurking around here for a while and I figured I would finally step up and introduce myself.

In order to exist in our capitalist society, I work for a prominent college and help manage their websites, which are built on Drupal.

For my own enjoyment, I am studying programming languages (currently Javascript) in order to build my own programming languages so that I can make some super weirdo crazy stuff.

Quick Facts!

  • I am self taught, with all the invisible icebergs that I anticipate hitting head-on every day.
  • My GitHub account looks like a junk drawer: @goodnovember
  • My views are my own and not necessarily that of my employer.
  • Trans Rights are Human Rights.
missadev profile image

¡Hola victor! También soy self-taught en javascript y en mis inicios pensé en crear mi propia librería/lenguaje, la única diferencia es que ni siquiera imaginé el montón de icebergs que supone ser autodidacta jaja Deduje por tu nombre que también hablas español, pero pensándolo bien, no es una idea muy solida. Anyway, have a good day!

jess_ingrass profile image
dr. jess

Hi Victor!

I'm self taught (peer taught? youtube taught?) also! I totally understand the invisible icebergs. How have you found learning javascript in comparison with other languages you have worked with?

ironnand profile image
Nathan Eggers

Hi Victor! Self-taught programming can be tricky, but it does shape you into the programmer you want to be. I've learned the hard way how college can push you sharply into certain IDE's and programming languages. Sometimes I wish I could go back to self-study... it was slow-going at times though.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome Victor!

anpams profile image

Hi Victor!
Building your own programming language sounds really cool, please let me know when I can join you in the weirdo crazy stuff!

h4xil10 profile image

Hey, welcome! All the respect to you for becoming a self-taught coder!

rsmets profile image
Ray Smets

Hi humans,

I love computers. Particularly the networking elements that allow mass, real time data flow. I also love tinkering with micro controllers + sensors in my free time.

Professionally leading the backend efforts in an IoT startup (a little oxymoronic, kind of, but not really)

Cool site and seemingly awesome community goin' on here!

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hello back to you fellow human! 🤪 I have messed with hardware (arduino + sensors, etc) in the past... fun! Are you working on any neat projects at the moment?

rsmets profile image
Ray Smets • Edited

I ordered a bunch of the new Particle Argon boards but haven't had time todo much with them. Impressive how beefy they are! With so many peripherals baked in. Have worked mostly with Arudino based guys as well in the past.

This is my favorite, strictly person project MPU 650 accelerometer/gyro chip + teensy 3.2 and leds makes for a buttonless "flow" controller led cane.

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chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

I hadn't seen the particle argon board before - and that project looks neat! Thanks for the links :)

ironnand profile image
Nathan Eggers

Hi Ray! IoT, that seems kinda awesome. I've been doing some deep digging on the topic lately... it's got some real potential. I hope that I will begin to understand networking one day... it's a crazy deep topic which can lead you down the rabbit hole into some deep mathematics like fuzzy computation, wavelets, and graph theory though.

0xessa profile image

Hi human, I love computers too.

jsmompdx profile image

Greetings, fellow human.

esogargar profile image
Israa Gargar • Edited

Peace and Respect
My name is Israa Gargar
I am from Sudan. 🇸🇩
I have just started a software development career
I have a strong background about Agile especially in the scrum
But our market here doesn't value good management skills🙁
I have been watching people coding for a while... Therefore because of, I am a knowledge 📖 seeker with 💪 passionate about coding and logic
I decided to start a programming career
Now I am learning react as my target is to go mobile with react native.
So here I am among you holding my golden dream ✨

I miss The Arabic language in the above Pic 😩

usalih profile image

Hello....nice bio

esogargar profile image
Israa Gargar

😊🤗 appreciate your comment

0xessa profile image

Hi Israa. I'm Essa.
Welcome here

esogargar profile image
Israa Gargar

Thanks ✨😎

khryseos0 profile image

Hello Israa. Welcome to I think it's awesome how you refer to your journey learning technology as your Golden Dream. Very inspirational.

kevinrue profile image
Kevin Rue-Albrecht

Hi all,

I'm Kevin, a computational biologist / postdoctoral researcher with a passion for open source software development, automation, and DevOps.

My day to day work involves workflows made of R, Python and Bash, but I've also worked with web-technologies like NodeJS and React, and C# and the .NET framework.

I love hearing about new technologies!

h4xil10 profile image

Awesome to see some Scientists around here! Welcome :)

puugu profile image
Courtney Kirkham

Hi Kevin! What sort of work do you do as a computational biologist?

kevinrue profile image
Kevin Rue-Albrecht

I work with big data that lab scientists generate from biological samples. Those can come from hospital patients or lab experiments on cell and bacteria. A lot of the time, that means comparing healthy and diseased tissues and cells to identify genes and proteins that are altered during diseases like inflammation or infection.

For that I use mostly open source software such as R and Python packages to write scripts and workflows that I run on high-performance computing clusters, to parallelise the processing of samples on as many cores as I can.

Additionally, I particularly enjoy refactoring, testing, and documenting the code that I write for my project, to openly distribute it with other academics who can use it in their own work, but also contribute back to my repositories like I do with theirs, making software easier to use and more efficient for everyone!

anubhav_madhav profile image
Anubhav Madhav

Hello Everyone, I am Anubhav Madhav and I am a Computer Science Student at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Vadodara, India. I know basics of C, C++, Java, Python and Web Development. I am interested in Artificial Intelligence, so will start learning Machine Learning very soon. I have also created an Action for Google Assistant, you can try that quiz on your Google Assistant by saying "Talk to Avengers in India", and enjoy the quiz. I am a big fan of Marvel Cinematic Universe. Currently working on a project for Train_Ticket_Booking_System using django framework. This was a bit about me. 😊

0xessa profile image


chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Anubhav! Welcome to DEV :) What are you excited to learn about Artificial Intelligence?

tomastley profile image


My name is Tom and I'm Full-Stack engineer out of Chicago. I'm into React, Docker, Node pretty much anything. Looking forward to learning from this community.

I'm looking to make the jump to freelance and would love to hear people's experiences. Such a scary decision to make!

rizkyrajitha profile image
Rajitha Gunathilake

nice to meet react devs

bhattaraib58 profile image
Biplap Bhattarai

Hello T(h)om. Welcome to DEV.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV T(h)om!

gladchinda profile image
Glad Chinda • Edited

Hi everyone, my name is Glad Chinda and I am glad that I finally get to join this awesome dev community. I am a Frontend UX Engineer currently based in Lagos. I am a lover of JavaScript (TypeScript) and get to work with React and NodeJS in my day-to-day job. In the past I have also worked with PHP and Laravel for building web applications.

I am very enthusiastic about web technologies and always try to make out time to write technical articles and build or contribute to open source projects. When I am not working, I am either reading, seeing a movie, or spending time with friends and family.

authief profile image
Robert Gold

It's great to see you're utilizing React day-to-day, Glad! Where can we follow your technical articles and do you have a GitHub?

gladchinda profile image
Glad Chinda

I my articles can be found in a handful of publications on the web — here is a list:

For my contributions and activities on GitHub, you can find my Github profile here:

eric_khun profile image
Eric Khun • Edited

Hi there! I’m Eric, infrastructure engineer at Buffer. I do all kind of things backend related! I like python and go a lot. If that's interesting, I've just finished to migrated all the applications for Buffer to Kubernetes few weeks ago.

I’ve been working remotely since 2013 now, from different places in the world. I happen to be mostly between Europe and Asia, but Asia is definitely my favorite part of the world!

Nice to meet you all!

joelpagliuca profile image
Joel Pagliuca

Been doing a lot more Go than Python lately, but still like them both!

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Welcome, Eric! It's nice to meet you, too!

zgajo profile image
Darko Pranjic

Hello everyone,

I'm Darko from Croatia. Working professionally as a Software Engineer for the past 3 years.

How I started
Before professional career I've worked as a Computer technician for the 8 years. At age 24 decided to enroll in college and there found my love for programming and something what my brain likes - solve problems.

Started with building first applications in free time with PHP, Laravel, Javascript, jQuery for my team in previous company.

My first professional job was frontend developer using Vue.js and worked this for 7 months. Then I've started to dig deeper into Javascript stack with Node.js.

Current job and stack
Found current job as a Fullstack developer using React, Node.js, GraphQL. With this job my knowledge has drastically expanded as my team had knowledge and I started to stay in company to learn for few more hours just so that I could have possibility to work remotely.

Now I can say to have deep knowledge of setting up web servers, using most of the AWS services, building Node.js backend, GraphQL, using React Native, React, Apollo platform, Redis, etc...

Free time
In free time spending time with my wife, friends, playing every now and then PES, working out few times a week.

Future plans
Currently learning GoLang. Will try ML.
Hope to start writing blogs, maybe to start with writing about current development problems on what I stumble and how I got to solutions.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome Darko! Good to have you here on DEV :) Do you work remotely now, or you're just hoping to in the future? Either way: good luck! It looks like you have a nice list of popular technologies that you can use; looks good!

zgajo profile image
Darko Pranjic

Thanks Chris,

Yes I'm working fulltime remote since May. :)

chebetos profile image
César Augusto Delgado Rodríguez


I'm Cesar Delgado, from Venezuela, but living in Madrid, Spain.

I'm a Software Engineer, and I consider myself a Fullstack Developer.

I've worked with web frontend technologies like React, Polymer and backend technologies like Java, PHP, Node.js Javascript, etc.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome Cesar! Glad to have you on DEV :)

jperals profile image
Joan Perals

Hi César, welcome!

I wonder what's your feeling about Polymer? I used to find it so promising but it never got as much adoption as I hoped.

mg_verycoolthx profile image
mg, thx

Hi Everyone! My name is Chloe and I'm a CS student. I am working on C++ as my first language, with an interest in databases, ML, gamedev, and pretty much anything else I can get my hands on. My goal is to expand my view of what software development actually is, and find as many useful bits as possible to craft a mastery of my first love (C++) and generate interest in other languages (I need help loving Java, for example).

I am a BIG BIG believer in community and I LOVE sharing this space with others! My community strengths include engaging with others on nearly any topic and (hopefully) making it a productive conversation via exploratory and investigative questions. Another strength of mine is to offer emotional encouragement for the tough and emotionally taxing task of learning something new! I am so excited to share my strengths with you and learn from you all as we grow on our journeys. Thanks for reading, happy developing!

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Welcome, Chloe!

Community is what brought me here. ♥ Excited to follow your journey!

mg_verycoolthx profile image
mg, thx

Hi, Jesse! Thanks for the warm welcome. <3

vanessamarely profile image
Vanessa Aristizabal

Hello everyone, My name is Vanessa Aristizabal, I am a Frontend Developer, from Colombia and I live in Medellin, Colombia. I am always learning new things. I am passionate about technologies. Besides code I like to draw and read a lot and I expect I can share here my knowledge and my code cartoons

puugu profile image
Courtney Kirkham

Hi Vanessa! Do you have your cartoons hosted anywhere online? I'd love to check them out!

vanessamarely profile image
Vanessa Aristizabal

Hi!! well I am creating a Gitbook with some of my cartoons but I expect to start moving here my cartoons next month here.
My gitbook have Spanish content

djkhandelwal profile image

Hello everyone! I am Dheeraj, a student currently pursuing a Masters degree in Information Systems. I have some experience in Java, C++, SQL, JavaScript, and React Native amongst a few other technologies. Outside of tech, I enjoy soccer, hiking, pizza, and beer!

Joined here to learn about Open Source. Open Source is something that has always fascinated me but I have stayed away thus far under the assumption that one has to be super smart, super skilled, or an expert to be able to contribute. Google suggested me an article @sduduzog wrote a couple days back and it's inspired me to try and explore to see if I can contribute as well!

Anyway, Cheers!

ironnand profile image
Nathan Eggers

Hello Dheeraj, do not be afraid to embrace open-source. Even small contributions can be welcome on many projects. If you start your own repository on Git-Hub, I suggest using an MIT license or one of the other permissive licenses. The sum of combined effort can exceed the effort of one person. Playing with your own repository can be a good way to learn Git-Hub commands.

djkhandelwal profile image

I have worked with Git/Github before, just never used it outside of work/school!
Starting to take a look at Open Source a little bit more seriously now + exploring how I can help!

sduduzog profile image

Welcome and thank you for the plug. This really made me happy.

djkhandelwal profile image

Thank you for bringing me here! :)

baudday profile image
Willem Ellis

Hello all,

My name is Willem and I'm here to try and connect more with the developer community at large. I've been developing software in some capacity for almost a decade now. I'm particularly interested in learning more from others about all things freelancing.


johngachihi profile image

Hi guys. I'm John Gachihi from Nairobi, Kenya. I'm a CS student. I am a beginner in development (sort of). I have a fondness for android development but also work on web apps from time to time.
I am currently trying to figure out docker, kubernetes and CI/CD.

puugu profile image
Courtney Kirkham

Welcome, John!

Are you learning through a particular program or self taught?

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Welcome, John!

qvdev profile image
QV Develop • Edited

Hi everyone,

Started as an iOS developer but gradually moved to Android development. Now I am moving to web development in my free time. Like to learn and try to make simple javascript libraries that other developers can use. Always working on side projects. ❤️ Coding and trying to get into streaming my coding sessions.

acoh3n profile image

Great to have you here and see what you make!

qvdev profile image
QV Develop

Thanks for the welcome 😃

ashacoleman profile image
Asha Coleman

Hi everybody 👋🏽

My name is Asha (pronounced like Asia but the “shh” sound) and I am currently a grad student in Media Design switching from a career in mental health counseling. It’s been pretty freeing and people have been very welcoming in the tech community, but with my only knowing HTML and CSS, it’s been really hard for me to do any projects outside of tutorials like freeCodeCamp or The Odin Project. I recently started the 100 Days of Code and didn’t make it through the first week because I didn’t know how to do much and the projects I looked up were beyond my skills. So! I’ve decided to join more communities, make new friends and get messy! I plan to use this site to help find projects, stay connected and give myself time to at least learn JavaScript before I restart my code challenge. I look forward to talking with you all!

mishmore profile image
Michelle More

Hi, this is Michelle from Perú :)

I'm a Front-end Developer with Graphic Design background. I'm looking for improve my career and expand my knowledge in other areas like back-end.

Sure I'll learn a lot here!

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Welcome, Michelle!

ryantiner profile image
Ryan Tiner • Edited

Hi there,

My name is Ryan and I'm here to learn more about Java, Kotlin, Android programming, etc. I'm really looking forward to exchanging correspondence with some of you. I found out about this website through

houssemcharf profile image

I can't think of much 😂 ... so Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

anpams profile image

I wish I would have thought about this. I can't believe I wrote a whole introduction instead!

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

😂 - hm, how about: what's your favorite tech stack right now?

sohailrajput profile image
Sohail Ahmad

Hi everyone, really excited to join the community. I code daily, learn almost daily and do sketching and drawing almost monthly. In a state of war with myself to avoid procrastination. Hope you guys are good and enjoying your life... :)

cristinaruth profile image
Cristina Ruth

Hello all, I'm Cristina and I have been in tech for 6 years now since I graduated college. I started as an intern, worked my way up the ladder and I'm now a senior dev and lead a team of devs through various development projects from start to finish.

Nowadays, technical skills are on the lower-end of the spectrum for me in terms of learning. I love learning instead about leadership topics and other soft skills like communication, team alignment and working with various people.

Since I started as an intern and wouldn't be where I am today without the mentoring I received, I am a strong advocate for junior dev mentoring, and believe that all companies should expect to hire devs with limited experience and should reserve resources to onboard them and hone their skills.

I also strongly believe in pairing and I LOVE pairing to share knowledge with co-workers or even with the entire team, as applicable.

I found my way here from twitter about how this is a welcoming community. I am looking forward to getting to know the DEV community more and hope I can contribute in some way 😄

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Welcome, Cristina! Pairing is essential!

bansheedev profile image
bANSHEE-dev • Edited

Hello everyone, my name is Andrey, I from Belarus and I am front-end developer, I'm here to learn more about HTML, CSS, JavaScript. I just begginer. I very like fronet-end. My native language is Russian; I also study English. I will be glad to any acquaintances and pen-friends

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome Andrey! Good to have you on DEV :)

hileshaswani profile image
hilesh aswani • Edited

Hello Everyone, I am hilesh and i work as a professional data engineer. I would love to expand my understanding on other aspects of software engineering and I hope this channel would help me level up my overall software dev skills

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hello Hilesh! DEV is a great place to hang out and level up your software dev skills :)

hamzahummam profile image
Hamza Hummam

Hi Everyone ! my name is Hamza Hummam, I am a Software Engineer ,I Started my career as a Fullstack Web Developer. I have experience as a Laravel, Wordpress and Embedded System Developer.Currently I am working as a Fullstack web developer in Pakistan based IT Company. I really like to learn alot about anything and everything :D .

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome Hamza! Good luck in your new fullstack web dev career!

hamzahummam profile image
Hamza Hummam

Thank you sir

caiocesar profile image
Caio Cesar • Edited

Hey Guys,

My name Caio Sousa, I'm a Web Developer from Brazil, working mainly on .NET Web Applications. I have experience with classic ASP, Web Forms and ASP.NET Core. I'm also a graduate student where I research Software Engineering and Accessibility. I'm currently learning more about Software Testing, Azure and ASP.NET Core. I enjoy spending time with my family and watching movies.

yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar

Hi Caio,

Would love to see your articles about ASP .NET Core and Azure 😉

caiocesar profile image
Caio Cesar • Edited


rogierzeebregts profile image
Rogier Zeebregts

Hi All, I'm Rogier Zeebregts from the Netherlands. Been developing for about 10 years now, so why I didn't join you all earlier, beats me ;-)
My interests are with Frontend (ok, and Backend) developing. Javascript (VueJs/Nuxt in particular), SCSS and Symfony are my strong points. I have some experience in Nativescript (Vue) and also GraphQl.

Besides this I have a passion for music. Listening to and collecting vinyl, to play in my house, as well as playing for an audience as a dj (exclusive vinyl).
Hope to learn a lot from you as well as be able to advise.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Rogier! What do you think of GraphQL so far? I've done some sample projects with it, but haven't had a chance to use it in a big production app yet.

rogierzeebregts profile image
Rogier Zeebregts

Thanks Chris. I'm intrigued by GraphQL, but I still have a long way to go! ;-) For me it's also still sampling and testing.

chilusoft profile image

Hi Dev Community, my name is Chilufya Mukuka and I am an enthusiast programmer from Zambia, dreaming to become a professional Software Engineer some day in the future. I write code in Python and Typescript. I have worked with Django, Angular 1 & 2+ and now I am learning how to make APIs with ExpressJS in node. I look forward to learn tons of other stuff from Community

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV! Good luck on your journey to become a professional Software Engineer!

parth_mangi profile image
Parth Mangi

Hello Amigos

I write iOS Apps and enthu for all kind of tech-related stuff.

