DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v71 staff on April 29, 2020

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
sherlockmac profile image
Ali Afghah

Hello there! 👋🏼
My first encounter with a computer was a big a** IBM mainframe in National Iranian Oil Company offices in Ahwaz, Iran, around 30 years ago! From that day on I've been playing with things that compute 😊

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Heyoo! 👋 Welcome to DEV.

mrclapton profile image


jess profile image
Jess Lee


cchacin profile image
Carlos Chacin ☕👽


ruairimactiern1 profile image
Ruairi MacTiernan

I worked with Big Blue for nearly 10 years, Actually really liked it there. Only left due to personal circumstances. Still keeping an eye on the boards for an open position so I can try to go back again.

julyoc profile image
Julio Castro

Welcome to dev

nirbhayvashisht profile image
Nirbhay Vashisht

Hello Veteran ! :D

smartym profile image
Sergey V.

Hello Ali, it's nice to meet you!

ajoluam profile image
Alexandre José Lucena de Amorim


sherlockmac profile image
Ali Afghah

Thank you all for their warm welcome ✌🏼

mindwavestudios profile image

nice to meet you Ali! =)

Thread Thread
sherlockmac profile image
Ali Afghah


fidddedrei87 profile image

Hey, welcome!

dwernz profile image

I'm a former chef who left due to an unknown virus attacking my nervous system causing mainly my legs to be really weak. I started pursuing coding because it seemed fun and I could do it sitting down. I'm a coding newbie. Currently, I'm a college student for programming, and i've been learning to use Python for electronics with the raspberry pi.

danedens profile image
Dan Edens

I'm a former prep cook who got into programming to get make inventory tracking and recipe's hands-free and it changed my life forever, Now i build sensor networks on construction projects.

If your into using python for electronics, You should checkout
Some really cool stuff you can do and it's all python.
You can connect it to your raspberry pi very easily with node-red and join.

dwernz profile image

Inventory management would be a nice app to develop. Ive tested a lot of preexisting ones and didnt like them.
Thank you for the link.

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danedens profile image
Dan Edens

I built a interface for the various phone trigger options as a way to use it while in the kitchen.
Tasker is a really great way to learn some heavy programming concepts in an applicable and functional way.
Here's my project, The idea is as an example more than anything.
The inventory part is internal so I can't share it.

Enjoy! Happy to answer questions hmu

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dwernz profile image

That's really neat.
It'd be pretty cool to be able to take a picture, and have the app recognize each item and how much, and based on par sheets tell you how much to order.
I think this would be a really extensive app though.

notfocaccia profile image
Alicia Fasciocco

I hope you are doing okay, Daniel. Glad you found coding!

dwernz profile image

Coding has really been fun, there has been times when I doubt if it's right for me, but when I was playing with the raspberry pi, and successfully creating electronical circuits and the codes to use them, I was really glad and happy.
I'm currently trying to make an RC boat, but right now money is the thing that is causing a standstill.

fidddedrei87 profile image

Hey, nice to meet you)

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notfocaccia profile image
Alicia Fasciocco

Nice to meet you, too!

dwernz profile image

Doing as ok in this quarantine as the next guy.

cchacin profile image
Carlos Chacin ☕👽


dwernz profile image

Thank you

pradykolli profile image
Pradeep kolli

Hey!!! so nice to meet you!! I am a newbie myself... Hope you succeed... May the force be with you!!

dwernz profile image

Nice to meet you too.
Few more days til star wars day!

nosnaj profile image

Just curious, did you consider Lambda School? Just came across their site yesterday while looking at YC list of companies. (I don't work for them.)

dwernz profile image

The one thing I really like is that the first programming class, teaches you the logic and design of codes. We dont even learn the syntax of any language. The thought is if we learn a language, we only know how to code in that language and may not know how to code well. If we learn the logic, we can just learn the syntax later.

dwernz profile image

Havent really considered the bootcamps. I like the college's curriculum.

smartym profile image
Sergey V.

Hey! It's nice to meet you! Good luck with coding and becoming a super professional!

dwernz profile image

Nice to meet you too, thank you.

wuilliam321 profile image
Wuilliam Lacruz

Wow so nice story! Let's play the game so! I love Python too, ping me if you need something :D

dwernz profile image

What's the game so?

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wuilliam321 profile image
Wuilliam Lacruz


fidddedrei87 profile image

Hi, welcome to this great tech community!

dwernz profile image

Thank you.

superninjamonkey26 profile image

Hey there!! I'm new here and new to development. I'm definitely a code newbie. I'm currently working my way through learning some HTML and CSS via The Odin Project/Free Code Camp. If there are any tips or tricks to learning, please feel free to share!!

nutlope profile image
Hassan El Mghari

Welcome! For a tip I'd suggest taking notes! I've sometimes spent a ton of time doing a course, then a month or two later I don't recall much from it especially if I don't use it consistently, and have to go back and re-watch portions.

superninjamonkey26 profile image

Thank you! I do take notes! It's just kind of hard to organize them all and then especially to search through them later.
Do you have any note taking tips and/or searching through the notes?

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nutlope profile image
Hassan El Mghari

I think doing your best to group what you learn into coherent sections and subsections as well as going over your notes after the course to make them more readable really helps. If you want to take a look at an example, here are some of my notes on HTML/CSS/Javascript -

smartym profile image
Sergey V.


braydentw profile image
Brayden W ⚡️

I love web development too!

superninjamonkey26 profile image

I'm just getting started. So I'm still learning.

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braydentw profile image
Brayden W ⚡️

Cool! Wish you luck! I am making and will start to sell HTML/CSS templates soon. Check it out on IndieHackers:

They are super easy to use and I think you would like it!

gnio profile image

You are not alone. We are onboard the same train! Going through the CSS "Applied Visual Design" in FCC!

superninjamonkey26 profile image

Nice!! I've just completed CSS Flexbox!

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gnio profile image

Let me know when you get to the web design projects. Would love to check them out! :)

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superninjamonkey26 profile image

If I remember to reach out, I definitely will!! I'm kind of in between a few courses, that's why I say if I remember....LOL
You can always send me another message if you want to follow up.

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gnio profile image

Will do. I just finished Flexbox and Grid. Will start doing some practice on a side, I got a bit stuck there. I will also share with you once I'm there. :D

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superninjamonkey26 profile image

Awesome!! Yeah, I've completed Flexbox, but I haven't moved onto Grid yet.

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gnio profile image

Grid gets wild really quick haha

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superninjamonkey26 profile image

Good to know, thanks!!!!

cchacin profile image
Carlos Chacin ☕👽


superninjamonkey26 profile image

Thank you!! Glad to be here!!!!

codandcode profile image

I'm new to coding too. Maybe we can help each other :)

superninjamonkey26 profile image

I'm sure we can!!!

nthabisengmatsetse profile image

Also new here. Welcome and all the best !

superninjamonkey26 profile image

Thanks!! Likewise!!

tarise profile image


superninjamonkey26 profile image

Thank you!!! Glad to be here!!!

dwernz profile image

You start c++ yet?

superninjamonkey26 profile image

LOL, no, not yet.

notfocaccia profile image
Alicia Fasciocco

Hello! I am new to the DEV community (and about to graduate from Flatiron School). Coding has totally changed my life and I feel so lucky to have connected with helpful experienced developers online. Hoping to hold myself to more posting & to connect with more folks here.

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank

Welcome to the community!

notfocaccia profile image
Alicia Fasciocco

Thank you!

smartym profile image
Sergey V.

Hey Alicia, it's nice to meet you! Good luck with posting articles and notes. is an amazing community to share experience, knowledge, and opinions.)

notfocaccia profile image
Alicia Fasciocco

Thanks so much, Sergey! I can see that already.

collapsenav profile image

me toooooooo

nutlope profile image
Hassan El Mghari

That's awesome, I'm currently in a bootcamp as well!

jess profile image
Jess Lee

I'm also a bootcamp grad!

notfocaccia profile image
Alicia Fasciocco

!! I love hearing from other bootcamp grads who have awesome jobs.

atulcodex profile image
🚩 Atul Prajapati 🇮🇳

Hi, coding people 🙋‍♂️.
I am Atul Prajapati from India 🏞️ 😎🔥

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hey there! 🙋‍♂️

Hope you dig it here.

atulcodex profile image
🚩 Atul Prajapati 🇮🇳

Yeah 😎🤟🤙

dwernz profile image

I have several friends from India, they make some of the vegetarian dishes, and I like most prefer meat. Learnt a bit about the Indian culture from them. Probably my favorite dish was Indian butter chicken.

atulcodex profile image
🚩 Atul Prajapati 🇮🇳

That's great 😎🍒 I like litti chokkha which is little bit similar to butter chicken 🍗

cchacin profile image
Carlos Chacin ☕👽


atulcodex profile image
🚩 Atul Prajapati 🇮🇳

Thanks 💐 brother

whoismikey profile image
Mikey San

Hey everyone, I heard about this site while watching a live stream on YouTube. I am currently learning Python and looking for like minded people to collaborate with as we grow.
Looking at Ali's intro below, I am reminded of my first encounter with a computer. It was at a friends place and he had left the cursor with a question "format C:\?". Thinking I was being helpful, I typed "yes". We haven't spoken in a very long while (he did steal my very expensive shoes at the time so that might be why too) :)
As for today, I work with Linux and I am looking to contribute more to open source projects.

cchacin profile image
Carlos Chacin ☕👽


smartym profile image
Sergey V.

