DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v53 staff on December 18, 2019

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson • Edited

Hello to all that are new to DEV.
I'm Katie, one of the basic moderators. My unofficial title: DEV cheerleader šŸ˜Š

I want to welcome all of you to the DEV community and let you know that you'll find lots of help and support here for all your coding needs.

Don't hesitate to ask questions or contribute new ideas with your own post.

Be sure to read my latest post

sayudhawebdesign profile image

Hi everyone, thanks for letting me join here. I saw this is a good web discussion. I think is the best after I read it for a while.

I'm a beginner front end developer, I just started my career as a dev since mid 2019. I throw away my 8 years experience as an electrical engineer even though I have already become a manager in JABIL CIRCUIT, and start fresh as a dev.

I always loved computer since I was a kid, so I think it's worth it to throw away my previous career and become what I always loved. I hoped I could become a great developer and contributing to other devs like all of you.

tristdev profile image
Tristan Gibbs

Hello. I like your post, and it spoke to me in particular because my original major was Electrical Engineering! I was made to take a class in c++ programming, and it hooked me so much I changed my major to Computer Science. Good post. I look forward to meeting more like minded people on here.

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kaydubyew profile image

Math major, required to take CSC classes, got hooked.

wrightdotclick profile image
TJ Wright

Hi, Katie! Thanks for being around to cheer us on and support us! It's nice seeing a community full of folks with that attitude, and thanks for being our champion!

enigmaticsoulrg profile image
Virgo Clarity

Thank you for the welcome and boost.

Keep up the great work.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Thanks Virgo (luv your profile pic)!

Thread Thread
enigmaticsoulrg profile image
Virgo Clarity

Thank you so much. Yours is great too.

roadkillchili profile image
Marc Turner

Hi Katie,
Thanks for the welcome.
I'm hope to document my return to web development after TV/video production for 10 years. I'm in the process of taking on the challenges of learning modern coding skills development as well as the job hunt in middle age. Fingers crossed.

brucem1976 profile image
Bruce Martin

Go for it Marc!

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson • Edited

Iā€™m rooting for you Marc! Just ask if you want help. There are many here to help you on your journey.

abdoulalmi3 profile image
abdou lalmi • Edited

hello katie , thank you for being here to support us ,this is generous of you .
i feel that i'm gonna learn a lot and i will be helpful and give my best ...

sameeravanekar profile image
Sameera Vanekar

Hi Katie, thanks so much for the warm welcome. Its great to be part of such an awesome community.

I am a co-founder of Pathfix, a Serverless OAuth Token Management and OAuth Based Messaging platform. Really looking forward to learning and sharing knowledge with the community!

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hey Sameera! Really happy that you have joined us here on DEV.

marcobustillo profile image
Marco B

Hi Katie, thank you for the warm welcome. I am glad to be here

winstonewere profile image

Thanks for the Welcome Katie

boodazak profile image


forbrightworld profile image
Xiao Zhang

Thank you for your kind attention.
For the rapid development of IT technology, I'll do my best.
Thank you for your time again.

ka4ma profile image


tophthewise profile image

Thanks for the welcome. I feel home :)

ankurkdkvm profile image


pedramardakani profile image
Pedram Ashofteh Ardakani

Hi there, What a heartwarming post and long chain of comments! I just finished my M.Sc. in physics, and can't wait to learn and implement various codes, and solve problems with creative methods. Cheers, and thank you _^

maestrotec profile image
maestrotec • Edited


kalikimanzi profile image
kali kimanzi

Hello Katie, thanks for the welcome

ravi19967 profile image


rahulsharma09 profile image
Rahul Sharma

Thanks for support

shashidharreddydakuri profile image


gsivaprabu profile image
Sivaprabu Ganesan


ahmedelselly profile image

Thank u Katie am happy for being here

akitheguitarist profile image

Thank you Katie, happy to be part of the awesome community.

danrust393 profile image

Thank you Katie, I'm happy to be here. I hope I connect with a lot of people here and start projects with them.

theumairgul profile image
Umair Gul

Will post something interesting soon.

ndhoondia profile image
Nisrin Dhoondia


kingsley31 profile image

Thanks, am glad to be here

lesley88 profile image
Lesley Kampinda


umar_panu profile image
Haliam S.Kumar


cesarecontreras profile image
Cesar Contreras


ataoheed profile image
Abu Taoheed


amina16068484 profile image

Hello! Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm excited to be here. (ā‰§ā–½ā‰¦)

jaynathanki profile image

Hello Katie...let's explore the

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hello Jayna, welcome!

makeway4pk profile image

Here after Hacktoberfest, feels like home, we'll see šŸ˜…

mrd3r profile image

Hello and thanks for that)

meshackmbuvi profile image
Meshack Mbuvi

Hi, Katie! Thanks for the welcome. I am excited to be here.

rioadrian profile image

Hello, Thanks for welcoming us :)

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

My pleasure. Look around the DEV site and see where you feel comfortable contributing.

thebrockstar profile image
Brock Rohloff


remoteio profile image - Remote Jobs

Hello World err @katnel20

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Thatā€™s a new one!

saktipong profile image


katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hello, please read my latest post and start contributing to the community.

Thread Thread
mshamugovella profile image


purplekat18 profile image
Purple Kat


cynthiaoduol profile image
Cynthia Oduol

Hi Katie, thanks for the nice welcome to this community

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Cynthia. Tell us about what kind of coding you are interested in.

earthshakira profile image
Shubham Arawkar

Hello šŸ‘‹

antnieszka profile image

Hi :)

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Welcome Aga!

senigueve profile image

Hi Katie ,

Nice to meet you here :)

deinmo profile image

Thanks Katie

prakashsingh05 profile image
Prakash Singh

Hi, Katie!

vishnu451 profile image

Hi, Katie(DEV cheerleader)! Vishnu here and am working as a Frontend developer @corefactors.Good to be here.Thanks for your support and kind words.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Thanks Vishnu. Please look at my latest post and start writing your own for us.

ataoheed profile image
Abu Taoheed

Hi Katie. Good to be here.

manonani profile image

Thank you Katie!

bindu35303753 profile image


benice profile image

Thank you :)

vikikhej profile image
Vikikhe Jimo

Hi everyone, thanks for letting me join here. I saw this is a good web discussion. I think is the best after I read it for a while.

I'm a beginner front end developer, I just started my career as a dev since mid 2019. I throw away my 8 years experience as an electrical engineer even though I have already become a manager in JABIL CIRCUIT, and start fresh as a dev.

I always loved computer since I was a kid, so I think it's worth it to throw away my previous career and become what I always loved. I hoped I could become a great developer and contributing to other devs like all of!

k0maric profile image

Hi Katie. I am Kahlil - Sr. Content Engineer @trustedtechteam. Good to be here.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson • Edited

Welcome Kahlil. Be sure to read my latest post

drgaud profile image

Hey happy new year =)

ibrahimbalami profile image
Ibrahim Balami

Thanks for the welcome... I look forward to a development year in 2020.

dani_er10 profile image
Dani Ruhyadi

Hi Katie thanks for your welcome šŸ˜Š

lseeisok profile image
Seeiso L

Thanks a lot Katie. I hope to learn a lot and also make positive contributions to this wonderful community.

niszazai profile image

Hi Katie, Nice to have you here would appreciate your efforts.

Good luck

kaykay profile image

thank you

sergeydonchenko profile image
Donchenko Serg

Hello, Katie! Thank you for the work you do for the community)))!

chepkiruibetty profile image

Hello Katie

schokobecher profile image
Pierre Dennert

Thank you for the welcome and boost.

Keep up the great work.

itcore3 profile image

Hi, katie. Thank you for your kind welcome message and also this community.

imshafikul profile image
Shafikul Islam


ualkali profile image

Thanks to you guys

miki84 profile image


isaacaelijah profile image
Isaac Elijah

Hello Katie. This is Isaac from Nigeria. I'm glad to be here.

axiomaabsurdo profile image
Matias Mortara


amykble profile image

Hey Katie!

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Amy, welcome to DEV! Itā€™s great to see more girls who code.

bdunkleysmith profile image

Thanks for the welcome. I've only just become aware of this community. I look forward to learning from others and in return making contributions myself.

byxm profile image

Thanks, Kaite. I am very glad to be here.

binabdulateef profile image
Bin abdulateef

Thank you Katie :)

saumya profile image

Thank you.
I am hoping to make it a regular thing to visit this place.

tys9no profile image
Tsuyoshi Kuno

Hi, Katie! Thanks for the welcome. Good to be here.

senthamilselvanv profile image


khanjabeer profile image


khanjabeer profile image

Thank You for the warm welcome

kmariebrown profile image
Kaphillis Brown

Hi Katie,
Thanks for the warm welcome! Also, thank you for offering your help and support. Personally, Iā€™m a newbie, so Iā€™m especially grateful for developers like you. Have a good one!

antonygatua profile image
Antonny Muiko

Thank you

testtechnokryon profile image

hii katie thank for cheering us

isaackings8 profile image
Isaac Kings

Yeah chearleader

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Go Issac!! šŸ˜Š

rogermo84333243 profile image
Roger Mora


ojodavi51392814 profile image
Ojo david

I wanna learn coding

martinoffiah profile image

Hello DEV cheerleader :)

maestrotec profile image
Comment marked as low quality/non-constructive by the community. View Code of Conduct
maestrotec • Edited

thanks for your welcome
web design seo

renanlazarotto profile image
Renan "Firehawk" Lazarotto

Hello there!

I'm Renan, a 28-year old programmer from Brazil. I'm father of two wonderful girls, I'm graduated as a IT Manager (but thankfully I have no intentions on managing anything beyond my code) and I know a bit of this and a bit of that about PHP, SQL and JS.

I'm getting familiar on how stuff works here and someday I might feel confident enough to write something for all of you amazing guys, but for now I'll stick to asking and learning.

Hope to get more in touch with you guys, I feel that I can learn and give a lot here!

ataoheed profile image
Abu Taoheed

Great. This is a good way to get the hang of things...

ibadeecodes profile image
Ibad Ullah Shaikh


renanlazarotto profile image
Renan "Firehawk" Lazarotto

Hello there! How are you today? =)

cloudpower97 profile image
Claudio Cortese

Hi there!

umavictor6 profile image
uma victor

That's great

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV! šŸ‘‹

Whale hello there!

not_jffrydsr profile image
@nobody • Edited

(greetings :all)

My name's Jeffrey Desir (written: jffrydsr) and I am, among the hyper-creative, conscientious and scatter-brained members here, not entirely sure what I .do.
eHrM Started real-life with a sprint in Behavioral Psych & Comp Sci (A.I. dreams), and limped the rest of the way to Applied Maths - & now a full-stack web-dev student at Lambda School **(Great but too late šŸ˜).
eHrM I'm proficient in Java, Python, Ruby, BrainF*ck (no, jk. šŸ˜) & HTML/(S)CSS/JS, though I love to code _specifically & primarily in **Clojure
EhRm I'm trying to formalize and share my writings in applied mathematics, TSO programming, philosophy/theology, and other pontifications in life.

Overall, I'm learning to connect "my selves" into a functioning unit and with other Selfs to practice collaborating and sharing ideas for my burgeoning freelance career in, you guessed, all of the things.

Fun Fact: I know I can't be alone in this superposition of career focuses with open-source more accessible and profitable than ever before, nor will it be the end of me. Yet, I still hesitate to press submit scared to step into the unknown, but after 4 revisions and this cafe closing; I'm here to grow new connections and wisdom for my life tasks that seems to involve just a little bit of everything.

fultonbrowne profile image
Fulton Browne

I noticed you like java, have you tried Kotlin yet?

not_jffrydsr profile image

I've checked out the documentation and it seems like cleaner Java with some simplified and modern conventions - it seems to be widely supported and hostable which is nice but it almost reminds me too much of Java to not just use what I know, for the moment. :P What do you think of it? The standalone compiler thing is hard to wrap my head around.

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fultonbrowne profile image
Fulton Browne

I personally like using much more than java, I can write the same code in half the time and everything gets automatically integrated with the build process, so you don't have to think about it.

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not_jffrydsr profile image

Yeah I think now it's worth getting into maybe in some coding challenges cause you're right, much less boilerplate and smarter class types. after learning Clojure I'm finding less and less utility in "regular" languages these days but it's also about the build flow so meh, everyone should already strive to be a polyglot IMO

oreakinwole profile image
Ore Akinwole

Hello Jeffery

bogdani12 profile image

Hello people,

I am Bogdan, 24 and I am programmer. I have worked 1.5 years in automotive industry and in the last year I am working as a web developer.

Excited to be here and to have all this info at my disposal.

Wish you all the best šŸ¤—

chrisdrit profile image

Exciting to hear you're moving into WebDev, what languages?

bogdani12 profile image

Well I am using Java, AngularJS, TypeScript and for Database PostgreSQL.

I have been doing fullstack tasks, but lately my main focus was on backend part. šŸ˜

Thread Thread
srinubaburavilla profile image
Srinubabu Ravilla

It's great to

ataoheed profile image
Abu Taoheed

Welcome aboard.

rude_bouy7 profile image

Hello fam, am new here, basically undergoing a course in web design.

crazyfun60yt profile image

Hello šŸ‘

musosoft profile image
Roman KovĆ”Ä

Hello šŸ–ļø

ser0pjx profile image

Hi! I'm a computer science geek, working in Dev for 20 years. I once tried to become a UX designer and I hit a wall. I now learned to embrace the fact that I'm really a hybrid, so I hope to morph into a UX Engineer for the rest of my career. Hope to find like-minded individuals in this space!

kelakinesis profile image

Hi! Iā€™m also thinking that a hybrid role would best suit me. What steps do you plan to take to morph your career from UX Designer to UX Engineer?

ser0pjx profile image

Hi Kelly! I made this website my home page so I can read a little bit every day. I feel in my case I need to flex my visual muscle and I found here a great blog too that gave me a ton of extra info! happy to share anything I come across with you!

by @emmawedekind who I'll be following too!

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kelakinesis profile image

Thank you, ser0pjx! Totally taken aback by - and enjoyed - the ā€œBecome a Unicornā€ headline on the website šŸ¦„

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ser0pjx profile image

Happy to hear you liked it Kelly! there is a place fo us !

unicodeveloper profile image
Prosper Otemuyiwa

I am Prosper Otemuyiwa. I've heard a lot about and decided to join today. I love Laravel with my life.

lauragift21 profile image
Gift Egwuenu

Lol welcome Prosper :)

unicodeveloper profile image
Prosper Otemuyiwa

Thank you so much Gift :)

nedyudombat profile image
Nedy Udombat

Welcome Prosper

__okanlawon profile image
Emmanuel Okanlawon

welcome bro

wrightdotclick profile image
TJ Wright

Hi, everyone!

I've been lurking on for a bit now, and I'm just getting around to finally saying hello. I started learning web development part-time with the Flatiron School in October, and I've been enjoying Ruby and OOP. I can't believe how much I've already learned! If you're an expert or a new learner who happens to be diving into the world of Ruby, let's connect. Learning is more fun with friends, and mentors are welcomed.

As a full-time job, I'm a senior graphic designer at a decently large custom apparel company in Dallas. Prior to that, I was a math teacher and a graduate researcher in philosophy and linguistics. I focussed in a field of philosophy called ontology, specifically in relation to issues in symbolic logic, philosophy of language, and philosophy of literature. If you want to know what that means, shoot me a message or comment below! I love to talk about it! While I enjoyed philosophy and language a TON, I really really enjoy coding. =]

Fun fact: I'm also a CrossFit and USA Weightlifting coach! If you've never tried it, I highly suggest it... CrossFit is intentionally data-driven and definitely resonates well with programmers, engineerings, and doctors... anyone who thinks analytically will enjoy it! I swear! If you've ever tried CrossFit or are really into some other form of fitness (e.g. yoga, F45, pilates, OrangeTheory), comment below. I love to hear about fitness journeys!

chrisdrit profile image

Good to see a fellow lurker who's recently converted :)

raman_andryianau profile image
Raman CreativeIT

Hey there!

I'm Raman, a full-stack JavaScript developer with over 9 years of experience and CEO at CreativeIT, a software house in Belarus. Here Iā€™m responsible for technical consulting, negotiating with existing and potential clients, and managing our team. I'm also an active contributor to open-source On, Iā€™m going to create my own blog, share experience, and discuss ideas.

Hope, I'll become a great part of this community!

dianamaltseva8 profile image
Diana Maltseva • Edited

Hey there! It's nice to meet you! A great profile, it's cool that your products have received so many stars on GitHub!)

raman_andryianau profile image
Raman CreativeIT

Thank you!

binabdulateef profile image
Bin abdulateef


thefadeyinmi profile image

Hi Dev,
I am Fadeyinmi. I am a beginner in everything web development. I have had training in HTML, CSS and now starting Javascript. I hope to build a career in Web development as a full stack developer though seeing what I have to learn at times feels pretty daunting but I am here to stay. I sort a seasoned mentor who can guide me through building a good career in Web development and much more. Thank you.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV! šŸ‘‹

Spiderman waving

thefadeyinmi profile image

Thank you

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Welcome on !

thefadeyinmi profile image

Thank you

platoputhur profile image
Plato Puthur

Hi, I am Plato and I love learning stuff.

I think I am a good example of the saying "jack of all trades, master of none". I work in a bootstrapping startup. The languages I work with are, swift, python, ruby, golang, javascript and PHP mostly. I also dabble on Lua and java not so frequently. I also love woodworking & electronics and have done a few projects involving these.