I majorly work remotely and this is my maybe first Remote Community which I have hope to get into it.

You know guys that ideal community in one programmer's mind like StackOverflow.😄

I am here to look out for anything and everything.

Still to be specific:-

1) New Projects and Opportunities to Learn and Grow
2) Long-lasting relations with Remote Workers wanted to know their stories and them.
3) Help ther fellow developers in a community in their projects technically or any way possible maybe like testing, needs a document review, etc.

So yeah this is basically a short version of myself.

Hola Again and I hope to connect with awesome people here.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hello! Welcome to DEV :)

How do you like working remotely? What are the biggest 2 or 3 challenge with it?

parth_mangi profile image
Parth Mangi

Well, right now I am working with on US Client remotely. We have one decided timeframe at which we daily meet and share the progress and tasks in the meeting.

We use screenshotmonitor tracker to track my work and hours spent on GSuite for our professional communication needs.

Challenges of working remotely are that you have to create your own working habits and time schedules as per the country you are working for.

Also, I need to complete the provided task on or before the deadline none the less there is any reason like technical or any delay from client-side then its okay.

Rest is not much challenging to work remotely all homely environment and work at your own schedule does provide more freedom and flexibility over your lifestyle.

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chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Those are good insights, thanks! ... yes, timezones can definitely be a challenge :) And I've also felt the challenge of making your own work habits at home. Sounds like you're doing well though!

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parth_mangi profile image
Parth Mangi

I am just learning and applying myself.😅

So What about you Chris?

Which technologies are you working on?

Thread Thread
chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

I love using React and React Native, and either Node with express, or Ruby on Rails on the backend :)

moctardiallo profile image
Moctar Diallo

Hello everyone,
I am Moctar Diallo. I love engineering and chose software development as my passion. I've spent just two years in college then dropped out, just to be able to freely chase high quality educational content from online to learn on. Three years later I'm very confident of my self and here I am! Along the way I specialized into machine learning/deeplearning and now I consider myself as a data scientist.
I am from Dakar-Senegal and I am 26 years old. My hobbies are football(soccer), reading the internet again and again and again😁, and also playing football(again); I also like to walk a lot and meditation which helps me take in shape in a good spirit. That was a little about me. Thanks!

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome Moctar! Good to have you on DEV :) That's awesome that you've been able to learn just online after those first 2 years of college! Any really good resources you'd like to share for learning software dev?

moctardiallo profile image
Moctar Diallo

Hey @chris sorry for this too late response, I'm not yet quite familiar with the platform but it is coming!
Speaking about my online courses it was nearly all from the MITOpencourseware. Also some from coursera specially for machine learning and deeplearning courses. That was a wonderful e experience in a path that I never regret following.
Thanks guys for the warm welcoming! I'm pleased!

ferventer profile image
Dana G

Hi there, it's Dana here. So glad I found this community through someone I follow on twitter! I really like how everyone's friendly here.
I'm software engineer now, my whole way to this role looks like this though: ISP techsupport --> ISP system administrator --> network engineer --> system administrator --> software dev --> senior software dev --> devops --> software engineer. Now my goal is become software architect and I have a lot to learn!
Currently working in awesome IoT startup. My favorite languages to use are python and golang.
I spend my free time polishing my drawing skills, I like the idea that one should have something for brain (that's my job), for hands (that would be drawing) and for body (I love walking and dancing).
Alright, that's me, nice to meet you all!

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome Dana! Yes, I love how friendly people are here as well - it's a great community! What type of things do you like to draw the most?

calvinfronda profile image
Calvin Fronda

Hello All, my name is Calvin Fronda and I am a full stack web developer based out Los Angeles. I started my career in 2018 building websites from CMS like Wix, Squarespace and wordpress. I wanted to build something from scratch so I started to self teach myself web development. After burning through every tutorial known to man, I felt the need to go to something more structured so I attended a coding bootcamp in my area. They taught me the foundations, but I'm still learning everyday.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome Calvin! How did you find attending a bootcamp? I hear they can be pretty intense :)

calvinfronda profile image
Calvin Fronda

Hey Chris! It was very challenging, but one of the most satisfying things I've ever done. Working in groups and solving problems as a team is very rewarding. You really need to give up a lot of fun things in life, like playing games or going out because of the intensity of the program. Besides that I had a great time and still connect with everyone in my cohort!

Thread Thread
chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

That's really cool :) - that's one thing I miss about college - the ability to work with friends on some really hard project until 2am, and then feel a huge sense of accomplishment when it's over :)

Glad you enjoyed it!

hajar6774 profile image
Onayemi Hajarah

Hi, this is Hajarah Onayemi from Nigeria :)

I'm a Front-end and Back-end Developer. I'm looking for improve my career and expand my knowledge in other areas like Frameworks.

Sure I'll learn a lot here!


chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hello, and welcome to DEV! What type of frameworks are you most interested in?

sanyamkaul profile image
Sanyam Kaul

Hey there!
This is Sanyam here. Currently in Junior Year pursuing Computer Science Engineering. I just completed my 4 PRs for #Hacktoberfest2019 and got a link through their mail which brought me here. Seems like a great place to learn, surrounded by so many skilled developers and tech lovers.
Its fun being here!

zoubid profile image

hey everyone , im from algeria ( i bet you dont know where that is ) i love games , art and computers , i needed a place where i could learn and keep my self connected to ppl like me , im a total beginner or at least thats how i feel every time i learn something new and discover how computer science is just so VAST , i wanna make websites and games make android apps as well as softwares , thank you for having me here with you <3

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV! Yes, the computer science is a HUGE topic - and can be overwhelming! Just take it one step at a time - and dive into projects that interest you... learn what you need as you need it, and you'll get there eventually!

What types of games do you want to make?

strang999 profile image
Anton Shumeiko

Hello! My name is Anton, I am from Ukraine.
I am desired to start a new career as a Web Developer.
I already got some pieces of knowledge in vanilla JavaScript, and now trying to get some of React magic) I am working on the MovieDB project right now.
I am motivated self-learner and searching for help, inspiration and useful articles here from you, guys)

vijaydandu profile image

Hi Anton,

Welcome to . Is your project similar to imdb ? Do you plan to host video streaming too ?

dsdshcym profile image
Yiming Chen

Hi everyone! I'm Yiming Chen, a software developer from China.

I love programming in Elixir and Ruby. I'm also an advocator for TDD
and other XP practices. I write a lot about all of these at: In this blog, I have also put down some thoughts on
Agile and management as well. So if you can check it out and leave any
feedback you have, I'd be really appreciated.

I've been a reader for a long time. So I think it's time for me
to contribute back. I'll cross post my articles here. And if you have
any questions about Elixir, Ruby, Testing, Management, feel free to
reach out to me!

bensonira profile image
Ben Sonira

Hi everyone, I am Bensonira and I am a junior web developer since 2018. At this time I work as a php/symfony developer.So I'd like to improve my skills about web technology like React,js and so one. I like also to learn new things from software Engineer and share my experience.That why I join this community.
So this is a litle about me

mekhabasofiane profile image
Sofiane Mekhaba

Hi everybody.
My name is Sofiane, I'm Software Engineer. I'm curious about developing challenged Software. Actually I'm focusing for developing with Java Spring framework.
In fact, I'm her to share and to get the knowledge.
Thanks and have a great day.

dracon profile image
Wolfgang Born • Edited

Hi folks.
my name is Wolfgang living near Trondheim in Norway. I'm working as a web developer using Laravel, Vue, React and more :)

My native language is swiss german
Otherwise norsk (norwegian), deutsch, francaise and english :)

Nice to be here <3

diegoandai profile image
Diego Andai Castilla

Hi! My name is Diego Andai, I'm currently finishing my software engineering studies. I've done research on deep learning but I'm more focused now on software development. What I love most about the dev world is the opportunity to work in different fields, from web pages to airplanes' software.

I also love stand up comedy so if you have any recommendations let me know! Comedians I like the most probably are Tom Segura and Daniel Sloss.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Diego, welcome! If you like tech things and standup comedy - here's a standup comic that does nerdy comedy: Matt Parker (this ones's about spreadsheets! I wouldn't call it the best comedy out there; but it's still pretty great 😂

stak21 profile image
Shoji Takashima

Hello! My name is Shoji and I am a Software Engineer. Currently busy as an intern at a startup, but trying to do some side projects and learn new technology. I am currently interested in React and have created some things with it, which I enjoyed. Honestly I did not think I would enjoy working with frontend work, but surprisingly it was very exciting. I was primarily focused on being a backend engineer, but have shifted my focus to more of a full stack.

PS: sorry if isn't appropriate place, but my internship will end soon and if anyone knows a lead I would appreciate the help! Thank you~

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Shoji! Sorry, I don't have any good job leads for you :) but good luck!

nandhakumar7792 profile image

Hi All! I am web developer. I started with C# & ASP.NET and now more focused on JavaScript. I have started revisiting the basics [HTML, CSS & JS] and venturing out into React & Redux. I came to know about from twitter and was keen to know more about it. Thank you!

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV! This is a great place to stay on top of React :) It can move fast! So I like how I can just come to DEV to see what's new and interesting.

cheebamedic profile image
Cheeba Medic

I just came across this community. It seems interesting and i give it a try.

thejoezack profile image
Joe Zack


jacobherrington profile image
Jacob Herrington (he/him)

Hi! Welcome to DEV 🤠

bvkin profile image
Ben Kincaid

Hey everyone! My name is Ben from Boston Massachusetts. I have a background in automation and devops. Currently I’m on a project developing a serverless application written primarily in python. I’m my free time I try to write automation and configuration for my home lab. Still trying to improve my development skills. Looking forward to doing so with all of you!

kucharovaslbek profile image
Aslbek Kucharov

Hello to all! My name is Aslbek and I from Uzbekistan I recently began to study web development and as it turned out all this is very interesting. Today I am 17 years old and I have already entered the Technological University and you and chose the profession of an IT specialist

mbinayak profile image
Binayak Mishra

Welcome Aslbek. Glad to have on board. Like you I am also new here, cheers.

kokoroach profile image

Hey guys! I'm Jonel, a back-end Python snek from the Philippines. I've been browsing articles here and I really like them a lot. I consider myself a newbie in the field so I decided to create my account to learn more and to become awesome like you guys.

My interest revolves around software design and archi (good practices), open source, DevOps (Psychology) and the microservices, AI, ML and blockchain.

During free times, I usually play BDO and Dota2, bike, hike or climb. There you have it, Mabuhay!

P.S. I am not a cat!

louissayers profile image
Louis Sayers

Hi all!

I'm Louis, I'm a full stack developer with around 10 years industry experience.

Currently I'm building up, and helping web developers land their first job in the industry.

That being said, I'm also continually learning, and feel like I'm only just getting started. Joining is another new thing for me, and I'm looking forward to being involved in the community.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV! 👋

akankshasonkar17 profile image
Akanksha Sonkar

Hello fellow developers!

I am Akanksha Sonkar an underGrad studying software engineering in India. My passion for coding initially began with learning basic DS/Algorithms and Competitive Programming and learning AI and DL. I have learnt various languages and made simple projects in java,using spring, C++ and python. And now I am looking forward to make clean and functional applications that will make a positive impact .

priyas1 profile image

Hello Everyone, I am Priya and I am a Specialist Solution Engineer. I started my career as a Technical Support Engineer. I have worked for AWS ; Citrix and Microsoft . Recently i have switched my career towards Preslaes role to get taste of technical sales aspect.

I enjoy reading and travelling. Happy to connect with you all :).

akbasonder profile image
Önder Akbaş

Hello everybody,
I am Onder from Istanbul Turkey. I am software engineer.
For a long time, I used Java based technologies.

I participated in different web and backend development projects.
Since the beginning of 2018, I changed my technology stacks.
I learnt React Native, React.Js, TypeScript, Node.Js, ES6, Docker, GraphQL (server:Prima, client:Apollo).
I developed a social media app by using those technologies.
I love open source projects and I can be a member of good projects.
Best Regards.

alexdkaminski profile image
Alex Kaminski

Hey devs! My name is Alex and I've just started a new job as a front-end developer. I've been working in web dev for around 5 years now but have mainly focused on building static sites over web apps. I'm currently learning and building things in React and GatsbyJS and am loving it. The new role uses Python for the back end so I'm currently touching up on my Python knowledge from High School. Any recommendations on Python learning resources would be greatly appreciated. I'm looking forward to meeting some new people and learning new things.

authief profile image
Robert Gold

Congrats on the new gig, Alex! It's great to see you love React (we use it exclusively on the front end here at Knotch). I just joined this community and am hoping to connect with more React and Ruby developers. That's our stack here, and as I'm not an engineer, I just love to learn how everyone implements these technologies as I'm hiring for the team (NY-only right now)!

Hope you're well, and it's great to connect.

frincuioana profile image
Ioana Frincu

Hi guys!

I am Ioana and I am a software engineer. ATM I am doing my MEng in Information and Computing Systems Engineering and I am the COO of Creative Tim, a startup focused on developing resources for software developers.

lewiskori profile image
Lewis kori

Welcome to the community loana!

lkobylski profile image
Łukasz Kobylski

Hello everybody,
My name is Lukasz and I'm a Software Developer. I have been programing for 10 years. Started in web technologies like PHP, throug frontend (HTML, CSS, Javascript) and now I'm working in backend. I currently work mainly in Go and NodeJS. I like learn new things. In my free time I create something in IoT (RaspberryPi and Arduino). I'm living in Poland but work for Netherlands AdTech company.

Nice to meet you all!

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Welcome to DEV Community ! 🎉

cuznz profile image

Newbie to this type of environment and all things web dev. I wrote some basic web pages 20+ years ago. Looking for recommendations for starting out learning web dev - everything from setting up my system to tools of choice to where to start.

mnicholson219 profile image

Hi all, I'm Nicho.
I'm a backend developer who loves Python and HA systems.
I'm keen to contribute to an open source project, for experience, and to give back, I've been only a consumer for too long.
Looking forward to finding some inspiration and motivation here.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome Nicho! What's an HA system?

iicwerhelihlek profile image
Odwa Cwerhelihle Kula

Hello everyone. My name is Odwa Cwerhelihle Kula and I have just started with my Web & Software Development career. I have recently built a Greeting app with Java and a web page for a non-profit organization running at my community and that is how I am testing my skills. I have fallen in love with coding and I am excited about what it has instore for me.
The main reason why I joined this platform is to interact with other devs and get exposure as much as I can because I love learning new things and being challenged.
For now, that's it form me. Stay blessed everyone!

ganesh737 profile image

Hi Everyone,
I am Ganesh and a Embedded Software Engineer. I work on connected devices.

Looking forward to getting my hands dirty with Python, DJango

I love to tinker with my Beaglebone Black and Raspberry Pi.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Ganesh! I used to work more with Embedded, but haven't done it for awhile - what types of things do you like to do with your Beaglebone and Pi?

nsteiner profile image
Nate Steiner

Hello, I'm Nate. I followed Chris Coyier here from a twitter post that linked to a post he made here. I've been making websites forever. Lately I'm interested in VueJS and feeling lucky that I can incorporate it into client work!

chriscoyier image

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome Nate! Good to have you on DEV :)

bytejunkie profile image
matt short

Hey, my name is Matt and i call myself a dev. i do platform engineering stuff, so think of automated deployments to azure/aws with azure devops/octopus/whatever.

I'm good enough at git, powershell, terraform but looking to fill gaps and add knowledge of good processes.

not sure how many platform devs are on here, it seems to be more software dev, but i'll see if i can't learn some bits and maybe help out of platform stuff comes up.

edore_u profile image
Edore E U

Hello guys am Edore EMMANUEL, am actually new to coding,have been on and off at it before now(procrastinating)...just recently decided to be serious with it,currently using free resources like FCC and one paid udemy course. Well I came here because it discusses about programming (Js precisely ) so anything that will reinforce my will to learn ...I will need love . As am trying to make a career in Tech. I hope to learn alot from you guys post.thanks

mgmc2 profile image
Max G

Hi there! I'm Max. I'm a GCSE student in the UK. I can program confidently in Python 3, and I am in the process of learning basic HTML to make a website showcasing my photography ( I look forward to sharing ideas and help here at!

courtney__codes profile image
C:\ourtney • Edited

Hello everyone! My name is Courtney and I am currently a computer science student. Right now I am learning C#, JavaScript/TypeScript and Java. I graduate with my associates in the summer of 2020 and with that I am hopeful to start my career in technology. I am really looking forward to meeting you all!

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

Hi Courtney! Welcome to DEV!

scastile profile image

Hello World! I found the DEV Community through my participation in Hacktoberfest! This is my third year as a Hacktoberfest contributor. I work as a technology coordinator for a library which means I wear a lot of hats :) I'm currently interested in web design, smart-home technology and raspberry pi projects.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Shane! Have you done any neat home tech projects yet? I'm always kind of looking to get into that, but then get pulled away to other projects 😂

lakk14 profile image
Laukik • Edited

Hi everyone, my name is Laukik and I am a Software Engineer working on Backend Technologies like Java, NodeJS. Also working on GraphQL ,Springboot and lived in AWS Ecosystem. I'm learning technologies to be an Full Stack Developer. Sharing Ideas and Code Ethics will grow everyone as developer, thats what drive me here.

svyzz profile image
Arun Venkatram • Edited

Kia Ora! My name is Arun and I presently work as a Software Developer at Xero _in _Wellington, New Zealand.

My regular job involves a fair amount of coding with most things .NET (Core), and an article around the same is what brought me to this wonderful community initially.

I decided to stay back for all of the other articles on various technology stacks, development practices, the varying thoughts, the multitude of opinions and most importantly, the people!

Outside of work I have a family that keeps me relatively busy and I attempt to play, watch and analyse cricket whenever I can! (Here's a picture of the beautiful Melbourne Cricket Ground that I took on a tour not too long ago).

codyt profile image

Hello Devians! My name is lanre. I'm a newbie frontend developer. Although, still getting the hang of Javascript and CSS. I'm hoping to learn as much as I can here. During my free time, I do UI designs. Hope this intro helps.

magisystem profile image
MAGI System

Hello, I'm Davide from Italy, and I'm a .net full stack dev (c#) but I love to learn new things in my free time. Now I'm 50% dev and 50% consultant about business related problem for my customer and sometimes I work with industrial scales for making interface with business software.
In my free time I read, playing videogames, cook and listen music (in top of all power metal). Oh, I forgot the most important thing!!! I really really love to travel, but I can't do this more then two or three times in a year^

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome Davide! Italy is on the list of places I want to visit sometime :) Glad to have you on DEV!

edwardsj0 profile image
Jason Edwards

Hi there, my name is Jason, self taught software developer and passionately curious, I'm here to learn things I don't know and just dive deeper into those things that drive my curiosity. My experience includes a lot of C# and MS SQL, and a bit of JavaScript. I'm truly enjoying JS for it's ease and definitely want to learn more. But at the same time I'm curious about Python, C and a few others. Currently learning Angular and TypeScript.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV Jason! 👋

chenriq5 profile image
Cassandre Henriquez

Hey everyone, my name is Cassandre and I'm a Front end developer. I really enjoy UI because of the creative aspect of it. I worked with Angular, jQuery and a few custom js frameworks. A co-worker of mine recommended this community, because I wanted to place to connect with other devs, learn some new things, and pick some challenges. I'm currently learning Java and Vue.js, mostly because it will help me at work, but also because I want to be a full stack dev (not using Node). On a different note, I do enjoy dancing, drawing, going out for dinners and shows & traveling whenever I can. :)

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Not enough developers talk about going dancing :)

nitinkatkam profile image
Nitin Reddy

Hello everybody!