Hello, it's nice to meet you! Yes, is a great platform. I've been here since August and really enjoy it.

coledrain profile image

Hi Devs.
Just wanna share and learn..
Into Web dev(BS+Django+Postgres)
Fun fact: Can sit for hours :)

cchacin profile image
Carlos Chacin ☕👽


michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hey everybody! Here's a helpful post for folks new to DEV:

Of course, if you have any questions about anything, don't hesitate to ask!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Also, if you're just wondering how to get started with posting a post, then consider checking out this article here.

danedens profile image
Dan Edens

But how do i write my first post about picking which post on how to write your first post?

but(how_do(write(first_post(about_picking_which_post_on(how)+(to write your first post)))))?)

idk but it won't build :D

Thread Thread
michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington


gnio profile image

Hello world,

I'm here to read and learn as much as I can. I'm starting my journey of learning to code, following the program in FreeCodeCamp.

I do what I can, as I don't have persistent internet connection. I work as a crewmember for cruiseships and I live onboard for 10 months a year :D.

I'm currently somewhere in international waters until I can leave the ship and go back home, when borders open.

Love gaming. Love programming. Love tech, and I'm glad I found this community. <3

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington • Edited

Oh wow, working onboard a cruiseship! I imagine you've seen quite a lot.

And woaaa, I honestly hadn't thought that much about the effects COVID is having on folks that work as crewmembers — that's wild. Best of luck to you in getting home!

I'm also a gamer, but not a dev. Still, I know my way around here. 🙂 Consider checking out the game dev tag:


👾 👾 👾

And, if you're wondering how I made that embed happen it's through a liquid tag — {% tag gamedev %} ... you can learn about more embeds and other editor tricks on this page.

Anyway, great to have you here and I hope you enjoy DEV!

gnio profile image

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. It's awesome to be here.

ranggakd profile image
Retiago Drago

Hello there 👋
I was here by accident when I search for something related to git commit message. This UI is so eyegasm. I mean look at those icons around the screen.
I think my two best places to seek anything related to coding and machine learning are and 🔥

athul7744 profile image
Athul Anil Kumar

I am Athul.
My first encounter with coding was using LOGO to move the turtle in all directions about 14 years ago.
Still as excited as I was then.

cchacin profile image
Carlos Chacin ☕👽

Hola everyone,

This article might be interesting for those looking on how to start a side project:

And for those looking to read about Java and JVM I occasionally post things here in

falakdigital profile image
Falak Sher 👋

Hi there.
I was becoming doctor but I dropped med school to be a programmer.
Just started with HTML.
Needs your support so I become a good programmer and don't repent on leaving medicine even a single day in life.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

You won't regret it! (I hope).

We're here to support you 🙂

falakdigital profile image
Falak Sher 👋

Thank You for the kind words.

jtobin321 profile image
Jack Tobin

Hi everyone! 👋
I'm Jack Tobin from NYC 🏢
I joined Dev to get more involved with the blogging community ⌨️
I'm currently working on my personal website:
Will hopefully be writing my first post soon... 🤞

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank

Sending over a friendly welcome from a Greenpoint (Brooklyn) resident!

pris_stratton profile image
pris stratton • Edited


Hobbyist coder here. Studied Software Engineering at Uni in the early ‘00s and have been messing around with code since but never worked in the industry. Started with Java and Perl but have dabbled with C, PHP, SQL and Haskell. JavaScript is what I’ve finally gotten pretty good at, this site has some fantastic JS knowledge and articles. It’s fun to be able to discuss coding in a friendly environment.

Cheers 😃

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Hellloo all ! Welcome to news DEVs members ! 👋🏼

smartym profile image
Sergey V. • Edited

Hey there!

I’m a technical expert with 10+ years ' experience in building software. Being a certified Corda and Java engineer and Scrum Master, I'm the CTO at blockchain development company.

I'm here to share technical tips, discuss ideas, and gain knowledge. I generally cover topics like programming, trends, and software technologies. I'm also writing about UI/UX design.

For instance, one of my recent posts contains recommendations on delivering an amazing user experience. Check out my blog and feel free to contact me!

delirans profile image

Hi everyone. I've been learning Python for a few months now, no prior experience with programming. Started to learn as I found there are few things at work (trading/investing) that I wanted to make faster or to be automated.

So now it has been couple of months that I've been struggling with my first project and finally yesterday I jumped out of my chair, danced around a little bit with a huge smile on my face, my wife probably thought I went crazy. But anyway, I finally managed to make a small part of the program to work as intended, no error messages that I couldn't understand, etc. Motivation is back in full force! Only 90% to go with that project now :D

arcadecoder profile image

Hi Everyone! 😊
I started my coding journey in healthcare and haven't looked back since! I've been hunting to combing my knowledge of medical science with my passions for coding. For the past year I have been scripting in Python. Fun fact, my name is really Arcade :)

caiyiliang profile image
CherryLiang • Edited

Hello! Everyone!
I am a full stack developer from New Zealand.
Currently, I am playing around with different JS framework, like React, React Native, Express and GraphQL , etc. Also, I have tried some blockchain project based on substrate.
Coding is like a journey. Lets enjoy it!

Hope I can share something here! I can not believe I try to write something!!

blogher profile image
Abidemi Muibudeen

Hey guys, Bidemi here. I am a code newbie 😍😍 and I am looking forward to sharing my dev story. The plan is to become a Front End Engineer and perhaps move on to cloud/devops/AI.
Oh I am a lil bit shy so I am glad to be putting myself out here. Maybe I will even get to post everyday.
I love reading dev blogs and I am impressed by the weekly newsletter 👍👍

gnio profile image

Welcome friend!

blogher profile image
Abidemi Muibudeen

Thank you Gnio!

codandcode profile image

Hi, I'm Morgan and I'm learning to code in hope to open up some new exciting career opportunities. Most of the time I'm looking for help to understand my lessons ;) Right now I'm learning Web development with HTML, CSS and Javascript.

dagbateway profile image
Alberto Camillo • Edited

Hello! My name is Alberto.
I'm from 🇮🇹, but I live & work in Sydney.


So I can have 🦜 on my balcony!


ozzythegiant profile image
Oziel Perez

By the flag, do you mean Mexico or Italy? I think that's the Italian flag.

dagbateway profile image
Alberto Camillo

Hi Oriez, I don't see any "Mexican eagle perched on a prickly pear cactus devouring a rattlesnake", so yeah, it's the Italian flag :)

sgaleano93 profile image
Santiago Galeano

Hello everyone!
Happy to join this lovely community :)

Greetings to y'all from Argentina!

juancarlospaco profile image
Juan Carlos

Hola che!, bienvenido. :)

sgaleano93 profile image
Santiago Galeano

Mucha gracias loco! 😁😁

farai profile image

Hey this is my first community ,I'm a beginner software developer

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Great to meet ya! 👋

srdjanmaravic profile image
Srdjan Maravic

Hello there,
my name is Srdjan and I'm a IT Engineer from Serbia. I'm here to read and learn more about web development, so I can try and change my career. I hope you are well and healthy and doing find in all these desperate times. We will be in touch, cheers.

developertharun profile image
Tharun Shiv

Hi all!
Wanted to join since a very long time! Finally made it here today. Feels like home, around my developer homies. This is Tharun, DevOps Engineer Intern at PhonePe. The domains that I am into are web development, app development, devOps, blogging, content creation, course creation, podcasting. You can find my website on , stay connected to get a taste of my podcasts.
Looking forward to Learn a lot and share a lot!