I came across this website in my google feed. Don't know how, but I recently started getting many stories from this website on my google feed. So thought of checking it out. And to be frank I am loving what I see :D

chrisdrit profile image

Excellent! How do you like Lua?

ataoheed profile image
Abu Taoheed


cl0wnm3at profile image
Claude Funston

Howdy Katie and all! šŸ‘‹ ...and Happy Holidays! .and so forth.

I am an oldster who is a slow learner, but I keep showing up.
In particular, I am interested in learning about Open Source Spatial Development, including cli, web, and console stuff. I lean toward the Python flavor of that genre, but would be interested in all things Spatial Development to be sure.

If I had to choose a fave library it would easily be GDAL > ogr.

Also, if anyone has an opinion on an open, friendly, active social chat area focusing in and of that world, please let me know.

One more thing: I am in the process of attempting to get a static site up and running and intend to use Hugo.

Meanwhile, here is a pic...because I can šŸ˜„

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Welcome Claude

kelakinesis profile image

Hi folks!

After years of working on the business side of tech, I'm finally taking the leap and re-learning how to code starting with Python.

DEV is the community I wish existed when I started learning to code about 8 years ago, and I'm so happy that it exists now.

Looking forward to learning alongside all of you!

ataoheed profile image
Abu Taoheed

Hi Kelly. Welcome aboard. Also retracing my steps back to programming. I have done all sorts of Java and servlet programming in the past but now my focus in on learning python especially as it relates to the web. I look forward to an educative adventure here.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Kelly, great to hear youā€™re getting back into coding. Have fun with it!

itcore3 profile image
IT_Core • Edited

I'm a full stack web developer with over 10 years of experiences in Web development based on following skills:
PHP, NodeJS, React/Redux, Vue, Angular, Laravel, Codeigniter, Python, Golang, SQL(Mysql, MongoDB, MSSql, Sqlite3), Git, Docker.
I also have experiences on teamwork, project management for about 5 years.
I'm glad to be able to meet excellent friends here and learn everything from you, excellent friends.

innocentdesign profile image

Hello, i am thrilled with your profile and years of experience. How and where do i start from as a beginner? i need help with useful materials and supports. Would you like to be my mentor?

itcore3 profile image

Hi, nice to meet you.
Thank you for your kind reply and evaluation.
You are welcome. I'm willing to help you.

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innocentdesign profile image

Ok, thanks for your reply. Am happy you are willing to help me. So, how do i start? what is your suggestion?

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itcore3 profile image

I want to know about you in detail. What's your favorite communication way?

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innocentdesign profile image

ok, i think you can contact me almost all the time via whatsapp and email.
on schedule, i can be on skype or zoom

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itcore3 profile image

What is your skype name and email?

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innocentdesign profile image

skype name is my phone number which is also my whatsapp number. (+2348033748111)

email address is

thank you.

ummuayyub profile image
Nezira Usmael

Hello everyone. I have learned more about coding at Refcode-where anyone interested in computer gets a chance to learn about coding or computer programming. Since then, I love coding and planning to persue my future career as a web developer. am simply here as an student to learn more and more!!. Thanks for having this Community here.

bellom profile image
Oluwaseun Bello • Edited

Hello, my name is Sean, I'm From Nigeria. Student of Microverse (school for software developer) and currently working as a TSE(Technical Support Engineer) for the school.

Am here to have the spirit of writing articles..... sucks at it.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Welcome Sean. We donā€™t judge anyoneā€™s writing here. Try a post and see how it goes. I bet youā€™ll get good responses.

bellom profile image
Oluwaseun Bello

Thanks Katie.

ogunji profile image
ogunji • Edited

You said u are a student at microverse, please I want to join help me, I need your contacts this my WhatsApp number 08158192677 or call 08151428504 my name is ogunji kayode

bellom profile image
Oluwaseun Bello

Kindly message me on LinkedIn or Twitter @bellom_sean

amina16068484 profile image

Hello world! I'm Amina. āœ§ā—(ā°ā–æā°)ā—œāœ§

My low-key obsession with python brought me here. I am learning it for my computer sci GCSE and it's become an active hobby of mine, although I can't do much yet. ā”( āˆµ )ā”Œ

I also came here to see what I can learn about engineering (something I've always been interested in but haven't had any experience of).

I can't wait to see what I learn on here. Nice to meet you all!

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Nice to meet you Amina. Glad you joined our community.

cishiv profile image
Shivan Moodley

Welcome :D Nice to meet you too

it_muzzammil profile image
Muhammad Muzzammil

Hello to all.
I'm Muhammad Muzzammil from Pakistan.
Six years old developer of .net framework. Now working as Consultant in Abacus Consulting.
My most working areas are asp mvc with angular.
I found this platform from Google. Dev helps me to know new techniques to work with different ways, logics and optimized code. Dev my favorite form

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Welcome to the community!

lorforlinux profile image
Deepak Khatri

Hello everyone, my name is deepak lor khatri and i have interests in embedded electronics, programming and science in general. I am currently pursuing biotechnology and i usually spend my time working on projects related to bioelectronics and machine learning.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Deepak. Welcome to the DEV community. I look forward to seeing your posts.

lorforlinux profile image
Deepak Khatri

I would love to share my work with the community, working on a neuron signal acquisition front end electrode array chip with 16 0.5mm pads, after completing the software and hardware i will share the project or maybe i should start with a jekyll site on github for short updates like in part series then complete post here. What do you say?

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katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

GitHub with updates sounds good. Most people here are familiar with it.

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lorforlinux profile image
Deepak Khatri

Will do that then thank you so much for your generous support.

anubhavbhatt profile image

Hi Dev team,
I'm Anubhav, living in Dehradun valley, covered with mountains. I'm father of a naughty boy.
My interests are in mostly JS library/frameworks and robotics.
Love to work in robotics and JavaScript libraries.
I hope, here you guys encourage me to increase my skills on these and feel free to ask me the problems, I'm happy to solve.

cishiv profile image
Shivan Moodley

Robotics has always seemed really interesting! Welcome

hyejung profile image
Jen • Edited

Hello! I'm Jen Lim from Seoul, Korea. I'm happy to get to know about this community! :) I am currently trying to become a back-end web developer. I hope to complete my education at a coding bootcamp and get a job in 3-4 months. :))

Btw, where could I get the official logo image of DEV? I'd like to represent my presence on DEV alongside other social icons at a website I'm developing.


katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Jen, to Add the DEV badge to your personal site,
go to
It will show you the code needed to do that.

hyejung profile image

Dear Katie, thank you so much!!! :)

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katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Youā€™re welcome.

lingeringsmell profile image
Annie Hall

Hello everyone, I'm Anna

I've sort of been floundering the last 4 years, masquerading as a "Data Scientist", whatever that means, and decided to resign from my job today as the environment was generally not conducive to becoming better at anything other than procrastinating.

Currently I am reading Soft Skills: The Software Developer's Life Manual by John Sonmez, and it's become apparent to me I need to be more proactive in becoming a better developer/professional. Something emphasised in the book is the need to have an online presence, in the form of blogs, repos and general community involvement - not just for the visuals but because it helps you actually be a better developer.

Which I knew already, really, but I didn't want it to be true because I'm a big baby who can't be uncomfortable or face scrutiny of any kind. However, being told to do something by a book makes all the difference. So, here I am, taking the first step. Let's see if I can keep it up and make a real change for myself.

codycoder profile image

Hi All, I'm Andy and have just finished a C#/.NET coding bootcamp. I have a Bachelor's in English and enjoy writing but most of the work I've done in my life has been blue collar. I went to the bootcamp because I want to find my niche in tech and do meaningful work. I've been lurking and reading for a while here on Dev.To and have enjoyed (and continue to enjoy) the posts.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Welcome Andy. Iā€™ve been doing C# back-end with SQL lately, so I canā€™t wait to see your first post.

codycoder profile image

Neat! What kind of projects have you been working on?

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katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Itā€™s a student run website for activities. I collect info and put it in a MySQL database.

amykble profile image

Hey everyone! New years resolution: To write articles about what I'm learning to help others!

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Canā€™t wait to see your first post Amy.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV! šŸ‘‹

Whale hello there!

alexray profile image

šŸ‘‹ What's up everyone; stoked to be here!

I'm a relatively seasoned JS dev (~7 years mostly remote startups) who is currently living in Salt Lake City, Utah.

I'm here to keep up on Machine Learning, high performance/scalable JS and organizational engineering methodology.

On a more personal note; I used to live and work on a farm in Norway, I once swallowed 3 quarters, if I wasn't a software engineer I would probably be an Industrial or graphic designer. My dream is to retire and buy a farm where I can work/live as an artist!

dheerajaggarwal profile image
Dheeraj Aggarwal

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for letting me join here. I am very excited to be here. My name is Dheeraj Aggarwal and I created vREST NG which is an enterprise application for automated API Testing. I am having 10+ years of experience in Automated API Testing.

I joined this community to share information on how one can boost his/her API test efficiency or productivity. I want to have lots of feedback from the members of this community. So with their valuable feedbacks I can improve further.

hycarldev_ profile image
Haikal Azmi

Hi, honestly I don't know what to say but I think I found another great site for my development.

Oh ya, I am Haikal, I am super new to Dev and I hope I can gain a lot of knowledge here as I am a QA Engineer and also working freelance as a Web Developer, a bit Full Stack Developer as well.

I am 20 years old, so yes, I am a junior in those fields I mentioned above and I hope all the seniors here can provide me the paths, the guides so that I can become as great as you guys too, thank you!

binkap profile image

Greetings fellows Binkap S is now part of the Community

stephenzhao profile image
Stephen Zhao • Edited

Hello everyone! I'm still in school, but I've worked plenty of jobs in/around the dotnet stack, and consider myself a fullstack developer. I have experience with desktop (WPF) and web development (ASP.NET). I enjoy the rich type systems of Scala and TypeScript. And I love working the frontend with ReactJs. I'm excited for what .NET Core will bring in the future, including a more mature Blazor and C# 9.0!

EDIT: I look forward to participating in this community as I've been lurking and reading articles for years now. It's the perfect time to join in as the new decade approaches. Happy holidays everyone!

antarsidgi profile image
Antar Sidgi

Hello there!

I'm Antar, a 23-year old programmer from Sudan.I'm study as a Biomedical Engineering this my last year (but thankfully I have no intentions on managing anything beyond my code) and I know a bit of this and a bit of that about PHP, SQL and how to use any liburary type.

I'm getting familiar on how stuff works here and someday I might feel confident enough to write something for all of you amazing guys, but for now I'll stick to asking and learning.

Hope to get more in touch with you guys, I feel that I can learn and give a lot here!

alfahami profile image
Al-FAHAMI Toihir • Edited

Hello, thanks for the welcome post.
After reading many interesting posts in here, I decide to join the community to learn more and help more. Also to hit hearts and unicorn to those amazing and inspiring content.
Great welcoming post Katie and glad to be here with y'all.

prateekagrawal08 profile image
Prateek Aggarwal • Edited

Technical and love to explore different areas.
Most of the work done for Enterprise customers in Banking & Supply Chain sector.

Started career with mobile development and have worked on different flavours i.e Android, iOS, Web Technologies and Middleware, BackEnd

Currently working on React JS technology and App responsiveness and developing a Next Generation Corporate Banking Product for Banking Sector

ljbarnes profile image
Leah Barnes • Edited

Hey there, I'm Leah. Thanks for letting me join, seems like a great community!

I'm an aspiring front end developer, currently enrolled in UNCC Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp and will be graduating April 2020. Currently learning node.js, express, and testing but...that changes weekly. It's a lot of info and slightly overwhelming most of the time, lol. So I have lots of questions.

Fun facts: I have two corgis and an art degree. For now, I work as a product photographer but want to make a career change/have some options!

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Leah, good luck in Bootcamp!

ljbarnes profile image
Leah Barnes

Thanks, Katie! I appreciate it!

twittdifu profile image

Hi. I am from Argentina. I worked in programming for twenty years. I programmed in Lotus Notes, Visual Basic, ASP 3.0, Java, ActionScript, SQL, J2ME and Visual Basic .Net and C#. Actually I code in Gosu for Guidewire plataform and I study android develop with Java. I hope learn a lot for programming tendence un this network. Thank you!

tristdev profile image
Tristan Gibbs

Hello all! I am Tristan. I come from a more traditional Computer Science background but lately have migrated over into the realm of Web Development. I am hooked on full stack development and can't get enough.

I fell honored to be a part of this wonderful community! Can't wait to share and learn new ideas with you guys.

leonskrilec profile image
Leon Å krilec

Hey ya folks!

I am Leon, full-stack web developer from Slovenia going freelance. After 4 years working at an agency I finally found the courage to made that leap. And from now on, I think I will need soem support from you guys. Thats the reason why I am joining this community. As I get your support I hope I will be able to give ti back as much as I can.

Thanks for having me :)

akashyk profile image
Akash Yellappa

Hello Everyone,

This is Akash. Interested in architecture and implemention of applications.

matt_boisseau profile image
Matt Boisseau

šŸ‘‹Hey! I've been an educator / content creator since 2017. I was in indie game dev before that.

I'm not a super-expert in any specific tech, but you better believe I have a beginner's understanding of just about everything out there. I like to think I have a knack for making tough concepts easy to understand.

I'm here to learn as much as I can, share what little wisdom I have, and meet some new devs to collab with.

axedroxul profile image

Hi Matt šŸ‘‹ welcome to the community!

ankur97119974 profile image

Hello to all
um' new to DEV.
THis side ANKUR , one of the basic in Clouding , coding

I want to welcome all of you to the DEV community and let you know that you'll find lots of help and support here for all your stuff that your doing

Don't hesitate to ask questions or contribute new ideas with your own post.
and i have more unsolved questions :D

Be sure to read my latest post

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Welcome Ankur. Let us know if you need anything.

ankur97119974 profile image

Hi Katie
how are you ?
do you have an idea of linux and python from network engineer ?

Thread Thread
katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

I personally have not coded in Python, but there are many here who have. Search the threads here for more information.

asifabdullah profile image

Hi, I am Asif from Bangladesh working as a software developer in a financial institution. I am passionate about Data Science and want to become a Data Scientist.

Hope it will be a nice journey with all you guys :)

rburmorrison profile image
Ryan Burmeister-Morrison • Edited

Hello! My name is Ryan, I work in cybersecurity R&D, and I'm a primarily a Go developer (of 3 years, professionally). I'm currently learning Ruby for fun.

I recently started a blog, but it occurred to me that it was a bit overkill when a site like this exists that has all the features that I wanted anyway.

Glad to join!

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Welcome to you Ryan on ! šŸŽ‰

sebrittainclark profile image
Sarah Brittain Clark

Hi. I'm Sarah. I'm a full stack software engineer; though, I primarily focus on front-end development with Angular currently. I've follow DEV on twitter for a while, but wanted to join here to participate in more discussions.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Welcome Sarah. We are happy to have you join us.

krisquigley profile image
Kris Quigley

Hi All!

It's great to be here. I've started to notice a lot of very informative, logical and useful dev articles coming from this platform, recently and it made me feel like I should be a part of what's happening here.

Thank you for welcome, Katie!

carlaer72 profile image
Eric Carlson

Hello to the community. I have been in the managerial role for the past 7 years and need to dive back in. There have been so many changes, so I am trying to get a path for coding projects I can run from my personal laptop.
Scratching my head where to start. #beginner

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Welcome Eric!

markoconnor80 profile image

Hey everyone nice to join here on a special day that is. What brought me here is the great blogs Iā€™ve come across constantly on google. I love learning new things and at the moment Iā€™m working with Angular which is really cool šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘Œ

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Welcome Mark!

azaleakamellia profile image
Azalea • Edited

Heya! I'm Azalea and a noob where coding is concerned. Recently, I find that 'building' things up using 'languages' vibe with me more than trying to prove to seasoned academicians that my work is a 'unique derivatives'. I'm interested in web mapping and is currently learning HTML, JavaScript and Python to ease my day to day work. Landed on them and they can't shake me off since 2018.

P/S: I'm an asthmatic dwarfed giraffe who runs like an ant and has 3 cats as roommates :D

developerofstuff profile image
Marcus Chibucos

Hi Katie and everyone else!
Thanks for letting me join this community. Glad to be here.
I am a biologist who most recently worked in two areas: building ontologies so that various community resources/databases can share data; and building genome annotation pipelines/doing fungal genomic analysis. My work has used a lot of BASH, MySQL, Perl, Python, and ontology tools like Protege.
I'm here to improve my Python, in particular.
The code of conduct is awesome, by the way!

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Marcus. Welcome to DEV! Lots of people are here to help you with your coding needs. (While you can help me with my bio homework! šŸ˜)

donwes_ol profile image
Big Wes

Hi everyone,

Iā€™m Wes. Looking to transition into tech and I am currently doing a bootcamp on udemy c/o Colt Steele. Learning a lot of great things. Came to join the DEV community for Additional support and networking.

yoriknme profile image

Hello everyone. I've had a long career as a developer, mostly with database apps. On retirement, though, I am most interested in user interfaces, in things like React and Vue.