I am Nitin Reddy and I am currently an ERP consultant. I worked as a full-time software developer till a few years ago but I continue to contribute to the organization that I work for by writing code. My first for-pay project was in Java, I briefly became an Oracle and MS SQL Server database administrator, then I was a full-time C# developer, a PHP developer, and now write code in Python and Ruby. I developed some apps (internal to the organization I worked for) for Android (Java) and iOS (Swift).

I live in Dubai and worked in Abu Dhabi after my office shifted last year... till a few weeks ago. The daily Dubai-Abu Dhabi commute took a lot out of me and left me with little time to read or do anything at all after work hours. One of the first things I did after resigning was to sign up on!

alexsandr0x profile image
Alexsandro Francisco

Hello! my name is Alexsandro and I work as Data Engineer in a edTech. I'm a Computer Science Student and love to work/study with a lot of different topics such as robotics, distributed systems, machine learning, big data and many others.

Recently I decided that will be cool to be more active in tech communities to learn new things and pass my knowledge to people who would be interesting in.

besides that I love games, mainly cardgames but also huge fan of strategy games.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome Alexsandro! Being active in tech communities is a great way to grow your knowledge and awareness :) Good luck on your studies!

What's your favorite game at the moment?

alexsandr0x profile image
Alexsandro Francisco


Recently on the cardgame side I'm playing a lot of pokemon TCG with my little cousins to help them learn english and basic math, but my favorite is Magic the Gathering. On strategy side Stellaris and Europa Universalis are my favorites

Thread Thread
chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Ah, playing card games is a great and innovative way to teach/learn English and math! Fun!

I haven't seen Stellaris and Europa Universalis - I'll have to check them out :)

lucasmarinzeck profile image
Lucas Marinzeck • Edited

Hey, I'm Computer Science student and I just started my career as developer. I've been working at infrastructure area (with Docker, AWS and Linux environments) since the start of this year but I finally switched to dev area, which I was looking for. I currently work with Java but I'm learning React Native as well.
It's good to find a great community that is always trying to help newcomers and spread knowledge.

jharteaga profile image
Jose Arteaga

Hi fellows, I'm José and I'm a software developer. I'm here because I want to learn from you, and everything that I learn since now, I would like to share it with you, because the best way to to speed up the learning process is sharing the new knowledge with others, and it's also a good way to practice and do not forget it.

sugardave profile image
Dave Freeman

Hello! My name is Dave and I, too, am a software least that's what my HR entry lists :D

I started my professional development career as part of Developer Relations for Palm/HP helping customers write web apps for webOS on the HP TouchPad and Palm webOS phones. Since then, I've stuck around webOS while we weathered many storms only to come out alive as LG's premiere smart TV operating system and new app framework, Enact.

Before that I spent many years consulting for enterprise customers on various IBM products and delivered technical training for some Tivoli security products.

While my path to software development was long and winding, I always knew I wanted to do it and finally made it happen for myself.

giulianol24 profile image

Hey there! my name is Giuliano! I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I'm very enthusiastic about Web Dev. Currently, learning new JS frameworks like React and trying to create cool things as a freelancer!

genehyatt profile image
Gene Hyatt

Hello all! My name is Gene. I'm a frontend engineer for an amazing tech company in Berkshire County MA. Currently we are using React for most of our web apps. The other one is in Angular JS 1 (when I wrote it there was no 2 yet) and that one is almost done being rewritten in React. I also know PHP, python and I love working with node. In my free time I play video games, table top games, hike and all sorts of other things. I look forward to contributing to the community.

vsmathurcoin profile image
CA Vikram S Mathur @vsmathurcoin

@vsmathurcoin says hello to all. I am here to learn how best I can do things with my website and blog, using JavaScript and VStudio2019 in conjuction. I am also game to trying out new things and assisting anyone who deems me interesting and knowledgeable enough (your call on how to judge) - in short, I am an extremely sporting person. Cheers !! CA Vikram Shankar Mathur (vsmathurcoin)

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV! Do you use the full VStudio, or visual studio code? Any good plugins that you like for it?

anilkumarteegala profile image
Anil Kumar Teegala • Edited

Hello everyone, my name is Anil Kumar enthusiastic technology explorer and Python Developer from India. I'm here to learn more by connecting more people in the developer community on Machine Learning

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Anil! What type of Machine Learning are you most interested in?

impostrophe profile image

Oh hi, didn't see you there. I'm a software engineering student. I used to have a business buying and selling games and we had a LAN center type of thing too. One made the money; the other is where we spent all our time. I always wanted to make games but instead I was selling and playing them. No one likes a (bad) idea guy, so now I'm back in school.

char_bone profile image

Hey! I'm Charlotte, a full stack web developer. I've been working on my own for the past year after leaving my permanent position and it's really given me the opportunity to pick up all the tech I didn't use much in my last role. I've made a move from PHP team lead to getting more into Node and React and I'm really enjoying it. I found this site on Twitter, so I thought I'd join to meet some like minded people :)

destro_mas profile image
Shahjada Talukdar

Hi everyone 👋

I am Shahjada, Senior Software Engineer @eBay.
I joined few months ago, but never saw this kinda post.
So saying HI 😄 better late than never

I started writing posts already,
Please check out here

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi, I’m Katie trying this post again since my first one disappeared. I’m a beginner at programming and looking to the experienced for guidance. In Middle School I did HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Now I’m starting Angular and have watched some videos and did some online tutorials. I kind of get components but I need to understand TypeScript better. I also need to learn about filling the components with data from a server. Besides programming, I do gymnastics and some ballet, but my favorite activity is clothes shopping (probably something not common with others here!)

codegenty profile image

Hello Homosapien's

My name is Nnaemeka from Lagos, Nigeria. I am Software Engineer with also a very good knowledge of the networking world. My stacks are React, C# .NetFramework, php, JQuery, JavaScript.

Hopefully I will enjoy my stay here. Cool site.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Ehsan! Glad you could join :)

janessatran profile image
Janessa Tran

Hi all!

My name is Janessa and I will be starting my professional programming role soon as a Junior Software Engineer. I started learning full-stack web development through The Odin Project back in January, learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, and Ruby on Rails. More recently, however, I just finished The Road to React.

Outside of programming I like cats, yoga, running, and guitar. Excited to join this community and hoping to get to know some folks here 🎉

anpams profile image

Hi Janessa,
congrats for your role as junior software engineer!

janessatran profile image
Janessa Tran

Thank you!! :)

puugu profile image
Courtney Kirkham

What's The Odin Project?

anpams profile image


I'm Ana from Spain, I love cs and robots. I'm starting studying python and trying to not get scared during technical interviews.

My goal is to develop software that would help people, but until I'm rich I'm forced to work selling products for money. ew.

I'm really bad with introductions!!
Nice to meet you all!

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome Ana! Yeah, technical interviews can be intimidating... good luck!

Hopefully you can find a position where you can both help people, and make money :) They do exist!

aix_smichel profile image
Sébastien Michel • Edited

Hi Everyone, my name is Sébastien and I am located in south of France (Marseille area)

I am a former OnPremise IT architect for financial consolidation & reporting information systems (Mainly SAP)

I joined to write and share articles about IaC and Microsoft Azure as I am learning all this stuff right now. Writing articles helps me on my learning curve and maybe I will get some feedback from the community.

When I am not behind my computer working or gaming, I spend my time with my wife and my newborn boy (1 year old).

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Sébastien! Writing articles will definitely help you learn more about the topic :) It's interesting how I think I know a topic well, but then I go to write an article about it, and have to learn so much more!

Good luck with the newborn! I know how stressful that can be :)

akbasonder profile image
Önder Akbaş

Hello everybody,
I am Onder from Istanbul Turkey. I am software engineer.
For a long time, I used Java based technologies.

I participated in different web and backend development projects.
Since the beginning of 2018, I changed my technology stacks.
I learnt React Native, React.Js, TypeScript, Node.Js, ES6, Docker, GraphQL (server:Prima, client:Apollo).
I developed a social media app by using those technologies (
I love open source projects and I can be a member of good projects.
Best Regards.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Onder!

kingfaize profile image
kingfaize • Edited

Hello community.
My name is Faisal. Am from Ghana. As soon as I joined DeV I could not help but notice the warmness of this community. I felt this is a group that can help me put out the ideas that I have in my head to solve real world African problems. If you care about people, then please help me with this project.
On github

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Rangsiman! A computational chemist... that's awesome! Do you just use a super big AWS computer (or similar), or is there custom hardware for that?

Every time the welcome thread gets too long they make a new one - so v44 is just the 44th time they've made a new one. It's the latest one currently - so you posted in the right spot :)

missadev profile image

Hi! I'm here because wanna make developers friends. Read that networking its very important but everybody around me doesn't know how to code or simply don't care haha I'm frontend developer and want to live from it. Have a good day!

ujjwalsittu profile image
Ujjwal Kumar Sittu
  1. Hi, I Am Ujjwal Kumar Sittu. Android Developer at MNC. I am just 17 years old creating my identity with my codes. I am very much involved in learning Flutter , recently @imthepk(:twitter) has introduced me with Flutter for Web, very much Paasionate about it.
sardarbavneetsingh profile image

Hello, I am a bavneet. I love you all guys and the community here. Currently I am working on a android application and trying to notification and some data with it on clicking on the notification it must open specific activity and show the data received, which is you might have figured out is crazily not working and i am just receiving the notification with no data and on clicking the notification it opens home activity and not the specific one. Rest I am good and learning ML currently also REST API. 😉

azzenabidi profile image
Azzen Abidi

Hi everyone, I am Azzen. Over the last year I transitioned from software engineering to developer advocacy because I love engaging with the dev community and contributing to open source. In the process, I switched from Ruby to Python to learn software automation and data visualization. I am currently working remotely for a tech startup. This year, I am hoping I can get into frontend and improve my poor skills in this area. Always open to learning new things and meeting new people. Away from work, I love blogging about the stuff I learned and trying new activities. Super excited to be part of the community :D

martinratinaud profile image
Martin Ratinaud

Hi everyone and thanks for welcoming me in the community.

I am a happy senior full-stack developer **and **team leader who mainly focus on people and get things done.
I work remotely from Mauritius with a multicultural team and enjoy it a lot.
I'm working currently on the development of 2 platforms for musicians

  • to sell part of your copyrights to your fans and be able to trade them
  • Reclouder to be able to record your live performance directly to the Cloud (and here is the current Indiegogo campaign if you're interested

And at night, I work on a side project to help remote workers like me and my family find their sweet spot on earth Tell me what you think (and what you need)!

I do all this with React, GraphQL, microservices above gRPC, RabbitMQ, typescript and it's really fun!

Finally, I'm a husband of 1 and father of 2, who loves surfing, life hacks, spending time with family & friends and self-sufficiency


dhatababoy profile image
Jyte stanhope

Hello,I'm Jyte Stanhope.. I'm an electrical electronic technician, and a micro chip programmer.. But recently seeking for a career and knowledgeable skill in software engineering community.. I wish the next days that follows after this text to bring me knowledgeable insights as I'm working towards a career switch.. Thanks y'all.. Love y'all

dhatababoy profile image
Jyte stanhope

Almost deleted this account, because I created another a year ago.. but I stormed on this .. I will be back here in 5 months to CELEBRATE..!!!

Finna be my biggest Miracle of the year.. don't even know how it's gonna come but I've come far to quit.!


ayeshatahirdev profile image
Ayesha Tahir • Edited

Hi everyone, Ayesha Tahir here. I'm a CS student. I'm interested in web development and designing. Learning JS these days.

farhanhalai profile image
Farhan Halai

Hi everyone,

My name is Farhan and I am a Web Developer based out of Mumbai, India.
I have just joined community. Hoping to learn, share & explore new technologies.

I like to work on projects that are challenging in terms of both, logically and creativity.

That's all about me in short :)


falcoverhagen profile image
Falco Verhagen • Edited

Hi everybody, my name is Falco. I'm a software engineer student currently in my third year. I have been working as a Junior software developer for 1.5 year now. Mostly writing Android apps using Java and Kotlin. Before i started my journey of becoming a software engineer i was doing something completely different with my life. So i am still learning every day and enjoying every minute of it. I'm from the Netherlands and i live in a small Town near Eindhoven. In my spare time i like to play video games, read a good book and i also love to cook! Nice to meet you! 😀

rayner profile image
Rayner • Edited

Hi! My name is Alex and I'm currently a Front-end web developer working with Angular.

I have experience in full stack web dev (PHP, .NET, Vue, React) but have found myself leaning more towards front-end since I love designing intuitive, no instructions needed software that helps people do what they need without the frustration.

I have a particular interest in automation and machine learning (let's get computers to do more for us!).

Nice to meet you all :)

dspsolves profile image
Dhawal Singh Panwar • Edited

Hey! I'm a student whose interests revolve around IoT and Information Security. I'm from India, a developing country, thus, we have a lot of problems that I look forward to contributing towards resolving. I code in python for quick prototyping and creating proofs-of-concept. To conclude, I know something about everything. I'm all about innovation and problem-solving. 😁

devamarkr profile image

Hello EveryDev, My name is Amar and i am a computer science engineer from India .I like to share my knowledge about my work ,I everyday learn something from great people on internet and i like to spread that knowledge to everyone,I am a big fan of JS so my majority of work will around JS.

charlesbarouch profile image
Charles Barouch

I'm Charles Barouch and I am a lifelong learner. I'm currently working in mvBASIC, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and Lazarus. I'm doing a little with Python and have started reading up on Ruby. I write for (business and tech) and I write fiction (
I'm working on three opensource projects at the moment. Two are released and being worked on actively, the other will be released soon.

jchaves07 profile image

Hi devs, I'm Jorge Chaves, and I fullstack dotnet dev , I started my carrer as an .net visual basic developer in winnforms for a retail company in Costa Rica, I have n8+ years of experience, my favorite developer language is C#, and currently developer in Javascript, C#

vigneshk1518 profile image

Hi Dev's!!!
This is kumar python developer implemented Django and Flask frameworks.
I am currently working on virtualization platform for developing applications in vmware based vcenter and hyperv setup's.

faridprogrammer profile image
Farid Bekran

My name is Farid. I am a software developer from Iran.
I love to solve problems, write software that is useful for people.
I am currently working as a senior software engineer and technical team lead to one of the good companies in Iran.

yong150 profile image

Hello everyone,
I really glad to join this site,
and please look forward to it.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Good to have you! Welcome :)

qvdev profile image
QV Develop

Hi everyone,

Started as iOS developer and gradually moved into Android development. Now getting started in web development in my free time. ❤️ Coding and always learn new things. Trying to make small javascript libraries and starting to stream my coding sessions live.

natnatparis profile image
natnatparis • Edited

Hey I am Nathalie. Newbie here :). Really happy to be there.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Nathalie!

natnatparis profile image

💖💯 thank you Chris 😊

abitrolly profile image
Anatoli Babenia


I couldn't find any feedback form on Hacktoberfest site to filter out my minor PR with README and typo fixes from review queue, and I registered here. Looks like a nice alternative to Medium, which doesn't nag with subscription offers to cover the platform costs.

Speaking of platform costs I noticed this site is work related. I am without job and almost out of money and maybe I need to clarify why for the intro. Maybe somebody who passed through this will help me, or maybe I will get some stable supply for experiments with blockchain and alternative Economics for human development and battling climate crisis.

I started programming probably at 14. Before Internet the game supply was limited by your legs and money. One day I figured out myself how to edit saves. Not quite about coding, and 20 years later nothing changed much. I just was too lazy - getting MS in Automation Control because I was lazy, doing industrial automation projects (because I was lazy), automating development of industrial automation projects (and the reason is the same), and joining software development and ending as DevOps for pushing cybereconomics or in other words - not writing code again (well, almost).

I some point I realized that this laziness is hardwired. I realized that while being transferred into hospital with diagnosis "psoriasis" thanks to bloody cracks on my face popped up as a result of stress that I've got opening a company in my country. This country is famous for people to be afraid of doing business. Not because there are criminals or something, but because of "creative" governmental fundraising campaigns. By the nature of the coder's activities, all coders are lawful in a sense that you need to follow strict rules to be "a good person" for compiler and be rewarded with bugless, beautiful software of your own ownership. With opening a company I realized that there is probably no way to be "a good person" in this country at all. Probably, because the complexity of the laws, which are only available through paid access. Right, the access to the rules of the "business" gameplay is paid. The law texts are distributed as raw PDF and then every edit and amendment is published in human-only diffs, also as PDFs. To read the final text, you need to apply all those diffs with your Brain Processing Unit, but you can not reference them, because after your processing they are "unofficial". For everything else you need to pay money. The country is called Belarus. Every company and government agency uses private, proprietary software and pays to commercial company just to be able to read its own rules. Take that, Elon Musk!

Not being able to use a company as a tool to "save the World" I switched to social activities. Joining meetup community, participating in Open Data Belarus movement, opening hackerspace in Minsk together with other Linux users, even creating OpenAPI project for Belarus. But nothing came up from this OpenAPI project even though there are people supporting it. I didn't have any time-and-money induced stress, and the project did not move. With time-and-money induced stress, I have to move myself to hospital.

That's how I ended up here - no job, and no money. Doing some stuff for Hacktoberfest and getting treatment for the psoriasis at the same time.

DEV.TO is interesting to me in two aspects.

Maybe find a job?

Any job that helps me to get deeper into what's going on with my body would help. The problem with most medical companies you can apply to is that they mostly NDA, non-compete and no Open Source. Given that I am not a doctor or medical student, the impostor's syndrome is a blocker. Or maybe I am just lazy.

No Open Source is bad for me, maybe stressful, maybe gives a feeling of a jail (if only money could solve that..). Being lazy means easy switch from Insert mode to daydreaming, thinking that people already wrote this code numerous times, and instead of writing The Piece that saves the world, I am typing my hello to it over and over. Being paid doesn't really compensate the most precious thing in their life - its timespan, wasted on reinventing the wheels.

Aside from eating medicals, maybe there will be proposals to work on new kind of Economics? I know it sounds strange at the developer's forum, where people are probably supposed to discuss how to they develop things and not what they are actually doing. Like being in a nice and a cozy chair and a lamp and having all those monitors full of logs, docs and code bits tied to specific task from a tracker selected by agile consensus method according to your responsibilities to deliver a code in a given language.

