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Welcome Thread - v48

rainbow high five

Welcome to DEV!

  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just a hello. πŸ‘‹

Great to have you in the community!

Top comments (452)

tarasnovak profile image
dataPixy πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈ

Hi guys!

Great blogging site for devs. I am only on day 6 posting here, but so far I really like your platform. Beats medium hands down!

Liquid error: internal

My bag of tricks is here :)


ericis profile image
Eric Swanson

I too thought of as a kind-of open-source Medium alternative after I read about the site. Although, I like GitHub's "sponsor me" feature, which is kind of what Medium offers too. Except, they have the forced reading throttling they do unless you are a subscriber.

tarasnovak profile image
dataPixy πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈ

oh, I use Medium too, mostly for clipping my tech reads (

Sponsor me is an interesting feature. However, in my experience most devs just skim articles or try new tools & rarely hit that sponsor button.

You'd be lucky if they ⭐️ your repo || buy you a cup of coffee to sponsor your passion. For example, my vscode Data Preview 🈸 extension has over 23K installs & I only had 3 devs buy me a β˜•οΈ on :)

I started blogging here just to share what makes my πŸ’– tick ...

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grandpaa profile image
Patrick Eshun

Yh. But only 3 devs

Thread Thread
tarasnovak profile image
dataPixy πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈ

well, that's the price of OSS I guess :)

barnambora profile image
Barnam Bora

Pretty neat indeed

aloure profile image
Mustafa YΔ±ldΔ±z

You can actually clear cookies and throttling goes off. No subscription, no pain :/

ethubert profile image
Hubert Hilczer

You got me at "Beats medium hands down!".
Welcome :)

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

beckyochulo profile image

thank you

josiasdl profile image
Josias De Lima

Wow, this is great!

tarasnovak profile image
dataPixy πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈ • Edited

Thanks! I am up over 1K followers now after 12 days on

Devs seem to really like my VSCode Data Preview 🈸 extension.

Latest post on that data tool is here:

aprilchills profile image
April Chilldres

this is awesome!

tmazhari profile image
Tahmoores Mazhari


stvoidmain profile image
JerΓ³nimo Milea


thursdaydan profile image


laasrinadiaa profile image
Nadia Laasri


meghanajagruthi profile image

nice article...! :)

hpelaez73 profile image
Andres Pelaez

Hola a todos, es un gusto participar en esta comunidad. Por muchos aΓ±os desarrolle aplicaciones con Deplhi y ahora estoy incursionando en .net para aplicaciones web api.

AquΓ­ encontrΓ© respuestas a mis dudas. Espero poder aportar algo tambiΓ©n.

Aunque puedo leer textos en inglΓ©s, me cuesta escribir en ese idioma, por eso mi presentaciΓ³n es en espaΓ±ol.

ericis profile image
Eric Swanson

Hola Andres. Soy todo lo contrario, apenas puedo leer espaΓ±ol y me cuesta mucho mΓ‘s escribirlo. Pero, me alegra verte publicando aquΓ­.

It would be awesome to see an inline translate service for articles and comments!

souder_arguedas profile image
Henry Souder-Arguedas

Hola, Eric. Gracias por venir! A mi me gusta la idea de ver un servicio de traducir para los articulos. Igual como tu, yo acaba de llegar aqui, y me parece es un buen lugar.

Nos vemos y much gusto!

A little rusty on the Spanish but that was cool.

paulokenza profile image
Paulo Henrique de Oliveira Silva

Welcome, bienvenido

lautarolobo profile image
Lautaro Lobo

Hola AndrΓ©s! Saludos desde Argentina, Γ©sta plataforma es hermosa, bienvenido!

gndx profile image
Oscar Barajas Tavares

Genial :D

mem_wey profile image


ashirafumiiro profile image
Miiro Ashirafu

Hello everyone.

I have been busy in the university lab doing code and having fun till I realized I had to join people who do what I like doing.
Hoping to enjoy myself in this community.

Btw, I do both hardware and software development

therealgrinny profile image

Welcome to the jungle, man! Glad someone else likes hardware too. I'm convinced computer parts are Legos for adults.

dguyx9 profile image


I like that, computer parts are like legos for adults!

That would be me for sure.

ashirafumiiro profile image
Miiro Ashirafu

Thanks man!
Hardware is the most incredible piece in the computer game.
I just like it

kyarleschalo profile image
Charles Kyalo


carnnia profile image

πŸ–– best of luck

ashirafumiiro profile image
Miiro Ashirafu

Thank you

mwong068 profile image

Hi everyone!

I'm three weeks into the software engineering program at Flatiron School and just posted my first blog.
I'm excited to be more involved in the engineering community here on Dev and to read lots of interesting articles :)

Happy coding!

mauroallende profile image

Welcome Megan. I just joined the community!

mwong068 profile image

Thanks Mauro! Glad to hear it! Welcome to you too then :)

therealgrinny profile image

Software engineering seemed like a big monster to me at the start of my education so I decided to focus on web instead. What's one of the things you like about it?

mwong068 profile image

Hi Grinny! I agree it can be very daunting but I really am enjoying back end so far! Web is great too but maybe you could give it a try and you'll see it isn't so bad :)

blueswanisfree profile image
Blue Swan

Nice! SE is a great subject. You're gonna love it!

mwong068 profile image

Thanks! :) What has been your experience so far?

Thread Thread
blueswanisfree profile image
Blue Swan

Well, from the perspective of career there is a lot of well paid jobs around the world for all levels of knowledge. On a personal basis I love the ability to understand both software and hardware - the latter is more for CE than SE though - and the flexibility to switch from one industry to another without too much effort.

