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Usama Ansari
Usama Ansari

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Git - Cheat Sheet

What is git?

Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.

Basic Commands:

  1. Initialize local git repository
    > git init

  2. check files to commits and branch name
    > git status

  3. add files to staging area.
    > git add FileName.txt

  4. add all modified and new files to staging area
    > git add --all

  5. add all files of directory to staging area
    > git add folder/

  6. Commit changes to local repository
    > git commit -m "Message to commit"

  7. history of commits
    > git log --

  8. Get help for any command
    > git help <Command>

  9. set global user name
    > git config --global "Name"

  10. Show un-staged differences since last commit
    > git diff

  11. View staged differences
    > git diff --staged

  12. Un-stage files and HEAD Refers to last commit
    > git reset HEAD FileName

  13. Blow away all changes since last commit
    > git checkout -- FileName

  14. SKIP STAGING AND COMMIT and Add changes from all tracked files. this Doesn’t add new (untracked) files
    > git commit -a -m "Modify readme"

  15. Reset into staging and Move to commit before ‘HEAD’
    > git reset --soft HEAD^

  16. Add to the last commit with new commit message
    > git commit --amend -m "New Message"

  17. Undo last commit and all changes
    > git reset --hard HEAD^

  18. Undo last 2 commits and all changes
    > git reset --hard HEAD^^

    > git remote add <name>origin <address>https://giturl

  20. show remote repositories
    > git remote -v

  21. To push to remotes
    > git push -u <name>origin <branch>master

  22. Remove remote
    > git remote rm <name>

  23. Clone remote repository
    > git clone <address>https://giturl

  24. Create branch
    > git branch <BrancName>

  25. create and checkout branch
    > git checkout -b <BrancName>

  26. list available branches
    > git branch

  27. list remote available branches
    > git branch -r

  28. Switching between branches
    > git checkout <branch name>

  29. merge 2 branches
    > git merge <branch name>

  30. Delete branch
    > git branch -d <branch name>

  31. Force delete branch
    > git branch -D <branch name>

  32. get remote changes
    > git pull

    • get the remote changes to local remote branch
      > git fetch

    • merge local remote branch changes to local master branch > git merge <local branch>

  33. shows branches alignments
    > git remote show origin

  34. remove remote branch
    > git push origin :<branch name>

  35. To clean up deleted remote branches
    > git remote prune origin

  36. List all tags
    > git tag

  37. Create tag
    > git tag -a <Tag Name> -m "Tag message"

  38. Push new tags to remote
    > git push --tags

  39. Revert to existing tag.
    > git checkout <tag name>

This article was originally published at my blog git-cheat-sheet

Please feel free to mention your favorite git commands in comments ❤ 👇

Latest comments (9)

nicco88 profile image
git stash
git stash pop

For saving changes temporarily and working on a more urgent context without having to commit.

ashishmohite profile image
Ashish Mohite

'git pull --autostash'

nicco88 profile image

I didn't know this one, thank you 😉

mvidtman profile image
Marek Vidtman

adding all modified and new files to staging area is with double dash

git add --all

usmslm102 profile image
Usama Ansari

Thanks. 😊 I update the article.

hinasoftwareengineer profile image

What is the difference between git pull and git fetch?

usmslm102 profile image
Usama Ansari

git pull: download the remote data and merge into your working file.
git fetch: download the remote data but doesn't merge with your local files.

iftikhar profile image
iftikhar hussain

Nice :)

sankintoo profile image
sanjeev Sinha

Good one. It would be nice to put something on squash the commit.