In my country I like to stick with architects who, well, create architecture with houses and other facilities for human living, and they quite often work with developers who actually pour a lot of money to hire construction workers to make all this stuff built. And they are speaking about beautiful things, and drawing beautiful things (no, not developers - developers are only interested to build more houses and cut more money). And those things are not always related to buildings.

One of such things, for example, is Economics. It touches every coder, but why coders would want to care about it? In the end they are getting money big enough to not care about how it works. And yet we see that those who go amok to save the worlds with Open Source quickly vanish to survive without a budget. How come that tremendous value that is provided by Open Source to each and any enterprise, NGO and startup, is not in anyway compensated to its creators? Even if everybody agrees that this is how thing currently work, I doubt that even business people find it fair. The rules with supply and demand that we play by, date back to 1930s and are good for the inital growth and expansion. Since then we've got Internet, lots of data about people need and greed, some pressing problems with climate to be solved with technology. I think it is time to start thinking about Economic balance and creating prototypes. Joining an Open Source company that does just that would be an exciting outcome.

Maybe seed ideas?

Putting money aside, I was lazy, and I am still is. Given that I am getting old and could be turned into zombie anytime soon, there is a high risk that none of those ideas that I cherished for years will see the future. The idea with strange feeling of "urgency" and "awesomeness".

Like adding p9 file access protocol to LXD, so that I can run tests and other things like GitHub Actions on random project cloned during the day, and make it all executed in a remote disposable container. Like creating free art reacting canvas for visualizing builds, that gets real-time strings from SCons while it scans and processes dependencies. Like creating machine learning system with "online learning" that watches my screen and, with me in a feedback loop, learns "screen contexts" and what to do with that context, popping up and asking me every time when it sees something that it doesn't know. Like self learning system that finds changing numbers and text from screenshots diffs and puts them into tables to be processed later. Machine learning for automating me as a DevOps and predicting my input in isolated containers, connected to terminals running side by side with pedal switch under my desk if I like what ML continuation of my intent is doing with its terminal input stream. Connecting Google Jamboard with Inkscape - making the board operate without pen and reacting to movements and gestures, recognize them, draw with them, and ask me to show how connect unknown gesture in certain context on canvas to Inscape operations. Building a personal cybernode - self updating Linux with self updating container that can allow you participate in blockchain based social systems right from your home.


I didn't expect to write such a big post. I had to rewrite it twice to be more positive. Now I won't be deeply embarrassed tomorrow for writing something that doesn't read as an intro, but more like a rant of a person without a private life. Too lazy to have a private life either. :D

mdesouky profile image
Mohamed ElSayed

Hi everyone, my name is mohamed and I'm mainly a sysadmin turned devops engineer. I have been living in australia for 4 years now, originally came from Egypt. I like all things AWS and GCP, mainly a linux guy and bash and python scripting are my favourites.

danarthurgallagher profile image
Daniel Arthur Gallagher

Ciao, I'm Daniel and I am a Software Engineer.
I worked in Glasgow in Scotland, for some companies and then for BBC Education.
I moved to Milan in Italy to work for, who are a large online marketplace.
I would like to get into some writing, so here I am.

bugismylife profile image
Sergen Ucar • Edited

Hi everyone,

My name is Sergen. I am from Turkey. I am a full-stack developer. I used to work with Java but I work with Python. I try to make an e-learning project with open-edx project on github. Working is my ambitious but sometimes I feel like I am bored. I loved learning new things about everything which I interest. I would like to be good at Python, Django, Linux, Javascript, Docker. (These are my goals). But the thing is planning to learn all that kind of things look like huge for me, to be honest I am a little bit scared about time. I work in a start-up company. The most of my free time I spend learning new software skills like I mentioned. I really want to help everyone who is willing to learn coding. I hope you can help me, too. :)

gofmannir profile image
Nir Gofman

Hello :)
My name is Nir Gofman a web & app developer for more than 8 years. Starting looking for a website to start a little blog writing and connect with good people. I'm 20 from Israel and my passion is development - The ability to create new Things from scratch it's just adorable. I had my own startup for 4 years, gained some experience and now I'm focused for my next challenge. Hope to write useful content here and make connections with good people :)

spwr007 profile image

Hi everyone
My name is shailesh and I'm a javascript developer. I started my career as an intern working on sleek.js, bootstrap, android.
Then switched to freelancing where I have worked on projects using PHP, laravel, Ionic for hybrid apps. After joining an IT company I started my career where I explored more on JS and worked on ReactJS, React Native, GatbysJS, NextJs,NodeJS, express, MongoDB,MySQL, laravel,CakePHP, Wordpress,KeystoneJs, Contentfull, Graphql and many more things. I'm from Mumbai,India. I'm here to gain more knowledge and sharp it in its way.

faisalmaqsood786 profile image
Faisal Maqsood

Hi everyone, my name is Faisal and I am a Software Engineer. I started my carrier as a PHP developer but in the past 2 years I’m focused on Python, I have a total of 4 years of experience in the Software Industry, but I like to always learn new things too as React Native, some DataScience stuff. I research, I code or exercise the new technology myself and reach out to experts for advice - either online or even better, within my circle of coworkers.

iweaker4you profile image
Alejandro Bringas

Hi guys!

My name is Alejandro and i am a Computer Systems Engineer from Baja California , Mexico, I started developing with the HTML/JS/CSS/PHP language 8 years ago, I have 3 years that I started C and Python too, I really like to experiment implementing solutions to problems that I have with my configurations, for example to solve problems of errors with WINE (Compatibility layer) solving it with C and compile the new build.

I am a Linux user (I used to use Ubuntu, now Arch Linux) since I was 10 years old (currently 24), which I like to expand my knowledge by learning every day of the system.

I am a passionate PC Gamer, lover of the JRPG as is Final Fantasy.

Keep developing guys, have a good day.

mggalanags profile image

Hi All! My name is Grace and I've been working on projects as a front-end developer for 2 years now. I've been wanting to learn about Vuejs and ReactJs and a little bit of NodeJs since I'm aiming to a full stack web developer. I live in the Philippines. I hope we can be friends!

fly profile image
joon • Edited

Hi, everyone, I'm Joon. I got introduced to the community from a friend when I told him I needed high quality production-level projects to study/contribute to.
Began as a back-end node/express-mongo dev, but sort of fell in love with React hooks and decided on a front-end career. Have a probably-more-than-average understanding and experience making windows/mac apps with electron.js.
Would love to work on as many side-projects as possible and master react(or whichever framework I prefer in the future) to another level.
Love code review and any form of constructive feedback.
Thanks :)

kingsleyukeje profile image

I’m a Pro designer with a Bachelors in Computer Science.
I’ve worked internationally, in-house and remotely on projects for leading brands, agencies, startups and charities. I care deeply about creating world-class, useful and beautiful products that help people and make a difference.
I like to be involved at different stages of a digital project, from the seed of the idea, through to sketches, design and even the front-end and back-end build, this means I can jump in at any stage of a project, or take on the whole project, from design to build. When I’m not drawing shapes and picking colours
I play games and watch movies.
That’s just Kingsley.

jenjnif profile image

Hi all. I am a junior Python dev. I am self-taught and freelance working from home so I don't get out much! I try to be part of online tech communities to help my learning and to chat to other people about how they work. To get me out of the house I like to go to the gym and climb, that's pretty much my social life. Looking forward to getting involved, reading articles and seeing what goes on, on here.

dit2518 profile image
kasidit bualoeng

Hi guys
My name is Kasidit or you can call me "Sub". I am a software developer who just gets started from a frontend like React, javascript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap. I also have experience with backends such as Java and Node.js. I love winter and summer sports.
I want to be a full-stack Java developer but still looking to connect the dots to get a full-time job.
Please feel free to contact me for any sources or information for me to learn and practice.


thegeeksquad profile image

Hello everyone, My name is Zack and I am currently a network engineer. I enjoy networking but have found myself gaining an interest in programming. I have tinkered with Rust, Go, React and NodeJS. I am excited to join a community to help me improve my skills and that doesn't mind that fact that I am an absolute beginner.

filmon_habtu profile image
Filmon Habtu

Hi everyone, my name is filmon and I am glad that I finally get to join this awesome dev community. I am a Full stack developer currently based in Lagos. I am a lover of JavaScript (TypeScript) and get to work with React and NodeJS in my day-to-day job. In the past I have also worked with PHP and Laravel for building web applications.

I am very enthusiastic about web technologies and always try to make out time to write technical articles and build or contribute to open source projects. When I am not working, I am either reading, seeing a movie, or spending time with friends and family

cakkhoiron profile image
Cak Khoiron

Hi All,

My name is Khoiron, currently i work as Data Engineer after my graduation from college. My day to day task is work with Talend Studio. Sometime, we use .Net for several case. This month, we start to research about mongodb for production matters. Last weekend, we just learned if mongodb is consume a lot of memory. On the Friday, we deploy our application to insert data to mongodb server. Suddenly, our server out of memory and mongodb shut itself down. Fortunately, we just got it up again tonight after a lot of repair and configuration. This learning point make us thinking to scale our mongodb server. We have no idea yet which one is our best solution between vertical scaling or horizontal scaling.

It's great to have you all guys....

gunnerjnr profile image
David Gunner (Jnr)

Hello everyone, my name is Dave, most people call me Gunner though (as its my surname and there are too many Daves in the family) so feel free! I am a junior full stack looking to get a foot in the door in the tech industry, I gained my diploma in February 2018. I am currently learning the basics of React, and participating in Hacktoberfest. My personal website can be viewed here

devination profile image
Devin Curry

Hi all! My name is Devin. I work as a Technical Artist in the video game industry. I write tools for the creative teams and automate the boring parts of game development. I'm not entirely sure how my skills would translate to a traditional tech job title but if anyone has an idea I'd be interested to hear it.

Python and C++ are my main languages. Everything I know is self-taught (I went to art school 😄) and I'm constantly looking to learn so I can beat my imposter syndrome.

Aside from game development and learning to become a "real" programmer, I'm also spending a lot of my time developing algorithmic trading strategies. Also, I just completed the Hacktoberfest challenge 🎃🎉

adrwer profile image
Adrian Werimo

Habari zenyu (that's Swahili for 'hi everyone'). My name is Adrian Werimo. I joined the platform in February this year but never took the time to introduce myself. It's never too late though is it? I'm a software engineer based in Nairobi, Kenya. I've worked on projects in C# (.NET), PHP (Codeigniter and Fatfree) and the MEAN stack. I'm currently learning Android and Python development. In my free time I like to watch movies and play RPG and especially FPS video games. I also read alot. Have a blessed one everyone

luscala profile image
Luca Scala • Edited

Hi guys, nice to be a member! I’m a coder since I was 8. I have a wide experience: from VB6 to Node.js, passing through ASP.NET and Spring. I love Typescript, modern Js frameworks and cloud computing. Currently I’m engaged in a large project within an insurance company. I hope to write an article asap!

charlesngeru profile image
Charles Ngeru

Hi guys, my name is Charles and I'm currently a computer science student but I'm looking to expand my knowledge base. I've picked up several languages and skills along the way, such as Java, Python, Kotlin, Javascript, HTML, CSS, typescript and several frameworks including Angular. So mostly web and mobile apps development.
I'm looking to learn React, React-Native, Flutter just to mention but a few. I look forward to learning from all of you.
In my spare time, I love gaming. Watching Movies and Football.

I'll have to stop there for now. Hehe.

yash9685 profile image
Yash Gupta

Hey guys, my name is Yash and I am a Software Engineer.Talking about my interest I like back-end development it's sort of my kinda thing. I play games, watch scary movies which I can't handle sometimes. I do crazy things, when I walk into the kitchen as pretending myself to be the master chef is me though. Free time i read some books and how could i forget the social media but a little.

cwagnersc profile image

Hellow, folks!
My name is Carlos Wagner and I work with sysadmin, changing to devsecops, but I code sometimes for fun and to solve little problems.
I love Open Source and Linux, retrogaming.
I'm from São Luis, capital of Maranhão, Brazil. I saw this announcemment ( and here I am.

rey99 profile image
Reyaz Ahamed

Hi all!! I am Reyaz. I am CS student starting to learn various things. I am mostly interested in data science and machine learning and also interested in the mathematics part of CS.

So that's a little bit about me. Hoping to learn and grow more here.

igoog profile image
Paul Boudreaux

Hello World! I've built and run a VR Arcade and Lounge in Seattle. I've got about 15 years of software development experience. One of my last projects I built using Vue, JHipster, MariaDB, and Pentaho. I maintain it on Digital Ocean droplet instance with Ubuntu and NGINX as a proxy. It's a highly cost effective way to run a simple project with millions of records. I've been toying around with JAMstack via Gridsome, and find myself wanting to build micro frontend web components. I believe that this emerging architecture stands to transform the makeup of the web.

I'm also looking for work, remotely as I am used to or located in Seattle. To be completely honest, that is what brought me here. Hi DEV! I followed some of your team on twitter, and you have successfully lured me here.

pradipta007 profile image

Hello everyone Myself Pradipta Ghatak.I am currently doing my Masters in Computer Application and I am interested into learning new Technologies out there.Just completed 4 PR's for hactoberfest and it was really an amazing experience. I am also a movie buff who takes movies very seriously :p .I am from India.

tgusd profile image

It's so good to be here!
I'm from Liberia, West Africa.
I'm very new,and I'm learning HTML, CSS,and JavaScript.

hnarasaki profile image

Hi, I'm Heidi and I'm currently working with JavaScript. My current side project is Hacktoberfest! I love Python! <3 I'm currently reading "Your First Year in Code" by author

isaacdlyman image

brnkrygs profile image
Brian Krygsman


I'm Brian... long-time lurker, first time poster. Excited to try and get involved in a community that's as positive as this one.

I've been doing professional software development for getting close to two decades now ... it's been an absolute blast so far and I'm to the point where I enjoy teaching and mentoring almost as much as I enjoy learning 🙂🤓

Hoping to hear about stories and experiences from folks here to continue my own development and am happy to share my own if it will help others.

Currently, I'm a Cloud Architect at a consulting organization, and have been focused on the Internet of Things in particular for the last few years. I spend a lot of time in AWS and Azure, building on their serverless products like Lambda, and helping our clients make decisions about the best way to bring their products to market. Before that, I was an application developer and consultant, writing mostly web apps on a number of different stacks.

I've seen a lot of fads come and go and am always up for an in-depth (friendly) discussion about abstraction levels 😀

tomic_mihael profile image
Mihael Tomić • Edited

Hi all! I'm currently working as a design lead and I'm glad to be here, came to learn more about CSS and little shiny frontend tricks.

rizkyrajitha profile image
Rajitha Gunathilake

I am rajitha from Sri Lanka , I am still an undergraduate. I am interested in react, nodejs and flutter . looking forward to learning cool stuff, and always happy to help someone.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome rajitha! Good luck in your studies :)

rizkyrajitha profile image
Rajitha Gunathilake

thank you sir.

nokaperrin profile image
Cameron Perrin

Hey I'm Cameron, I'm relatively new to the Dev world (1 year) but I absolutely love it! I have a background in graphic design and photography so the front end comes more natural to me. I really appreciate the time and dedication people put towards the coding community and I'm proud to be a part of it!

codehunta profile image
Stanley Umezuruike

Hello DEV! I am Stan Lee, a newbie to coding and certainly not a writer :)

I am here to read about senior developers' experience and any advice they could have for someone who wants to start off in coding. I am an avid learner, I sometimes overload myself with information so a little guidance would certainly go a long way to direct my path.

So, that's me in a nutshell

luiz_reverso profile image
Luiz Reverso

Hey there, my name is Luiz and I'm responsible for developing tools to make our dev's life easier. Nowadays I'm developing a graphic tool that create a whole frontend in react with contexts, hooks and stuff.

charlesokafor91 profile image
Charles Okafor

Hi everyone! I'm a data scientist and a junior software developer on the road to becoming a machine learning expert. I hope to learn a lot and soon start teaching and contributing.

Nice to meet you all

terrylan profile image

Hi guys,

My name is Terry and I'm a software developer. Google lead me here. The articles made me signup and reading the post and comments below, seeing how welcoming the people are makes me want to stay.
I'm into PHP and Python. Hopefully, I can learn more and contribute if I can.
Cheers guys!

rafiizzatulrizqufaris profile image

Hello, My name is Quifar and I'm just Software Engineer Student at TARUNA BHAKTI High School in Indonesia. And now, I'm learning about mobile development and c#.

So, That's little about me..

(Sorry for my bad English) :D

puugu profile image
Courtney Kirkham

Hi! My name is Courtney Kirkham, but I prefer to go by Puugu. I am an Application Developer working in Web GIS, particularly with ESRI technologies. I'm always curious about learning more, and would love to get into open source (hence hacktoberfest, which lead me here). In my free time, I enjoy reading - especially fantasy, science fiction, and history - or playing board games with my friends.

usalih profile image

I am usman salih ,a student of software engineering in Nigeria. I am a website programming using a bit knowledge(html,css and javascipt)...presently learning python .
I love communication and meeting new people,trust me.i am always ready to learn and work .lastly,i use my free time to hangout,attend meetups and watch movies❤

kseikyo profile image
Lucas Sierota

Greetings everybody, my name is Lucas and I'm a Software Engineer student. As I'm in love with developing, I'm also in love with psychology, meditation, hypnosis and all sorts of things that can help you improve your mental health in life. I've had a rough time already, so my focus from day to day is to make peoples lives better while achieving my own happiness!
I'm also an introvert, so this is introductions are still quite a challenge for me. But as anything in life, there's always room for improvement!

ankitbeniwal profile image
Ankit Beniwal

Hi everybody,

This is Ankit Beniwal from India. I am a student pursuing MCA. Although My all-time favorite is Web Development but my interests keep changing. Currently I am interested in JavaFX and the related cool stuff of Desktop Application Development using Java.

Here is my first attempt at it :

And this gave way to my new hobby of showcasing what I develop via Youtube.

I am here to learn from you all. My Twitter Handle is :


jujorie profile image
Juan José Riera

Hi, My Name is Juan and I am a Software Engineer from Spain. I startet back on the 90's with Basic (no the visual one) and learn a lot old languages and frameworks. I'm allways up to Help others and learn from others. Right now I'm working on graphql stuff, nodejs, react-native and mysql

See you around!!

hspotorno profile image
Henrique Spotorno

Hi, all!

My name is Henrique, I'm originally from Brazil but now live in Vienna, Austria. I'm a product manager who also does front-end development on the side. I work as part of a product development agency during the day, and develop side projects together with another developer on my free time. Our most recent project is, a privacy-focused development platform.