Excited to See what's up with!

harshboricha98 profile image
Harsh boricha • Edited

Hello World! Harsh here
I'm an average developer who makes a lot of mistakes and writing bad code is my speciality. Nevertheless, I'm still learning and improving myself. Hope to meet mind blowing and exceptional developers here.

dprevato profile image
Daniele Prevato

Hi all,
I just found DEV reading an article by the author of RepoDb; I'm a C# programmer (formerly, since version 1.0, a VB programmer :) ), SQL Server, MySql, always enjoyning learning new things. My love for computer science was born in 1968, when I was a boy and I met HAL 9000. The love is still maybe the bigger in my life...

rtficial profile image
Rishabh Tatiraju

Ahoy fellow developers! I'm Rishabh Tatiraju. I am currently in Pune, India and professionally I develop native Android developer and a Python developer. Recent joiner of the tech writing world. The first time I used a computer was when I was aged 10 - it was a Windows ME machine with 8 Gigs of HDD and some 128 MB of RAM (a big deal back then). Started programming at the age of 14, when I used to build simple UI applications using Visual Basic. Entered into the world of Android Development in 2015, and since then have expanded into full-stack development (mainly using Python as the backend language) and computer vision. Glad to be on board!

nirbhayvashisht profile image
Nirbhay Vashisht

Hello Everyone!
I am a 21 year old Microsoft Student Partner who is currently pursuing BTech in Computer Science. I work with Cloud, JavaScript, Java, C++, Flutter etc. I love everything about computers ie. from Building them to Programming them.
Looking forward to work with this amazing community :D

naveen9453 profile image
Naveen Tiwari

Hi Friends, I am Naveen having 4 Years of experience as a IT Professional. I have knowledge of Developing Cross platform Mobile app using Xamarin Technology.

I am here to learn new technology and to get help on React problems if any.

israelsanchezdev profile image
Israel Sanchez

Hi! In my day job I do marketing, but on my off-time I'm learning to code. I'm really excited that I'm now learning JavaScript. I was stuck in the newbie hell of wanting to memorize every CSS code out there, before I realized that I had learned enough and the rest...there's Google! :)

gnio profile image

Awesome! Welcome!

sshad0w profile image

Hello! I'd like to think of myself as more of a hacker than a developer, but I'm notoriously bad at programming. I figured creating a blog and interacting here would help the "building" side of my knowledge to supplement the "breaking" side. Each month, I am trying to learn a new principle of Cybersecurity. For this month, I am going to do a refresher course on programming, and I will be revisiting it throughout the year!

semacentonoi profile image
Lucas Vinicius

Hello! :D
When I was younger, someone hacked my account in Orkut. It letted me down, but fascinated me too. One question taken my mind from that momment and on: how did he do that and how could I do the same? (I was a little demon.) The answer was obvious - my password was 123456 -, but the search made me a passionate by computers.

passesgame profile image
xbox game passes

Lena is currently a senior at the University of Central Florida and very emotional about it. She serves as HCUCF's President and Campus Correspondent and is studying hospitality in hopes of making her childhood dreams of getting paid to travel the world come true. Pice Purity Test

sharmahrishabh profile image
Hrishabh Sharma

Hello Community!!
I'm a Junior Undergrad in Computer Science. I'm a lot interested in Blockchain Tech and Backend-Development these days.
Looking forward to reading some interesting posts by you all and write some posts in this quarantine period.

umarlqmn profile image
Umar Luqman • Edited

Hi there! 👋🏼 I'm a front-end developer focusing on React, living Malaysia. I highly interested in anything related to productivity, JavaScript. I have a personal site that I'm currently working on right now 😁

shreyadhir profile image
Shreya • Edited

Hello, I'm Shreya, a Computer Science student from India and I'm here to expand my knowledge of Computer Science. I'm currently learning React and Node.js and trying to work on projects related to React. :D

nthabisengmatsetse profile image

Hello Everyone! :)
I am a novice front end web developer. i love front end and how you can make almost anything look pretty. Looking forward to new experiences and challenges and getting to know other peoples stories of how they found their love for coding.

adeotimoses2 profile image
Adeoti Moses

Hi everyone!!
Am new in Dev community and newbie in coding just started coding now at 14 and really what to know how mobile app and game are created, started with html and CSS now on JavaScript and ready to learn more

bhoomi_shah_ profile image
Bhoomi • Edited

Hello Everyone! 👋🏻
This is my first time on I am a self-aspiring developer who likes to code. You can check out my specialisations and interests on my profile once I update it. Other than that, I am a Computer Science student waiting to graduate and enter the corporate world of Technology. Hope we get along on this new platform. I like to discuss anything that is technical/related to technology! 😄 Also, tomorrow's my B'day (May 5) 🎉

peeterx profile image
Peter Njoroge

Hello, y'all! 🙋‍♂️👋
So I'm a big tech lover. I started trying out coding back in 2016, then I stopped, wasn't really sure if it was my thing or I was doing it to please someone else.
I came back to it in August last year, this time not being told to. 😂 I love the ability that comes with learning how to code, one can come up with mindblowing 🤯solutions.
Currently learning JavaScript. I am also in my second year taking Computer Science.

pritpane profile image
Pritam Nipane

I am a Linux enthusiast. Mostly, I would be sitting at a terminal, fixing things, making them work and experimenting. I love working/tweaking with Linux. Ubuntu, OpenSuse And Red Hat is my favorite distros. I started my career as a Sys Admin.

kittipatgh profile image

Hello there! 👋🏻
My friend in Linux Group on Facebook sent this Link to my comments. I just wanted to discover myself to programming for power or something and making a useful program or software and upload to the internet. 😳

upnishad09 profile image
Upnishad pandya

Hello everyone, started to take interest in front-end dev. So joined this community...already loving the atmosphere and your suggestions....hope I do well in learning languages. Hope you'll doing good. Stay safe guys.

mindwavestudios profile image

Hi Peeps! :) I'm Jonathan R. Holeton of St.Paul, Alberta Canada aka Lakeland area of North East Alberta. Hope you're all safe and well. I found out about through a Software Engineer who tweeted on Twitter... had to be Twitter, cause we can't tweet on Facebook, I guess that would be a FB post. ;)

Although I have tweeted like a bird on FB in a video or two.

Video and Marketing are two of my main biggest passions, but basically I'm most passionate about solving problems with the help of passionate and highly skilled people who know a whole crap load more than I do. I LOVE multimedia...all the medias, marketing, filmmaking, web dev, VFX, editing, motion graphics, animation, #webflow, comedy, making people laugh if they are feeling down. Helping people deal with their emotions in healthy ways.

Looking forward to chatting with any of you who are like minded. I also want to learn software, game, 360, VR and AR development. Things I'm slowly learning like a turtle, but I want to be a rabbit, cause that's my Chinese zodiac and I tend to like to move fast...but I'm very patient like a turtle,...cause slow and steady... = Good

I've been developing my children character Berry Blue Bunny, a rabbit to help kids and adults deal with their emotions in healthy ways...He's made as a muppet style puppet by Avery Jones, the puppeteer of Slappy the puppet character in GOOSEBUMPS. My goal with Berry, is to have him be built as an AI, Furry/Cute Robot Assistant so he can walk around with me wherever I go...unless I need privacy so I will ask Berry politely to go to sleep, I need my alone time. ;) If that kind of project interests you...please don't hesitate to approach me.

Also our Feature film POTHOLES: Givr Cuz Life's Deadly, which is a bit of a Comedy/Drama/Stoner film like no other, with an 80s obessesd Pot Dealer friend of Gina and Johny named The Captain who grows his weed to 80s music and he says it's magical space weed that gives the user good luck of the 80s, and magical 80s things happen in the film. I'm wanting to make a POTHOLES video game possibly as 8 bit style, etc, an app, AR for it, VR and 360 video as well as regular CInema video for it as well.

Enough about me, I'll check out your posts and see if I understand talks about programming...I remember trying it when I was using our Commodore 128, I think it was BASIC...did a bit of HTML in University of Alberta for our Comp Course...and with Adobe After Effects, I played a little bit with I think it's Javascript, the Action script I think it's called. Need to get better at it as well as Expressions. I also tried to make a game in UNITY and the tutorial had us put some C# I think it was or CC?.... I made a silly, crappy game for my THE REAL GHOSTS OF PAC-MAN Short that's on my youtube under: Jonathan Holeton. Sort of like pacman game but his head was on the ground facing upward with open mouth...and a whole bunch of non stop pellets fall down to the ground and u gotta try to fill his mouth up with pellets like he's addicted to the pellets "drug".