By the way. I'm a transplant from trout country in Pennsylvania, and I terribly miss fly-fishing.

codefitness21 profile image

Hello All! My name is Kelly Hill and I am currently a personal trainer, nutritionist, and metabolic technician at Life Time Fitness. I am here reaching out to explore my interest in the tech sector and seeking advice and assistance. I am learning to code and I have been engaged in creating a fitness app with a colleague. I am looking to acquire more related experience in the area where fitness and technology intersect and then ultimately become a successful full stack web developer.

mrwalshy profile image

Hey all!

DEV seems to have an active community. Some of the content here is ace, especially with the fact people ACTUALLY comment on posts. I have been reading off of here from my newsfeed but only recently authorised an account.

I am a newbie full-stack developer working on building my skillset, so I can create a business creating websites/ applications in the next 6 months time. Currently learning Node, Express, Mongodb & bits I pick up on articles or from MDN.

Looking forward to more from the community on DEV :)

prateekkumarweb profile image
Prateek Kumar

Hello all,

I am Prateek. I am a Rust and JavaScript developer. Currently, I am interested in WebAssembly. In the past, I have used C++, Python, Golang and Haskell.

I have been reading posts for a long time. So, now I have decided to write posts on the technology that interests me. I also have a personal blog on my website.

jdrch profile image

I run computer simulations by day and am a home sysadmin by night.

Fun fact about me: I run all 4 major OS families (Windows, Linux, BSD, and Unix) on bare metal :)

Actually came here to post a comment, but it looks like I'll be staying for more šŸ˜‰

ntoussaintdev profile image

Hi all,
Not much to say, I'm mostly gonna lurk but I'll be sure to comment constructively when I can.

czanon profile image
Claudio Zanon

Hello Katie!
thank you for your warm welcome and also to be the supporter for this community.
I am studying a career to become ( I hope) a Software Developer Engineer one day.
It's hard but I am persistent to achieve the knowledge needed in this amazing field of IT and looking to learn a lot from this community!

jonbascos profile image
Jon Bascos

Thank you for a great community for us aspiring devs. I am navigating my road to becoming a web developer after nearly 9 years as an EMT and Paramedic. Computers and web development has always been close to me ever since I created my first homepage in 1994-1995 as a junior in high school. I canā€™t wait to finally get my career started.

anle1337 profile image
An Le

Hello Everyone!

My name is An Le, really great to be here. I'm a Senior Software Engineer, now transitioned to DevOps. Ruby on Rails + React are my forte! Love to connect with anyone!

Currently in SF Bay area.

Would love to meet other engineers, and particularly other fellow Viet engineers! So few of us :[

ortonomy profile image
šŸ…–šŸ…”šŸ…”šŸ…–šŸ…žšŸ…”šŸ…Ø šŸ…žšŸ…”šŸ…£šŸ…žšŸ…

Hi everyone!

It seems like is gaining traction and I want to be a part of the community! Popping in to say, 'Hi!'.

I'm a full-stack developer with 3 years full experience in programming, but over 10 years experience working in product and tech. I'm a front-end specialist, but I can do back-end when called upon. I have expertise across the domains: product design, UX/UI, and software engineering and I'm just at home discussing projects, problem solving and requirements with customers as I am making the software and developing interfaces to delight.

I love to work with Vue.js and React, NativeScript and React Native and I'm currently learning Dart+Flutter, Go and Python. Let me know if I can help you out with a hobby project or just something cool!

eastierp profile image
Emilio Astier • Edited

Hello l am Emilio, a Certified Ethical Hacker, Industrial Cybersecurity Expert, and Systems Computer Expert, in the path to my Computer Hacking Forensics Investigator Certification next January 2020. l am focused in SecDevOps and Cybersecurity development. Using Docker and Docker Compose orquestation for cyberdefence in web, webapp, network and cloud enviroments.

codedreamer24 profile image
Brenda Sabana šŸ‡°šŸ‡Ŗ

Hey Devs!
I am Brenda Sabana. A website developer based in Nairobi Kenya. I am very excited to join this community and interact with other like minded people. I aspire to build a successful tech startup in 2020 and i am here for some guidance and motivation.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Welcome Brenda!

folarin1 profile image

Hi everyone. It feels great to be here first of all. With a motion of a career change,I feel awesome already to up my game as a front end web developer. Thanks for having me in your channel to start this trip.

ssd26 profile image

Hello there,

I am a self learner and have a keen interest to understand the basics in detail. Advancing slowly to the next topics.
Saw a good article on this website while searching for tutorials in python and was interested in becoming a member.
Thank you for all your contributions.

niszazai profile image
NaweedZazai • Edited

Hiya! Everyone, Hope everybody is doing ok. I am 2nd year of university, software engineering student.

Former English and computing lecturer in Google English Language & Computer Academy.

Never shy in asking plus love to explore into depth and help others with my little knowledge in English language literatures and software engineering stuffs šŸ˜Š

Welcome all thanks from all DEV community

Love programming Arduino projects!

graaffrik profile image
Rik de Graaff

Hello everyone,

I'm Rik from the Netherlands.
Found this community via Google, because I need some help with my JS classes.

I have autism and therefore cannot study in a class but doing all my studying at home.
I am working with computers since 1996 so I am already a little experienced with these appliances.

Now studying to get my JS degree and needed some help.
You'll hear from me soon.

Kind Regards,

neodynamics profile image
Benjamin Faruna

Hello everyone, I'm Benjamin and I'm new to coding. I've been reading alot of posts here that has fueled my passion towards this path and I don't think I want to leave that behind so I decided to join the community, hopefully one day I'll share posts also that encourages to try out new things outside their field of study

slim_sky profile image

Hello, cant thank DEV enough for given me such a wonderful opportunity...I'm an unhappy geologist and ever since I started learning computer programming my happiness came back...I've been learning through the web and can't say I'm perfect yet...I'm looking forward becoming a full stack developer someday...

dr_coderr profile image

I was searching for a solution to one of my problems and got an article from this site. it was super helpful to me. I recalled that I visited many times on this website earlier also. So I finally decided to make an account on this and start interacting with like-minded people
Currently, I am learning Javascript, going to complete Udey course on JavaScript by @thenetnijauk .
Going to learn to react after that.

husseinkizz profile image
Hussein Kizz

Actually what led me here was reading the best inspirational strong story of the self taught engineer here and her story is also what am living now,am also a self taught***** working as a cashier for sustainability.otherwise 9c 2b here!

mauriciopettinate profile image
mauriciopettinate • Edited

Hi, I am Mauricio from Brazil trying to learn some code and be a good developer. I already worked as webdesigner (html / css) and I hope I can make some friends. Also, I play some guitar and sing on my free time.

sundeep_charan profile image
Sundeep Charan Ramkumar

I am Sundeep from Coimbatore, India. I am a MERN Stack Javascript developer building single page applications and eCommerce apps for a living. I play Overwatch while I am free and I love to talk with like minded people. Marvel Fan, Rubix Cube lover, Puzzle addict :)

chloetucker profile image

Hiya! I'm currently doing the Free Code Camp curriculum (just finished my first project) and am excited to be a part of the DEV community. I've been playing around with front end projects for years and have been learning Python for the past year.

Looking forward to using this site more as a resource and connecting with folks!

hmd01 profile image

Hello Everyone. It feels great to be part of of this community. I recently restarted my journey in #webdev after years of neglect and it's been exciting all along especially with posts on this platform. Thanks @katie for the warm welcome.

shaijut profile image
Shaiju T

Hi All, I am Shaiju from India,

I came to know about through Google Search results , At first look, the UI was little fun to look at , it was like sticky notes made for developers. I was also interested in the amount information posted in the platform which was ONLY for developers growth. Was a anonymous user for 3 to 4 months, just browsing the website and gathering all good information posted here. Finally signed up today. Its good idea and great platform for developers. God bless you all. Appreciate the whole team.

Thank you.

vokinneberg profile image
Eugene Grebennikov

Hi there!

I am Eugene. Work as Tech Lead and CTO for last 5 years and over 15 years as a Software Engineer using mostly Go, PostgreSQL, Ruby, Node.js, MongoDB. I am interested in Go, Python, DevOps, functional programming, blockchain, databases and data processing.

I am here to gain and share knowledge. Would participate in interesting opensource project written in Go on occasion.

opensauceng profile image

Hi Eugene, you have quite an interesting read and experience too. Hope to learn from you. I'm just starting up a tech company with a couple of projects already in-view. Perhaps we could do something together soon.


ajitatif profile image
Gƶkalp GĆ¼rbĆ¼zer

it's surprising how much far an urge to like an article can bring you šŸ˜

in my case, it was a @kenbellows post

oh, and hi šŸ˜¬ i'm gƶkalp, a dev team lead in istanbul, working on java stack. i can survive over a week under javascript environment conditions too šŸ˜…. i love JS too, it's just a whole lot different world from the java world.

have fun today, and everyday!

kenbellows profile image
Ken Bellows

Awesome! Which article?

centanomics profile image

Hello all, I'm Cent.

I found this place because of @thepracticaldev on twitter. One day, I decided to actually make an account and become more interactive with the community here. So, here I am!

I'm pretty much learning the MERN stack and anything related to it and I'm working on my portfolio.

Usually I'll post what I'm working on in the "Projects and Hacks" section of my profile, so feel free to check that out!

musgrove profile image
Michael Musgrove

Howdy- I just began a new chapter of my life as the Director of Marketing for Level 12, which is a custom software company that focuses on web apps, data storage, and cloud solutions. I have a background in front-end development, but not on the level people around here are on. I'm a marketer that knows some things about programming and design is all. I love to learn though and am curious about everything.

artempolischuk profile image

Hello world!
im a js developer that uses such libraries as react, redux and interested in such technologies as GraphQL, NodeJS and others.
im here to improve my skills and language and i have a wish to be useful for a community

skytor profile image

Thanks Kathie Nelson and Hi everyone;)! I like to discover and learn new things, but due to the complexity I like also to read different opinions and get new impulses for development and orientation from people who are confronted with the same problematic and of course I'm also here for (my) encouragement. Languages I work most are still: PHP, MySQL, HTML, JS, CSS.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson


kgcodes profile image
Kelvin Graddick

Hello all! My name is Kelvin Graddick. I'm a professional software developer who's been in the industry for ~8 years. I've built many websites, web app, mobile apps, services, APIs, and databases with ā¤ļø.
Hope to learn and share all I can here.

maureento8888 profile image
Maureen T'O

Hi Dev community! I'm a self-taught programmer and a full-time student studying kinesiology (healthcare) and hoping to get into Physiotherapy. I've been building (or at least attempting) a full-stack Django blog app, and learning JS as an extra language (better suited for web development > Python :( ). I've built a snake game app, the revisit of the classic green-screen Nokia version, and slowly working my way into both front and back end. Learning data structures and algorithms to learn to think!

Fun fact: I spend way too much time arguing with my problem-solving skills and googling my way down a rabbit hole.

enigmaticsoulrg profile image
Virgo Clarity

The beauty in finally joining the community is that a lot of the tech gems that I follow are already a part of this community.

I love the layout/design of this space and that a lot of information is at my fingertips. Thank you all for your contributions.

Currently, I'm pursuing certs in DevSecOps and CEH. My goal is to also acquire freelance contracts and relationships in the tech space and writing space (yes, tech writing also).

Fun Fact: I'm an Apple Juice lover. It never gets old. Also, I breathe love and require authenticity.

Have a great day.

anniefolio profile image

I am have learned a lot from this platform, it's really hard to stay up to date with new technology, Dev is one place I look back every time I hear about new libraries or something I don't already know.

vladesire profile image

Hello World!

I'm Vladislav, but I prefer my alias Vladesire. I'm 17 and in programming only for 3 years, but you won't believe how much I love it.
I've written my first 1000-lines-of-code project on C++ (simple database, nothing special) and then decided that this is time to join some programming communities. And here I am.
I'm convinced we will make great things together!

abolore1 profile image

Hi everyone.........I got this link via openclassrooms and excited to be here.
I done with HTML5 and CSS ad currently learning JS and I hope I will surely received much of support from you guys........I am glad to be among this wonderful community.

alanhcrdz profile image

Hi there! I'm Alan, 28, working in an Automotive Industry, but I want to change my career to a full stack developer. So I decided to learn HTML, CSS and Javascript, to begin in this wonderful journey as part of my big dream! Glad to be here.

timconroy profile image
Tim Conroy

Thanks Katie.

I'm a self-taught programmer. I've been learning computer science for many years now on my own, and still learning. My major focus is on JavaScript as a web-developer. On most days, one can find me working at my computer writing code, and analyzing it walking through the code using Dev-tools. I hope to learn something new in this community.

Nice to be here!

dannithexe profile image

Hello everyone! I'm going to school to be a dev Sep 20 and I couldn't be more excited!! I've always loved comp and using Zanga when I was younger was really fun for me. I'm on my early 30's working as a public servant at a hospital here in Vancouver Canada and I've always thought something's missing with my life. I'm looking forward to learn from your experiences as a dev and hear your thoughts.

byxm profile image

Hi, that's very nice meeting you here. I am Simone and come from China. Now, I am working at Chengdu in China as a front-end developer. When I searched the community about javascript, I found the website. In short words, I really hope we can make much progress together and share technology with each other.

laurra_g23 profile image
Laura Garcia Vega


nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Spiderman swinging by to say hello

ranay117 profile image

Hi everyone, My name is Abdul Qadir.
I am from Pakistan. I am new to React Native and like to work on it. I heard about DEV in React Native official documents so I came here. And it really a good place to discuss and learn more about stuff.

vr00mops profile image
vr00mOps • Edited

Hi, all !

Currently, I work as Incident Manager for a french bank since few months now. I'm a curious person, I always try to gain new skills for my personal satisfaction and get my day-to-day work easier.

During my free time, I'm trying to enhance and consolidate my knowledge about Python, Javascript and others things related to development world (dark side šŸ˜…).

One of reasons that I'm here, community is the best place for learning from each other and sharing knowledge without the fear of being constantly judged on the content šŸ¤“.

The beginning of a long adventure !

cloudpower97 profile image
Claudio Cortese

Hello everyone!
I'm a 22 years old Full Stack Developer currently in love with React.js, Node.js, and TypeScript.
I'm committed to Open Source, and I often find my self contributing whenever I can.
My motto is LSNED: "Learn Something New Every Day".
I'm glad to be part of this community starting by now.
Let's start this journey together!

mariocalin profile image


I am a software engineer with a master thesis in software technologies working in the University of Cartagena in an european project called INDIe!

I have been working as a full-stack software developer using Java, Javascript and C# for back-end technologies and Angular, Ionic and common web languages for the front-end!

My goal in this community is to learn new things related to software quality, software architectures and DevOps.

And, besides what many people think, I like Java :)

sasuke19644 profile image

Hi everyone .. nice to have you guys here

hassy008 profile image

Hello to all members. I've been completed my graduation as a CS student but i didn't write code to much when i was in college. After finished my course i started my career as an Oracle functional consultant and i quit this job after 1 year. Good to say, there i never write any line of code. Almost 2years later i started writing code and got a job still i'm surving and my boss so many time say it's better to me to change the track because of my worst programming logic, though i believe i'm improving but it's slowly and i don't wont to switch my track again.

Guys please help me out of this weird situation and learn good programming logic.
Thanks in Advance

jonathanmischuk profile image
Jonathan Mischuk

Hey, I'm Jonathan. Jonno for short. I'm a front end dev, love JavaScript and have been programming with it 10+ years.

I've found this community to be far less toxic than some others around these days, so I'm happy to be a part of this fast growing one.

I hope to contribute and learn as much as possible. Thanks!

optimalve profile image
Optimal Virtual Employee

Thanks for bringing me in. I'm a technical writer.

I have my elder sister, she is a software developer. I learned initial coding from her as an interest. Gradually I developed interest in technical writing and now I'm a technical writer working with a software development company.

I'm here to get more exposure of my technical writing skills and know what others are doing in terms of technical development.

yossef_lior profile image
Lior Yossef

Hey All!
My name is Lior Yossef and I'm a web developer from Israel, working for EX.CO.
Mostly experienced in vanilla JS and node.

I found this community while googling, and it defiantly looks like something I would like to take a part in!

See ya around :)

svestis profile image
Panagiotis Koilakos

Hi there,

I am an Informatics student, working with data (SQL mainly) but I like to write "small" scripts in Java & Python. I know some MIPS assembly and CPP but I have to admit...not my favorite.

Great to be here!

vowy profile image
Eric Brian Parsons

Greetings from down the bayou! Eric B. Parsons here, also known as 'Vowy'. I am a Front-End Dev from southern Louisiana. Newish to programming, I am looking for a job in the tech industry. My background is mainly composed of art, music, and food service. About a year ago I was awarded a scholarship to's front-end development nanodegree program and changed my career path to web dev.
Current focus is JS/React, but I'd like to delve into newer tech and UI/UX, perhaps even becoming a more well-rounded fullstack dev.

Anyway, this looks like a great community! Cheers to you and thanks for reading!

davemilliken0 profile image
There are some who call me.....Dave ā™æ

Hi! Thinking about indulging in one of these 100 days of code challenges... if I can only find the time.

