A weekly selection of design links, brought to you by your friends at the UX Collective.
5 principles for better designer-developer collaboration →
Prescriptive guides on how to hand off designs to developers are easy to follow and cross out from one’s list. But are they future-proof enough?
- Photo Privacy → What are your photos revealing about you?
- Design Confidence → Finding confidence in design decisions.
- What’s a Brand? → What we’ve been asking our whole careers.
The UX Collective newsletter is a self-funded newsletter read by over 130,200 designers every week. Curated by Fabricio Teixeira and Caio Braga.
Stories from the community
Let me explain it to you (and other things women LOVE to hear) →
By Lizette Spangenberg
Why I never quote a fixed price →
By Benek Lisefski
Checklist to improve your product UI →
By Anna Sh
More top stories:
- What do we owe to each other? → By Jonathon Colman
- Why you should always aim for open-ended conversations → By Nikki Anderson
- Learning UX from the design of a biscuit → By Yuvraj Shivhare
- More efficient Usability Testing with this template → By Shane Doyle
- Using auto-layout components in Figma → By Aleksei Kipin
- Guidelines for breadcrumbs design → By Jeremiah Lam
- Staying motivated on Duolingo with good UX → By Tim Lum
- A toolkit for living as a dyslexic designer → By Rob Boyett
News & ideas
- Corporate Speak → Why do corporations speak the way they do?
- 100 Women → A century of Time Magazine’s women of the year.
- Negotiating Price → A creative person’s guide to negotiating.
On remote work (yep, the virus)
- Remote Brainstorm → How to brainstorm with your newly remote team. By Jen Goertzen
- Remote Makers → Interviews with people working remotely.
- Remote Leadership → Found yourself leading a remote design team?

Tools & resources
- Accessible Chrome → New accessibility feature in ChromeDevTools.
- Remove Video BG → Get rid of video backgrounds.
- Monalisa Font → Designed to improve developer’s productivity.
We believe designers are thinkers as much as they are makers. So we created the design newsletter we have always wanted to receive.
Top comments (1)
Another week of fantastic content! UX Collective is the best! 😄