Feel free to add me on LinkedIn, FB, Twitter, IG, etc :)
Jonathan R. Holeton

macronimous profile image • Edited

Hi All,

This is Benny, Director of Macronimous. Working on web stuff since 1999, never stopped learning. An SEO expert and a WordPress enthusiast.

I started learning programming in C during 1991 on a Mainframe along with Oracle and Unix.

Managing a team of 150+ professionals and clients across the globe.

I am happy to meet you all here. Like to learn and contribute. See you guys, Thank you.

mathurinnkenfack profile image
Nkenfack Tebonfack Mathurin

Hello, I am Nkenfack Mathurin, I will not say I am new to programming or experience too but I want to be better than I am right now, I am interested in game programming just started with pygame in python and enjoy solving problems through coding.

benavern profile image

Hey there! 🖖️
I have been reading a lot on this website for 2 years, I also have my (french) personal blog ( but think that I don't have enough impact when I share what I make.
Then I decided to start sharing my articles here too!

Here is my first contribution:

Hope you'll enjoy it! 😁️

hotoolong profile image

Hello there! I am new to the DEV community.
I'm a freelancer in Japan.
I usually write my code in Rails, but
I would enjoy other languages as well.
I'm looking forward to talking about coding.

sakubay profile image

Hello ✌🏻
For living changed my career to sales, former IT graduate and keep missing that coding creates useful things in our life. Currently re-learning Udemy Bootcamp which teach HTML, CSS, JS. Happy to be back and feeling motivated. I am from Mongolia 🇲🇳 lives in Sydney🇦🇺

winniewk profile image

Hi everyone!

I'm a Jr Software Developer, but in a previous life I would help create large-scale interactive installations for places like science centres.

Currently I'm trying to learn everything React while working on my own projects. Many of my ideas are games, so I will someday get to learning C#.

Looking forward to being apart of this community!

danielgamboar profile image
Daniel Gamboa Rojas

Hello, dev-friends!
A Computer Engineer here who wants to get better and perform as a Full Stack Web Developer with JavaScript stacks. I have done customs CMSs, landing pages, and more with React, Vue, Node, Express, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, TypeORM, and many more technologies. Happy to help and get mentorship.

mrclapton profile image
Alex • Edited

Hello, everyone! I'm coming here, to a little bit more understanding Node JS(now I'm creating a REST API with Node JS, Mysql, Sequalize

nathankurz91 profile image
Nathan Kurz

Hello DEV. I discovered this site yesterday while reading a #100DaysOfCode post on twitter from one of the bloggers here. I have recently just gotten into blogging. I was posting them on my own website, but this community seems like a pretty good place to get some decent exposure so I might try to write my next few here and see how it goes. I've been a 'professional' developer for around a year now, but I still feel like a total noob. Anyway, if you read my posts I hope you enjoy! Let me know how I can improve on my writing and my development skills!

arcadecoder profile image

Hello Everyone!
I started my coding journey in healthcare and haven't looked back since! I'm on the hunt to combine my knowledge of medical sciences with coding and I've been using Python for the past year to do so :). Fun fact is that my name is actually Arcade 😊.

amanpandey profile image
Aman Pandey

Hi everyone! I am Aman. I am a newbie who has recently started learning web development. I am an inquisitive person who loves to dive deep and know the whys and the hows of the things I learn. I love web technologies and how they work, and hoping to learn more about them in future. Apart from that, I also love playing video games, combat sports like boxing, and reading books.

ozzythegiant profile image
Oziel Perez • Edited

Hi everyone!

I'm a full stack web and mobile developer with 6 years experience. The first 5 1/2 years were spent as an in house developer/desktop publisher for an accounting firm, but in January I transitioned to freelancing. I do websites, web apps and mobile apps.

Favorite tools:
Front End: Vue, jQuery
Back End: Python (Django, Flask), PHP (Slim), Node.js (Express), and C# (ASP.NET Core)
Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MongoDB
Mobile: React Native, Flutter, Dart, Kotlin, Swift

Other frameworks/tools used:
React, Angular, Laravel, Spring Boot, Spark (java framework)

Interested in learning:
CakePHP, Meteor, Vapor, Ktor, Go, Rust, Unity, AWS, Heroku, Machine Learning, Drone Programming

Because of my previous work experience, I haven't been able to fully master any of the skills I've gained, nor have much of a decent portfolio, but I've been trying to change that during the past year. Hopefully I can find freelance projects to collaborate on so I can expand my experience in all listed areas. You can also reach out to me at or on DevChat slack community (@ozzythegiant ).

webdeveloperslondon profile image
Web Developers London

Hello community members,
Glad to have all here and would like to explore technology for a better future.
to know more hit us at

Kind Regards,
Web Developers London

lamkimsim profile image

Hello! I am fascinated by the power of endless posibilites using OpenCV and Python on Computer Vision! I am still a beginner, now I am exploring on how to code in tensorflow with OpenCV and eventually to apply it on a local Frisbee tournament video ( I am a ultimate frisbee player :)
Hope to learn from you guys (and girls) !

edharrybak profile image
Edhar Rybak

Hi everyone!
I first met computers more than 15 years ago, when I just started going to school. Since then it's my only passion. I loved it very much. I dealt with operation systems, hardware, and, of course, games! Later I started to develop my first website with HTML and CSS, it was amazing. I knew, that my life will be connected with software and computers for the rest of my life. In college, I studied Computer Science focusing on programming with C#, I was pretty successful, developing one of the best course projects. But it seems like my experience was not enough to obtain my first job as a Software Engineer. I suddenly had an internship in one small company in Luxembourg as System Administrator, it was amazing and I decided to switch for this role because it was interesting for me. Then I studied Networking and OS myself, got my first job. With my progression and with all this trend to DevOps in job titles I started to deal with CI\CD concepts and IaC which is also amazing. As a result of this journey, I dealt with various technologies, concepts, programming languages, but I can't say that I'm an expert in any, I feel like an imposter in industry. Join this community, for socialization. Want to contribute to Open Source, but don't feel confident. Does anyone have the same feelings?

christianvargasforero profile image
Christian Vargas

👋👋 Hello Dev's

My name is Christian Vargas from Colombia 🇨🇴
Im a ROR 💎 Full-Stack developer 👨‍💻
I work in teleradiology 🦴💻
I like to ride a bicycle 🚵‍♂️🚵
And as a good geek boy 👹👾
I love video games 🤩🎮
and science fiction movies 🤖👽
I like to travel to ancient places 🗿🗺
And I love hamburgers, pizza and beer 🍔🍕🍻
I hope to enjoy this site with your posts 👍📓📕📗
and learn a lot from you great coders 🧞‍♂️🖥

🌇🌆 Good day 🏙🌃

aartiprabhu profile image

Hey everyone
I've been a web dev for a couple of years now and I cannot believe i didn't come across sooner. The community seems so friendly and hopefully I get the courage to finally create my first post.

edharrybak profile image
Edhar Rybak

Hi everyone!
I first met computers more than 15 years ago, when I just started going to school. Since then it's my only passion. I loved it very much. I dealt with operation systems, hardware, and, of course, games! Later I started to develop my first website with HTML and CSS, it was amazing. I knew, that my life will be connected with software and computers for the rest of my life. In college, I studied Computer Science focusing on programming with C#, I was pretty successful, developing one of the best course projects. But it seems like my experience was not enough to obtain my first job as a Software Engineer. I suddenly had an internship in one small company in Luxembourg as System Administrator, it was amazing and I decided to switch for this role because it was interesting for me. Then I studied Networking and OS myself, got my first job. With my progression and with all this trend to DevOps in job titles I started to deal with CI\CD concepts and IaC which is also amazing. As a result of this journey, I dealt with various technologies, concepts, programming languages, but I can't say that I'm an expert in any, I feel like an imposter in industry. Join this community, for socialization. Want to contribute to Open Source, but don't feel confident. Does anyone have the same feelings?

whozee profile image

Hey there!
Took a break after 8 years of working in a MNC to do the stuff I've missed doing.
1) Bought myself a domain to host it on WordPress, giving me the ability to learn some web dev on the way.
2) Started learning Python to get back to learning coding (I am a Comp Sci major but with zero coding experience)
3) Signed up for an account on Azure to get myself acquainted with cloud technologies and get a better understanding of hosting apps and websites on my own.