I'm always looking to learn a bit more, either in development, or management tasks. Feel free to reach out if you want to talk!


mnjaro profile image

Hello Guys! My name is Aria and I am a Software / Web Developer. Yet, that doesn't cover the full panel of stuff I love about informatics. I consider myself a learner for ever which is maybe one of the main reasons I joined this community. I am an active Open Source "society" member/contributor and I am currently working on my Arch Linux workstation, which is a pain to the eyes (considering the amount of documentation you need to read) but will be a real accomplishment when done. Regarding code, I am presently working on a Express (NodeJS) / Appolo / Graphql API which is going to back a mobile App (Cross-platform which I will be building). The App will serve as a helper for people with psychological troubles. Apart from that, I love football (not soccer) and cooking.

I think that's quite enough about me :) thank you for having me and I hope I can add my touch here.

souravkumarsahu profile image

Hi all,
Myself Sourav and I recently started learning Python. I heard about this community that it's a good place to collaborate/start with open-source projects.

I want join one of the open-source projects based on Python, where I can contribute and sharpen my skills.

gathuku profile image
Moses Gathuku

Hi, my name is Moses, am a developer based in Nairobi(Kenya). Currently working at Zegetech where we specialize in payments and payments Gateways in Kenya and Africa at large. My first programming language was java, moved to PHP and now using Ruby and Rails for backend and microservices. Vue is my fronted framework. I am glad to join this community.

manyeya profile image
Khutso siema

Hello to everyone name is khutso(peace),am a student at the university of limpopo in south Africa,am mainly focused on frontend web dev as i also have an undying love for ui/ux design,hope to learn alot from you guys and possibly help some of you guys,cheers

nurk0611 profile image

Hi everyone, my name is Aman Nur I am a software engineer. I started my career as an developer but now I am switching over to Angular and .net core because I always wanted and enthusiastic to learns new technologies and want to update with it. I like traveling over and over longs paths and to explore nature to know deeper along with. I love to know about new things. :)

himanshunikhare profile image
Himanshu Nikhare

Hello everyone,
I am a computer science student currently doing my B.Tech,
Still exploring this field and currently more into web development. Want to explore more in android app development using flutter and machine learning.

Had done a project in Arduino, made few websites and 2 android projects. I am also a national swimmer and a runner up of Smart India Hackathon.

3arln3t profile image
Otsile Earl Kole

Hi my is Otsile from South Africa in Mafikeng, I am newbie. I am interested in web development, my main focus it has been in ASP.NET framework, and learning new technologies in the web development space. I want to start documenting my journey of learning and to share my experiences with everyone

jankoch profile image
Jan Koch

Hey everybody,
my name is Jan and I'm a self-taught WordPress developer from Germany. I run an agency providing services around WordPress and am hosting a virtual summit for WordPress agency owners and freelancers.

I joined to get more involved in the community, learn about new things that I'm a noob to (like headless WP) and contribute my own knowledge.

Looking forward to connecting with likeminded devs and learn a ton!

giangdlinh profile image
Giang Vincent

Hi devs, My name is Vincent.
I am a website developer. I'm from vietnam. I was graduated as a telecomunicate & electricity engineer, but in the time when I was still a student in my university I has already started to code website. And now I am currently work for a startup company in my country.
My first time when I came to I was really impress by the design of this website. I am working on front-end stack with Js , VueJs, HTML and css but I am still working on PHP, MySQL and NodeJs.
There are a lot of things to learn for my career, so hope you guys can help me out. Thanks :D

youben11 profile image
Ayoub Benaissa

Hi community,
I just discovered through hacktoberfest challenge. I just got excited when I heard that challengers will get a special badge on when completing the challenge so I'm here lol.

asingh0412 profile image
Amaninder Singh

Hi everyone,
My name is Amaninder and I am aspiring to be Java Full stack developer. I started my carrier a while ago but not been able to pursue as I had some family constraints. Trying to get back. In free time I like to read, mainly about phycology. I like working out and take walks in Nature.
Also play music a little bit on the side.
Hopefully dev community will push me to become a better programmer.

mggalanags profile image

Hi everyone, my name is Grace and I'm a front-end developer. I've been working on projects for almost 2 years now and I hope that I can learn and share my ideas here. I can say that I am proficient in css and it's libraries such as SASS and LESS, I'm starting to learn more about ReactJs, Vuejs and a little bit of back end languages such as Nodejs. I hope I can be friends with everyone!!

dulvinw profile image
Dulvin Witharane

Hello Everyone, I'm Dulvin a Software Engineer, based in Sri Lanka. Interested in JAVA and C++ mostly but wanting to get in to new tech and contribute to Open Source. A pretty beginner, so would love to get involved as much to be better. :)

wisdomudo profile image

I'm here to learn more and become a better version of myself as a frontend developer and content writer.

I must confess I'm so much grateful to be in the mist of great men and critical thinkers of our days.

Thanks for granting the privilege to become part of this great family with the accompanies of like minded guru.

afhare profile image
afhare • Edited

Hello all!
After working in food&beverage and events, I wanted to make a greater impact with work I contribute and have made the transition into tech as a software engineer! I came across the DEV community a while back and have finally taken the plunge to join in :)
I’m very comfortable with RoR, vanilla JS, React&Redux—branching out to learn Java, followed by either Swift or Python (depending on what I’ll need first—ha!).
Nice to meet y’all! 👋

mazarzycki profile image
Marek Zarzycki

Hi everyone! My name is Marek and I have decided to move into the IT area. I have a background in international business development.
For the last few months I've been studying HTML, CSS and JavaScript and hope to start a new job in the next few months.
I live in Poland at the moment but I also lived in the USA and in Brazil.
Nice to meet you!

baoshenyi profile image

Hi Everyone, I have been .net framework developer for more than 10 years. I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and love to learn tech during my spare time. I would like to work on a real blazor project if you have one, please let me know. thanks. Shenyi

dotthor profile image
Benito Canfora

Hello everyone! I'm Benito from Italy and I'm a beginner in this field.
I'm really excited about all the technology of this "world" and actually I'm feeling a little bit overwhelmed by all THAT AMOUNT of information I need to digest D:
But I WANT to learn, so: I'm perpetually learning!
Have a great day :D

adarshk profile image
Adarsh K.

Hi everyone,

I hope you all are doing well!

I've worked with frontend technologies like Adobe Flex, ActionScript, JavaSCript, HTML, CSS.

I'm here to learn more about full-stack technologies like Node, Vue, React etc.

Looking forward to learning from this community.


gitfudge profile image

Hello all you beautiful people! I love code, design, and understanding human behaviour. I thrive on coffee and slamming my head on my desk from lack of sleep. I enjoy messing around in different things, and love learning how people build some of the coolest things out there.

rpbouw profile image

Hi all,

My name is Rene, I am an IT Architect in The Netherlands. I ended up here searching for how to do lit-html, lit-element in combination with REST frontend API's. I found parts and these parts together seems sufficient.
Since this looked like a nice community, I joined. If I find the time I will share my results: how to combine (or not combine) a front end in lit, front end service in java. Interestingly I did not find such a story yet. Not here, not anywhere, so maybe I have the wrong goal....

hamrico profile image

Hello everybody! My name is Eduardo (Ed) I am working as a care giver, and I'm trying to get involve in this challenger world of develop. So far I enroll in web-develop and Python. I have background in multimedia and networking. So that is the reason why I want to learn more about these languages because they will help me to improve my skill in this area. I'm looking forward to interchange knowledge, ask for help when I need it, get experience, and be part of some project in the way.

tathagatvikash profile image

Hello Everyone,I am Tathagat Kumar currently pursuing B-tech in Computer science from Indian Institute of Information Technology, Gwalior, India.
I am interested in competitive programming and related stuffs.I also want to work on a real world project related to machine learning and i will start to learn the same from next month. I'm always interested in learning something new related to my field of interest.I'm here after completing Hactoberfest 2019 challenge as it introduces me from open source.
That's all about me.

thomasdvrd profile image
Thomas Deverdenne

Hi everyone, my name is Thomas and I'm a Data Science'student from Belgium. I'm interested in learning Basic Full Stack Web development, this way I could build some MVP to test startup ideas. Having some knowledge in Python, I was looking for creating django web app but I'm not sure how to learn it the right way. Or may be is it better to learn php&Laravel ?
I'm a very curious guy, so hope to learn a lot from here and nice to meet you everyone ! :D

h4xil10 profile image

Hello World,

I'm super happy to join this awesome Community.

Something about me: I took my first steps as a dev a lot of years ago, because I wanted to write an app. And I don't know which stupid Blog-Post I read, but somehow I got into learning C. Time has passed since then and over the year, I learned a lot about Java and JavaScript. Currently I'm most passionate about React, Angular and Node.Js. And everything Cloud-native related like Docker, GCP, Heroku and Kubernetes.

During my freetime, I actually code as much as I can. Other than that I like Magic the gathering, Warhammer and all kinds of Sports games on PS4. Full-time nerd confirmed.

Currently I'm working on a Blog, that I want to release soon. My plan is to write Coding-Tutorials using examples including my own super heroes. Doing that I want to develop a story around the heroes as well as the applications created by the tutorials. How does that sound to you? Would you actually be interested in reading that? I'm excited to get some Feedback!

Looking forward to get in touch with some nice devs here. Have a great weekend!

narenandu profile image
Narendra Kumar Vadapalli • Edited

My name is Naren. I keep bumping in to these great articles from about good software practices and productivity tips. Fun fact about me is that you can find my name in animated movies if you are patient enough to go through the long list of credits at the end of a movie,😊. Looking forward to myself being a better developer in future with all the help I can get from this community!

These days I am trying to pick up new skills namely DB and fullstack webdev. I Definitely would need inputs like which JS framework to pick!

ukarus profile image

Hello there, my name is Juan José and I'm a software engineer currently working in some laravel apps and doing some work with Vue in the front end. I like to play games in my free time and watch some series on Netflix. Currently learning more about Vue and trying to learn how to make games with Godot. I live in Santiago de Chile.

rashidthedeveloper profile image
Mohammed Rashid

Hello friends, my name is Rashid and I am from India. I always read articles posted here and this time, I decided to join. I started my career as instrumentation engineer but later switched to programming world- just because of my interest. There I started as a native Android Developer and now I work as React Native developer. I love react native much and I also have an eye for Flutter!

psybermind profile image

Hey everyone! New here, student in Full-Stack web dev at a school that will remain Anonymous. I come from a CS Degree from Fresno State University, where I obtained MCSE, A+ CNA, CNE, CCP and CCE Certifications.

Unfortunately, life happens, and I can no longer be in the normal workforce with my degree, as I have developed a degenerative disc disease in my lower lumbar.

I worked several Work At Home Jobs in Customer service, looking at all these web-based applications that frankly are clunky at best. I would always wonder how I would be able to improve on them, if I had the knowledge.

Finally I had enough of the grind. I made the conscious decision to study Full-Stack on a full time basis, and 10 months from now, I will have completed the journey with the school, hopefully sooner I will be working in at least an entry level freelance spot making a little bit on the side, but I will be done with school in 10 months or so.

I came here to network, and get to know like-minded individuals, and develop a support system of sorts, to aid me in my discovery. I plan on making weekly posts about my journey, and hopefully you will enjoy them.

bam92 profile image
Abel Lifaefi Mbula

Hi everyone!
This is Abel, a Software Developer and FLOSS Advocate from the Dem. Rep. of the Congo. I taught CS in person to many people for a while and advocated for FLOSS. I am now doing online activities. My main focus is clean code, best practice and testing. I like reading code, I see it as a poem. I am convinced that we can change the world with code. I speak JS, Python and PHP. But I am more comfortable with JS as it is the only language that allow me to be everywhere: web (front, back), mobile, desktop, etc. I am a life long leaner. If you have a FLOSS project that needs help, let me know.

adoraokogeri profile image
Adora Okogeri • Edited

My name is Adora. Iam learning how to code and hope to be a great Front-End developer. I strive to code everyday no matter how short the time to code is. Hoping my effort and hard work will pay off soon.

sakships1 profile image
Sakshi kumari

Hi everyone, my name is Sakshi Kumari and I'm a second year Engineering student. I'm a Google Assistant Developer and currently learnt Python. I'm intrested in learning Web Designing, Android development, Machine learning and many more. For coding I'm friendly with "C". I really like to learn new things.I live in Kolkata,India. In my free time I like to read novels,spending time with friends in real or in social media too. And i always tried to spent good quality of time with my mother:)

geoflypages profile image

Hi, I am Mike Anderson and CEO of Geoflypages IT Company. We are offering web services like web development, app development, digital marketing. We have an expert in different fields. Visit the website for promoting your business online.

rramesh1793 profile image
Rajesh Ramesh

Hi everyone! My name is Rajesh and I work as a Software Dev for a consulting startup based out of Dallas. I graduated in 2018 with a Master's degree in Computer Engineering (Software specialization). Thanks to my coursework I was interested in back-end development particularly in C++. But off-late, I have fallen in love with DevOps and have started to explore the same. Completed my Splunk Enterprise Admin certification few months back and I am currently looking to learn more of AWS, Linux Administration, Ansible, and Docker. Apart from tech, I am a professional violinist too. I have been trained in Indian classical music for the past 20 years and have given over 500 concerts in India, Emirates and the US.

I joined this community to read a lot of articles, learn a lot of new concepts and get my doubts clarified. Also, I am looking to network with domain-experts. Cheers! :)

tonymj76 profile image
Anthony Anonde

Hello Everyone, my name is Tony and i trying to launch my first app in buffalo(go) with docker, so i found this post by Kelly Andrews on how to get db ready in docker-compose, the issue is that he is using postgres but am using mysql db... wanting to comment but i have to signup 1st that's how i landed here.... well i think i will love it here.

thedashingaman profile image
Aman choudhary

Hi all,
I am Aman, I am a data engineer by profession. I am a self taught professional who is still learning and I found this place very helpful for me. Lot's of resource here and bunch of talented people. Looking forward to this community.
This will be very short Intro but I think good to go.
Thanks, cheers

laureanneln profile image

Hello everyone! I'm french and I'm studying programming languages : some at school, some at work and some at home. I love working on differents projects to improve my skills. Maybe I work on too many differents projects at the same time (:
My bigger project is a plateform for schools to make the communication easier and better between teachers and students. We're 5 students on this and I hope it will become the next company I will work for.
I'm glad to join a great looking community like this one!

aix_smichel profile image
Sébastien Michel

Hi, my name is Sébastien. I'm located in south of France (Marseille area)

I am a former onPremise IT architect for Financial consolidation & reporting IS (mainly SAP)

I am currently learning IaC / MS Azure and devops and to support my learning curve I will write some articles (mainly for beginners).

When I am not behind my computer working (or gaming), I am enjoying my life with my wife and my newborn boy (1+ year old).


bjankord profile image
Brett Jankord

Hello, my name is Brett and I'm interested in Design Systems / Component Libraries, Accessibility, Responsive Design, JavaScript, ReactJS, CSS, and open source development. I've read a lot of articles on but never signed up for an account and decided today is the day to change that. Looking forward to continue learning from this community.

mikevelazcomtz profile image
Miguel Angel Velazco

Hi, I'm Miguel Angel Velazco, a full-stack developer located in Mexico who still thinks PHP is not as bad as everyone says. Right now I work mostly with javascript/React stuff. I'm interested mostly on growing my skills and knowledge about tech and good practices. I love video games and sometimes I tend to play more than I'd like to admit.

That's mainly me. I hope to be able to bring something to the community sooner or later.

matbgen profile image

Hi everyone. I'm Mat, I'm a newbie in the world. My work until now was the maintenance of a lot Classic ASP sites and PLC-like SCADA project. In my career I had done some little/medium project with C, C++ and Python(django) (no Java until now).
In this summer I change my workplace and I started two .NET project in C# and one project on Laravel/VUE from scratch.
I'm here to find some suggestion and discover new technologies/language, and maybe some help for the future.
This is all.Thanks a lots and have a nice day.

iranneto profile image
Iran Neto

Hello you all! I'm Iran, 24.

I'm an intern at Logap in Brazil. I'm in that period of life at the end of the college and the beginning of an "adult" life hehehe.

I don't think I have a favorite language or something. I think languages are just tools to build something, and that's I'm in love with. Build stuff, make ideas reality.


ariefitriadin profile image
Arie Fitriadin

Hi everyone
My name is Arie,

A Passionate Software Engineer 🙂, Coding since the age of DBase, Delphi & visual basic.
Used to code PHP, jQuery for a long periods of time.
[Old Guy 😆]

Still coding till now using node JS

Now I learn actively mostly on flutter, Dart and Go.

I spent my free time mostly with my family
(A family Guy) :)

Love to join this community and I hope I can learn a lot here


anishpb97 profile image
Anish Balasubramanie

Hello Developers,

I am Anish. A somewhat breif intro about myself, I am a college student, soon to be graduated and I am about to start my career in Software Engineering hopefully by the mid of next year. So I am indebted to the developer community who online irrespective of the platform who have helped me out during projects when I was struck. I am currently proficient in Node.js ( Express), React and React Native. I have to work in Java for the company I am placed in. I am interested in Web technologies and I wish to work on Big data and data analytics also. So the end of boring stuff, looking forward to contributing to the Dev community :-)

popnikolov profile image
Borislav Popnikolov

Hi everyone, my name is Borislav, I’m 27 from Bulgaria, but I’m living in France. I’m a JavaScript full-stack developer with a current position as an angular developer. In my free time I like to learn/do things that I couldn’t at work, play video games or watch netflix. 👋😊

iamvijaysparmar profile image
Vijay Parmar

Hey Wassup Guys 🖐,
My name is Vijay Parmar - A freelance iOS Developer, What I know is iOS, tvOS and watchOS Programming and some tricky code, passionate about new technology and tools, Full-time freelancer and a lifetime learner :)

I'm from Mahuva a small town in Gujarat(India) and I am Living in Ahmedabad(Gujarat, India),
I run my "Hello World" Program At KBPCCS, Bhavnagar University and Completed My Postgraduate at the same University.

I started my Creeer as an iOS Developer. I know some iOS-related stuff is : UIKit, REST API, JSON Parsing , XML Parsing ,Sqlite, Core data, Push Notification, Core Animation, 3D Touch, XMPP Server for Chat, Cloud Kit, In-App Purchase, Payment integration, Google APIs, iTunes Connect, App Deployment on Appstore, Proficient with Instrument to analyze memory leak and App performance and many more ios Fundamentals.

Currently, I am learning Flutter Programming 😎and New Coding Contents in iOS.

nitss007 profile image
Nitish Sharma

Hi Earth-mates, Its Nitish, a Software Engineer on 5 days a week. I started with cobol, and they said, it was the future but in the past few years I moved from future to future, At present i am with Java/Python. but I like to always learn new things too as Blockchain, AI/ML, and list goes on. I am from Pune, India and spare my free time on internet, exploring places, playing (Indoor/Outdoor) games.

vmunhoz profile image
Vinicius Munhoz

Hi! I'm Vinicius. I love python development and I'm focusing on it now.