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson

Welcome Dave! šŸ‘‹

I may be biased here, but if time is your concern you might find #86DaysOfCode more to your liking šŸ˜‰

elbieem profile image

Hi everyone, my Name is Elbie from zambia, I am new to DEV and hope the community would be of large help when I ran into any challenges.
I am also here to offer my expertise in the fields I am currently specialised in. Feel free too reach out so that we can connect.

livmcleod profile image
Liv McLeod

Hi guys, I'm gearing up to start the School of Code, based in Birmingham UK next month. I am pretty much a complete beginner in coding, save for a little bit of html and css. I've been wanting to learn more for a few years though. Hoping to start a long and exciting career in a new industry!

anodeen profile image
Garuba Richard

Great to be here! I am a 41year old programming enthusiast. Programming is of interest to me even while I was in school studying Industrial Chemistry.

I am here to learn and contribute,learning being the real reason to be here since I am just starting out,but doing programming in the past at an informal level.

I hope at the end of the day I will be able to contribute to the community as well.

jfeliweb profile image
Jean 'Jeazy' Felisme

Hello everyone!

I have been a web developer for over 10+ years. I have been doing a lot more JavaScript for the past 2 1/2 years. I am more of a full-stack developer but I lean more to the frontend. Also, I spent a lot of time using WordPress to build all kinds of websites and web apps.

I hope to continue learning and growing while giving back the same.

minchulkim87 profile image

Hi all!

I am Min.

I've been reading more and more Dev posts over the past year and really like the content that people write and the community. So I have finally joined and will be reading a lot more in 2020.

Happy holidays all.


cishiv profile image
Shivan Moodley

Hey - i'm Shivan. I am a developer from South Africa. I'm currently interested in designing systems, as well as Go and React. I want to start posting about systems design, ways of working and building small, useful tools in Go/React!

innocentdesign profile image

Hello Katie, thanks for the welcome message. I am new here today the 24th of Dec. How to I scale through front end dev as a beginner? is it achievable in 6 months. Can i say i am good in front end dev by 24th June, 2020.

What do i need? Please, i need all the advice, support, tutorials and materials.


shankarmadeshvaran profile image
Shankar Madeshvaran

Hi Everyone,
I'm an iOS develper and currently learning cross platform mobile development using Xamarin or Flutter.

I joined dev community to share knowledge which I have with other devs and also learn from everyone.

pratikd2020 profile image
Pratik Das

Hello everyone, thanks for letting me join. I was brought here by a random google search for a easy tutorial I was looking for. I loved the simplicity of the post which motivated me to join.
I love everything related to technology. I am a full stack developer working on mobile app development, Cloud native applications, containers, Microservices, polyglot programming- java, node, python, swift, go till now. I recently completed my pro certifications on AWS for solution architect and DevOps engineer. I will be very excited to learn and contribute as I go along.

onelgates profile image
Onel Gubantes

What's up guys! I am Onel and a newbie in this community. I like to learn more from the great people around here and hoping that you will not tired helping and posting programming ideas and experiences in here and to those who needs it. Wishing you more knowledge and good luck to the community.

apostolou profile image

I'm an IT training consultant and want to make learning for those involved in all levels of IT and those who would like to get into the industry as easy and accessible as possible ensuring that people pick up on the correct practices in the workplace.

magikmaker profile image

Hi All, I just joined the awesome community with my first post here. I plan to write about things I encounter in my day to day work (webdev stuff). šŸ‘Œ

jfwepener profile image

Hi. Thanks for the welcome and I am looking forward to learn from this platform. I am starting my full stack web development studies in January 2020.

cdennig profile image
Christian Dennig

Hello to all out there!

I'm Christian from the south of Germany. I work as a Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft and like to share some of my experiences working with the cloud and especially with Kubernetes here at I also run a personal blog as my "primary site", but will share all future posts to and see how it develops...

Hope to get more in touch with you and "meet" a lot of interesting people here from whom I can learn a lot :)

Have a great day! Cheers...

karlnr profile image
Karl • Edited

Heard about the site from a recent podcast. I'm currently a Chemical Engineer trying to make a transition into tech. I completed a Graduate Foundations of Computer Science program recently, and I'm preparing to start the Master of CS program at Georgia Tech in January.

I'm currently trying my best to immerse myself in the dev world so that I might be able to find an entry level position as a software engineer/developer as soon as possible. I have knowledge of Java, Python, data structures & algorithms, databases, and so on from the Grad classes but would prefer to spend my working "9-5" hours in a way thats more in line with my efforts in the Masters program (e.g. as a dev instead of ChemE).

I welcome any and all tips :)

daveamegs profile image
David Koffi Amegayibor • Edited

Hello DEVs
I'm a newbie. I joined because I need help and I also want a mentor.
I'm currently learning android Development. I started with web development.

Hoping to make the best of devs friends here...

mastervic profile image

Hi Dev Community, thanks for letting me be a part of this wonderful community.

I've encountered a couple of blog post from Dev community users and they have been the best I've read by far and they've actually helped me a lot in my programming career.

I am a recent Computer Science graduate and I started programming late 2016 after a two years of doing Biotechnology Engineering. I've always been passionate about computers and programming, amd I am to have chosen it as a career path.

I am looking forward to wonderful ideas and discussions on this platform and I hope to contribute as much as I can

lbrnth1 profile image
Yonathan Levin

Hello everyone šŸ‘‹
Nice to be here :3

bertilmuth profile image
Bertil Muth

Welcome to!

sirajrkhan profile image
Siraj Khan

Hey There,

I am Siraj.. I am a UI Architect. I have been a conventional UI developer... I wrote "conventional" because I could see React changing the WebDev world completely, and I felt it was a paradigm shift.. I resisted initially... but ultimately embraced React... though pretty late :)

CSS is my first love and I am still passionate about pixel-perfection. I also care about that 15% of the world population which is differently-abled, and deserves equal treatment... therefore I am passionate about making web accessible.

In my current role, non-coding activities take larger share of my time, but I keep experimenting with the code to stay relevant :)

smkarber profile image
Shawn Karber

Formerly a graphics designer, I went back to school in 2013 for computer science and am now a senior software engineer. I've played around with JavaScript since I was a kid, so when I decided to change careers, computer science made sense. At work I'm often involved in projects as both a developer and a designer, getting to leverage all of my skills. I love FP but don't often get to employ it much at work. Elixir is my jam! My work is mostly in Node/React. I love programming and I stumbled on a number of intriguing posts, so I navigated to the home page and found out it's more of a community than another Medium-type site.

So hello, all!

tameeracorporal profile image
Tameera Corporal

Hello everyone. I'm here to network with other developers. For the past 5 years, I've been working in my digital consulting firm and writing code in multiple languages i.e. PHP, Javascript, Node.js, Ruby and I'm proficient. I'm also a homeschool mom and fur parent.

devnullgor profile image
Igor Lushchyk

My name's Igor and I am a data engineer grown from a bioinformatics and python ecosystem but a bit nerdy (especially about functional programming and Linux). With a strong interest in machine learning.

marounmaroun profile image
Maroun Maroun

Hi there! My name is Maroun. I'm a dad, musician, software engineer, Stackoverflower and an astronaut wannabe.

I'm very excited to officially joining DEV. I'm very eager to learn new stuff, and of course I hope to contribute as much as I can. Cheers! šŸ»

sergeydonchenko profile image
Donchenko Serg

Hi, my name is Sergij and I am from Kyiv, Ukraine. I am FrontEnd Developer and work in this scope for more than 18 years. I would like to be a part of this community and do my own contribution to get it better and better.

paulpextra profile image
Paul Okoli • Edited

Am pextra, am so happy to be in this community.

Am a chemical Engineer but i have passion for frondend web Development and Designing and would love to build my skills in that aspect.

Presently am still taking HTML course on w3schools and hope to perfect that and proceed to the next course.

My aim and goal is to be a Professional frontend web developer and designer.

Am presently unemployed and would love to use my time wisely to develop myself. Am very open to learning, correction and suggestion on tools that could help me achieve my goal.

lucasavila00_39 profile image
Lucas de Ɓvila Martins

I'm always reading stuff posted here and I think this is an awesome community.
I built a cool new project, a clone of Snapchat/Instagram filter that runs on the web and it's all open source.
I created an account here to talk about it and would love to get some feedback.
You can check it out at

naveenc83002940 profile image
Naveen Chandra Adhikari

Hey!!this is Nash here
I'm a pure beginner in this programming world.. after 2 years of experimenting with python I had learn some advanced stuffs.But I am join the dev community to sharp my concept.
I'll hope this really a nice beginning for me.

antonygatua profile image
Antonny Muiko

Hello everyone. When I grow up I wanted to be a pilot , for real . This was until I had about coding , after which I became addicted to my computer. Im a data scientist during the day and in the evening i practise software web and android development. I just like everything about code im yet to figure out what i prefer the most.

I code with a smile on my face and coffee on the table .

lets develop devs !!

ogalawal65 profile image
oga lawal

Hi...its actually a great privileged receiving such knowledge for free in an easy way,I really want to use this medium to thank you and to show my appreciation and solidarity for this wonderful and helpful platform....obviously i had a little knowledge on software mobile application programming and i also find this platform very interested and helpful.

machoka_nelson profile image
Machoka Nelson

I am Nelson, i have been all over the place learning bits of code and mastering non. i am currently learning Python and would love to master the dev journey from scratch novice to master. i am willing to spend all the time it will need to perfect the skill. i am willing to work for free on projects to learn a skill

pauldparadis profile image
Paul D. Paradis

Hello. I found this site via an article on C in my google news feed. I am working on transitioning into an IT career; my end goal is to get into information security. To that end, I have been learning to program for the last couple of years not with the intention of becoming a developer, but as part of my desire to become expert in information security. My languages have been c++ and Python, and now I'm starting to learn assembly.

surajjadhav profile image
Suraj Jadhav

My name is Suraj, been a web-dev or front-end dev for the last 7 years. The Twitter web-community brought me to this wonderful platform. I am learning about NodeJS, some photography skills, and UI design basics. Fun fact - I am not so good in CSS. :P

trelandon1 profile image
Trelandon Jones

Hi All, I'm Landon Software Engineer, in the process of learning a new language (python). Glad to be here, and thank you for your support in this community. Laid off by IBM, as they are downsizing Websphere Teams, I'm in between jobs at the moment. Looking forward to chatting and learning from you guys

pghislain profile image
Pierre Ghislain

Hi I am Pierre or Pierrot.
My focus is on the functional aspects - what to do with the technologies and start up building. I will use block chain in my new project.

dohahelmy profile image
Doha Helmy

Hi People! I am Doha, a front-end web developer from Egypt.
I occacianly visit DEV for a reason driven by Google search and today I decided to join the community to gain all the gold shared here. :D
Right now I am learning React.js and one day one day I am gonna understand it :'D

shavonne40 profile image

Hi I'm Shavonne Mckinney. I'm a newbie to programming. I got inspired by a friend 7yrs ago. I was always tech. I got my start in repairing and maintenance the computer. I wanted something more. So I finally decided to learn coding for myself. Right now I'm currently self teaching myself java, html and css. I'm interested in developing apps for the phone( android mainly), and I also like website designing. I'm learning to code in java on Android Studio, but I first started VS code, learning how to build website.

shivarajnaidu profile image

Hi guys .. This is yuvaraj..

Fullstack Node developer and Love tech..

If anyone need help .. Don't hesitate to ask.. ;)

centanomics profile image

Hello Yuvaraj. If I ever need help I'll try to come to you! :)

shivarajnaidu profile image


vamsikrishna139 profile image
Vamsi Krishna


I'm Vamsi. I'm here to gain knowledge, participate in discussions, need not be only tech, maybe something like mango vs Strawberry , I'm currently learning python and R. Hope to see some active communities in this area.


dmccardle profile image
Danny McCardle

Hi all!

I am a Software Engineering student at the University of New Brunswick (in Canada)! I've done a couple of co-op work terms so far all being web development roles.

I'm currently learning Python/Flask and Vue.js for a project I am working on related to Super Smash Bros!

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Welcome Danny. Sounds like youā€™re working on a fun project!

okposiosaturday profile image

Thanks for accepting into the community , am new to coding. l was told is hard to be programmer so because of that l fell in love with it and l want to create career and opportunities for myself and others .

mamanebello19 profile image

Hello here, thank you for letting me integred this comminuty. I am very passionnate about Computing and I am actually learning flutter

I joined this comminuty speccially caause I saw @aaron post about flutter loginpage and homepage. It helped me a lot in what I was working on.

Also if he can provide to me the whole code for that it will be cool.

so so so glad to be here

ryandecosmo profile image
Ryan De Cosmo • Edited

Hello there,

My name is Ryan and I'm a software developer in NYC. I started off as a Java developer working mostly in big data / bioinformatics. This was back when Hadoop was the bees knees--so I got into distributed systems and machine learning. Eventually, I started using technologies like Apache Spark and Apache Kafka a ton and got really into them. I now spend my days helping companies solve problems with Spark--on the cloud--at a company called databricks.

I've been hoping to become a member of the broader developer community, so I figured this would be a good place to start. I'm looking forward to growing and trying to help other folks grow as well (where I can be helpful)!

tylerwel profile image

Hello welcome thread! Much like everyone else here, I'm a developer looking to just... expand my knowledge I guess? I've never really been much of a blogger, and always lurk on reddit. I'm not even sure what to write about if I do make blog posts. But I'm at least taking the first step! Hopefully I find something to write about someday, but in the mean time, it's time to enjoy everyone else's posts!

brotherofovxd profile image
brotherofovxd • Edited

Hello, im curently a student and I'm a beginner at coding started about a year ago learning python followed by HTML &CSS and now learning javascript! My passion is to code and to be a Software Developer!!

mrcool4 profile image

Thanks to my google feed for pointing to me this wonderful place. Waiting to learn something new everyday from the community.
About me, I am interested in Python and trying to learn for ages(Lol).

seba23571 profile image
sebatian esteban

I am an engineer passionate about programming. java fascinates me and c ++ and android are the main languages. also do rest servers with java hibernate, spring, spring boot, also in php. as frontend jquery and react. I sign up to this community to meet other programmers from different parts of the world. to be able to make friends and carry out joint projects through remote jobs since the world has become globalized and there is a great demand for programmers.

joaogabrieldev profile image
JoĆ£o Gabriel

Hello everyone !
My name is JoĆ£o Gabriel and I am currently 19 years old, I am in the fourth period studying systems development and analysis at the university of my city. I want to become a fullstack web developer and work remotely. I come to the community to read articles in my free time and to train my English ... I am Brazilian hahaha!

Thank you all!

vikikhej profile image
Vikikhe Jimo

Hi everyone, thanks for letting me join here. I saw this is a good web discussion. I think is the best after I read it for a while.XXX

I'm a beginner front end developer, I just started my career as a dev since mid 2019. I throw away my 8 years experience as an electrical engineer even though I have already become a manager in JABIL CIRCUIT, and start fresh as a dev.Control Pannel

I always loved computer since I was a kid, so I think it's worth it to throw away my previous career and become what I always loved.Dongle I hoped I could become a great developer and contributing to other devs like all of you.Motherboard

pitson3 profile image
Pitson Josiah MWakabila • Edited

Hello Team! I found it nice to join the community as I want to be part of the development communities so that together we can discuss, share and develop ideas that impacts our communities and more importantly bring solutions for the real world via programming tips, ideas and projects, among others.

abrab93 profile image

Hello everyone ,

I'm abdel as a junior developer (JAVA) my self am glad to join such a big community of developers where we can share ideas.
I just start my journey so i hope that am going to learn a lot of new stuffs by joining you , of course i will try to share my ideas to.

Wish you all the best šŸ¤—

aradai profile image

I'm a 24 year old student from Hungary. I'm here to learn new concepts and skills and make myself better at programing, math and related things. If you have any question I would be happy to answer them (altough my knowledge is not so deep at right now.)

missionexpedite profile image

Wow, Very effective tips. Thanks for sharing this wonderful and helpful material.
This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free. I love seeing blog resource for free.
Thank you for shairing

kaydubyew profile image


This looks like a nice place. About me, originally a math major, I was required to take some csc. I got hooked and took some more, went on to double major.

Left my university, I currently live in an area with reduced employment opportunities, but great outdoor beauty, so I started a tech gig. I like living here but I'm missing out on better projects and professional development.

This is why I'm looking around for something that can keep me in both worlds like collaboration, telecommuting, or other cool ideas like open source development. Mainly to grow professionally at the moment.

I learned computer science concepts with Java, taught myself basic front end, I love and use Linux, enjoy Python, and have a strong math background with business/marketing experience.

I'm currently working in the direction of data science and Linux administration.

I consider myself to be a beginner, you can always be better.

ashupattanayak profile image

Hey Everyone,i am Ashutosh and i am a technical consultant in Hewlett Packard Enterprise. i have work experience in networking ,storage, application development.
I would like to train myself for python and data science.

oikechukwu profile image

Hi I am Mazi Ikechukwu Uchenna Osuji, an entry level web developer and emerging cloud computing provider. This journey has been a great experience but though. I started this journey at į»Œlį»„aka Institute of Technology where I earned the opportunity to study as an intern on Scholarship.

I look forward to making the best of the opportunity so provided both by the institute and the DEV community.

zacbarreca profile image
Zac Barreca

Hello! I'm a new coder. I started a little bit over a month ago and I'm working hard at it every day - That's because I'm enrolled in the pre-course for Thinkful. I'm hoping to attend the February 2020 cohort of their Software Engineering immersion course.

I'm a polyphasic sleeper. That means instead of sleeping in one big chunk like most people, I break my sleep up into multiple parts. This allows me to get the same amount of rest in a fewer number of hours, giving me around 3 hours of extra time each day -- I mostly spend it coding! But sometimes I play video games or watch anime.