There's a lot of work to do in order to become a good SE and basically you'll never stop studying new stuff but that's the beauty of it, isn't it? :)

jordanmr profile image
jordan M.R

Hellooo! My name is Jordan and I'm and student of the university of Kent in England. I'm a bit new to this place as I only found out about this hidden gem about a week ago. I can't wait to learn from all of you and read all the great posts y'all have written. Currently I'm working part-time as a Ruby Developer at a great company. So if any of you guys know of any good posts or tips on Ruby or Rails feel free to send them my way.

schoork profile image

Gotta love some RoR!

lautarolobo profile image
Lautaro Lobo

Hi and welcome Jordan! Maybe you can write some tutorial on Ruby, or data structures implementation... just an idea, cheers!

jordanmr profile image
jordan M.R

Hello fellow Jordan,
Thats a great idea. I was also thinking about writing some casual discussion based posts like about the challenges computer science students face in this ever changing world of technology.

fahtherbear profile image
Cody G

Digging Ruby and RoR. I've only just dipped my toes into them but definitely like it so far.

jordanmr profile image
jordan M.R

It’s great and so simple to use.
It’s was the first MVC framework I’d ever used. I much prefer it to the one we use for our university assignments (codeigniter in PHP).

mandymkn profile image
mandy • Edited

I'm glad that I found this community. Currently, I’m learning React, and I’ve been reading some interesting and inspiring articles from the community. And I hope to share my journey soon

ericis profile image
Eric Swanson

Awesome mandy and welcome! In addition to React, be sure to keep tabs on Angular and Vue as they evolve. I have really come to enjoy Ionic's open source StencilJS library that can target all three as well as standard web components.

mandymkn profile image

Perfect, thank you so much Eric. Definitely going to check out StencilJS library :))

lautarolobo profile image
Lautaro Lobo

Hi Mandy! Welcome!

mandymkn profile image

Thank you!!

goodlight7 profile image

Hello all, was listening to the stack overflow podcast heard about this place thought I'd check it out.
I'm an old beginner. Got my Comp Sci degree 19 years ago, but have been working various levels of tech support and ops until now. I'm a beginner again, doing front end development. ... and I'm terrified :p

reincore profile image
Deniz Sağlam

Hello goodlight7! I am a new face in this community as you are. Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I try to identify the things I don't know and revise/update my learning path. That usually helps me :)

captsnoodle profile image
Chase Struse

The podcast brought me here too! I love the stack podcast a lot and it’s good to see I’m not the only one!

st1vision profile image
Stephanie Taylor

Hey. I'm in the same boat. Old beginner starting my Blockchain Dev journey. Excited and nervous at the same time.

ericis profile image
Eric Swanson

I am happy to have stumbled on this community after reading "Automated Style Guides for REST, GraphQL and gRPC".

I starred the GitHub repo shortly after reading the "About" section.

I am wishing for ubiquitous hash tags across all engineering platforms as standard #101, #201 and #301 so that authors and readers alike could opt-in to their own preferred level of expertise.

downey profile image
Tim Downey

Welcome, Eric! Your name sounds familiar.. I think I may have seen you present at CF Summit this year!

ericis profile image
Eric Swanson

You would be correct @downey . Great to see you here. Crazy odds! ... no @mention suggest-as-you-type feature yet πŸ€”?

jolhd profile image
Jude Oyovbaire

Hello Everyone! I'm glad to be here - I am transitioning from a Sys-Admin to Web Developer. I am presently learning CSS and looking to start JavaScript soon - I look forward to learning a lot from the community.

hyperhead profile image

Hi, Good luck with the transition.

aman22sharma profile image
Aman kumar sharma

Hey I am Aman kumar sharma Final year student of Computer Science & Engineering department. I am interested in Web development JavaScript related technologies

lautarolobo profile image
Lautaro Lobo

Hi man! I'm studying CS too, but just beginning, it's a lovely field for me :)

pguedes profile image
paulo guedes

Hi everyone,

I used to be a very skilled programmer a long time ago. For some crazy reason I lost interest in developing and went to try different stuff in other areas. After 6 years I felt really sorry for my bad decision and now I'm trying to make up for lost time. I'm astonished about how technologies have evolved in the past years and how many exciting things are there to learn.

So I'm back to development and very happy about it.

arntj profile image
Arnt Joakim WrΓ₯lsen

Programming is like cycling, you never really forget it once you learn it. Welcome! πŸ˜ƒ

suchana34 profile image
Suchana Chakrabarti

Hello everyone :)
I am a second-year undergraduate in computer science and engineering. I am always looking for fun stuff and new trends. I am interested in web and app development and looking forward to hackathons.

Hoping for a lot of fun here.

kousik_mitter profile image
Kousik Mitra

Welcome to dev :)

kyleewebb7 profile image
Kylee Webb

Hello! My name is Kylee Webb, I'm in my last year at San Diego State University studying to receive a Bachelors in Computer Science. I'm currently interning as a Software Engineer at FSI and I look forward to learning and writing for this dev group!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Spiderman swinging by to say hello

tweh profile image

Hi Everyone!

I got here through the Stack Overflow podcast since I am about to attend a bootcamp and the title 'You graduated from coding bootcamp, Now what?' grabbed my attention. Just trying to cram as much stuff in my head as possible. Cheers!

eddyah5 profile image
Editoro Godwin

Hahaha...sounds like myself. Enjoy your BootCamp!!!

imilbygit profile image
Adam M

Hello! I've always been fascinated with technology and finally decided to get out of retail management to pursue a career in software development! Currently a student at a local, accelerated coding and development school. Learning new things everyday.

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