If you've got suggestions on either or more, hit me up! :D

salyadav profile image
Saloni Yadav

I love this community. I quite serendipitously stumbled upon it while trying to find a solution to some long gone problem in JavaScript. Ever since, I visit DEV almost everyday to checkout some new interesting post. Or just scrolling throw for mere pleasure!

ayushpallav profile image
Ayush Pallav

Hello World! I am a Chemical engineer, turned Competitive programmer turned, Software developer. I have expertise in Python, C++, DS and Algo. I have been working as a Software Engineer, on Back-end technologies, Docker, AWS, etc.
Learning about new ways to do challenge the way I do things is what excites me a lot. I have worked on various algorithms for computer simulations in the past as well.

parenttobias profile image
Toby Parent • Edited

Hey hi all! I've been coding, in one form or another, since 1983. From MS-BASIC and COBOL (shudder...) through PASCAL, Perl and PHP, to Ruby, node, and the pure fun of modern javascript, I've watched the evolution of code, and of coders.
After a long sabbatical from professional developing, I'm back at it, my passion and my joy. You'll often find me around the forums or discords of both FCC and The Odin Project, wisdom and whimsy in equal measure. If you are in those places and happen to see Snowmonkey, say hey!

gurdalyaman profile image
Yamanjs • Edited

Herkese Merhaba. İos Geliştirici bir arkadaşıma bir gün misafirliğe gittim. Beraber kahve içerken ona neler yaptığını sordum, gerçekten onu dinlemek istiyordum. Bilgisayarının ekranında çok güzel renkli renkli kodlar gidip geliyordu. Biraz yazılımdan bahsetti. O gün hayatım değişti. Ertesi gün her şeyi bırakıp yazılım çalışmaya başladım. Şimdi kendimi tanıtmak istersem Web developer-Mobil Developer ve Seo Uzmanı.

spike31 profile image
Gilles Gauthier

I have been a French developer on Symfony (PHP) for almost 10 years. I did a lot of java before, and before that AS3!
I am also a fervent defender of TDD, DDD and the architecture of a project in agreement with the client! Ok I dream

ogzogz88 profile image
Oguzhan • Edited

Hello everyone, I wish everything is okey and you all healthy. I've just joined this platform and new to development. I've been working on html, css, scss, javascript and reactJS. I specified a road map to be able to be a skilled Frontend Developer and now studying on it. I have just finished Free Code Camp "Responsive Web Design", "Javascript Algorithms and Data Structures" and "Frontend Frameworks" tutorials(The first 2 was easy for me but I could not finish the projects for the last one:)). Before that, I finished w3schools documentation about html, css and javascript.
Now I understand that it is more useful to learn CSS and Vanilla JS deeply. Because there are many frameworks and tools, but we should learnd the "core" first. So on my roadmap I will be following Odin Project, LearnJavascriptOnline and EnvatoTuts Javascript lessons. After these free tuts, I plan to enroll Coursera - "Frontend Web Development with React" and CodeCademy - "Web Development" tutorials. And also I should learn CSS in detailed. I am waiting for your suggestions about it, feel free to give advice and share your thoughts please. Because it is really difficult to choose the right documents/tuts/courses.
Take care, keep social distance, wash your hands and stay healty:)

humayunkabir profile image
Humayun Kabir

Over the last five years, I've been engaged with web development focusing on intuitive UI and better UX. Experienced with building a pack of web templates, web apps, plugins, frameworks, and tools, I never stopped learning new things. Considering the other traits, I'm a team player, dedicated, fast learner, highly tech-enthusiast, and a genuine bug fixer. My start-up-friendly career is my biggest asset to trade with the excellence of the institutions where I’d like to work.

sukeshmarla profile image

Hey everyone,

Nice to be the part of

12+ yrs back when I started a career never thought of becoming an author. I was a curious developer. Used to read a lot. One day thought of writing my own blog and now I am here.

Excited to be part of this team.

shaahin profile image
Shahin Katebi

Hi There!
I always loved to create new things and software development has always been a best companion for me to follow my dreams!
I develop for mobile, web and desktop as well as AVR microcontrollers for 15 years.

andresfmoya profile image

Hello there! I'm new here and I'm loving this community. I'm passionate about DevOps and Infrastructure and I'll be reading and publishing stuff about that! I just published two posts and hope it helps someone!


emedemiguel2020 profile image

Desde que llegó a mis manos el primer ordenador (un MSX, si, ya peino canas) no he dejado de "trastear" con ellos. Me apasiona todo lo relacionado con ellos, pero sobretodo con el diseño y el desarrollo web y la programación.
Un saludo a todas y todos. Muchas gracias por compartir vuestros conocimientos y "nutrirnos" con vuestra sabiduría.

antwaneb profile image

Hey everyone,

I've been coding since I'm 10 years old, and now, 15 years later, I am working as a software engineer for one of the FANG and I recently sharing my knowledge about various topics related to programming on my blog MindFlash and here on!

My main focus currently is to write articles to help beginners learn programming the proper way!

If you have ideas for articles that you'd like to see, feel free to submit them to me :)

graemehosking profile image
Graeme Hosking

Hi there!
I'm Graeme and I mainly write C#, and a little Typescript and React. I've been writing software a long time now but I still hope to learn some new tricks from you all. Currently keen to move into GO and the more social side of coding. :)

shubhdevf profile image
Shubham Aggarwal

Hello, world! I have been programming on and off for over 6 years. I am in Customer Success ,but a large part of my job (intentionally :P) involves programming. I am leaning towards DevOps ,and I am here to advance my knowledge of that discipline.

antweiss profile image
Ant(on) Weiss

Hi community! I'm a long-time blogger and speaker. I've been writing on my own site and Medium but now seems to be the place to be. So I'm here. I'll start with publishing the episodes from my brand new podcast/youtube show called DevOps Shorts. In general I write on topics of collaboration, DevOps, software delivery and creativity. Looking forward to enjoying this new platform.

supasintatiyanupanwong profile image
Supasin Tatiyanupanwong

Hello world,
I'm working as Android Engineer at 7 Peaks Software in Bangkok, Thailand.
This is my first time involving and experiencing with the blogging and its community.
Just published my first post here:

Android devs out there please check it out! Those who are interested also welcomed. :)
ruairimactiern1 profile image
Ruairi MacTiernan

Hi all.

I'm 10 years in software test in automation and manual having started in Big Blue, where I kind of would love to return to. But with the way the sector is going, I am becoming very disillusioned with its direction. And now with a baby girl in the mix, I am trying to change my direction. currently working on a number of courses to move in the direction of becoming a developer.
So I am here hoping that I can learn some things and help some people along the way and just enjoy myself.

Thanks for having me.

fluxthedev profile image

Hello hello John here! I’ve been lurking on a few dev communities and realized I have no reason all not to jump in, get to know, and learn from all of you. Right now, I recently finish a Hugo framework enterprise application for documentation and now inhaling (at least it feel like it) as much angular as I can. Fun fact: I have red hair and blue eyes. One of the rarest traits in the world :]

kimbap profile image

Hi everyone! I'm part of that generation who learned HTML and CSS as a child to customize their blogs. I'm now digital marketing professional and regretfully ditched a place in a coding bootcamp last year because I couldn't financially support myself doing it. I still want to dig my toes more into web dev though but it's all so daunting without a set curriculum.

mrilob profile image
Murilo B Silva

When I was at school a girl said she wanted to have a blog on the internet and to try to impress her I researched how to build a blog and I started to learn html, css and javascript. I only managed to create the blog 2 years later but she had already made one on the blogger.
And this is the story of how I became a web developer.

bhav profile image
Bhavesh Kakwani

Hi! I’m an electrical engineer turned embedded software developer. My first big project is the radiation instrument on the McMaster University cubesat (satellite) which is launching to low earth orbit next year! Fingers crossed, because I won’t be able to debug once it’s in space :P

babakgholamzadeh profile image
Babak Gholamzadeh

Hi, I'm a JavaScript programmer. My main passion is to understand the programming concepts in depth.
Recently I've published a short book that explains the promise in detail by implementing it in JavaScript (which you can read it here for free).
I came here to be able to communicate with others to understand the concepts together.

tejanethas profile image

Hello Techies, 👋
My self Teja Netha's, i'm an user interface developer at Genpact India since 4 years, i deal with web related works like creating, modifying, optimizing the things in good way. I personally very interested to learn from others like humans to machines. I contribute my code in opensource that can help for others who need it. In my daily life mostly read tech related articles and share them in to my linked In wall. The reason for joining dev community is my self i want to be geek in tech side along with help others from this community platform.

jimthedj65 profile image
James Tervit • Edited

My career started in 1979 with building my first Sinclair ZX80 and progressing on to the spectrum which I still have today with all my code I copied and modified from the magazines at the time. I did my own self-learning and liked BBS systems which helped me to understand automation as I had to write my door handler scripts for accessing content and of course we had to write our own printer drivers to get some output, that would be invaluable in a. few years.

