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Top comments (188)
Welcome to new members of DEV ! π
There are plenty of posts that have great content. And you can adjust your feed preferences.
That's awesome
Hello Thomas. Thank you for the welcome message! My name is Jeremy...
Hello Thomas π
Thank you
Thanks you and hello to everyone else
Thank you, I hope to learn a lot from you
π thank you
yes bro
I am new to the coding world and am intimidated a bit, but curious nonetheless to learn it. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! I should back up a bit by saying that I am not totally new to the coding world as I am the Director of Customer success for the wonderful company @Feldroy. I take care of a lot of different things that encompass the company, with the exception of the technical coding part of things. So, that's why I am here, to be able to better assist with our customers' technical questions.
Whew, I did it! As intimidating as it was, I feel good about taking the first step into this new world. Cheers everyone!
Cheers, Carla! That's awesome that you're getting into learning to code. You have the kind of eye for detail and structure that would make you a great coder, and I'll help you however I can!
Some things that may help you on your coding journey:
Thank you for the pointers, Audrey!
$ ./helloworldv2
Hey dev.to people! I'm Rodrigo (aka MDK, mdkcore); posting here as I've just posted on some old welcome thread :p
linux and game development are my passion, also, I like c/c++, python and shell scripting, still learning some programming languages (like go and rust) and trying to finish my new VPS setup to migrate all my stuff.
my friend told me about the site, and I hope to learn a lot and help everyone here!
Hi, I am Bhavsagar a Self-taught developer.
Hello community! I've been reading and enjoying quite a few interesting posts here for a while now and thought i'd get on board.
Keep on posting relevant and enjoyable articles on tips , obsticles and solutions - i'll try to join in when i get the chance.
Hello everyone!
I'm making (and hopefully, going to finish) a game with Godot Engine. I also tinker some static web development.
There are so many interesting posts here I don't even know where to begin!
Hi everyone wave, I'm Debra-Kaye, a Graphic Designer. I've always been interested in Information Technology (design and programming) and studied I.T. at university, but coding didn't stick and I never got into the field. Now I'm re-learning coding through self-study as I aspire to become a Frontend Developer.
Looking forward to connecting with and learning from you all :).
How is your self study coming along? Where are you studying? I am on a self study right now as well. Currently I am on edX
It's going okay so far. Would love to have a friend on this journey though. I'm doing Frontend Master's Web Development Bootcamp. After that, i'm going to do freeCodeCamp.
Hello, my name is Jeremy. I am new to coding/web development/programming languages. I am eager to learn and build skills. I welcome any advice concerning these topics. Thank you ahead of time for your input and I look forward to meeting everyone and maybe collaborating on some projects! Have a great day!
Jeremy Marquart
newbie here too. cheers!
Yo! Name is Jo, and I'm new here. I love a whole bunch of coding things, especially fun stuff. I found this place by clicking someone's link. Just starting out my first full time software developer job in a week using Python (which I've been cramming this week since I haven't learnt it before now). Before now I've learnt Ruby and Rails, Javascript and the MERN stack, plus the obvious HTML and CSS that go with web dev stuff.
So tell mw what's fun to do around here and what are some post I should definitely read?
Hello. I'm a nerd who want in future works in Gamedev. I really love video games. At this moment I creating a 2D Game Engine in C++ using SFML, sol2 and others usefull libs.
Good luck in your evolution as a game dev!
yay, SFML!! <3
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