I have experience with C# and PHP as well.

I also love graphical design, even though I'm currently working with backend only.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Vinicius! Good to have you here :)

jmrada profile image
Juan M. Rada

Hi everyone, i'm Juan a jr. Software developer interested in economic systems, information security, cryptography, and much more. I do love to play chess, listen to music, travelling around the world, and of course coding.

deveshs63310939 profile image
devesh srivastava

Hi all, my name is Devesh and I am looking to learn about DevOps, Azure and Agile.
I have been a Software developer from 13 years working on the technology with the SQL server. I am from Gurgaon(India) recently got interested to learn and build my carrier in Azure and Cloud space. Hope this community will help me to achieve dreams !!!

osadchenco profile image
Alexander Osadchenco

Hi Guys, my name is Alex (soooo trivial) and I am a Game Developer, IT student and just person who wants to learn something new (same as everyone (sooo borring)). I brought here my thoughts and my 3-year experience in Game Dev. Now I want to change work in this industry to something new, try some other technologies. I want to obtain some knowledge in Machine Learning, Big Data.
Thanks for attention (if you read this till the end)

sleepinzombie profile image
Divesh Heeramun

Hello everyone, my name is Divesh and I am a backend web developer specialising in CMS such as Drupal & Wordpress as well as framework like Laravel & Symfony!
I am also passionate about the different JavaScript frameworks like Angular, Vue and React. Actually, I am an intermediate Angular developer who love writing codes in TypeScript! (Set aside the hate for TS)
In my free time, I casually play Dota 2 on Steam and play guitar from time to time.

habilya profile image
Habilya • Edited

Hello Everyone I'm just started with Github (2 years ago 😜)
and I'm always looking for ways to learn how to do GitHub opensource projects
check out my OpenSource project that helps me to learn how to do GitHub

bernardbaker profile image
Bernard Baker

Hi everyone, I'm Bernie. An engineer who likes JavaScript as his go-to for web development. I was reading an article about a chap who applied for a role at Dev. And I was keen to read on and then I signed up. I've been part of product focused teams and built solutions for some of the biggest household names in the UK. Currently on the look out for freelance React work.

kidcaulfield profile image
Wes Coderre • Edited

Hi, hacktoberfest led me here. It was my first experience with open source. Really starting to see the light on contributing to open source. As a junior dev it feels like a good way to apply your knowledge. For the most part I build web apps with React/node/Postgres. However I’m open to learning new technology and open source seem to push you to learn. Hopefully the community can influence me as well. I’m interested in full stack web development, and have a side interest for indie games. Aswell devOps is something I’d like to improve my inderstanding of.

jainankit49 profile image
Ankit Jain

Hi everyone, I am Ankit and I am a software engineer working in Bay Area. I've been working in the industry from last 4 years. I try to learn new stuff everyday and be a better engineer as I grow in my career. Apart from work, I like to spend time in hiking and exploring new places.

bernardbaker profile image
Bernard Baker

Hi everyone, I was keen to sign up after I read an article about a chap who applied for a role with DEV. I'm a full stack engineer currently working on a personal project. On the lookout for freelance React work. Happy to pair up and collaborate in my spare time. Hi everyone!!

anujit profile image
Anujit Nene

Hi, I'm Anujit, a JS developer currently working at Amdocs, building web applications using React, Redux, ES6. I am keen to learn and deep-dive into different technologies. The community here seems to be really awesome!!

mazarzycki profile image
Marek Zarzycki

Hi everyone! My name is Marek and I have decided to move into the IT area. I have a background in international business development.
For the last few months I've been studying HTML, CSS and JavaScript and hope to start a new job in the next few months.
I live in Poland at the moment but I also lived in the USA and in Brazil.
Nice to meet you!

rohannevrikar profile image
Rohan Nevrikar

Hi everyone! I'm Rohan. I'm from Pune, India. I recently graduated from college and I'm currently working as a Cloud Consultant at this amazing place called Rapid Circle. I had worked on web and Android dev during my college days, and my current work is on Microsoft stack (.NET, Azure, Powerapps). I love to play around with exciting technologies and I'm always looking to learn new things. I have been trying to spare some time to contribute to open source, but haven't been able to motivate myself enough :P. So this is the step I took to get started on the journey of self motivation, being part of this wonderful community :)
Apart from tech, I love being outdoors. Football, cycling, trekking, swimming and other things which get my heart to beat faster and give me an adrenaline rush, I'm into those things.
Looking forward to learn from this community and hopefully I'll be able to give back to this community one day :)

mariano profile image

Hi everyone! My name is Mariano and i'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is my desire, to continue studying hard to become a developer. I'm learning #javascript in this moment. I'm very happy to have known this community!!!

adamcoster profile image
Adam Coster

Hello! I'm a fullstack webdev (Node, Express, Vue, MongoDB) and tools developer co-running a small video game studio. I'm self taught, and our only webdev, so I don't get to swap stories and tricks with other webdevs very often. I wanted somewhere to share my most painful lessons-learned, but our company blog isn't quite the right place (since that's meant for our players and fellow game developers, not webdevs). seems like exactly the right kind of place!

adem54 profile image
Adem Norway

Hi I am Adem and I am graduated computer teaching and I have been studying about front-End for eight months.I want to work as a front-End developer.In the beginning I have studied html-css and javascript and for one months I have been studying react.I hope I will leartn a lot with you.God luck for everyone

titouansola profile image
Titouan Sola


My name is Titouan and i'm a junior web developer in freelance. Also I come from France, so please don't be mad at my bad english (don't you notice that only french people apologize for their bad english ? Yeah, me too)

So I work most of the time with React when I'm developing webapp and I use Node.js with Express or Moleculer to build my APIs pretty much every time. I just love to do things with only one language! Feel the power beneath my keyboard is just an excitement!
I just got my degree, so I'm aware that I have like an ENTIRE world, to learn and understand, but I wish you guys will help me to do it with fun!

As I was saying, I'm a freelancer, so if you're looking for somebody to do the hard work, don't hesitate to come to me!

Not convinced ? Well, I love code, jokes and mostly chocolate, so are we bro's now ? :D

estand25 profile image
Standley Eugene

Hi All,

My name is Standley Eugene I'm a software engineer, and just want to get better. I love read and talking with other engineer about any programming language. I'm working daily with C# in .NET. I'm working on learning React, React Native and JavaScript (not in that order). I'm getting married and looking for to it.

ferparrios profile image
Fernando Paredes Rios

Hello everyone, my name is Fernando i'm backend developer on Telefónica in Perú, actually i work with PHP, Laravel from my backend and JS with Angular on my frontend, and i study everyday React because i looks very interesting and I would like to use it in my next projects, and i also study some technologies on mobile development such as Flutter and React Native, which are the ones that have caught my attention so far, well that's all for now, thank you very much for reading, Happy coding!

tomfern profile image
Tomas Fernandez

Hi y'all, I'm Tomas from Argentina. I've been around the block, started as a developer (PHP), then sysadmin, then dba, then devops, now back a bit with development and started doing tech writing (tutorials, etc.) I love learning and teaching.

When I'm not working I like reading, sailing and board games.

iammohitsakhuja profile image
Mohit Sakhuja

Hi everyone, I’m Mohit. I’m from India and I’m a software development intern at OYO, currently in my 4th year of college. I started from web development (React, Node, Django, Spring Boot) but I’ve recently also worked on building mobile applications using React Native. I’m interested in things going on in the JS community, especially Electron. But I also have quite an alignment towards DevOps side of things - setting up pipelines, managing infrastructure etc. I’ve been reading quote of lot of articles on such topics here - that’s what made me take the plunge and finally sign up for it. Medium used to be my go-to source for tech articles but their everything-behind-a-paywall system finally led me here, and I am not disappointed at all.
Anyway, that’s enough of that. In my free time, I like to read, and sometimes play single player video games (not too much into multi player).
And that’s about me. Thanks!

lincup profile image

I really need you guys help, I have bought more than 30 premium web development courses on udemy, Udacity, eduonix and other popular learning site. Unfortunately I have not completed one of them. I am a family man of 34 years of age with a kid. Creating time for Learning for me is too difficult.

himanshunikhare profile image
Himanshu Nikhare

Hello everyone,
I am Himanshu currently doing my Btech in computer science.
I am still exploring this field, just like a traveler traveling different places for his own satisfaction, I am also trying out new things for my own sake. Currently more into web development but want to try ML and Android development in flutter and react, Just started contributing to open source lets see where I end up going.

jukmr profile image
Julian Mérida

Hi! My name is Julian and I'm a computer science student. I really like reading about tips and daily useful commands that makes our lives easier. Also found this page awesome as I always end up on one of the blogs that has the answer I was looking for. Hope to contribute myself someday!

sarthakgupta2000 profile image
Sarthak Gupta

Hi, I am a college fresher. Student of Thapar Institute of engineering and technology, Patiala, Punjab, India currently pursuing a B-tech in Electronics and Computers looking for a career in Data Science, Machine Learning and Artifical Intelligence. I am not proficient in any of these but will be looking to learn in these fields.

smoorfy profile image
Andrei Versigora

Hi everyone, my name is Andrei and i'm junior web developer, keen on javascript, front/Backend. Got a lot of experience on Angular during my work experience and now trying myself on other frameworks.

I'm happy to learn everything and like to hear any advice that could help me on my journey!

Thank you and Good Code to everyone ;)

josephmhlanga6 profile image

Hi everyone. I am Joe. And love Java and PHP like a charm with a serial awesome take on Laravel and Spring Enterprise frameworks. Working as a Developer has been awesome and powers me every day. Happy to connect with awesome devs.

Love open source like a pro! See u on Github repositories and StackOverflow. Awesome coding!

jperals profile image
Joan Perals

Hi there, I'm Joan, I build web apps, websites, prototypes and whatever with web technologies. I am interested not only in the technical solutions but also on the design/UX side. Vue.js is my favorite frontend framework at the moment.

I am from Catalonia and live in Berlin, Germany, currently working for the startup incubator Next Big Thing.

bharatchauhan51 profile image
Bharat Chauhan

Hi everyone, I am Bharat! I am a software engineer. I have started my career recently and currently working on spring boot based web api. I am also fond of front end technologies like react and angular (sadly have no experience but would love to get some)and would love to be adviced by you all. Have a great day everyone.

mahamma49814428 profile image

Hello everyone, I am Rafi from Bangalore. Few months ago i started my career as front end developer in MNC. Currently I'm learning React JS. Its very interesting. Just now I joined this community. Hope I'll get more suggestions on learning React JS.

leoturbiani profile image
Leo Turbiani

Hey Guys, whats up ?

My Name is Leonardo and I am CTO at Cotabox. I am study about TypeScript to migrate from NodeJS Classic. Because I use GraphQL, and create GraphQL API with TypeScript make more sense for me. Typed API = Typed language

I Love the OpenSource community. This is best way to share Knowledge. Thanks for all

hillsonyechekwa profile image
Hill Onyechekwa

HI everyone my name is Hillary and i'm a freelance Front-end developer. I work with react and mostly use JAMstack. For about a year i've been finidng it a little difficult to know what part of the tech space suits me the most.Even thought i started learning programming in c++, my journey as a programmer has evolved over time. I love learning new things. When i'm not coding i play guitar, read(I love to read a lot i think it's now an addiction, lol), hangout with friends. I'm a coffee freak and food lover.

hclatomic profile image
HCl Atomic

Angular is 2 way data binding, so the states of the variables are always available in real time without having to code anything. This is the big interest of Angular. And the stores are native in Angular : they are made with a simple native service. Adding Redux to Angular is not only useless, but it will destroy the standard functionning of Angular, and cause a dramatic recoding of the 2 way data binding with monstruous problems to deal with the asynchronism. Please DO NOT do that.

akshay2903 profile image
Akshay Pal • Edited

Hi everyone I am Akshay Pal from India, I am here to learn new things from you guys.

ryantiner profile image
Ryan Tiner

Sounds like you are in the same boat as me. :)

ashacoleman profile image
Asha Coleman

Hi again 👋🏽

I tried posting here already introducing myself with a very eloquent description of me but now it’s gone so you’ll get what you get at this point lol

My name is Asha (pronounced like Asia but with the “shh” sound) and I’m currently grad student in Media Design transitioning from a career in mental health counseling. As of now, I only have experience with HTML and CSS so when I tried to do the 100 Days of Code I felt like my lack of skills made it difficult to find projects I could do. While searching for ideas I found it very difficult to find beginner projects that didn’t have some JavaScript or more in it. I plan to use this community to not only find more project ideas while building my skill set but also build connections with people who are willing to share ideas and much needed encouragement lol

sms23uwf profile image
Steven M Satterfield

I'm developing in React JS with Firebase real time database backend and redux store. I have a table with a child attribute that is also a collection of objects. When I get the child attribute collection from the record in the local store, it is a JSON object and I cannot iterate through it to render it in a list. Every attempt to convert this JSON object to an array has met with failure so far. Can someone shed some light on how to do this?



husseyexplores profile image

Hello, fellow developers!

I'm Hassan from Pakistan, a self-taught (jr? newbie?) developer. I do small freelance projects on Upwork at the moment while I'm still polishing my React and Node skills before I consider applying for a full-time job. (I'm a perfectionist which is a curse and a blessing at the same time)

I'm very grateful for the open-source communities, youtube videos, blogs, tutorials, be it free or paid, and everything that helped me become who I'm today.

I've also completed my Hacktober challenge this year which I'm really proud of. It allowed me to get comfortable with the SCARY process of opening PRs to open-source projects. The experience and thrill of it is amazing. Thank you DEV.TO and DigitalOcean for sponsoring this event.

I'm very glad I found this great community and I hope to become an active part of it!

dhrubo55 profile image
Dhrubo Hasan • Edited

Hi everyone, I am Dhrubo and i am a junior software engineer. I started my career as an android developer. Then from that i started to work on Spring boot java backend development. I have also completed courses about iOS development using Objective-c and swift. I like to explore and learn new things like cloud computing, Data Science, ML,NLP, Augmented Reality are few that i have worked and learned a little about them.

Currently working on VueJS and spring boot backend. I like to read books and blogs and everything and anything that i find interesting.I like reading book, watching anime and tv series.

tonyjlum profile image
Tony Lum

Hi everyone. My name is Tony and I am a software engineer. I do not have much experience but I would love to learn more about everything programming and tech-related. I mostly like to build in Ruby and JavaScript/React and im learning bits each day. Prior to this career change, I worked in with an educational and enrichment based non-profit organization in NYC for the past decade or so. Hope to learn a lot from everyone and contribute in any way I can.

ankitbeniwal profile image
Ankit Beniwal

Hi everybody,

This is Ankit Beniwal from India. I am a student pursuing MCA. Although My all-time favorite is Web Development but my interests keep changing. Currently I am interested in JavaFX and the related cool stuff of Desktop Application Development using Java.

Here is my first attempt at it :

And this gave way to my new hobby of showcasing what I develop via Youtube.

I am here to learn from you all. My Twitter Handle is : @codewithAnkit.


berandomsen profile image
Michael Berendsen

Hi My name is Mike and I'm a Software Engineer, I started off working in Design and Interactive, but transitioned into coding 9 years ago. Now I'm automating reporting with C# WPF applications to create dashboards and metrics, along with developing chat bots in with Azure. I've worked with angular, and other front JS libraries to build sites, but I'm looking to advance my career into more mainstream development.
I build some projects using Arduino for fun, and have just starting tinkering with Rasperry pi.

kuponinja profile image
JJ Garlitos

Howdy all!
I had an idea for a post regarding #100DaysOfCode challenge and wanted to write it out here so... Here I am!

I'm a backend developer with experience across the board. I'm a jack of all trades and a master at none but I'm working on changing that. Most of my experience is with databases but I'm heavily focusing on .NET to become a master at one.
As much as I enjoy the backend I've always been fascinated with the frontend and designing websites. So I'm hoping to do that as a profession one day.

After I feel more comfortable with my skills I'm hoping to jump to Xamarin and start building out mobile apps as well.

I plan on writing out my post soon and will shoot out the link from my Twitter.
Glad to be a part of the community here!

ahmadshiddiq profile image
Ahmad Shiddiq

Hello world, my name is Ahmad Shiddiq and i am a still learning about web development. I much like front end, but i still learn backend like Laravel and PHP.
I came here to learn what is community really is for developing world, i hope you all can understand, im still learn english too by the way :)

vicky92727 profile image
Waqas Hafeez • Edited

Hi everyone I'm a PHP developer mostly time I've worked on Laravel web and Rest APIs development. I love to learn Vuejs, ReactJs and Nodejs. Basically I'm from Pakistan but recently relocated to Paris France and looking for new opportunities.

tydavis profile image
Tyler Davis

Hello all. I'm a long-time reader but jumping in to the community for the first time. I write a lot of Go. I'd like to learn rust and javascript (client-side / react). I am re-learning math from high-school levels on-up, including statistics and probability, trigonometry, calculus, and differential calculus. I hope to learn from the community and bring the community something to learn from.

faustor21 profile image
Fausto Ramírez L.

Hello Friends, I'm Fausto a FullStack Developer for the world! 🗺... Working mainly with Node.js, GraphQL and PostgreSQL but with knowledge of Java and PHP and some other technologies.

Looking forward to learn with you all and improve everybody's life!

iamashley profile image
Ashley Marie

Just stopping by to say "hello world!" and now that that's done, I'm going to do some exploring :-) See you around!

hamidyfine profile image

Hi everyone, I'm Hamid and I'm Frontend Developer. I try to learn new things and want to code pro. I love SCSS and Vuejs and I'm learning these two every day. I enjoy the articles on the and find theme useful so... I'm here to read more and maybe write what I learned.

ankushdas9 profile image
Ankush Das

Hi everyone! I've been sucked right into the open-source world (on Linux primarily).

A computer science graduate - but not into developing stuff as of yet (should be focusing on Python soon).

My job involves focusing on open source solutions and everything about Linux and luckily that's my personal interest as well.

Professionally a content creator exploring what dev's do for open-source & Linux.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hello, and welcome to DEV Ankush!

slashmsu profile image
Bakhtier Gaibulloev

Hi guys! I'm a pragmatic and agile full-stack software engineer. Ambitious, deeply detailed, continued pushing/learning, up for experiments and innovative thinking. Eager for knowledge and technologies, constantly attempting to have a fresh look on existing problems.

Backend/infrastructure/scalability specialist with sufficient background in managing high load production stacks.

Understanding that being a brilliant software developer is not enough, thus perpetuating scope and purview to business models, business logic, processes and evolution of a product and the market it is in.