Decided to move out of my home town as it was holding me back with too many social problems, I tended to hibernate in my bedroom with my computers, train set and my Amstrad linear hi-fi, roll on to 1988 and I started to take chances with projects, got involved with a Wang VS transition to IBM AS400 B Range at the time and wrote a document migration engine which was converting documents, utilising my understanding of printing and changing formats, I wrote a gateway and started my own company. Worked with various telecom companies getting involved in RS422 over TCP/Ip early 90's which then got me into the tech boom of the time with promoting video systems over the internet and 3g etc. A career that I never planned never imagined it just happened and I had a lot of fun doing it.

Now I am creating IP around smart NIC's and Telecom billing systems and embedding applications into FPGA.

lexpeee profile image

Hi there! My name is Alexis, and I am fairly new to this website. I am currently studying at school, taking IT course, which led me to be more familiar with the latest technologies used on the internet. I used to work as an ESL teacher, but I found myself playing around with HTML elements while I have my free time at work before. I'd like to think I am good at developing websites, but I still consider myself as a newbie since I have so much to learn. Looking forward to hear more stories from you guys, and help me as I grow becoming the people that you are today. :)

powers9 profile image

Hello! I am new to the DEV community and a seasoned java developer. Now I want to change my trait from developer to architect, and looking for mentor who can guide me on this path. For the last 3 month and looking for content and most of the time I stumbled on DEV, so i decided to become a member..Hope i will find all the answers here .. :P

nosnaj profile image

An article about real time chat brought me here. Wanted to comment/ask (author was proposing bluebird when node already supports async/await) in the article which prompted my to sign up... So, here I am!

pdtit profile image
peter de tender

Hey all, being 22 years in my IT career, of which the last 6 years focused on Azure, I found out I got more and more interested in the dev-parts of the planet. Relying on 15 years Microsoft datacenter experience, building and deploying server technologies. Now trying to automate most with ARM, Yaml, JSON and Logic Apps

gachagua profile image

Hello everyone!!👋
I decided to not pursue a career in basketball but still a fan😄 just because of coding. Technology has always been my passion ever since I was a small kid. To me, the science behind any piece of tech seemed like magic🎆. Coding has helped me discover a lot I did not know and through this community, I hope to learn, grow, and build myself as a developer.💻😃

forrest profile image

Hey Dev Community -- checking in from The Ranch here.

We're a group of developers living on a 'Hacker Farm' where in between taking care of both the animals, crops and ourselves, we're also working on a making tomorrow a better world. That might be working on privacy tools, physical and mental fitness apps or just simply contributing to some open source.

It all started in 2017 and over the years we have worked to be able to bootstrap the whole operation ourselves. We are now a group of 3 people with similar principles, but very different personalities. Whilst we were looking to start doing some more public events in 2020, opening up our Ranch to anyone who wanted to host a meet-up / conference or workshop, things got put on hold for now because of ... well, you know.

For now we are focusing on things like assisting digital archiving and continuing to work on our in-house R&D.

Hux ( them/they )

ruairimactiern1 profile image
Ruairi MacTiernan


So I am a Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) now for about 10 years, and with the ever-changing space that is Testing, I am starting to get very disillusioned with the sector. So this kind of leads me as to why I am here. I have just finished the first of 3 Udemy courses to try to make a shift into the Web Dev space and hope to use as a launch-pad for that.

I hope to be able to contribute something of value to the community and get value back.

My current site is still a little under development, but I welcome constructive criticisms if anyone would be interested in having a look. (link should be in my profile)

So I hope that I can get stuck in and get some valuable information, as well as help those that need or want it back.

wuilliam321 profile image
Wuilliam Lacruz

Hi ppl,

Here i'm, finally. I'm a sotfware developer with 10+ years on the area, i love to learn, i love to code, i love to share, I'm pro open knowledge, open source, open to teach, open to keep learning. I'm not good at english, please forgive me if i make mistakes, that's the idea, grow at the time we fail.

I hope to enjoy this journey! with you all...

jafarvillan profile image

hi everyone
it is nice to be in the community.i am trying to make a switch from the non-technical background to Tech. I am starting to learn coding for one of my projects. I am trying to build a static website using HTML, CSS, and some JS. I really appreciate any tips and guidelines.
looking forward to growing with the community :) ♡

codewithmehedi profile image
Md.Mehedi Hasan

I am Mehedi Hasan. I am a Wordpress and woocommerce expert. Working since 2013. Recently I have joined at as wp engineer.
Also, I am a youtube content creator where I publish programming related videos.
That's all about me now.

spike31 profile image
Gilles Gauthier

I'm a french developper, I have 10 years of Symfony (PHP) and before I worked on java, AS3.
I love design pattern, TDD, DDD, architecture of big project, Camunda and I'm maintain open source at from 2011.
I like javascript framework, but at a moment I hate them! 😊

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Bienvenue à toi sur DEV ! ☕👋🏼

lm_lenox profile image
Lewis LM

Enfin, j'ai trouvé une communauté des développeurs expérimentés actifs...
Salut à tous, je suis nouveau ici et mon niveau en programmation est celui d'un débutant.
J'aime la programmation surtout le back-end, je suis actuellement entrain de m'orienté au dev mobile et la création des jeux vidéo... J'encadre les étudiants de mon coins dans les TFE (travail fin d'études) précisément à la conception de BD (base de données) et la réalisation des applications (pas une application complète juste quelques modules) et j'utilise souvent le .NET (VB.NET et le C# *que j'adore) et j'ai touche un peu du java, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server...

S'il y a des trucs ou astuces pour apprendre, n'hésitez pas à partager!

J'aimerais découvrir, apprendre, partager, m'améliorer, etc.

dylanztm profile image
Dylan Cross

Hi Dev community! I just joined today. I currently work as an IT supervisor and system administrator. I've been studying web development on Udemy for about 3 months now. We just started a few courses on ReactJS. I found out about this platform from the community listings on It's great to meet you all! I've read a lot of awesome postings on here. Thank you all for what you do!

ruairimactiern1 profile image
Ruairi MacTiernan

Hi all.

So with 10 years as a Test engineer under my belt, I look at the sector and how much it's changing, and I don't really like what I see. So with that, I have started to try to move in the direction of changing career paths towards development.
I am currently working through a number of Udemy courses, I do have JS experience but putting that to use in development is a little different to scripting for Automation. I'm getting there though.
If anyone would like to see my progress so far I am always open to some constructive criticism on my work. the link to my site should be in my bio.
So I hope to settle in here, learn a few things and try to help others where I can along the way.
Thanks for having me.

ameerrah9 profile image
Ghameerah McCullers

Hi guys I'm Ghameerah! A code enthusiast with a dream to one day work remote and travel the world! With the ability to code, I hope to contribute to the advancement of humankind through tech.
Learning goals include Web & App Development (Currently enrolled in Flatiron School.)
What I bring to the table:

Ideas (I can creatively think of a solution to a problem.)

Accountability partner (True believer in holding you accountable)

Energy & excitement (I possess a passion for software development & tech!)

P.S. - I am looking to join study groups, if not create one of my own. So feel free to reach out I am open to engagement!
Twtitter -
LinkedIn -
GitHub -

amanpandya1162 profile image

Hello everyone.
I am a Computer Science Student from India. I love to learn new stuff. I want to share my learnings and experience with others. That's why I am here , because of my passion for software engineering . I am currently exploring domains like data science,blockchain and augmented reality. But wish to become a data scientist one day

karlodelarosa3 profile image
Karlo Dela Rosa

Hi everyone!