I also love hiking, whiskey tasting, and the occasional cigar.

I'm really interested in JavaScript and React. What are you interested in?

sunnychopper profile image
Sunny Singh

Came here to stay in touch with the developer community. Looking forward to learning a lot about the latest trends in software engineering and AI!

womentech profile image
WomenTech Network

Hello community!

We are WomenTech Network, a global platform powered by Coding Girls, Tech Family Ventures and Tallocate promoting diversity in the tech, leadership and entrepreneurship.

Our events are focusing on networking, interviews and exploration while connecting female tech talent like engineers, data scientists, designers, product managers and other tech-roles with opportunities at companies that share the same values and put diversity as their top priority.


adrian_deniz profile image
Adrian De Niz

Hi, my name is Adrian and I am a self taught developer. I am learning to code in js and php. I joined the community to learn new skills from the helpful posts members write and to share any helpful info that I know.

alanstocco profile image
Alan Stocco • Edited

Hello all, I'm Alan. I'm a software engineer.
Mainly Java, Python and Javascript.
But I want to learn a lot more.
I'm preparing for a first-round OA(codility) for Amazon AWS Berlin
I have done and I'm doing some challenges (eg leetcode and others) but the time is too short.
I'm also reading the book cracking the coding interview but I've only read the first 50 pages
(aka I'm not prepared but scared XD)

This website rocks and it is helping me a lot.
And I'm learning and reading a lot of interesting stuff; so thanks.

edit by the way just realizes I already wrote hello in this topic 15 days ago. I'm burned out

jcorp profile image
Junaid Alam

Hello everyone!

I am Junaid from Pakistan!

Currently working as a Software Engineer / Web Developer looking to learn more stacks! Basically just struggling which one would be beneficial in the long run and doing my research!

I graduated with undergraduate degree in Software Engineering a couple months ago but been working since a year now mainly with a mix of technologies including but not limited to PHP, JQuery, Laravel, MySQL, Bootstrap, HTML/CSS, C++ and Java for developing Android Apps.

Still unsure about my goals and career path specifically as a full stack developer so I hope joining this community will help me with understand what I want and which stack would best suit my capabilities!

Cheers x

wdc56 profile image
David Challenger

Hello I am Dave, A retired electrician, now i bit of a maker/hobbyist, nothing really great but i learning, Not good at coding at all, but trying and i think i getting better, (arduino C++ i understand a bit, Python,is on another planet,)I am always tring to learn even for a "old git",keeping mind ears and eyes open

mareksamec profile image

Hi all I am not a programmer, but I actually use similar tools programmers do so can I haz a place here too? Hope I can share something useful too!

nuelmakara profile image

Hello to you all.
I'm Makara, a web developer in training who is trying to get as much experience and knowledge about general web development best practices rather than building something and improving it over time. I hope this platform transforms me into a doer!

abhiramready profile image
Abhiram Reddy

Hello fellow Developers(rhymes well thošŸ˜Š)

My name is Abhiram Reddy,
I am a StudentšŸ“•, Programmer šŸ‘Øā€šŸ’», Blogger āœ , and Engineer in Making.
I made some basic apps in Android, Kotlin. Learned C++ and Java. Used Selenium a bit. Beginner in everything working for a strong foundation for my skills. I write blogs and give MOTIVATION, talk with me if you ever feel low.

Looking forward to learn, write and grow with the most Awesome Community of DEVS.
Thank You.

avikola profile image
Avishkar Kolahalu

Hey everyone!

I recently just graduated with an MS in CS and now I can finally get out there, into the industry. I am quite excited, and terrified.
I hope to continuously improve and expand my skills, be increasingly creative, and get involved in the community in every way possible.

Here's to the future.


loop77 profile image

Hello, I'm the developer of the FocusJump extension for firefox, Chrome/Chromium and Opera. sebastienaubry.pagesperso-orange.f...
Say me what you think about it :) the next release is under construction

mattioo profile image

Hello, my name is Mathieu !
I'm building my online and social presence as a future machine learning programmer using Python !

I can't wait to start writing post in this great community ! I will try to share everything I'm learning on my way to achieve my goals.

benice profile image

Hello everyone! just a beginner wanting to learn more about how to be a front-end developer, been fond of using jQuery and still struggling on what frameworks to focus next since jQuery is being out of phase :(

chintak profile image
Chintak Dholakia • Edited

Hey Guys,

New to this website. I am IT Consultant by profession but budding developer by passion.

Trying to learn some coding. Started with Laravel few months back and deployed a website. I was totally amazed how this website is BLAZING FAAASTT!! That made me sign up for this website to learn new and interesting stuff.

Hope to get the knowledge I want.

Kudos to everyone who maintains such a fast website, I understand what hercules task it must be!

boodazak profile image

Hello my name is Booda i am from Egypt/Alexandria 26 years old, I just started my journey learning about web development in 15th of December, and I am mainly interested in building nice looking websites since I am interested also in design

pisceswolf96 profile image

Hey everyone, I'm Aws, from Iraq.
I have a Bachelor degree in CS, even though I think I don't deserve it, but I'm going to blame on the mediocre education system in my country.

I'm trying to learn and re-learn things and I found many of the posts on Dev simplified and to the point.

I hope that one day I will contribute to the community just as much as it does to me.

nathanaeldsb profile image

Hello everyone! I'm happy to have found this community! I really good vibs from this platform and the articles I read gave me new tools already.

I'm a Front-End / UI Developer fascinated by animations and user interactions. I strive to write clean and reusable code and I hope I will be able to contribute to this community. šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ‘

lucvankerkvoort profile image
Luc van Kerkvoort

Hi Everyone,

I am a full stack developer looking for like minded people too build awesome projects. Hit me up if you want to connext.

sanderdebr profile image

Hi Luc,

Looks like we have similar coding interests :-) Perhaps we can build something together?


lucvankerkvoort profile image
Luc van Kerkvoort

Hi Sander,

That sounds amazing! Anything you had in mind?

Thread Thread
sanderdebr profile image

I have a few project ideas in mind, for example a platform for house selling but that might be too much work. Maybe we can discuss a bit via email or discord? My discord name is sanderdebr #8988

thefrost084 profile image
The Frost

Hello DEV community!

I'm Francisco ( The Frost ), active front-end developer based in Mexico.

I want to learn so much from this community and share all I can from my 4 years experience in web dev. šŸ˜Š

I am a hard fan and beginner of creative coding, WebGL, GLSL and all about graphics and advanced experiences in browser. šŸ˜Š

mishra26 profile image

Hi team, thanks for joining me in the clan. I've moderate experience in Computer Science and trying to improve every day as a full stack developer. I've started working on frontend recently again after a year, with React this time. So brushin'p my knowledge I came across this community on linkedin and found it interesting.

So looking forward for learning more.

lassiecoder profile image
lassiecoder • Edited

Thanks for letting me in.
I'm Bachelor's degree student of Computer Science Engineering, Volunteer at WWCode Frontend and Member of Google Developer Group,BBSR.

Let's connect over some more dev platforms too,

blasanka profile image
B Liyanage Asanka

Hi all, I found from google search android problem. I dont remember the problem because it few weeks ago. And today I navigate a little bit and I wanted to share my knowledge when I have time. I do like to contribute to because its a good concept and will help programming community like

viclar profile image
Victor larraguibel

Hi I just bought a Laser pionter and I'm shooting the light evrey where i can point out like a least 2 KM I'ts Fkn Awsome i would like to connect it to Rasp and get it to draw images at the distance. I'm installing React to get going on that framework. I have an old imac g4 i was trying to get linux on that to have it play music, but stoped when i had to burn the ISO on a CD, havn't use one of those since a bunch...

guelorv profile image
Guelor Musavuli 85

Thanks for welcoming me. I've only just become aware of this community while following up some news in Twitter.

I'm Guelor Musavuli from Congo D R.C currently in Kampala purposely for undergoing my studies. Well, I'm really jubilant to appear in this community that having passion about software engineering i guess it will be a nice journey for learning more from you as I look forward.

ebrima2ray1 profile image
Ebrima Touray

Peace, I'm Ebrima Touray. I'm a CS Student, studying Computer programming, I love the IT when I was a child so no doubt I would be a programmer. Anyway am new here and what's brought here is that I haven't found any such a place like the DEV I learn all lot so on that note I decided to join.
I know my worries are now gone?
The DEV are really doing a great job šŸ–’

kumarabhi007 profile image

Hello everyone, Abhishek from India.
I came hear to be a better programmer. I got to know about dev by a google recommended article in chrome about unit test in web development. The content was nice so I immediately subscribed to DEV.
Hope to learn and grow with y'all

mylduser profile image


9 months ago I started working in a new (old) company. More or less like Parts Unlimited, however, my company is 1/10 of the size. After 8 1/2 month I was able to (through incidents) to get a MacBook Pro as a working tool. I was amazed of the importance of having the right tools in order to optimal performance. Amazing.

So much happening, and remember: 2020 is the year when cars will fly!
I am good whiskey, and have some nice treats and challenges lined up.

Lets keep in touch.

pioardi profile image
Alessandro Pio Ardizio

Hello everyone ,
I am new to DEV.
I started one year ago to look into open source node js projects and start to build my projects on GitHub .

Nice to meet all of us

malindabalo profile image

Hi and Happy Holidays everyone! :)

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

You too Malinda!

doertechsoft profile image

Hello all!

thedreamsaver profile image
Ashish Jha

I am a New Delhi based VUI developer and a final year computer science undergrad. I have been working with voice assistants for the past 2 years and have done over a ton of projects related to different domains in voice. I am a firm believer in the fact that voice is the next big disruption and our future will be full of voice assistants and personalized bots and automation. I'm involved in open source and maintain voice tech communities around Delhi and have also contributed to Rocket Chat's open-source voice apps (Alexa Skill + Google Action).

I'm also an Alexa Community Influencer Award recipient by Amazon and I'm trying to bridge the gap between the students, indie developers, agencies, and help them contribute to the Alexa ecosystem in India and my role involves conducting Alexa workshops in different colleges and universities, conduct & participate in hackathons, increase Alexaā€™s participation in tech fests, add academic projects involving voice and in all build a much bigger and vibrant community of VUI enthusiasts.

Based on these beliefs I've chosen to pursue a career in voice tech and since there are very minimal opportunities in this young field, I've to work as a solo/lead developer with a team of voice user interface enthusiasts, mainly conversational experience designers and strategists. Together our goal is to build compelling voice experiences that will make a positive impact on how users interact with various brands on smart speakers in a more natural and conversational way.

In 2020 my plan is to devote some part of my time to creating VoiceFirst content in the form of writing blogs, tutorials, experiences, videos, etc as well as learning to build on new fronts like Bixby apart from just Alexa and Google.
And that's the main reason behind me joining Dev.

robertobutti profile image
Roberto B.

Hi *
I'm Roberto from Italy.
I'm technophile :)
I love coding, it helps me to relax.
When I'm not coding, I swim, run or ride a bike.

senigueve profile image

Hello ,

My name is Saifeddine Mahmoudi i work as specialist in Artificial Inteligence
exactly in Automotive field
I here to learn more coding, OS system.. with your community

jyotimavi2019 profile image

If you want to get information about the job notification, exam and interview dates, and SarkariResult. you will get many websites of the Government of India. You can easily find out the result for any Government examination.
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jvthomasgh profile image

Hello world!

My name is JT and I my mission is to become a self taught Computer Scientist. I am a huge Python fan, but I am still learning the language.

kuthumipepple profile image
Kuthumi Pepple

Thank you Katie for the welcome, I am new to React and happy to have found this community

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Welcome Kuthumi

gitaarp profile image

Hi Everybody, I'm the new community member! :D
Wishing to have a nice time blogging and discussing for you all.

tech2blog profile image

New to Dev. We are sure, we going to contribute some useful articles here.

soowoi profile image

Hello and happy new year everyone here!

anthonyallams profile image
Anthony Allams

Glad to be here. Hope to learn and contribute immensely too.

remoteio profile image - Remote Jobs

document.print("Hello World!")

Figured I would check this site out as a potential external blog location for my tech endeavors.

myke_cares profile image
Sunday Michael

Hello everyone, I must say that I feel so privileged to be a part of this great community. I hope to utilize this opportunity and become a great developer in the tech industry. I think if I wasn't here , I'd be absolutely nowhere.

valniceman profile image
Valentine Ifeanyichukwu

Am valentine am happy to be here.
I also wish to get more knowledge from you guys. Thanks

asherthomasbabu profile image

I'm Asher.
I was introduced to this by a senior, Hoping for loads fo community learning!

vinodsr profile image
Vinod S R

Hello Everyone,

I'm Vinod. A programmer who always want to explore the new horizons.

Now focusing on to IoT, DevOps and Cloud.

I would like to contribute to the Dev Family.

lexenington profile image
Alexander Darlington Agboada

Hello there! I am an intern and I work with django and web development. I want to beef up my skills in order to join teams in building the engineering piece that makes the world a better place

oaluna profile image
Oscar Luna

Hi, I'm Oscar. I'm a full-stack student at Thinkful and I'm just trying to get to know other developers. I used to compete in hiphop so... I'm clearly well prepared for this transition.

anthonyinman profile image

Hello. Its alot to take in or totally understand. Guess imjust blessed to have survived a very trying part of the last few years journey. If you never been with anarsasist. You will soon kno head on swival

tabatha07415089 profile image
Tabatha baker

Iam in school to be a home health care nurse, I believe in being your ,never be fake

webgearmt profile image

Hi there and thanks for letting us join here! I'm a Python enthusiast and want to learn to become a professional web designer so I can add it to my set of skills.

Having a place to go to for coding help when needed is essential to programmers of any kind and the more sites you have to go to, the better, which is what brought me to this community.

brucem1976 profile image
Bruce Martin

Great to join this community - so many helpful resources! I'm developing Typescript-based React apps, including PWA functionality, and busy branching out into some of the backend stuff with Node.

atharvakulkarni profile image
Atharva Kulkarni

Hi devs, I am a wannabe developer so pls help me out guys. Secondly I am trying to develop a free code learning platform called LearnScript. So pls help me with that too. After join this community and begging you guys twice before I say anything I must say that I am glad to be a part of such a huge developer community. Thanks.

Peace out.

nikhildevisetty profile image
Nikhil Devisetty • Edited

Hello All,

I'm a newbie over here. Hope I will find like minded people who will be interested in full stack web development.

aakriti_1012 profile image

Welcome Nikhil..

jyotimavi2019 profile image

If you want to get information about the job notification, exam and interview dates, and SarkariResult. you will get many websites of the Government of India. You can easily find out the result for any Government examination.

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jrenn profile image
ceren inci turkben

Hello :) Thanks for the nice welcome.

eghosamorgan profile image
Eghosa morgan OKUONGHAE

I am glad to be in the community of developers hope to learn and grow

slizzard profile image

Thanks for having me. I'm looking to broaden my experience. My most recent project, which is in Visual Basic.NET, involves manipulating PDFs in iTextSharp :)

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Sounds like a great project.

dannyoung3630 profile image
adesina daniel

Hello to all that are new to DEV.
I'm Daniel,

feradz profile image
Ferad Zyulkyarov

Hello all and Merry Christmas. I am Ferad, and I am the CTO of a FinTech company a rob advisor InbestMe. I join this awesome social network for developers because I want to follow and participate in discussions and solving problems.

harrypotter0409 profile image
Web Architect

Thank you, Katie, for being around here to welcome us!
Glad to find one of the most active communities and join.

skywalker profile image

New to Dev.. Hoping to connect with everyone..

tilhr profile image
Tyler Rodgers

Hello, I am Tyler Rodgers. Joining DEV today because I am seeking to contribute my knowledge to the tech community, as well as learn from others.


Happy Holidays Everyone

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Happy Holidays to you too Tyler!

jayrald07 profile image
Jayrald Empino

Hi Everyone!
I'm so excited to read all thoughts in here. Thank You so much for letting me to join.
Love Lots! šŸ˜Š

bertilmuth profile image
Bertil Muth

Welcome, Jayrald!

jayrald07 profile image
Jayrald Empino

Good Day, Mr. Muth!
Thanks for welcome.

lassiecoder profile image

Thanks for letting me in.
I'm Bachelor's degree student of Computer Science Engineering, Volunteer at WWCode Frontend and Member of Google Developer Group,BBSR.

Let's connect over some more dev platforms too,

ryan1 profile image

Hello there to all. I'm Ryan, a new contributor here. I plan to post articles about how I do my day-to-day development in PHP.

hniemeye profile image

Hello! I am glad to see that there is a social network / blogging portal dedicated to developers!

suityou01 profile image

Hello, I am a professional Dev since 1997 and before that hacked on home micros such as ZX Spectrum. I learned of this place on a YouTube discussion about Brad Traversy's latest vlog on imposter syndrome. I'm currently actively seeking freelance work here in the UK, and building a webrtc platform for a startup company, written in Python

mustafa7ibrahim profile image
Mustafa Ibrahim

Hello to all developer out there i still beginner, now i started learning flutter and dart for about 1 month i still working in my first project so i happy to be here with you guys and hope to be part of the community and lean from it and hope one day i become the one to teach .

augustoerico profile image
Erico Silva


I'm Erico, Backend dev with a special interest in Testing, DevOps and Design Driven Development for REST APIs. At my company, my Slack nickname is 'ScheMan' because of the later.