Proficient DevOps / Azure / Java / TypeScript / JavaScript / Python / C# / .Net / NodeJS engineer. Experienced in SQL, NoSQL, Git, Bash, Docker, HTML, CSS, many others.

ironnand profile image
Nathan Eggers

My name is Nathan. I'm an IT grad student working at pushing the edges in some computer research, a little programming, a proprietary content management system, and a hectic move from 2 cities away from my college. I've gone from factory floor to intense classroom learning at a graduate level in a very intensive year (my own version of an accelerated education) as a calculated move to change my life into something more fitting. Re-branding can be a struggle, and adds to the complexity of it all. I like Python, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML5 and know a little of each. I know Java a little bit better, and am in the process of very roughly acquiring some C# skills (or else!) in order to fit in.

noelbaron profile image
Noel Baron • Edited

Hi yawls!

My name is Noel and I am a [ Husband, Father, Senior Engineer, Tech Director, Consultant, Javascript Enthusiast, Aspiring Designer, D&I Advocate ] with professional emphasis on business application development. I've been in tech for ~20 years and I still make stupid mistakes every day. Typescript + Node is my jam, and I love to dabble in react.

I write songs on my acoustic Taylor, I love all things call of duty (except racist game chats), and I try to spend at least 3 hours per week away from my computer.

I have no tolerance for white supremacy (or any ideology that inflicts harm), and I've heard good things about the community. So here I am!

raman_andryianau profile image
Raman CreativeIT

Hey, there!

I am a full-stack JavaScript engineer with 9-year experience and CEO at CreativeIT, a software development house in Belarus. Also, I'm an active contributor to open-source and am proud that many of our products have plenty of stars on GitHub.

Hope, I will be welcomed here! :)

camgrafiman profile image
Alejandro Gallego

var salute = "Hello world!";

My name is Alejandro, I'm a developer who likes to learn a lot of new things and improve my programming skills. I love JavaScript, Java and Python, and I'm starting to learn some backend skills.

I'm so happy to be here to share & learn a lot from good people.

Hope we become friends and talk about freak things, code and all of those interesting facts.


ishritam profile image
Shritam Kumar Mund

Hi everyone, I am Shritam and I am a 2019 graduate. I am going to be a data scientist. I started my programmer journey with web development and then I learned Cloud technology. I am highly interested in machine learning, deep learning, computer vision and its application towards society. I don't consider myself an expert in anything because there is just so much more to learn and explore. I honestly still don't know what I'm doing with my life, but I am excited to see where Data Science will take me next.
And this is a bit about me.😊

kingsleyukeje profile image

I’m a Pro designer with a Bachelors in Computer Science.
I’ve worked internationally, in-house and remotely on projects for leading brands, agencies, startups and charities. I care deeply about creating world-class, useful and beautiful products that help people and make a difference.
I like to be involved at different stages of a digital project, from the seed of the idea, through to sketches, design and even the front-end and back-end build, this means I can jump in at any stage of a project, or take on the whole project, from design to build. When I’m not drawing shapes and picking colours, I listen to random talks, talk walks or tap the Netflix icon!
That’s me!
Im stoked to be here!!!

yiyuanlow profile image
Yiyuan Low

The name's Samuel, new to programming, interested in web development. I'm currently finishing my Diploma in Software Engineering. I've tried a few different programming languages like Java, Python and React.js. I'm trying to stick to one I feel most passionate about. Currently learning UI/UX on the side to help boost my skills in web design. Plays video games during my free time. Feel free to give me any advice you can! It'll help me greatly and I truly appreciate all comments!!

nabilnalakath profile image
Nabil Mohammed Nalakath

Hi guys, I am Nabil Nalakath and I work as Software Engineer at Softway Solutions a company based on Houston. To be specific I am a full-stack Web Engineer who works on mainly JS frameworks and PHP. I am also into cross-platform mobile app development using flutter and react native. I love getting my hands into multiple domains and in the past year I have started exploring Dev-Ops and work on CI/CD integration projects. I love public speaking and I try to write whenever possible.

vijaydandu profile image
vijaydandu • Edited

Hello everyone, I am Vijay Dandu and I am a Software developer in test living in the San Francisco Bay Area. I started as a manual tester and slowly transitioned into writing automated tests. I was testing APIs/Web Services and databases for most part of my initial years. Then, I started developing web services in Java. Recently fell in love with the web and javascript. These days I am developing tools for our automation testers and engineers to help increase their productivity. In love with ReactJS , graphQL and NodeJS. I am interested in exploring the functional programming paradigm more and want to learn more about reactive programming.

bastianbavaresco profile image
Bastian Bavaresco • Edited

Hi, i'm Bastian and i'm a Developer.
In this moment i'm focused in AWS Amplify / React / React Native and i'm releasing my app soon, so i'm here for inspire myself with new ideas from you and also to share with everybody what i learned.
So in my spare time i hope i can contribute to what appears to be a wonderful community.

gameswithcody profile image
Cody Crawford

I am a recent graduate with a computer science degree. I realize that there is so much that this degree can do for me and so many avenues I could go with it. My passion is in game development. I am not sure this is the best place for that but here I am. I am on a job hunt right now looking for anything related to programming even if it is not in games right now. There is so much I wish to learn and it can be daunting to find a focus especially since companies what experience even for entry level / junior positions.
I am here to find useful information that can help me secure a job and move my career forward.

thattonybo profile image

Hi, I'm Tony. I'm a beginner still I guess, I've been using node.js for a couple years and Python for about a month. I love game development and design, currently working on my own 2D rpg-based open world game. I also love web dev, specifically Vue and related tech. Offline I like playing with computer hardware and some circuits. I have a pet rabbit and I hate sports, too much work, code better. Happy to be here (:

wley3337 profile image
Will Ley

Hi all! My name is Will and I'm a high school teacher now turned Software Engineer. I'm working on building a portfolio and finding a job that will let me work remotely outside of the US as my partner and I would love to join the digital nomad community for a while. I love physics, theater, and building things both in the real world and digitally and working on things that might make a difference. I'm supper excited to be joining the community that's been helping me through my blocks along this journey!

b4rsch profile image

Hi gang. My name is barsch, I'm a freshly baked webdev, eager to learn new stuff to become better every day. For now I'm developing in PHP and Vue most of the time at work and at home. In my freetime I like biking, kendama, reading or just chilling with my friends and play some (video/board) games. But since I will move to Berlin, meeting my friends and having a good time with them is my main priority right now.

bradgroux profile image
Brad Groux

Heya, all! My name is Brad Groux, and I am a Senior Systems Architect and Microsoft Power Platforms expert from Houston, TX. I'm not a developer by trade, but I play one on TV. In a previous life I was a Microsoft Platforms PFE, and SME but have now made my way into the devops, data analysis and machine learning world.

Currently I am working across a whole slew of platforms and technologies for my customers and in my research, including Microsoft Flow, PowerApps, Power BI, Python, C#, Unity 3D, Oculus Quest, Microsoft Hololens, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Functions, Microsoft Teams, PostgreSQL, Node.js, Postman, Django/Wagtail (CMS), SharePoint and on and on the list goes.

If you've ever watched the movie Up, I'm the dog... "SQUIRREL!" For that reason I am more of a jack of all trades and a master of none, but I like having a strong grasp of as many technologies as possible, so that I can architect the best solutions for my customers - while I of course leave the heavy lifting to the experts.

mikenikles profile image

Hello everyone, I'm Mike 👋. I currently focus on a web app to help teams track their morale. It's a way to start conversations and help people feel heard and included. Built with Svelte / Sapper as a progressive web app deployed on Firebase.

I write blog posts on Medium (signing up here to move my posts away from Medium) and have considered starting a YouTube channel where I share things I learn, in 5 minutes or less. Only a thought at the moment :).

Looking forward to contributing more here.

ericpuede profile image
Eric Guzmán ✨

Hi, my name is Eric, a Software Engineer from Dominican Republic. I currently working as an Angular/React Developer, I'm learning React Native and Flutter too. I enjoy going to the beach and so many beaches this island has. I also enjoy reading and playing video games, I mean, RDR2 was such a great experience...
I hope to contribute to this community. I know that's not much about me but it's a start. 😁🏖

estevao90 profile image
Estevão Costa • Edited


My name is Estevão and I'm from Brazil. Currently, I am working in infra as code and Kubernetes, with Ansible, Vagrant, Shell Script, Python and Docker.

In my free time, I like to play Keyboard and to study music.

oxair profile image
Muhammad Ozair

Hello and welcome.. 👋

quentinncl profile image

Hello everyone ! Pleasure to be here !
My name is Quentin and I am a Javascript/python Developper ! It's been three years for now that I started ma developper carrer (Yeah I'm still a baby ;)).

I started my career as a React developper. I learned a lot also with python and machine/deep Learning !

Now I'm focus on React Native (I really love it !) but I always want to learn news things ! my possible futur target is augmented reality ! and take React/ReactNative/Python, shake everything and see what i can do lol

I'm started to write and share with others, I realized that's super important and join a community could be awesome !

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Welcome to news members!

My name is Thomas and I've got 20 years old. I'm a french dev oriented Web, I created most bots on Discord and I updating all my projects.

I learn Ruby and Javascript.

kirishikesan profile image

Hi everyone,
I am Krishi. I am an undergraduate at University of Moratuwa, SriLanka. Currently I am pursuing a computer science degree and specialising in embedded systems programming. I am interested in algorithm development and specialising in critical technologies. It's a great pleasure meeting all of you.

paivathiago profile image
Thiago Paiva • Edited

Hello, my name is Thiago, I'm a Web Developer. I started working with Delphi, after PHP and now working with Java and studying JavaScript!

I live in Praia Grande, south coast of São Paulo BR, but I work in São Bernardo do Campo. I love music, photography, read some books and watch some shows on streaming. And of course, stay with my wife and my three-year-old son :)

j0n3lson profile image

Hello everyone!

I'm Joe and I'm an SRE. I started my career as a desktop/helpdesk analyst and eventually moved on to Network Engineering. Today I'm a hybrid Network Engineer/SRE/Coder person that spends most of his day writing/reading design docs and occasionally writing code (golang, python mostly).

When I'm not at work, I have a few side projects I'm taking forever on (learning Javascript/Typescript, writing a vscode extension, and messing with Google AIY kits). I love teaching linux and CS fundamentals to my kids and high-school students.

I came here because of the cool programming challenges and stayed for the awesome content (winking at you bytesize!)

jess_ingrass profile image
dr. jess

Hi everyone! I love to learn, and to teach (and to learn while I'm teaching!). I started learning Python and Ruby about 6 years ago to do test automation. I have some projects that I want to try, and I enjoy participating in the education community. Currently teaching Python to kids, and software testing and career coaching to those sharpening their skills for workforce development in tech industry through Queensborough Community College. I run tutorials about code, tech management, and team building through my business, I need a robot friend soon! I've already found so many awesome posts here and learned so much. Thanks for creating a great community =)

zambelz48 profile image
Nanda Julianda Akbar

Hello everyone, my name is Nanda and currently leading a small mobile app team at some internet company in Indonesia.
I have an experience in several tech stack such as iOS dev with swift or obj-c, android dev with java or kotlin, backend dev with .net core(C#) or nodejs environment using typescript, web dev with reactjs or vuejs, and also hybrid mobile using react native. Basically I love to learn and have high curiosity in every aspect of software development, but Mobile development is my highest priority, though.
Alright then, my intention to join this awesome community is that I can learn new things in software development in general and able to improve my skillset. :)

29parthi profile image
Parthiban Sundaramurthy

Hey everyone 😀

This is Parthiban, web developer interested in react, python and other cool stuff. Recent interest in writing tech blogs got me here, hopefully, will provide some kickass content to the community ❤️

talhasch profile image
Talha Buğra Bulut

Hi All! This is Talha. Full Stack Developer & Founder at Runkod project.

jaganvelu profile image

Hello All, My Name is Jagan. working as a web developer. looking to learn some cool stuff and hoping to contribute soon.

hallowcard13 profile image
Hamid Reside

Hi everyone, my name is Hamid Reside from Philippines, a full time dad that loves to code, Im using PHP,Javascript,HTML,CSS,Laravel,MySql,VUE,React, and wordpress. Also i love to share on open source projects mostly on github so hit me up if you are needing a help on your projects. Cheers

gqphd profile image


chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard


flinshot profile image
Fawn M. Linschoten

I think the instructors skip some needed information at Lambda because so much experience puts the mind into autopilot. So, some important items to the novice are skipped.

abrima profile image

Hello all! My name is Abdullah from Dubai and I'm just a young student aspired to become an Android dev/software engineer. I'm currently focusing on web development HTML, CSS and Javascript as a start, build a couple of projects and then move to Java for Android! I love design and programming and I'm especially a big fan of Material Design and can't wait to learn Java!

jwincary profile image

Hello, I just joined the community. I live and work on east coast of the US and am looking forward to being part of this group.

drmad profile image
Oliver Etchebarne

¡Hola a todos!

I'm Oliver, I starter coding in Logo at 11yo, self-taught my way into the CS world since then :-) I'm a fullstack dev, I love linux, asterisk pbx, blender, python, not-so-much PHP but work is work :-D and all the opensource software in general.

I run a web hosting (and related) service at and I built a PHP MVC framework called "Vendimia" .

See you all around!

thegabvivas profile image
Gab Vivas

Hello I am Gabriel and I am a student @ TFS who is interested in programming and coding and I have no knowledge about anything so I am here to learn as much as I can outside of school.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Gabriel! Welcome to DEV :) Good luck in your studies!

guojianglin profile image

Hello World😊

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Howdy! 👋

0xessa profile image

Hi Everyone. I am a CS student and I'm learning node.js now to be back end developer.

osulmyl profile image

Hey all, my name is Myles and I am on the path to becoming a self-taught junior developer using resources such as MDN,, udemy courses, youtube and most other things you can probably think of, although I’m always keen to hear of more!
Competent in HTML5 + CSS although I know there is so much more to learn, my current topic is JS and I’m still awfully new to that language. Meetup’s have been amazing and I will recommend all the ones I have been to in Sydney. That’s about it, look forward to being part of the community!!

enistaraa profile image

Hi everyone,

I'm Enis and I'm a Full-stack developer mainly focused on front-end engineering.

Let's be friends!

mazarzycki profile image
Marek Zarzycki

Hello! This is my third try to add a comment :)
My name is Marek and I'm an aspiring frontend developer. For the last few months I've been studying HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Until now I've been working in the international business development area. I'm originally from Poland, but I lived also in the USA and in Brazil.
I hope to find here answers to my questions and some inspiration from all of you.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hello! Good luck in your new computer science career!

kerriop profile image

Hello from Python developer

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hello! 👋

rbjassoc66 profile image
Bob J

Hello All! Learned about this through Real Talk JavaScript ! I'm Studying @ the UoPeople, hoping to achieve the goal a BA in Computer Science. One more child @ home and then I can pursue MY passion !

jamsinclair profile image

Howdy 👋, Front End Dev based in Tokyo and currently getting into Hacktoberfest 🎃

pavithraram profile image


leighshammer profile image
Leigh Barnes

Hi all!! This community looks awesome!! That is for having me.

krishnamishra0786 profile image

Hello Gents,

I am krishna Mishra, working as system integration specialist in Ipass.
trying to integrate all infra technology with central spoke so all could be available in single view.

sergheitibulschii profile image

Hi everyone, i'm hoping i'll improve my skills and will grow professionally thanks to

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi, and welcome to DEV!

luizpais profile image
luizpais • Edited

Hi everyone! I have 30 years of experience in It and in this time I worked with Clipper, VB3, Powerbuilder, .Net, Java, IBM Integration Bus and now I am working in a inovation program at my Company in wich I found out how amazing Node and Typescript are. Is all new to me but I loving the ride. That's all folks!

dreamerharshit profile image
Harshit Sharma

Hi everyone, my name is Harshit Sharma and I am a Software Developer. I came to know about DEV from hacktoberfest 2019.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Harshit! Welcome to DEV :) Hacktoberfest is great! Did you do any neat projects for it, or learn anything cool?

subramanianm profile image
Subramanian Mariappan

Hi all, I'm Subramanian. I worked in an android application a year ago. Currently I'm working in an iOS application. I've just started looking how vast the developer community across the globe is. I too wanna join the club. I thought of starting with a baby step by contributing to any open source project. I surfed the internet for beginner's guide for contributing to open source projects and somehow ended up here. Hoping to learn more here.

ace2610 profile image
Oswald Umeh

Hi everyone! My name is Oswald and I am a .NET developer with quite some years of experience and still hungry to learn as I know I still don't know a lot of things!

I also have interests in learning functional programming and my language of choice is Elixir cause it's built on Erlang (Fault tolerant and impressive handling of parallel programming).

Outside programming, I love martial arts(Taekwondo and Aikido) and also an football (soccer, for our American brethren) enthusiast.

irshulx profile image

Yo fellas, I'm Irshu from Kuala Lumpur. I work with ASP.NET and Xamarin.

andres_aec profile image
Andrés Estévez

Hi! I am Andrés, software engineer. In my first job I worked as embedded software engineer, but now embedded devices are just my hobby. Last eight years I have been working in NodeJS, first implementing videoconferences services, with webRTC; now working for a startup in the field of sport tracking, helping to define and implement the architecture to receive and process data from our devices, and also implementing GIS algorithms.

swethaneela profile image

Hi swetha neela.. completed btech this year only..i will try to crack gate.and also i want to be good engineer

stevebaros profile image
Steve Baros • Edited

Hi Everyone, I am thrilled to be here to be able to widen my arena for spreading knowledge and sharing my experiences in being a fulltime developer and steering the company in CTO role.

dalenguyen profile image
Dale Nguyen

Howdy, I'm a Software Engineer from Toronto and just want to let everyone know that I completed the Hacktoberfest challenge. And does anyone also from Toronto? :D

kam89 profile image

Hi everyone, you guys can call me kam. I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
I have started my career as a back end COBOL programmer in a bank in Malaysia, but having chances to work with other System Administrators like IBM Mainframe, AIX and Windows Server.

I always like to learn some new things.
Currently I am doing a prototype in React Native as well.

That is all from me. Hi and peace from Malaysia.

akshay13aac profile image
Akshay Chandrakar

Hello everyone, my name is Akshay. I am new to web development currently working as intern in a firm. I am intersted in learning laravel, vuejs and tailwindcss.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Akshay! Welcome to DEV :)

kishor_ramani profile image
kishor ramani 🇮🇳

Hello all,

I am a simple man, who loved learning. I read some tweets on twitter with link. I work on android application development, Now I am learning Kotlin and Flutter.

suriyasiva8 profile image

Hi everyone myself Siva and I'm a programmer and I started my career as Java developer and I would like to learn new technology and I'm currently started learning Angular, flutter,React

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV! This is a great place to stay on top of Angular, flutter and React - they can move fast!

oxair profile image
Muhammad Ozair

Hello DEV-elopers 🧟
I'm a full stack developer and an aspiring data scientist. 🌞

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome Muhammad! What types of data science are you most interested in exploring?

c0a3bd profile image

Just completed my Hacktoberfest2019 PRs. I'm super excited to contribute and give back to the community.

jai555 profile image
Jayavignesh R

Hi All,
This is my first post in . I am currently working as a Software Dev. I primarily work on Java, Spring Framework. Recently I have started with Spring Boot and Angular framework and AWS. I am here to learn about best practices and front end frameworks.

babitabisht profile image
Babita Bisht

Hii everyone !
I'm Babita bisht, a full stack developer, blockchain and flutter enthusiast.

parsahejabi profile image
Parsa Hejabi

Hello everyone,
My name is Parsa Hejabi and I am currently working as a software developer in Digikala company, the biggest e-commerce in the middle east. Also, I'm studying computer engineering at the Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran.
Programming has been a passion for me since I was 12 and I've started programming with Pascal language in middle school.
I'm always open to learning new technologies and languages and currently, I'm entering AI context right now.
Recently I read some awesome posts here and I think it's one of the greatest communities of developers.

adinoyisadiq profile image
Adinoyi Sadiq

Hi everyone, I'm Adinoyi; a software engineer from Lagos.