I'm a javascript developer working specifically with WebRTC related applications and currently learning about UX/UI development. I hope we can share knowledge with each other. Thank you! 🙇‍♂️

Fun fact about me: I have a pet dog and we play every morning and afternoon. 🐶

nandofreitas profile image
Fernando Santos De Freitas

Hi !!!!
I'm Fernando from São Paulo - Brazil.
This is my last year in college.
Nowadays I'm in quarantine, using the time available to develop AI and web/mobile development skills and make projects with it.
That's all folks !!!

cmanique profile image
Carlos Manique Silva

Hi all!
I've been working on the middleware/integration area for about 20 years now.
I do have an affinity for anything non-front-end, although do it on occasion with I guess some degree of success.
Lately I've been meddling with ML, Vue and OpenGL (yeah I know).
This seems a great community, glad to be aboard!

skumar606 profile image
Sachin Kumar

Hello everyone out there!

simonprst profile image

Hi everyone!
I am a french CTO and JS dev enthusiast, building a new bank from scratch in serverless 😁

govindmalviya profile image
Govind Malviya

I am Biology graduate and Software Developer by passion, Animal and Plants didn't catch my interest but computer programming. From last 10 years I am continuously learning about technology. Currently working as Director of Product Development in LoginRadius Inc.

iamcid profile image
Christopher Cid

How’s it going everyone?! My name is Cid & I am currently a Physical Therapist Assistant looking to change careers and break into the tech world. I am enrolled as a part-time online software engineering student at Flatiron School & I just passed my first project review! I am definitely nervous but excited to continue my journey!!

ms_textaholic profile image

Hey there!
I discovered last night and here I am! :D
I am pursuing my Bachelor's in Computer Science and Engineering because I have always been awestruck by technology and how everything works on the back-end.
I have been working on website and mobile application development as of now. :)

codingmaniac profile image
Sanjay Kapilesh

Hello there!
Learning React brought me here
FunFact : I am trying to learn tensorflow.js and create websites (Frick me)

mariehposa profile image
Mariam Adedeji

Hi everyone! I'm new here. I'm glad I found this community, hoping to connect and learn from more people.

abodmicheal profile image
Abod Micheal (he/him)

Hello, I'm learning React and node, I'm a front end dev who uses javascript vanilla , so I decided to add few frameworks and library

legitmxn profile image
Mondeep Prakash

Hello! I am an undergrad in college, freshmen year, pursuing computer science and engineering. I am here to learn and look for motivation to code.

harpreetsandhu profile image
Harpreet Sandhu

Hello devs,

I still remember how much I struggled to understand for loop (:P) which always helps me to stay humble to those who need help (PS: I'm not a ninja 😊).

I'm a software engineer with 4+ years of experience in building robust and scalable softwares and currently I'm looking out for new opportunities.

If you got few minutes, please visit my introduction post.

pradykolli profile image
Pradeep kolli

Hello Community!!
I was seeing posts related to many of my searches coming from this particular community.
I started reading the solutions and noticed the helping hand of thousands of closely connected community members to help each other succeed.
I hope to help someone as well if I may with my solutions to their problems.

hrisheekeshr profile image
Hrisheekesh R

Hello there! 😁

Started my career as a web designer, quickly realized it wasn't my cup of tea. Stumbled upon machine learning, fascinated by it. Now leading a team in a small company based in Kerala. Glad to a part of dev.

vishnureddys profile image
Vishnu S Reddy • Edited

Hey there, I'm Vishnu and I came across this site while finding resources for my react project.

9krish9 profile image
Krishna Chaitanya Gadhavrajula

Hello all!!! I have joined today and was the first post. It's good to connect with all your guys and hope this continues further with all fun!!

guzzur profile image
Felix Razykov

Sup, devs? Fullstacker here. Nice to meet you all!

chandralegend profile image
Chandra Irugalbandara

Hello New to this

junlargo profile image


notsahil profile image

Hello 👋
Want to be a Android Developer which language should I start with!

ozzythegiant profile image
Oziel Perez

Java. That is the most used language in current Android projects and it can be used on back end web development too. But once you pick up Java, I highly recommend Kotlin because of it's amazing developer friendly features such as null checking, data classes, and when statements to name a few.

notsahil profile image

Thank you so much for your help

davidbkay profile image
David Kay • Edited

Just joined to have a good place to document some ideas, best practices and projects that we're developing at the Mississippi Department of Education. We're in the process of some major overhauls of our internal and external apps, and I hope that people can learn from our mistakes.

Old stack: Oracle, Oracle Forms

New stack: Rails, Vue/Nuxt, Node (mostly FeathersJS), AlpineJS

Things I'm excited about:

  • Rails, honestly. I put off learning/using it because I listened to the "we need to use the newest frameworks" folks.
  • AlpineJS...everything I love about Vue, but more inline with our new focus
  • TailwindCSS...if you get it, you get it. If you don't, try it.

Things I'm struggling with:

  • Rails...specifically active record associations on legacy (some of them have been growing since the early 90's) databases.
  • the fact that my MacBook Pro still has the stupid touch-bar escape key

Things I'm learning:

  • Testing...we're not a TDD shop, but I'd like to integrate testing much earlier into the process.
  • How to write down things in a way that I can go back to them later and figure out WTF I was doing or why I did it in the first place

About me

I have a beautiful wife, two beautiful daughters and three rescue dogs. I will race anything with wheels, but I compete in SCCA Autocross and track days and NMSP and Barber.

sadamexx profile image
Sarah Elias

Hi All!
Picture this. It was 1996 and the internet was a new and exciting playground. Explorer ruled and Netscape was my browser of choice. It was my first semester at college and I took an intro to HTML class. Whoa, this is pretty cool! Sadly, it was my last encounter with technology for a very long time but the seed had been planted. FF to now and I am a student at Lambda School. I'm ready to LEARN and make awesome apps!🔥

abodmicheal profile image
Abod Micheal (he/him) • Edited

I'm Michael, a computer student, front end developer, each time I learn new frameworks I always forget css

garrettgillas profile image
Garrett Gillas

Hi Everyone,

I'm a front-end & mobile developer, marketer, designer, writer, and MMA enthusiast. Excited to be here and learn more about how people are building mobile-first apps.

eddieishere profile image

Hi Everyone! 👋🏼
My first programming experience was with batch files back in the 90's. Now I like Python & PHP and creating beautiful web apps 😊.

devshikengue profile image

Hi, i'm a Beginner at this programming world
really passionated

dilshanonline profile image
Dilshan Wijesooriya

Hello I'am new to here. Currently working as Devops Engineer and exploring the world of IT.

papealioune1996 profile image

Hello everyone i'm a new member to DEV.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
valpaliy profile image
Val Paliy

Hi everyone. Val Paliy here. Been into computers since age 16, turning 39 this June. Hope to be useful to the community. Stay safe.

mecheann profile image
Meche-Ann Natasia McKenzie

Hi there👋

wapenshaw profile image
Siddharth Abbineni

namaskaram pillalu!

creator_io profile image
mayank kumar
khatrimanoj profile image
manoj khatri

Hy my name is manoj i am front end developer. I here to learn from great developer and designer. And i hope i can help someone too :p

dobal19 profile image

Hi folks,
I feel happy to help and dev is a great community and its very expressive as well. I am very happy to be here

chris44291534 profile image

I am young guy that is always passioate about computers,i learning web development now,I need some one to be my mentor

collapsenav profile image

Hello everyone!
I am learning sth like Front-end, and i hope to do better

sayhi2amethyst profile image


priscilla100 profile image
Priscilla Kyei Danso

Hello, I am Priscilla. I work as a Junior Data Scientist. Nice to meet y'all

sathvi3 profile image
Sathvik Bhandar

Going to be a Full Stack Developer soon. Joined DEV community to be a part and contribute to a community and learn new things.

brunner1000 profile image

Hello guys. My name is Brunner Arthur and a software developer. I am pleased to be part of this community.

gastony profile image

Hello! I am Gastone from Tanzania

nicolasjacquet profile image
Nicolas Jacquet

Hi ! I'm a web designer learning front-end development.

airzinger profile image
Aditya Gupta

Hello Everyone.
Here to improve myself as a developer and make some amazing connections in terms of knowledge.

akaal_no_one profile image

Hello there! 👋🏼 🙋‍♂️.
I am from India .
thank you

techagentng profile image

I saw a loved DEV personality and followed her here. Hope you guys are enjoying the build process

berkaycubuk profile image
Berkay Çubuk

Hello friends!
I just want to say I ❤ to make web things.

simonprst profile image

Hi everyone 👋🏻
I am a french CTO and JS dev enthusiast, building a new bank from scratch in serverless 😁

adamsijachi profile image

Hi I'm Adams kinda a beginner and hoping to get better and get the passion

melcataclysm profile image

Happy to be part of the community!

joshtabansi profile image

Hey guys 👋🏾
I have a design background and I fell in love with code when I built for the #24hrstartup challenge! seems fun, it's great to be here

bogdandevbst profile image
Bogdan Niculescu

Hello world!!!

