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Tina Huynh
Tina Huynh

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The Endless Cycle of Learning...does it ever end?

To be blunt, the answer is no. Sorry to break the news to you.

We've all heard our college professors tell us that learning doesn't end after graduation. And that's especially true for developers. Why? There is always something new around the corner - new methods of doing things, new updates, new developments, new trends, etc. that we need to keep up with. Choosing a career in tech is choosing a lifetime of learning. Life in itself is, after all, constantly teaching us how to be better and encouraging us to grow.

Without growth, we would never advance and there is nothing worst than staying stagnate in one place. Some wonderful articles I found about staying motivated and continuing to learn each and everyday are:

Short story is:

  • Regularly review your goals and progress
  • Continue to set new goals
  • Encourage yourself and find mentors both online and in person
  • Surround yourself with positive friends and form study groups if needed
  • Remember to use study breaks to avoid burn out

Keep in mind that it's a marathon, not a race. Focus on progress and not perfection.

What was the most recent thing you learned?

Happy coding!

Top comments (6)

tuwang profile image
TuWang • Edited

the learning ends when developers repeat the same type of projects over and over - the learning and struggling starts again when we jump on new/exciting challenges.

onlyphantom profile image
Samuel Chan

Always try to do something at the edge of my comfort zone (not outrageously difficult but also not so easy I can stroll through it) so I’m “forced” to make learning my default.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern
warwait profile image
Parker Waiters

Keep in mind that it's a marathon, not a race. Focus on progress and not perfection.


theaccordance profile image
Joe Mainwaring

I will say, learning is optional, but if you choose not to continue to evolve your skills, chances are you'll eventually be left behind.

The exception to that rule is if you find yourself with a niche skill that is timeless. COBOL for example has a decent amount of implementations in the wild still