For about a year, I picked TypeScript as my language of choice to develop full-stack applications. My goal is to develop a set of tools to write production-ready applications in the least amount of time possible.

Let's create stuff!

kichusandy profile image
Sandeep Valsakumar

Wanted to understand and learn about all new software technologies and good coding concepts.

111net profile image

Hello to All, great to be here on DEV,thanks to Katie and all other moderators for spurring us all cheerfully

aishatabassum21 profile image
Aisha Tabassum

It tends to be so extraordinary and furthermore jam-pressed with a decent time for me Also as we are the best Dubai Web Design furnishes a wide range of Digital Services with full access to our group visit for more updates!

graphicagenda profile image
Greg Kerstine

Long time lurker, a neverposter if you will. I will contribute as best as I can having worked with webdev for over a decade now.

raman0x6b profile image
Raman Kishore

Hi everybody,

Thank you for creating this community and allowing me to be a part of it :)

I'm Raman, an average SW Dev trying to build a product and a business around it. Quit corporate because of "impress your boss" mentality and people just chasing deadlines.

Exploring my interests and learning along with way!

kishorekal profile image
Kishore Kumar

Hello there Katie!I'm a job seeker. Stumbled by here looking for a React tutorial. Hope I could learn a lot in DEV.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Welcome Kishore.

groceryheist profile image

Greetings. I'm just here to see what's up. I saw this site mentioned on hackernews as an example of a successful online community. So I'm just curious about what that means in this day and age :)

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

It means, "Welcome to the community, but please don't steal our groceries!" šŸ˜‰

oreakinwole profile image
Ore Akinwole

JS to the world! Hello Fellow DEVs glad to be here

urbanmicro profile image

Hey everyone! Looking forward to learning and sharing with you all!

rezaseedin profile image
Reza Seedin

Hello Everyone, I'm Reza from Melbourne and so happy to join this community. I'm a JS dev with a new found love for learning Vue.

mauriciopettinate profile image

Hi I am Mauricio from Brazil. I already worked as webdesigner (html / css) and I now am planning to work as front end developer. Hope I can learn so much here and make some new friends.

oliviagreen2894 profile image
Olivia Green

hello everyone!!!! I am Olivia and I am a Digital Marketing professional

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Olivia, welcome to DEV. We are here to help you with all your coding needs. Feel free to join in on a discussion that interests you or start your own post.

oliviagreen2894 profile image
Olivia Green

Thank you !!!

zionbutbika profile image
zion butbika

My name is Zion
I'm a beginner devops engineer
Seems like this is a good place to learn

einsteinreloaded profile image

Hi everyone, I am Anish. I am working as a Frontend dev. I am a huge fan of JavaScript and looking forward to spreading Javascript everywhere. Glad to be part of the community.

blackgirlbytes profile image
RizĆØl Scarlett

Hey, hey!
My name is Rizel, and I'm a software engineer, but I'm trying to become a better software engineer. I'm going to document my process as I learn React Native and finish my degree in Computer Science

hermanrios7 profile image
Herman Rios

Wow, this is AWESOME!!! My own personal cheerleader. Thanks for being there for us. I know that I can use all the help I can get.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson • Edited

Rah-Rah Herman! Welcome to DEV (split done here) šŸ˜Š

ankur97119974 profile image
Ankur • Edited

hope you all are doing well
i have question regarding cloud which make me more confusing ,when it comes on the cloud partners like AWS <> AZURE <> Google cloud platform <> apart of SDx-SDWAN

AWS <> AZURE <> Google platform are on the same segment , right ?
but i don't know about how SDWAN doing something on global level ?
what is underlay structure of SD-WAN VS AWS ?
in which type of network we can use SD-WAN and which network we can use AWS globally ?
is it going to change the traditional networking ?
im studying on AWS and just want to deepin with SD-WAN though


thanks you all in adv with your gr88 replay

opensauceng profile image

Seasons Greetings to you all. It's good to be here. I look forward to meeting interesting developers so we can create our own projects and win together.

Love you all

milesbd profile image

Stoked to be here!

I've been throughly enjoying lurking and reading many posts, and finally felt confident enough to join, and start commenting + (hopefully) adding little articles of my own!

Looking forward to seeing if there are any other twig enthusiasts around...

akhil395 profile image
Akhilesh Singh

Hello Everyone, excited to join you all guys here looking forward to learn & update myself with the latest Devops & other technical stuff.

cuocsongduhoc1 profile image

Cuocsongduhoc - Trang tin tį»•ng hį»£p vį» Du hį»c -Du lį»‹ch -Đį»‹nh cĘ°. NgoĆ i ra cĆ²n lĆ  Blog tin tį»©c trong nĘ°į»›c vĆ  quį»‘c tįŗæ nhį»Æng vįŗ„n đį» nĆ³ng hį»•i nhįŗ„t.
Trang chį»§:
Blog Cuocsongduhoc đʰį»£c giį»›i chuyĆŖn mĆ“n Ä‘Ć”nh giĆ” lĆ  trang tin tį»©c tį»•ng hį»£p uy tĆ­n nhįŗ„t Viį»‡t Nam 2019.
Cįŗ­p nhįŗ­t mį»›i nhįŗ„t vį» tƬnh hƬnh Biį»ƒn ĐƓng:
Đăng kĆ­ Cuocsongduhoc ngay hĆ“m nay đį»ƒ nhįŗ­n đʰį»£c nhį»Æng tin tį»©c mį»›i nhįŗ„t.
Du hį»c cĆ”c nĘ°į»›c ChĆ¢u Ƃu, ChĆ¢u Ɓ tįŗ”i:
Đį»‹nh cĘ° į»Ÿ nĘ°į»›c nĆ o dį»… dĆ ng vĆ  nhanh nhįŗ„t. Điį»u kiį»‡n đį»ƒ đį»‹nh cĘ° tįŗ”i cĆ”c nĘ°į»›c nhĘ° thįŗæ nĆ o?
Link theo dƵi tįŗ”i:
Du lį»‹ch luĆ“n lĆ  sį»Ÿ thĆ­ch cį»§a rįŗ„t nhiį»u ngĘ°į»i, du lį»‹ch Viį»‡t Nam, du lį»‹ch ChĆ¢u Ƃu, du lį»‹ch cĆ”c nĘ°į»›c ChĆ¢u Ɓ. Tį»•ng hį»£p tįŗ„t cįŗ£ nhį»Æng điį»ƒm đįŗæn, įŗ©m thį»±c, văn hĆ³a tįŗ”i tį»«ng nĘ°į»›c.
Link tham khįŗ£o cĆ”c đį»‹a điį»ƒm du lį»‹ch:
Mį»¹ phįŗ©m lĆ m đįŗ¹p hiį»‡n nay khĆ“ng chį»‰ dĆ nh cho phĆ”i nį»Æ mĆ  thįŗ­m chĆ­ cįŗ£ phĆ”i nam cÅ©ng bįŗÆt đįŗ§u chĆŗ trį»ng tį»›i nhan sįŗÆc cį»§a mƬnh hĘ”n. Tį»•ng hį»£p tįŗ„t cįŗ£ cĆ”c loįŗ”i mį»¹ phįŗ©m cÅ©ng nhĘ° review mį»¹ phįŗ©m lĆ m đįŗ¹p tįŗ”i Ä‘Ć¢y.
Tį»•ng hį»£p tįŗ„t cįŗ£ nhį»Æng tin tį»©c thį»ƒ thao nhanh nhįŗ„t tįŗ”i Ä‘Ć¢y. Thį»ƒ thao 24/24
Tin thį»ƒ thao 24/24:
Sį»©c khį»e cho mį»i ngĘ°į»i mį»i nhĆ , nhį»Æng bĆ i thuį»‘c quĆ½, nhį»Æng dįŗ„u hiį»‡u bį»‡nh bįŗ”n nĆŖn nhįŗ­n biįŗæt sį»›m.
Sį»©c khį»e nam giį»›i, phį»„ nį»Æ:
Showbiz Viį»‡t Nam luĆ“n biįŗæn đį»™ng theo nhį»Æng Scandal hoįŗ·c nhį»Æng tin tĆŗc mį»›i nhįŗ„t vį» cĆ”c ca sÄ©, nghį»‡ sÄ© tįŗ”i Viį»‡t Nam:
Hį»‡ thį»‘ng Social cį»§a cuocsongduhoc:

sį»©ckhį»e #biį»ƒnÄ‘Ć“ng #duhį»c #đį»‹nhcĘ° #dulį»‹ch #showbiz #mį»¹phįŗ©m

vishwam_patel_2 profile image


eddykaya profile image
Eddy Bobbin

Hello everyone,

my name is Eddy, I'm a 31 y.o. software developer located in Karlsruhe, Germany.
Nice to meet you all!

Cheers, Eddy

acoh3n profile image

Great to have you here Eddy.

joetech7 profile image

Hello World

I'm happy to join this inspiring community, giving out the little I have in terms of knowledge is my passion and I hope to learn good stuff from you guys

mariamfatima29 profile image
Mariam Fatima

Mary here,new to this community..looking forward to learning new things

alexlarrabee profile image

Hello! This Alex and I've been coding in React for the past year. Look forward to meeting and learning new things from everyone here!

kanakaraju234 profile image


aelson profile image

Hello everyone, I'm excited in join into this community.

I work with Java development, a little bit of react and angular, and I'm love machine learning and Continuous Delivery =)

mrcount profile image

I have stable footing in my 30's =D Basically never actually followed trough with programming in my earlier years but tried to keep in touch with CS. Finally felt the need to push myself into learning again. Finished my 1st web-dev bootcamp on Udemy and figured it's time to progress on with everything.
But mainly i'm always up for a laugh and a good joke. Love to meet people and learn from their experiences.

I'm a coach in my "free" time, been in competitive sports most of my life. Faced opponents in combat sports and it's crazy how opening a new chapter in my life is freaking me out :P
And with this in mind i use my battle cry.. "Onward Buttercup, there's f*** to spread" #insertmemewithasquirrelridningahorsy

mahmudcyber profile image
Adamu Mahmud • Edited

Am Adamu Mahmud, an IT enthusiast.
am presently working online payment system with php and i came across this platform while searching on how to tarck payment details made by a customer to my database after payment is successful.

stefannieuwenhuis profile image
Stefan Nieuwenhuis

Hello there! I'm Stefan from The Netherlands and I just joined DEV. I'm very excited to be here and to learn from you and to share my knowledge as well :)

livelytech profile image

Hi. I'm hoping to immerse myself in this learning community as I combine learning program languages (Java, C++), and electro-mechanical engineering.

lijiaxingogo profile image

Hi all, My name is Jessie, a full-time graduate student majoring in supply chain analytics. I am doing an online data science Bootcamp and I enjoy it a lot. Learning new technology and building the algorithms are so fun! I can't wait to know more like-mind person and to learn and grow here <3

ladipo profile image

I am Ladipo, I want to be a full stack web developer. I want develope a fintech web application in the shortest possible time. My focus is on JavaScript, Express, React, Python with Django. I will appreciate support from this community.

axedroxul profile image

Peace world!

I am a Hugo developer for Foot Clan from Michigan. My background includes WordPress, PHP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS. I mostly write more songs now, but I'll always be a code poet at heart. I really dig the community - glad to be here!

Peace and abundance

baaki_of_iwo profile image

Iā€™m new on here! Hope to learn new and necessary skills .

kanukenneth2 profile image
Kanu Kenneth

Started learning python few months back and and I ve add html to the list. I am so excited to be in this community.

dustyh profile image

Hey everyone,
Super excited to be here to participate and to learn from all you amazing human beings.
Much love!! <3

valniceman profile image
Valentine Ifeanyichukwu

Hi katie, am so happy to be here.
Thanks for creating something like this. Thanks

myadvicelover profile image

Hi guys, I am a guy that is ready to learn from the best in the field. I want to be a professional web developer in 2020. So I am here to learn from the best guys in the field. And I know I can get all that I need right here at Dev

You can be my teacher if only you will be patient with me.

I am a good and stubborn learner. My heart is in it and I am ready to go.

Thank you.

esmelyn067 profile image

Hello, I'm glad to be here, and I'm ready to meet interesting people to share coding experiences!!!

squareflaw_22 profile image
Albin Garcia

Hello! Programming taught me how to think, how to rearrange thinks putting the most important on top, focus on one thing at the time. And that just applies everywhere whether it's inside your favorite code editor or in the real world.

It's been a really lonely journey for me to overcome those hard first steps to get into this beautiful world. Those days are gone! It's really nice to be part of this community, I'm working with React and Django if you need any help, want to join me(maybe hiring me <3)

nikema profile image

I'm here because I always see cool stuff come out of this community on Twitter. I'm looking forward to contributing, learning, and getting to know people better.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Welcome Nikema, I hope you enjoy it here.

nikema profile image

Thanks Katie

omikronit profile image

future-thinking development company as a possibility for change and social impact

allanadan05 profile image

Hi Guys! Just signed up to Dev Community... I am an IT student and Im currently preparing for our next semester's programming courses.

aurelien21130 profile image

Hello all, I'm in Europe, Paris. I'm joined this static post so. not IRC.

I'm a musician multi instrumentalist (not arrogance) Bongos Jamb guitar electric violon or piano. I'm 35 years old.

And I record / mastering, music to post productions.

My network is, so its majorly here that I've began all this to prove me that and others: the few facts that there, is a lot of people love my music without lyrics, I was before its in 2014 I redeem music. So here we go again make music.

PS: There Is a lot information you need to get no "fails" with text and informations of protect your sounds its a free service to host on line my music, so I buy a little acoustic guitar of my young sister, that don't "give a ..." I have give her 60 Euros. And I have learn solfĆØge in violin when, I was young.

A last thing If they think you make good sounds or audience: The program of youtube "survey", its totally free. But that is the cool way, there now we need to very BIG job to edits And Not be stoled.

Buy the way of this, If you need informations or help, you can.

edijaaro profile image

Great to be welcomed in such a homely fashion. Thanks y'all.

udarajayawardena profile image
Udara Jayawardena • Edited

Hi all! I am Udara jayawardena. I am a Software Engineer....

marvingitau4 profile image
marvin gitau

Hi everyone am Marvin from Nairobi, a junior web developer at Legibra. Nice to meet y'all.

jmraghu profile image
Raghu JM

HI All šŸ‘‹

bahmanpm profile image
Bahman Parsa Manesh

Hello I'm Bahman and I'm glad to be here.
What a good place to share ideas and read the others opinions and experiences.

salimbraksa profile image
Salim Braksa

Hey I'm Salim. Glad to be here.

fdiazaguirre profile image
Federico Diaz Aguirre

Hi y'all,

I ditch medium when I found DEV and I think I could give back sharing what I know.
Happy to produce content in this fun and smart community!


krishnaprasad_c profile image
Krishna Prasad C

Hi There, love the articles on JavaScript very clear and precise. Join the community after this. Let's have the better learning and coding šŸ˜‹.

obijuankynobi profile image
Juan Carlos Fuentes

I'm a junior developer, gamer, i love Gears of war, and i like football.
I wanna be better in C# and dotnet.

yiremani profile image

Hi all,
Happy to join this community lol

thebrockstar profile image
Brock Rohloff


govinddm22 profile image
Govind Kumar Dikshit

I am very excited to be part of Dev

pranshukhandal profile image

Hello everyonešŸ˜œ

I'm Pranshu (PranshuKhandal), a 18 year old learner from India!

darknesswitch profile image

Hi! šŸ˜Š

umar_panu profile image
Haliam S.Kumar

I am a Rockie and am looking forward to self practice more and more

walternj profile image

Hello! I'm a React.js/React Native developer and i want to grow with you in this great universe of developments

motolola profile image

Every Dev community is a great community.

princeansahowu2 profile image
Prince Ansah Owusu

Hi everybody l am prince owusu Ansah from country call Ghana ..l am 22years of age people who always feel great passionate people l am new here welcome you all

doctorserone profile image
AndrƩs Ɓlvarez Iglesias

Hello to all!

imshafikul profile image
Shafikul Islam

Hopefully, we will learn, and create awesome thing.

elhamdcyber profile image

Hello ,I am newbie here

mariana2995 profile image

Hello world :)

arunkr12345 profile image

Hi Everybody,

I am an existing iOS Developer who wants to learn javascript , cloud and some tips and processes to become a "responsible + human + generous" engineering manager

gsivaprabu profile image
Sivaprabu Ganesan


ariaal profile image

Thanks for everyone

nourelislam56 profile image
mohamed nour

Hi everyone, thanks for letting me join here.

juicyboiy profile image
Juicy Boi

Hi everyone am Juice Ohh a newbie here.

kofipytha profile image
Norbert Kofi Amafu

Great community! Keep up the good work. Great attitude, Very helpful posts.

kennylevi profile image
kennylevi • Edited

hello katie thanks..

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Youā€™re welcome.

esmelyn067 profile image

Hello, interesting people!!!!

ramarajukun profile image

Hello everyone. Happy to be a part of your wonderful world.

afonte15 profile image


shubhamb profile image

What i do here and all Code and provide Solutions to problems.

thekingjustlikethat profile image

I hope I can be a great review of this new website

oliverlcsmith profile image
Oliver Smith

Hello everyone! I'm Ollie - I'm a coding newbie starting my journey by learning javascript.

sunwukung profile image
Marcus Kielly

Hi, decided to join the forum following some of the great articles on here. Fun fact? I can wiggle my right ear :)

teja_bitra profile image
Balachandra • Edited

Hi dev community. I am Balachandra.
I am a front end developer and freelancer.
I am currently interested and focused on learning best practices of coding.

purplekat18 profile image
Purple Kat


katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hello. How about writing something about yourself.

iniakpothompson profile image
Thompson Peter I.