My first line of code was in Basic in the early '90 where I was doing different sizes of circles. I was 6 y'rs old. :)

usmanbabardev profile image
Muhammad Usman Babar

Hello Everyone!
I am passionate about technology, particularly graphic design,web and software development. I also enjoy building websites in my free time.

thanveer_sha profile image
ThanVeer Sha

hi my name is Thanveer , i am a computer science graduate i trained for python developer and i wanted to learn more javaScript so i joined here

utkarshdubey profile image
Utkarsh Dubey


tanwanimohit profile image
Mohit Tanwani⚡

Hello, 👋
I am Mohit Tanwani. I am a full stack developer currently working on MERN stack.

boothnation profile image
Nikki Booth

Hi 👋🏼
Great to find a community ❤️ just a young dev struggling through.

osman38604772 profile image
Night Owl

Hi there !
im very lazy.. but very eagerly to write code

atxdev profile image
Brad Bryant

Hello world! I'm a certified Full Stack Developer looking to network with fellow developers and begin my new career. I learned to code through a coding bootcamp at UT Austin. #trilogynetwork

vishnu1997 profile image

Hello Everyone,
Nice to meet you all. I am working in a startup name AskLua. By the end of May, I can say that I will be having 1 year of experience in Software Development professionally

mystique_vamp profile image

Hi I'm here to learn coding and programming

mattstenquist profile image
Matt ✌️

Hello :) I'm Matt. A product designer / u-x-e, and previously former AAA game play programmer. :)

arjung5 profile image

hola everyone....................................................
I am a.....
Mechanical Engineer but wait got knowledge of java, ds , frontend and learning moreeeee........#stackoverflow

kbfton profile image


yaltha profile image

Hello everyone!!. I'm Yaltha. Currently I am learning React and will continue to learn about web development. I was watching a tutorial video from Adrian Twarog and then ended up here.

kumbhakarakash profile image
@akash • Edited

Hello,the world of computing.
I am akash kumbhakar , passionate about computer science and the art of programming.

atlasf profile image
Emirhan Avcı

Hey everyone!
I'm just a regular guy trying to better myself.

threesten3807 profile image
Threesten3807 • Edited

Hello everybody. I am currently in 2nd year in computer science, I joined the community to learn more about it and to see a lot of interesting things here! 😊

nutlope profile image
Hassan El Mghari

Hi everyone! I'm Hassan from Philadelphia, current college student, and a react developer for a startup based in San Francisco. Looking forward to learning a lot from this wonderful community :)

romanapf profile image
Román APF

Hi !! I am new here and have little development experience. I am looking forward to continue learning !!!

pvcodes profile image
Pranjal Verma

Hello I have been coding for past 6 months, and searching for projects to upgrade my self also if someone is doing some projects i would be grateful to been on that project to gain some more knowledge

dtesch9 profile image
Douglas Tesch

Hellow Folks 👋🏼

davidggevorgyan profile image
David Gevorgyan

Hey all, I registered a week ago but didn't get any email digest in a week. Is it possible that I missed something?

adamgen profile image
Adam Genshaft

Hi, I'm Adam just registered here and published my first story.
Cheers 🍺

m_fachri_m profile image
No jokes dude

Hello, i'm new here. i also into a web interest and ui interest. maybe some of you can help me a lot and i will learn as much as i can from you guys. Thank you

julyoc profile image
Julio Castro


I am new to this platform, I have been programming for some years now, specializing in Angular and nodejs the last two years.

jamaan_jm profile image
Jassim Mohammed

Can I learn and merge between both develeper and cyper security

kurtzcox profile image

Hello Community Member,
I m kurtzcox, born to code and live for coffee.

khaja_parvez profile image

Hello Folks ! I'm here to enhance my cloud and automation skills. Besides I'm interested in dev too 😉

princesingh255 profile image
Prince Singh

Print("Hello Universe ")

deora_ashish284 profile image
Ashish Deora

I like visual studio code and prefer textual tutorials over videos. Hello there.

dnsmnds profile image
Dênis Mendes

Hello all,

I was looking for a way to share quick-tips about programming stuff and I think is the place for it.

baronsindo profile image
𝙹𝚒𝚋𝚛āʾī𝚕 ⚡

Hiii there i'm new here, i love programming and tech, i made a new telegram bot and i wrote an article about it in my profile.

usenmfon_uko profile image

Programming has always been my dream, it's two months already and I'm enjoying the ride #newbie 🤓. dotNET framework, C#.

softhighti87 profile image
Daniel Macdonald

Hello, everyone! I write apps in JavaScript, Angular, React, Node.js, Typescript. At the moment, I'm learning Python. I'm a newbie here. Hope, I will be welcomed.)

felipecerda profile image
Felipe Cerda

Hi everyone! I am Felipe, originally from Chile but now living in Germany.
I am getting into Android development in my free time :)
See you in the posts!

kifayat profile image

Hello there!
I got to know about this platform through the MLH fellowship page. I was looking for such kind of platform. I am very excited to learn and discuss about new tech.

abodmicheal profile image
Abod Micheal (he/him)

Hello I'm a abod Michael, I'm a freelance front end developer although I stopped designing for years but I'm back now, Good with CSS, js vanilla and a bit of react, looking forward to getting better.

simonprst profile image

Hi everyone 👋🏻
I am a french CTO and JS dev enthusiast, building a new bank from scratch in serverless 😁

pruthvi2103 profile image
Pruthvi Shetty

Hello! I love python and vue . I've got a problem, I get these great ideas of good stuff to make but can't focus on a single aspect of it making me confused at times

notsahil profile image

Hello 👋

deepesh_d3v profile image

hello world

braydentw profile image
Brayden W ⚡️

Hi everyone 👋! My name is Brayden and I LOVE ❤ front-end development. I like to design websites and am currently working on making and selling easy-to-use HTML and CSS themes.

sandeepboda profile image
Sandeep Kumar Boda

Greetings !!
This is Sandeep Boda. I just discovered this and hoping to a best place to post my research.

zeyu2001 profile image
Zhang Zeyu

Hey there! I'm a student from Singapore, recently graduated high school.
Extremely happy to find this open community, and I look forward to learning from everyone here :)

gachagua profile image

Welcome!! am a student from Kenya too

karan316 profile image
Karan Hejmadi


rajmaharjan profile image
Raj Maharjan

Hello, I am Raj. A typical web developer.

gianniskoutivas profile image
Giannis Koutivas

Hello from Athens, GR!

We still work from home thanks to COVID-19 and I hope all this ends soon. At least summer is near and beaches wait for us!

jiyafree1 profile image
Musa Jiya

Its great to be here.

fidddedrei87 profile image

Hey there! I'm a software developer with a 5-year experience in Java, JS, Node.js, and React.js. Enjoy learning and acquiring new skills. Glad to be here)

frankmark34013 profile image

Hey everyone! A bit rusty on my dev skills. Looking to hop back into web dev and ios dev :') excited and it's a real pleasure to be surrounded by such passionate devs from all over the globe!

mosfa profile image

console.log('test dev')

lizbrown621 profile image

HI All,
I am interested in learning about the latest tools for developing Mhealth apps. and wearable medical device applications
Also interested in learning about Telephony Manager. Thank you! Liz

orochikaku profile image
Suman 🌈

Hey there DEV! I’m a incoming student to this years intake of Computer Science and Engineering at an University in The Netherlands. Although, at this point I’m not too sure I’ll be there this year :(

71xn profile image

I am here to persue my intrest in Java and in dotnet, I am training for my OSCP and I wanted to join a community of fellow programmers.

idrisdotcom profile image

Hello everyone

everaldomatias profile image
Everaldo Matias


I am a WordPress Develeper in migration process to PHP Developer carrer.

cheriansk profile image


cryozeus profile image
Yash Bhardwaj

Hi everyone! I'm an Engineering undergrad from India. I'm learning ML and love contributing to Open Source Projects!

emadabdou profile image

Hi there 👋
, i'm Emad a junior front end developer from Egypt , hope to share/gain here knowledge and
Make a good community with new friends who have the same ambition 🤩

prinseven profile image
Prince Yadav


robotjellyzone profile image
Robot Jelly

Hello, 👋

killdozerx2 profile image
Himanshu Pant

Hi, I'm a full stack web dev, been reading articles from here for years, finally decided to sign up. Love the PWA experience

lukenetti3 profile image
Luke Netti

Hello everyone! Currently working as a systems engineer and want to shift fields into web development! Excited to learn from everyone here and hopefully share what I'm learning along the way.

enlion_mera profile image

Yo from Italy.
I was looking info about web development and here we go! I hope to learn a lot of things about coding. I'm curious about everything. 👽

uddinshahab profile image
Shahab Uddin

Hello everyone! I am new at Dev. I am a full stack developer from India