I primarily work on React and React Native applications during the day and train machine learning models at night.

Super excited to join this community!

sarathkumar6 profile image

Hello DEV Community,

I'm Sarath, a Software Developer based in Rochester, NY. I develop software applications using Angular JS, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Lodash, and test JavaScript based applications using Jasmine and Jest frameworks. Currently, I'm brushing up advanced JS concepts i.e., promise, closure, prototypal inheritance, call, apply, bind, currying, module pattern, events, and also started learning React JS. I was looking for a simple example explaining event propagation, and I bumped into DEV community article, which is really self-explanatory. I look forward to using DEV more in the coming days.


majorphyosan profile image
Phyo Kyaw San

Arrlone Mingalarpar (Means "Hello everyone" in my native language, Burmese). I'm here hoping that I will gain enormous amount of knowledge from all of you. And if I could give some, I will definitely do. Thanks.

saurabhsaurabh profile image
Saurabh Suman

Hi Everyone,

My name is Saurabh Suman and I am a software developer. I am interested to explore new technologies, learn and use it to create POCS. Currently exploring Microservice architecture and Spring cloud.

I am interested to learn AWS, React JS and planning to start on it.

I love travelling, watching action movies and good food is a plus :)

cellss profile image
cellss • Edited

Olá from Brasil!

Yeah, Bra'S'il.

I am here to learn.

adriengiboire profile image
Adrien Giboire

Salut !

It's been a couple times I stumbled around here so I finally decided to join in.

See you around!

kodmanyagha profile image

Hello everybody. I'm glad to join this community. Thanks.

mdsafeeuddin profile image
Mohammed Safee Uddin

Hi, I started my career as a healthcare professional followed my interest and landed as an analyst, but i want to improve in coding, any language, just need a chance and guidance...

papuruth profile image
Papu Kumar

Well it's fun to be here. I came here from the Hacktoberfest congratulations mail on completing my PRs for the event. I love working on MEAN and MERN Stack. Also I know React Native a little bit.

praveenmoses61 profile image

Hi everyone, I am Praveen Moses From Chennai, India. Currently working as a drupal web developer, and having a curious mind to learn new web technologies and related things.

didier2190 profile image

hi everyone, my name is Didier I'm a beginner and enthusiasts programmer, I'm interested in web development

prashant29 profile image

Hello World!

aishwaryanr2000 profile image
Aishwarya Raman

Hello, Happy to be a part of this exciting community. Hope to learn new things and share knowledge!!
Looking forward to try my hands in CTF .
Happy coding!!!

muratx10 profile image

Hi there guys!

jwincary profile image

Hi, I heard about this group at the All Things Open Conference in Raleigh and thought I would check it out.

arcanadragon profile image

Hello, I'm Arcana Dragon and I'm developing Hero Land, a free browser game where you can play as over 100 heroes.

kuldeeps1ngh profile image

Hello Everyone, My name is Kuldeep Singh, from India. I am currently working in India based company as Frontend Developer Intern. I like to learn Angular.

saurav80 profile image
Saurav Jaiswal

Namesty! My name is Saurav ,I am from India.I am a student.OSS brings me here🤗🌚👍

jacobherrington profile image
Jacob Herrington (he/him)

Hi! 👋

kashish410 profile image
Kashis Jawed

Looking forward to learn more.

nickdedevolve profile image


segunolatoye profile image
Segun Olatoye

Hey am Sam, I would love to learn from cool people around er.

hassenrmili profile image
Hassen Rmili

Hi everyone, my name is Hassen, I'm a fullstack Javascript developer, so this is my first time to interact with PHP developers, I hope everything went well, btw I like the design of the website.

flinshot profile image
Fawn M. Linschoten

So, I hope that being able to use both sides of my brain is beneficial to coding. Is there any best sites to supplement the languages in the Lambda classes?

stephdgenius profile image
Steph 🇨🇲 • Edited

Hello, I am fullstackdeveloper, and UI/UX Designer

mhouston17 profile image


acs4kor profile image
Avil Joswin Mascarenhas

I really don't know how did I landed into this beautiful website.
Love to learn new stuffs from you all

whjte profile image
John Snow

Hey folks, I'm taking Java OOP course and this website is great. Currently looking for opportunities - that being beginners projects, open-source projects or new job :)

I love old classic cars

lilyyanglt profile image

Hello everyone! I am a newbie! I joined because I was reading an article and I wanted to "heart" it so here I am! Diving into the world of development - hoping to learn from everyone :)

asadglobalshopaholics profile image

Web Developer

pixelmelter profile image
Alan Houser

Hello! I'm a product designer and looking for freelance opportunities. I've been focused on front-end professionally since 2000.

abaciocco profile image
Andrés Baciocco Bustamante • Edited

I’m a believer, senior dev and i still in love with code, i love learn new techs and also love help and share my own knowledge.

sickwiz profile image
Aamir Ahmad

Hello everyone,my name is Aamir Ahmad. I am studying computer science at JIIT, Noida, India.
I am into web development and cyber security. Currently exploring JavaScript , PHP and sql server.

rudynk profile image

Hello, I am Rudy Ravelin and I am from Haiti. I am here to learn and become a better developer.

skyhidev profile image
Armand Syeed

My name is Armand I am a Software Developer.

cguttweb profile image

Hello I'm Chloe I'm a developer although my day job focuses mostly on building emails I'm keen to learn more about code particularly around javascript and Vue at moment. Hoping to learn a lot.

joelpagliuca profile image
Joel Pagliuca

Heya -- I'm an Appsec Engineer, super keen on Software quality and Devops. Been doing lots of Go lately and loving it

officialrajdeepsingh profile image
Rajdeep Singh

Hey, my name is Rajdeep Singh. I'm studying in Biotechnology but I love coding.recntly start learn tensoflow.js in javascript.
this is my stort tell me your story.

nganjewar profile image
nilesh ganjewar


dreman3082 profile image
Oluwadamilare Alonge

My name is Maphorbs, I'm a web developer, Android developer and also a digital marketing person

gsiteiovn profile image

I'm glad to have joined this interesting community. I am a software engineer. I just love the source code and am learning to promote myself.I Hope everybody can help.

luyando24 profile image

Hi family, I'm web developer with interest in sharing knowledge.

2joephillips profile image
Joseph Phillips

I am a C# Developer that loves JavaScript. C# to pay the bills, and JavaScript to stay cool 🐱‍🏍!! Mostly, looking for more content to consume that will help my in my development.

myathtutzafir profile image

Hello my name is Myat Htut. I am a project manager. Also a web developer.

najeemdurowade profile image
Durowade Najeem

Hello everyone, my name is Najeem. I'm new here and I am open to every bit of knowledge in becoming a full stack web developer.

dessydayne profile image
Audu Desmond Adama

Hi everyone, my name is Desmond, i most recently started learning python(django). I'm from Nigeria(not your typical stereotype). Uhmm thats about that, nothing much.

ekimlim122104 profile image
Mike Lim

Hi I'm Mike, I'm newbie for all stuff but I'm willing to learn

yasiriqbal1 profile image

Hello everyone, my name is Yasir and I am a system administrator. These days i have focused to learn docker and kubernetes thats why i here.

gr8t_ade profile image

My name is Atteh Adewale, Iam a mid-level python programmer.Iam here to collaborate and learn from people of like mind.

incasedo profile image

Hi everyone

haenleinjane profile image
Haenlein Jane

Hello! So I'm new here. Started training to be web dev recently, after HTML,CSS,JS we started REACT last week, and will be working on project number 2 as from tomorrow...looking forward to that :D

greyflanel profile image

I am a new developer happy to join the community! I look forward to a long and storied career alongside my fellow coders.

vahabfuad profile image

Hello World!

axionbuster profile image
YuJin Kim

Hi, my name is YuJin, and I am an undergraduate student studying computer science at the Colorado School of Mines here in Golden, Colorado.

bonusskate profile image

Like ♥️

godfreddigod profile image
Godfred Digod

Hello everyone,
I'm Digod. I just love tech and exploring more of its fun.

eth3rnit3 profile image

Hello everyone, I am delighted to meet this community that I did not know. I think I will learn a lot from a lot of people, and I hope to share my own knowledge.

andymarthin profile image
Andy Marthin Christo

Hi all, i am from indonesia

jsmompdx profile image


I write a lot of: JavaScript, React.

Improving my: Docker, PostgreSQL, Kubernetes, Python, React hooks, and AWS.

Once knew: PHP, MySQL, and Drupal.

rizwanaslam profile image
Rizwan Aslam

Hi @All, i am Rizwan. I am a laravel developer and love to learn new technology. Hope this is a good place to learn cool things about different technologies.

shubh_simply profile image
SimpLY Shubh

Hey guys, total newbie and a student and just couldn't figure where to start, but wanna contribute to Open source , but not sure if I even have the skills to.

yasiriqbal776 profile image

Hi guys, i am yasir iqbal, I am a software engineer, currently working in Blockchain Projects,

melconcoast profile image
Krishna Vyas

I have been reading many articles related to how of different topics of Programming in community. I feel like I should also join and belong to this vast experienced community

muncaster profile image

Hi guys Im very happy to join you

adoraokogeri profile image
Adora Okogeri

Hello all. thank you for welcoming me here.
I was reading one of the post and wanted to comment when I got redirected to here.

booraddley profile image

python, bash are my main go to for scripting
I've dabbled in rust.

Mac Admin
you know sysadmin stuff

seunaremu1981 profile image
seunaremu1981 • Edited

Hi....I'm seun

babitabisht profile image
Babita Bisht • Edited

Hello everyone,
I'm babita bisht, a full stack developer. Blockchain and flutter enthusiast.

kalyansarkar123 profile image

Hello , Wanted to learn and share knowledge .

kalyansarkar123 profile image

Please have look into the url , it explain region,zone , network and other components of AWS .

amauryq profile image
Amaury Quintero

Hi I'm DevOps Architect but I'm really enjoy learning GraphQL. My new experience...

pitekiren profile image

Hello community,
How did make a money, without an ads, and user payment?

geobaby profile image
Geo Baby

Hi Everyone, my name is Geo, and I am a computer programmer and software engineer. I love c#,dotnet and gamedev, like java, angular, and has a crush on augmented reality.

rkat7 profile image
Rohith Kattamuri

Hey everyone!
This is Rohith. I'm a student-developer based in India. Glad to join this community.

tbpsb profile image
Bhanu Pratap Singh Bisht

Hello everyone this is infant learner want to be an ethical hacker

jawaharrajan profile image
Jawahar Rajan

Hi Jawahar here,starting my journey in javascript frameworks

krishnamishra0786 profile image

how to make easy System integration with different platform

geonz profile image

I'm just trying to figure out enough javascript etc to make some math quizzes.

choraria profile image
Sourabh Choraria

So, this is what its like to be a non-coder/programmer amidst a bunch of devs! 😁

kevyworks profile image

Hello Im looking for lust, lust of knowledge particularly devops, api, microservices best practices, sugar, spies and everything nice. Hi all!

alexmagy99 profile image
White Fang

Hi everyone, my name is Mostafa and I am a Software Engineer. I started my carrier as an System developer on oracle but in the past few years I’m focused on PHP and Paython

calvinfronda profile image
Calvin Fronda

Welcome Thomas! How was the transition from IT support to software development ?

ikakosta profile image

Hi all, my name is Ivan and I came from Serbia. Last year I'm a full-time web developer, use to be technical support. I'm passionate about feathers is and Vuejs

kelexsticky profile image

Hello everyone, I am happy to be here

beginner #javascript

phonerefer profile image
Irshad Ali


kusumabm profile image


runrunbian profile image

it's my pleasure

tayfunerbilen profile image
Tayfun Erbilen

Hello everyone, I'm Tayfun. I just love to discover some cool stuff and here there is a lot of cool stuff and cool people. 'm happy to be here.

mayank21 profile image


goliathgeek profile image


robotfights profile image

Feels good to be in the pool of coders

trissm profile image
Tristan Moss • Edited

Hello great people! I do the Internets for work .net / Umbraco more specifically, in Bristol/England (sorry about BX, not my choice). Picking up React native and Node.JS for the lols.

rana6060 profile image

Hello 👋

mrnewdelhi profile image

Hey I am here to learn new things and explore new boundaries

ctrl_alt_chris profile image

Hello friends!

I'm an aspiring developer hoping to teach myself react over the coming holidays.

I love design, vaporwave and dragons and I hope you have a swell day ;)

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard


officialrajdeepsingh profile image
Rajdeep Singh

Hey, my name is Rajdeep Singh. I'm studying in Biotechnology but I love coding. recently start to learn tensoflow.js in javascript.
this is my story tell me your story.

mhouston17 profile image


royaleagle73 profile image
Deepak Chauhan

Hi everyone, my name is Deepak Chauhan, an aspiring software developer looking forward to work in open-source, it would be fun to work with you guys :)

codegenial profile image
David Mendoza

Hola comunidad

samsomyajit profile image
Somyajit Chakraborty


keith20597177 profile image


chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Interesting! Thanks for the links :)

arca profile image
Ari Cahyono


hasii2011 profile image
Humberto A Sanchez II

Glad to be here

vishu008 profile image


chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

hello! 👋

raulrm profile image
Raul Marusca

Hello! My name is Raul, im 52 yo and im work in IT since 1982. I join this community aiming to learn from more experienced devs and trying to contribute a little.

arun_rockerz profile image
Akash D Sousza

PL/SQL is good or best in 2020?

codehackerjj profile image

Hey whats up new here Houston Texas

sm_kazemi profile image

Hi , i'm a junior Android Developer that going to migrate to backend web

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV! Good luck on your migration to backend :)

sagarnasit profile image
Sagar Nasit

Hello. 🖐️

My self Sagar Nasit. I'm a WordPress and React developer.

nico91470 profile image
Nicolas STOPHE

Hi everybody, i'm a french developer.
I am like a super hero with double identity: .Net Dev in day and JS Dev at night. I want to start as a freelance dev.
I would like to improve in english too ;)

titouansola profile image
Titouan Sola

Un camarade !

Welcome ;)

shivtech11 profile image
Shivam Sharma


marceloalmeida profile image
Marcelo Almeida

Hello! My name is Marcelo and I am a developer from Brazil. My favorite language is PHP, and I'm learning Laravel and Vue. I work with Delphi too :D

zimkyter profile image

Hi I’m Zimkhitha I’m a software engineer, my experience is in Nodejs currently I’m learning python😊

tips367 profile image
tips367 • Edited

I am working as a Firmware Engineer at Landis+Gyr. Wants to learn Linux device driver, AI and ML.

kasperbergholt profile image
Kasper Bergholt

I'm a BBS Sysop turned old.

jerinthomas1404 profile image
Jerin Thomas

Hi Everyone!I hope to learn a lot and enjoy from this community.

mrwatsonde profile image
Russell Watson

Hello World!

birendra90_31 profile image
Birendra Kumar

Hi Team,

I am Birendra Kumar and having 4.3 Years of experience in Frontend Developer.

mukaldadhwal profile image

Hello, I am 15 year's old programmer who loves programming and technology. CODING IS MY PASSION😎😎😎

adavijit profile image
Avijit Das

Hi everyone I'm new here!
is my YouTube channel
please do subscribe and support me

ashisha23940767 profile image
ashish anand

Hello fellow developers, I am new dev. and looking forward to get expertise in it. We can make our environment a lot better. I have some development idea, working with language. See you around.

flinshot profile image
Fawn M. Linschoten

I would like to create educational games ultimately. Adding composed music and graphics would be fun to see culminate into the end project.

dev297 profile image

Hi geeks, my name is Devaraj[Dev😉] and I'm a CS student. I love to learn new technologies but the funny part is that i start new tech before finish the previous thing😬.

shreyan62084887 profile image
Shreyansh Jain

Hey, I am shreyansh . I am from india .I am Graduate in BE with computer science stream.

luvcryptocom profile image
Luv Crypto

Hi there, even though registered as a company here, my name is Sid. I am from Bangalore, India. And love blockchain + crypto! :)

habibur73382197 profile image
Habibur Rahman


souravkumarsahu profile image

Hi all,

In addition to learning Python, I am a COBOL application developer. It would be great if anyone here wants me to collaborate in COBOL projects too.

shivakant1999 profile image
Shivakant Vishwakarma

Hello Everyone
My name is shivakant, I'm a computer science engineering student in pre-final year from India.
I love coding, and learning to teach machines how to think and take decisions like humans.

kuldp18 profile image
Kuldeep Solanki

Hello Guys! My name is Kuldeep Solanki and I'm a student here in India. I'm learning JavaScript and other web dev stuff! Wish me luck!

samako profile image

Hello! I'm just a newbie in programming world and little bit enthusiastic about learning coding. That's all! 😅

sarmad profile image
Sarmad Gulzar

Hello, I am Sarmad, and I am a Python developer. I am excited about back-end development using Django/Flask. I also have bit of interest in Machine/Deep learning. Nice to be on board.

1busayo profile image
Samuel Fanimokun

hi everyone am a software dev from Lagos,Nigeria kindly follow me on github and i will follow back instantly

maneeshmanu2000 profile image
Maneesh Manoj

Hello everyone it's my first day here. hope I'm at the right place...

goliathgeek profile image

Hello :).

sivsivsree profile image
Siv S

Hi everyone, I am Siv, Full stack Software Engineer by profession, curious about technology by passion. I am proficient in nodejs, golang, Angualr and Android java..

mukaldadhwal profile image

Hi everyone, I am a 15 year's old programmer who loves programming, developing apps, blogging and technology.

rohinichowdary3 profile image
Rohini Chowdary • Edited

Hi All,This is it carrier started with Java and reactjs,I am very much interested to learn machine hobbies are learning new things playing badminton

ghost profile image

hello world!

mbinayak profile image
Binayak Mishra

Hello everyone, Binayak here. I am a front-end engineer, interested in leaning all things Web.
In my me-time I like to read with a cup of tea or go on trekking to a decently challenging mountain.