Great to be here, I hope to learn new stuff from this community.

steffvoicu profile image
Steff Voicu

Hi! I'm a SharePoint developer team lead. I joined this community because during some research one my better developers found an interesting article, I've read it and decided to join.

silminawaz profile image
silmi nawaz

browsing and found some interesting articles

louiechristie profile image
Louie Christie

Hello World!

fadi_codesco profile image
fadi codesco


naresh4847 profile image

Hi team ,I'm Naresh.

iliana_iv profile image
Iliana Vajarova


_vaso profile image

Happy Kwanza Everybody happy to join the circus

igweprince0 profile image
SkyData šŸ¤–

Hello everyone, I'm new here.

mo_xodeeq profile image

I'm so happy to be here!

githubvadla profile image


ibadeecodes profile image
Ibad Ullah Shaikh

Hello Everyone
I'm Ibad, an undergraduate computer scientist.
Excited to be a part of and interested in sharing + exchanging ideas & thoughts regarding software development.

bintsiful profile image
Benjamin Intsiful šŸ‡¬šŸ‡­

Thanks for the welcome Katie. Looking forward to read all the amazing post and share my knowledge bit here.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Youā€™re welcome Benjamin

djhemath profile image


liveiplscore profile image
IPL 2020


Just joined ....

haiderhassane profile image
Haider Hassan

My name is haider hassan from Pakistan and I want to become a software developer

silvio profile image

Hi šŸ˜Š,

Happy holidays to everyone! šŸŽ…

tristoncarter34 profile image

hey i am happy to be here

anupamsahay9 profile image


mrd3r profile image

Hello everyone there)

linuxxraza profile image
Hassan raza

Thanks so excited to be here

sasharadovic profile image

Hi there, kinda new here so don't mind me asking a question many have asked before šŸ˜ƒ. Generally, I have some small pieces of code to share and see if they can be useful.

srinubaburavilla profile image
Srinubabu Ravilla

Hello Devs, it's a great platform to participate to learn, share, help. I'm glad that I'm here. Let's push ourselves to new boundaries by helping one another. Thank you everyone.

meshackmbuvi profile image
Meshack Mbuvi

I am learning blockchain and am more into building decentralized applications on etherium.

oyinlolub profile image
Oyinloluwa Balogun

Hello, my name is Balogun Oyinloluwa Oluwapelumi. A front end developer.

dipeshdigwal profile image
dipesh digwal

Hi guys,
I am a enthusiast of learning about embedded systems software development.Hope to find help from you all and if possible I might be of help for any of you

sasijj profile image
sasi jj

Hi i have just signed in here to start learning more about front end development and game development from people around the world.

adelaw22 profile image

Hi everyone, I'm Lawrence and I'm happy to be here. Looking forward to meeting new people.

shooter7 profile image
Ahmed Jassim

I'm Ahmed, Back-end DEV
I want to welcome all of you to the DEV community and let you know that you'll find lots of help and support here for all your coding needs.

lucasbittar profile image
Lucas Bittar Magnani

Hey guys! Lucas here from Brazil! Glad to be part of the community!
I'm a front-end developer working at Toptal. Cheers!

devpixde profile image
Ingo Klemm

Just wanted to give a comment to a nice article

maryjostaebler profile image
Mary Jo

Hello hello! I'm a developer who loves UI and am stoked to flex my design muscle and continue to learn more tech and code.

cafferty_design profile image
Chris Cafferty

Currently engrossed in HTML5, CSS and JS. Dreaming of becoming a fullstack web developer.

rzzzs profile image

Thanks for including me in community

n1mirzo profile image

Hi, My name is Otabek. I am a front-end developer. I work in DevProUz programaming community, Uzbekistan. I love Quasar framework of Vue JS.

jpierson profile image

I read an article on Google's news feed and wanted to comment; So, here I am.

meyyappans profile image
Meyyappan Subramaniyan

Thanks for your warm welcome.

abhinavmir profile image
abhinav the builder

Great to be here!

elct9620 profile image

Hi, all

I am Aotoki, the Ruby developer in Taiwan. šŸ‘‹

sarrakhan profile image
Sarra Khan

Thank You, Katie, I'm happy for being here.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Welcome Sarra

ghazalcode profile image
Abdulraheem Gasali

Hi everyone, I'm Ghazalcode a full stack web developer, I love creating awesome product with code. Cheers

julietoberding profile image
Juliet Oberding

Thanks for the welcome , Katie! I'm building apps on Blockstack which is totally new for me but really fun.

fibref profile image
Naveed Ahmed

Hi everyone, at beginning of digital world.

shash68i profile image


codesaitama profile image
Achana Emma Jnr.

Hi everyone.
I'm Achana. I read a few POST and found them intriguing so I decided to Sign up. I hope to learn tons of cool stuff here and also be a huge contributor.

wandersonjackson profile image
Wanderson Jackson

Hello to all, I'm new to DEV
I'm Wanderson Jackson, a Product Designer, and Developer from Brazil and Estonia.

anobhask profile image

I am a Linux enthusiast

aumayeung profile image
John Au-Yeung

Hi everybody.

I love to read programming blogs and blog about programming.

It is great to see such as active community here.

mdzyaan profile image
Mohammed Zyaan

Helllo all, Zyaan here. I am a react developer for over an year now. I am enjoying every bit of it.

sucalatimotei profile image
Sucala Timotei

Hello! Found the articles on this platform very informative and useful. Looking forward for more!

deepageorge profile image

Hi, I work as an SDET in a software company in UK.Just wanted some thoughts on what is a practically usable tool and framework for UI Automation for angular web app

therinyoung profile image
Therin Young

Hello. Someone's post on Huffman encoding brought me here. Looking forward to learning and contributing.

neha2018 profile image

Hello community. Great pleasure to join the dev community. As articles always helped to enhanced my knowledge and hence would like to climb the ladder by joining this community.

jenihorton profile image

Hi! Thanks for the add

jim94708 profile image

Hi from sunny FL! Right now I'm interested in microservices and message queues. Got here from a linked article on the topic. Currently playing with RabbitMQ and Service Broker.

acodewizard profile image
Senior Web & Mobile Developer

I am here, glad to join

praneethmukka profile image

Hi this is Praneeth new to dev,i am a amateur programer started programming few months back itself came here to learn js and python.

shaikajmal profile image

Hello Devs! This is Ajmal I'm from India and I'm just a beginner in web development and I'm looking forward to seek knowledge and contribute to this community and grow collectively...

newdevin profile image
Devinder Singh

Hello. Looking ahead for great adventure and learning

sahasrara62 profile image
prashant rana

Hello everyone, Prashant here, new to Dev. currently on the way to learn a lot of techs. I got google suggestion on various tech topic and like those, currently joining to learn more

martinpham profile image
Martin Pham

Hi all, glad to meet you!
I'm Martin, a developer from Italy. Knowing from Suggested stories from Google, and I'm learning a lot here.
Hope we could share our knowledges to improve ourselves!

somurat profile image

I am a Full Stack Web Developer, mostly on PHP on custom projects and also on WP.

I am looking to learn new tech stuff from DEV.

cipriancirstea profile image
Ciprian Cirstea

Hi everyone. My name is Ciprian, i live in Romania and I like web and mobile development.

theknowinge profile image
Stryder Ding

I want to bring the neX generation of kids into programming languages here in the from 4-10 yrs and say 12-18yrs old, and i will need all ur help in the community.Teacher Dave

igweprince0 profile image
SkyData šŸ¤–

Hello everyone.

marciordj profile image
Luiz Marcio de Jesus Rodrigues Junior

Hi, my name is Marcio. I'm study programming, my favorite programming language for now is java and Javascript but I'm begginer in this world. Sorry for my bad English

fate02festus profile image

Hello. I am festus. Looking forward to dig deeper in the world of programming

bayustudio profile image

Hi all, I'm Bayu from Indonesia.
Coming here to learn and discuss about webdev stuff.

sanousy profile image
Sanousy • Edited

Hi I am a x-Developer since 1983, but cannot give it up ... every day I find it still more charming.

arif18bari profile image

This is Arif and I am from Bangladesh. I am a passionate Java Programmer and Lead a Java team. I love Java technologies.I am new to the community.

apostolou profile image

Katie if I can be of help in anyway let me know ā˜ŗļø

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Of course Peter, will do!

lesley88 profile image
Lesley Kampinda

Hi, all.
Am new here, couldn't resist joining, this is where I get most of the resources. Been a newbie in Javascript and ruby.

innoflash profile image
Innocent Mazando

Hi I am Innocent, i am a Laravel backend developer from Africa. I just been visiting this site a lot and i am getting useful answers and tips here

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Welcome Carlos. I look forward to seeing your first post.

nadeemdev profile image
Muhammad Nadeem

I am learning HTML CSS for front end development, and after that I will learn JavaScript and PHP. Plz, leave a piece of advice for me so that I can concentrate my work and develop good logic.

wongt profile image
Teddy Wong

Hi all and happy holidays. Iā€™m a curious technologist, that loves growing people. Iā€™m a guy of few words, but a great listener.

kayoderock profile image

I am KayodeRock, Good to be here!

lazharichir profile image

Hello all! Landing on DEV.TO from Google Searches every now and then, so it's time to sign up!

stojay profile image
Adeyemi Adetilewa

Thank you Katie for the welcome message. Nice to meet you.

msphpd profile image

I've only just become aware of this community. I look forward to learning from others and in return making contributions myself.

raabdev profile image

Hello community!

grandma19532 profile image

Hey everyone
New here hopefully I can learnšŸ‘Œ

kevkevkevin profile image

Hi Katie,
I'm Kevin a creative front-end web dev :)
thank you for the welcome I'm new here šŸ˜Š

abolfazldavoodi profile image
Abolfazl Davoodi Shandiz

Hello to all.
I'm abolfazl, a software engineer who want to be a professional programmer.
Live mostly in .NET :)

drizlad profile image

hello every-one i cant describe how happy am i to be part of this community

grantwatsondev profile image
Grant Watson

Hello everyone, my name is Grant, and what brought me to Dev was to learn as much as I can about current and new technologies. My favorite languages right now is C# and ReactJS

ochiengotieno304 profile image
Ochieng Otieno

Hello,I'm Ochieng new to the Dev Community a student in love with code.I'm hoping for a good stay throughout my journey with the Dev Community šŸ¾šŸ„‚

_ibrahimadepoju profile image

I develop and design mobile applications (Java, Swift, Ionic, React & Flutter), desktop applications (Electron), and web applications (Javascript, PHP, and Python).

lokucrazy profile image
Ryan Lokugamage

My goal for 2020 is to write something people will find useful/interesting

tanveer11130045 profile image

I am a passionate learner and also want learn more and more day by day. my passion brought me here

wchitirobho profile image

Hi cheerleader and the community, I look forward to learning from others and in return making contributions myself.

mkobilev profile image
Max Kobilev

Hi there)
I'm Max - will be glad to discuss about web

angular #python #owasp

gsivaprabu profile image
Sivaprabu Ganesan


alviniruoghene profile image
Alvin Iruoghene

Hello everyone!
Introduction: Alvin Iruoghene is my name. I am a šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ šŸ‡³šŸ‡¬

Software Developer

Backend: PHP Developer (Laravel, Codeigniter), Python Developer (Django) #Frontend: Vue.js

mr_codist profile image
Saddam Khan

Hi I'm a intermediate backend engineer using php and laravel now want to learn front end technologies like vue.js etc. Any suggestions for me? Thanks

devgabriellibs profile image

Thanks for letting me join this community! I wanna see something interesting about this site but it seems I already found it and its really cool.

snbest profile image


Looking for some powershell knowledge... Am I in the right place?

eihsan94 profile image

Hi katie nice meeting u. Hope i can learn and share a lot of knowledge in this community.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Nice to meet you too ihsan

yairashen profile image

Hi I am web developer.

spacepirate79 profile image
Helen D.


thuan1412 profile image

Hello guys, I'm a Vietnamese 3rd year student. I just saw the community from a friend on Facebook. I mainly use python(Django) for work and currently learn Javascript for personal interest.

kaykay profile image

Hi there!! sure am not alone here !!! Thanks for the great community

carlosnihelton profile image
Carlos Nihelton

Hello, All!

I read very intersting texts in, so I felt the need to join the community. Although I'm not very accessible, I hope I'll be able to help the community and eventually get some help.

adebiyi_stoke profile image
adebiyi oyindamola

Thanks a lot Katie

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Welcome to DEV

tepex profile image
Kirill Terekhov

Hello! Thanks for the welcome. My name is Kirill (Cyril). I'm from Moscow. I hope to find interesting information here and exchange experiences.

librehash_74 profile image

Hey, love the fact that this platform is still going strong.

Even more so, I really like the fact that its as warm & inviting as its always been.


swatantra profile image
Swatantra Kumar

I'm a polyglot programmer with over a decade of experience writing codes and building applications in many languages and platforms. I love to explore new tech, tools.

ibidya profile image

Hello everyone
I am a self thought in programming, I'm interested in Javascript ecosystem, especially React and React Native.

iamprincesaleem profile image
Saleem Ullah Khan šŸ‡µšŸ‡°šŸ¤šŸ‡¹šŸ‡· • Edited

I am CEO of ZAAWS Studio, freelancer & unity developer but my interest for becoming fullstack developer brought me here. These days studying python and it's frameworks in my free time,

crazyfun60yt profile image

Hi, my name is Ryan but I prefer to be called Rin, I enjoy coding but really I'm just a beginner and I'm looking to expand my skill as I would like a job in computer science once I'm older.

kasadote profile image

Hi. It is a pleasure to be a member of this community

kimiyo_home profile image
Kim, Jong Hoon

Love to study and share some useful ideas

bernardmw profile image
BernardMW • Edited

Looking for a community to help with my web applications with Django framework journey.

finehawk profile image
Nimish Khokhar

Hello Everyone.I am learning node.js currently for my current job. Have heard a lot about this website. Hope I can learn some new things here. peace

karenrumbie profile image
karen rumbidzai

I'm stoked to be here! I've been reading posts for a while now. Decided to join the community to learn and share!

manojmaracheeacko profile image


I am a SysAdmin, Sys Engineer preferred OS: Linux

I am learning python in my free time.[ scripting, web development ]

kj_beya profile image
Kakota J. Beya • Edited

Am new here, and would like to learn and grow with your wisdoms.

ibrainpop profile image


I'm a RPA and WEB Developer.

Let's enjoy

niallbyrne profile image
Niall Byrne • Edited

Hi all, I'm a Sysops guy from Toronto, interested in becoming a more versatile Dev.
Some great content here.

isaacaelijah profile image
Isaac Elijah

I saw a topic on C data structures, hence my coming here. I'm a 'fearful' beginner in C and Python and I hope I can get my hands to be guided in programming these languages. Thank you.

tomcruise504 profile image

Hi Am balaji great to be here!

shaywhod1st profile image
Shehu Tyson Lawal

Hi, Everyone! My name is Shehu Lawal and I work as a Full stack JavaScript engineer as well as an Engineering Manager with Andela. Hoping to learn , teach ,mentor and get mentored.

techshark3 profile image
Orutu Akposieyefa Williams

I am Orutu Akposieyefa Williams by name a Web Developer passionate about learning new technology

guha profile image
Arghya Guha

Hi all, I'm Guha and i live in Tokyo and write APIs for a living. Currently working in, learning and loving scala, have worked on Java, Javascript and lots of other stuff over the years.

atexzonate profile image

Was looking for dev community and I found this one. I love building things that matters. Full stack Developer (Node Js and Asp.Net)

codecrsftsman profile image

I have on occasion read DEV posts that have appeared when I have opened Google. I have a variety of interests and several of them involve computers in some manner.

top_seo_updates profile image
Shikha Vishwakarma


katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hello Shikha. Tells us about what kind of coding you are interested in.

ganeshssingh profile image

Hi katie, nice to join with your team. I'm interested to learn lots.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Welcome Ganesh.

ankitgithub profile image
Ankit Parikh

Hi all,
I am Full stack developer ( JS + JAVA ). I am enthusiastic on contributing to open source. Currently having excellant exposure with React. Lookign forward for Typescript and vue.

edselreamico profile image

Stoked to be here. Looking forward to grow with you guys. Shout out to those responsible for putting all of this together.

interiorgroove profile image
IP Decor

Hello and happy holidays to all. Thanks for having me. Looks like I stumbled upon a great find here. What took me so long. LOL

littleones1 profile image

Hello all.
I am Misan - Africa's Tony Stark

I am a fullstack web developer, I write with HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, SQL, Java and Python.

How do you do?

mukesh4139 profile image
Mukesh Chaudhary

Hello everybody, Looking to have a great time here.

mdirsha50320341 profile image
Md Irshad

Hi everyone.

huebnerdaniel profile image
Daniel HĆ¼bner

Thank you for the welcome.
For most sites after logging in you are so much left alone to find your way around.
Not for, this made me dive into leaving comments right away.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Welcome Daniel. Here, we are a community of coders that support one another. I hope your experience is a good one. I personally have found it very rewarding.

mobibiz profile image

Hi all.
I am Shirley, one of the new contributor. I want to help you all about the Mobile Application Development Services and just want your support in this.


anthonydheysum profile image

Came across this website while browsing the internet and it was apparent that this place is for developers for sure. Happy to be here for ever.

swinxy profile image

Hi! I code things in Java and JavaScript. I don't do much coding right now besides making my own Minecraft world editor. It's called Euclid.

helloasir profile image

Hi All ..

