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Top comments (270)
Howdy! I'm Stephen. I am a staff engineer at a non-profit trying to work in the progressive ecosystem to make a difference in 2020. I'm currently working in Golang but have worked in js/node, various frontend stacks, Ruby and Java. I've lead teams, departments and been a individual contributor.
This is my favorite picture of my cat Tony. He was very confused when all the furniture was gone when I was moving.
He looks like the kind of cat that has his own favorite chair.
Hello Stephen!! Your cat is adorable :]
tony is awesome. i love him.
Looking good, feline better.
You cat is adorable! He sort of reminds me of one of my cat Orian. He likes to harass me as soon as I pull my Mac out lol
Hi, very cool that you are working on progressive issues!
Hey everyone, finally got around to joining while ignoring my remote standup meeting, lol.
Standups are important... dev.to more so.
hahahahaha nice advice
Hello everyone 👋
Hope everyone are safe with your family.
I am very excited to meet all tech people around the globe and upgrade myself to the new technologies.
Lets build and take the community to next level of learning platform 😊
Hello Devs!
Great to be part of dev.to
I'm currently working on huntr.dev - an open source bug bounty board.
Come and have a chat about open source security!
I do more of the design, marketing, and frontend HTML and Javascript - but I am constantly increasing my developer knowledge by reading your articles (thank you), watching videos, and taking Codecademy courses when I get the time!
Software development is fun as hell.
Fun fact about me - I can do a Rubik's cube in under 20 seconds :P
Woot! And open source bug bounty board is a really cool idea. Welcome to DEV! 😀
Thank you!
Hello and welcome to Dev.to Community ! 👋🏼😉
huntr.dev seems like a great idea!
Thank you!
Is there a word missing here: "Find and fix open source vulnerabilities - be recognised for protecting millions developers and organisations!"
Yes, yes there is... thank you :)
Hello 👋👋👋
Welcome to the community!
Hello 👋 and welcome!
Hello Guys,
I am Pawan working as an Automation Engineer and living in Germany these days. I would like to thank all of you for sharing and contributing knowledge/ learnings thorough the articles here :)
These days I am learning about the React Js and Planning to redesign my website in the coming months.
Have a nice day!
Awesome! Do you have a link to your site?
Hi Mikel,
Here it is: pawangaria.com/
I use this website to write some of my learnings for the people.
Hello devs. I am happy to be part of this community.
Hi! Enjoy your stay :)
Hello @Isaias!
Hi you welcome
Hello everyone. I'm interested in cs for good few years now. Python is my language of choice. At the moment i'm building my first web app in flask/bootstrap combo. At some stage I would like to dip my toe in data science possibly but since it's a hobby there's no pressure.
That's awesome that you are pursuing this as a hobby! Hopefully this will be a good resource for you! It's always good to have passionate people in the industry!
Thanks mikel
Hello everyone! 🙌 I’m a student at Codesmith in NYC. My production project team has spent the week ideating on developing a front end developer tool that would address a need/gap in the community. So far, we’ve come up with some ideas (micro frontends library/convertor for Vue and React; prototype tool for Svelte). If anybody has any suggestions/tips/guidance on problems/issues/challenges related to these technologies, please let me know! I’m all ears👂
Hello and welcome!
Hello fellow coders. Proud and happy to be in this community.
Good to have you!
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