Just came here to learn basics .

chrisdrit profile image

Howdy! New to the community and looking forward to learning and participating!

ayyoub_chabih profile image
Ayyoub Chabih

Hello, my name is ayyoube, I'm 22. I'm From Morocco. I'm 2rd year student specialised Master Quality of Software at the FSDM (Faculty of Sciences Dhar El Mehraz) of Fez (Morocco).
Hope to get more in touch with you guys.

fabioqmarsiaj profile image
Fabio Quinto Marsiaj

Hello, my name is Fabio Marsiaj.
I'm a software engineer living in Brazil. I intend to become a software architect.
Love cloud native apps and I'm a devops pratictioner.

umavictor6 profile image
uma victor

Nice being herešŸ˜Š

mahalel profile image
Andrei Mahalean

Hi long time lurker, just joined the site. I'm always trying to learn more about DevOps and this site is helping a lot. Keep up the good work!

gelvezz23 profile image
CarlosG • Edited

Hello i am new in DEV
I'm Carlos and thank You for this community have 22-year old programmer from Colombia
My English is regular but i Will upgrade

silpol profile image
Andriy Tymchenko

Hi all,

I'm Andriy, and I'm long term with open source SW. I use and write it on regular basis, and mostly deal in Python, Postgres, Flask or Django domains these days. Welcome to knock in my posts.

brandonminiman profile image
Brandon Miniman

what is this? I like beer.

tusharmldt profile image

Thanks to all Developers and technologists. Nice to get my type of peoples

sid0xsec profile image

Hi Everyone my name is Mutasim am Security Engineer , this platform has been always great source for Dev knowledge , it's an honor for me to be part of DEV family.


arpan_k31 profile image
Arpan Kayastha

Hey everyone, my self Arpan
Your blogs are very interesting that brought me here to get new stuffs

angelsagiri profile image
AngelSagiri • Edited

I have problem with code (I just started with c++) and i come here to found issue. Where i can post my problem?

ravikumargunge profile image
Ravikumar Gunge

Iā€™ve read many articles on dot net . Liked the simple and short articles and brought me here.

yourwebgirl_67 profile image

Hello Everyone!
Iā€™m a UX-I Frontend Web Developer contracting all over the place. Iā€™m always afraid they are gonna ask me to do something I canā€™t figure out, so Iā€™m always in ā€œlearnā€ mode! ALWAYS!!

kiranbeethoju profile image
Kiran Beethoju

Hello, busy coders, I'm Kiran from Hyderabad (India), working on AI and data analytics domain, I'm feeling happy to see you guys being actively running this kind of blog..

krisnae profile image

Hello my name Krisna, a graphic designer from Indonesia. I want to learn coding, especially front-end & Python. Also I hope I can connect with a lot of people here.

mrd3r profile image

Hello everyone thereā€Š)

irshadbluecast profile image
Irshad Bluecast


I am Irshad, Software Engineer.

bhanu949 profile image
Kanuru Bhanu Prakash

Hello all
I am Bhanu Prakash , I am learnig Web Development course: Java Script along with React and MongoDB. I am here for exploring the things.

kevinjroy profile image

I've been programming since Turbo Pascal (actually since Fortran 4 on Hollerith cards). Trying to make the transition to browser-based apps and scrpting languages (Python + Django + HTML + JavaScript + jQuery)

maktavish profile image

Hello katie

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Welcome to the dev community.

ajibolarilwan14 profile image
Adebayo Rilwan Ajibola

Am a software developer who code in javascript, I have interest in java or so happy to be part of this community

jubag profile image

hello, im ju

wangxjj123 profile image
Kevin Wang

Hi all, I'm Kevin. I found Dev and wanted to share my journey to IOS development.

lcprog profile image

My name is LC and I'm a wanabe react & react-native developer.

aphry45 profile image

Thank you Katie

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Youā€™re welcome Sofie.

goldisman profile image
Miroslav Goldsman


dreamchild88 profile image
Anachebe I Kingsley

I am new here to learn from everyone who is interested in teaching me.
I will start my 100 days of coding tomorrow, 25/12/2019. Yes that's my Christmas gift to me.

fallomar123 profile image
Fall Omar

hello iam omar DEV MOBILE rEact native front end

sompetch0249 profile image
Pack Katisomsakul

Hello my name is Pack! I am a beginner coder ! Hope I can learn more from this group!

mjawulski profile image
Michał Jawulski

Hello Everyone!
I aim to create content that hopefully will be beneficial for some of you

sakthivelsubbarayan profile image

Hi I'm sakthi, I want learn more about the computer and programming

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hello Sakthi. Iā€™m Katie and I would like to welcome you to DEV. Please let us know if thereā€™s anything we can do to help with your coding needs.

chnldjms profile image
Chonlada James

Hi, Katie! Thanks for being around to cheer us on and support us! I hope this community will grow bigger. Cheers!

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

We are growing every day Chonlada. Look forward to seeing your first post.

nyomanid profile image
Indra Darmawan Nyoman

Hi all,
I new to join this community.
I want to learn about front-end framework.
If you have any suggestion, it will help me.
Thank you.

binabdulateef profile image
Bin abdulateef

My name is Mohammed and i am a newbie to the programming field, i am looking to learn PHP, HTML and CSS.

paritoshmahale profile image
paritosh mahale

I found while searching about Django blog on google.
I am from PHP background with more that 3 yrs of experience.

mmgellani profile image
Mohsin Maqbool

Hi All.

premkumarsaravanan profile image
Premkumar S

Hi all,

I'm Prem, my profession is UI developer, developing new kinds of stuff and exploring new ideas.

chepkiruibetty profile image

Hello my fellow developers?can somebody elaborate for me between the "for-in loops" and for-of loops?"Looking forward for your help..Thanks

uxferanmi profile image
Feranmi Akinlade

Hi there! :)

jenueldev profile image
Jenuel Oras Ganawed

Hi! Dev Humans. I'm Jenuel Ganawed from baguio, philippines. I am new here in I hope to learn more from you guys and to share my ideas. :)

sonia1112 profile image
sonia1112 • Edited

Hi Jenuel! It seems like you are quite interested in participating/learning about tech which is amazing!

Similiar to, you also have the Angat Community, where Filipino developers come to be mentored, share programming knowledge and build their careers with global start-ups.

If this is interesting, please check it out at


alpheus profile image

Hi I'm Alpheus, I am here to learn React to advance my career skills.

bns profile image

I like reading how-to's, codes and new ideas.

needcaffeine profile image
Vic Vijayakumar

Hi Katie! Iā€™m Vic. Iā€™m going to try to get better at writing in 2020, so I figured I should set up a to help me do that so here we are.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Looking forward to seeing your first post Vic.

sahilgulati96 profile image
Sahil Gulati

Hi I am Sahil a self taught programmer

theumairgul profile image
Umair Gul

I am a web developer with strong grip on laravel and vuejs.
Just completed BS honours in Computer Sciences.
Hoping to learn more in Dev community.

sweety73120169 profile image

I want to learn c Programming

elly80 profile image

I am new here and willing to learn from anyone that can teach me Java

axiomaabsurdo profile image
Matias Mortara

Hello, just a programmer and the people says grate pizza maker!

vitalice8 profile image

I'm grateful to be here with such great minded people.

abhishekp03 profile image
Abhishek Pandey


ebitezion profile image

Had my work interrupted by a great post from a member of this community; so I thought to join and contribute to the body of knowledge

nazariipetreshak profile image
Nazarii Petreshak

Hello Everyone. My name is Nazarii, I'm From Ukraine. My interests are in mostly SEO. And feels great to be part of of community.

ritesh437 profile image
Ritesh Ghimire

Glad to be a part of this community.
Computational Programming is what I do for fun šŸ˜‹ ā¤

firasalazizy profile image

Hi, I'm Firas a Junior CS Student, Came here to learn

danielbalkum profile image
Daniel Balkum

Hello! I'm a full stack dev looking to get better at the full stack ;)

drgaud profile image

Alright folks happy new year, hope 2020 is good for you =)

suhaibraza42 profile image
Hafiz Suhaib Raza

I don't know anything about coding but want to get into it sooner

lordefid profile image

Hello, my name is Fidelis and I'm new to this community

zoongit profile image

I found this site by accident

rsksmiles profile image

Hi team... Glad to be part of your team.

zoongit profile image

Great to discover this forum

peranakanfrancis profile image
MyBetterWeb • Edited

A newbie is here! checkout my freelance service website at thanks ya!

howell2028 profile image
Calistus Pius

Am Obeke Calistus am here to learn and contribute

biossun profile image
Bios Sun

Hi, I'm Bios Sun, a coder, and from china. I like food, sleep, and code. :p

maastrixdeepakkumar profile image

node crud app and API app with authentication authorisation

yoh profile image

if you blink really really fast, are you waking up at the speed or falling asleep?

rogue_paradigms profile image
Rogue Paradigms

After being that unnamed ghost at Dev for a long time, I decided to sign up just because some comments were really worth a heart ā™„.
hi everyone, I'm akash.

oubbaih profile image
lahcen oubbaih • Edited

thank you to let me be a part of this great community

adewa_akinrinde profile image
Adewale Akinrinde

I am a beginner learner and open to more learning..

highonstudy profile image
Free Job Alert & Current Affairs | Highonstudy

Thanks for the welcome and growth dev community, have a nice visit.

karmariahvique profile image

I'm not your expectations...

sams_here profile image

I'm just here for the coffee and donuts. Mostly lurking about. I'm an Android app junkie and like checking out new programs for both mobile and PC devices. See you around devs!

ofekaloush profile image
Ofek Aloush

Hey all,
I'm a bored enguneering student. Looking to study and expand my knowledge in design which is pretty narrow.
Would love to make collaboration for studying if anyone is interested.

lemonxd128 profile image
Lubos Cillik

Hello world!

drewdas profile image
Dhrubajyoti Das

Hi everybody! I am a full stack engineer working at a consumer startup in SF. Been looking for a community to be a part of, excited to join DEV!

crazyprogrammer101 profile image


soheilarmin profile image
Soheil Armin

Hey everyone.

krishnasaicherukuri profile image

Hello everyone

This is krish
Thanks for joining me here.
I'm a fresher and present i'm learning in ReactJS

ibrahim646691 profile image

It's a pleasure joining this community

ganey profile image

Hey all

fatsourabh profile image
Sourabh Narayankar


artistdesignzp1 profile image

Tanx for letting me join u and Katie tanx for cheering is up. I know dat am going to get a lot of help and promise to give dis community d best shot.

mberry999 profile image

DevOps newbie. Ready to learn and ramp up fast.

hieuprogrammer profile image
Hieu Minh Le

Computer programming = Fun! :D

jagathprasad0 profile image
jagath Prasad


kenmush profile image
Ken Mutisya

I love to code at night

puru991 profile image
Purushottam Kiri

Hello everyone, just joined! I am a partner at counsellr, where we primarily build and manage WordPress Websites.

pkrasam profile image

What is the best way to quickly come upto speed with Rust and WebAssembly?

mshamugovella profile image

Hello. Iā€™m happy to be in a community of my interest.

santoshrb profile image
Santosh Kumbhar

Hello Everyone,

I am Santosh from Pune, India. I want to share some of my learnings and findings through this portal to the world. Hope that helps.

saumya profile image

Hello World!
Since Medium is acting up. Needed a place.
And found this to be focused on development, that is nice.

gyan_setu_ profile image

Hi All and Thanks for Let me in.

marekkis profile image


lazyjay20 profile image

need job lol

ahmedelselly profile image

Hello, am a MEN fullstack web developer still in entry level still trying to find job with my skills and learning react js and am full of passion with this industry

linushenry2 profile image
henry. • Edited

I'm Chiemezie from Nigeria, I'm new to Web Development and hope to share great resources and ideas with the great thinkers and many friends and mentors I'll get from

wangtiejun001 profile image
Matt Wang

I was brought here by an interesting awk tutorial in just one image!
Thanks for the Author!

blueagle profile image
EltoTowers 3D

Thank you

atharva07 profile image

Hello everyone, this is Atharva hiwase from India. Currently studying engineering from Nagpur university.

krishnasaicherukuri profile image

Hi, This is krish .

Thanks for joining me here. I'm a fresher and i'm learning in reactjs.

karthikabhi profile image

Hi Problem Solvers... Let's have some fun, shall we??

forestgun profile image
Jose Fortes

Thanks for the welcome.

vsharma10286 profile image

Hi All,excited to be a part of this community where we can learn from each other and i'm interesting in reading articles by masters of that field.

subburamu1989 profile image
MS Ramu


alisha3882 profile image
alisha austen

I am web developer and SEO expert here is my website

yvesjordan06 profile image

I'm Yves Jordan, a student of computer science studying software development. I mainly use Python 3 and Dart for my project

mohbar11 profile image
Mohamed Barry

Thank you for the welcome. I am glad to be here.
Interested in kubernetes and learning golang now after using python and bash for many years.

noraze_off profile image

Bonjour et Merci Katie

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Bonjour NoraZe.

mssadewa profile image
Muhammad Sadam Sadewa

Hi All,
I'm new to this community and as developer.

yfn____jay profile image


comeddy profile image

I always know what I learned about this place.

tannerbyers profile image
Tanner Byers

Hello all :D

waqarslamslogic profile image
Muhammad Waqar

I am Java developer, I am here to improve my programming skills.

rmathisrud profile image


evilcel3ri profile image

Hi I'm Chris, from Belgium. Working in Berlin :)

Happy to be here :D

jaynathanki profile image


abishekdia profile image
Abishek Devaraj


okposiosaturday profile image

Am new to coding , l love TECH ( software and Hardware ), l want to TECH. I want to create career for myself and others.

mayowdev profile image
Abdirahman Abukar

it good to be here

arungowda325 profile image
Arun Kumar MG


zoongit profile image

But I love it

byteconde profile image

Hi everybody c:

hgtpcastro profile image
Hugo Castro Costa

Hello all

sardar7110 profile image
shazad sarwar

hi thanks GOD i found u

erhan35 profile image

Thank You

adamzvx profile image

lets grow up together for better word

pcedeno profile image

Thanks! A journey starts with the first step.

adrianalex profile image
Adrian Antoci

Hey everyone! I'm Adrian.

ernestsunday profile image
Ugwuoke Sunday Ernest

Hello am Sunday Ernest from Nigeria and new here I want tl learn and work with dev

serkanalgur profile image
Serkan Algur

Hello there,

WordPress Developer here. Found more articles to read :D

shanshaji profile image

Thank youšŸ˜Š, I am really excited to be a part of this community

girdharshubham profile image
Shubham Girdhar

Hey there! I'm Shubham and I am currently going through a phase of identifying what I want as my specialization. I'm a DevOps engineer by profession.

fazlurrahman3 profile image
fazlur rahman

I'm Fazlur Rahman, I read your every input and deliver to my son's as they are developer. Would like to appreciate your efforts in order to guide developers to the point. Again thanks.

hikmatcnn profile image
hkmt hikayat

Hai everyone, i am happy to join this community

ndekere254 profile image

Merry Christmas :)

jaynathanki profile image

I'm ready to work learn with you

jaynathanki profile image


torwhizzy profile image

Thanks for having me here

durveshmundhe profile image
Durvesh Mundhe

Hello DEV community. Looking forward to learn everyday and contribute towards community :)

riaanventer17 profile image

Hi great to be here

modymane1 profile image


ka4ma profile image

I'm second year computer science student who is looking for some experience ;)

daudimuriu profile image
Daudi Muriu

Hey Everyone.
I am a Junior Front-end & Middleware Engineer who wants to make the shift from knowing how to code to Understanding code.

floriandj profile image
Florian de Jong

Hi. I like docker. I like my raspberry pi and mini pc cluster running docker swarm with traefik.

floriandj profile image
Florian de Jong


kylebustard profile image
Kyle Bustard

Howdy! New to Lmk if I can help you with JavaScript, Node, or React :)

elias102 profile image

"In The Name of GOD"

Hello to all, I'm Elias, From Iran.

I'm an Android developer right now and for REST API i used PHP but now use from Python(Django).

I try to learn from you and help you (:

ukbarr profile image


mohdraqif1 profile image

Hello everyone! Let's get this started.

jean27garbi profile image

Hola a todos, por aqui llegue XD, espero poder intercambiar muchos conocimientos con la comunidad y que nos permitan crecer en este camino como desarrolladores.

massyy profile image
Massyy • Edited

I'm Massi ,I'm IT Student, I'm here to be part of DEV community.

MASSI("Hello DEV.")

kirintang profile image

Good to be here.

ishakuibrahim21 profile image
ishaku ibrahim

Thanks for letting me join this community.

rammiaswath profile image

Thanks!! looking forward to assist you as well.

temals18 profile image

hello everyone, i am a beginner at js especially reactjs. I joined here in the hope of increasing knowledge and networking, please cooperate, thank you, you are amazing

kmanojk49068328 profile image
ManOj KalLi

this is manoj