If you are like me you also like changing your theme and font of VSCode frequently. I also love to find new themes and fonts. Here is mine.
𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗺𝗲: Cobalt2 Rocket
𝗙𝗼𝗻𝘁: Cascadia Code PL
𝗣𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗰𝗼𝗮𝗸 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺𝗲: Svelte Orange
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So tell me what's your current VSCode theme and font look like? I'm Curious.
Top comments (140)
hi res screenshot
Theme: Karma
Font: Dank Mono
Game changer to have the side bar on the right :o
What’s the benefit though? I’ve tried a few times but keep going back to having it on the left. It feels weird to have the code indent all the way to left of the screen.
the benefit is noticed if you're using Ctrl+B very often .. the code would be indented every time if you have the side bar on the left.
And until Microsoft added the option to switch the control bar to the right, the code always looked like 💩 until you formatted it when you were ready to push to GitHub. I remember very well 🙄
It all comes down to your preference. To me it just looks less cluttered on the left side.
Dank mono is such a good font. I still gotta try that right sidebar thing. What’s your settings.json?
here is the last snapshot of my settings
Thanks man 😊
I'm now trying the sidebar on the right. Its making more sense to have it like this. Good one!
i have always had mine on the right. Not going back soon
Nice theme
Can you pls tell me what extension you're using for indentation like this?
Its indent rainbow and bracket pair colorizer
Theme: 1984 - Light
Font: Dank Mono
Extensions: Alphabetical Sorter, Bracket Pair Colorizer, Git Blame, PHP Intelephense, Prettier, Snippet Creator, TODO Highlight
You use light theme?
Yep! It feels better on my eyes.
Try horizon
Dark themes are better for the night times or cloudy weather. Used in a very bright atmosphere (like in an office with neons) they don't make a lot of sense and could hurt your eyes.
I switch between light and dark themes many times a day. There are even extensions to toggle them automatically (not a VSCode thing: the Opera browser does this natively).
Nice to see a good light theme, I find them much easier on the eye.
I think you may love this
This looks really sweet, I might give light theme a try. Thanks for sharing Amy
I would need sunglasses to code in this IDE, but very beautiful job with the theme, it's certainly eye-catching!
Also I have a theory that there is a shared trait between devs who use light-themed IDEs must also be morning people. @heyamyk8 are you a morning person?
I like to code at night, so I love defined, sharp shadows, layered UIs, and of course, dark theme. 🙃🙃🙃
Can you pls suggest me some good light themes like this?
Its pretty fresh. Thanks for suggestion.
You should definitely checkout the GitHub theme for vscode it's dope
Have you tried a dark theme? I can't imagine staring for a few hours this theme 😂
TODO Highlight is a cool one. 🙌🏼
Hey wowo nice theme and also love your settings its pretty clean
can you please provide your settings.json of your vscode want to try your settings lol
wow can you give your vscode settings file plz
Cool 🔥
Here's mine
Theme: BeardedTheme Monokai Metallian
Extensions: Color Highlight, Bracket Pair Colorizer.
This is looking amazing bruh ! ;)
Thanks for the cap.
Thanks for the color highlight extension. I never used it before. But i knew that i need this functionality 😜
best of all to me, thanks man 😎
Damn, gotta try this theme.
this is how my current IDE setup look likes
Woah !! that's dope. What's the theme name?
theme: Deepdark Material Theme
Nice !!
what font is that ?
love the darknes
My current VS Code Setup :
Theme : Mayukai Theme
Font : Iosevka Mayukai
Currently using VS Code Plugin :
Theme: Dark Lavender my theme
Font: Lilex
I want to try Lilex. What did you input in "editor.fontFamily" in settngs.json. "Lilex" is not working for me. Same with the nerdfont varient.
Here is the download page for Lilex, you need to install Lilex (either otf or ttf) then restart VSCode and add
at the very beginning ofeditor.fontFamily
:"editor.fontFamily": "Lilex, ...other fonts",
I can't get it to work, I have installed the font, I have put it in vs code and I have even restarted the computer and I do not get the same font, any ideas?
show your vscode settings
"editor.linkedEditing": true,
"tabnine.experimentalAutoImports": true,
"workbench.iconTheme": "material-icon-theme",
"workbench.productIconTheme": "fluent-icons",
"editor.renderWhitespace": "none",
"git.autofetch": true,
"git.confirmSync": false,
"window.zoomLevel": -1,
"php.validate.executablePath": "C:\php\php.exe",
"workbench.colorTheme": "Dracula",
"editor.fontLigatures": null,
"editor.fontFamily": "Lilex,Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace"
I have solved it by myself.
editor.fontLigatures was in null , i changed to true .
Thank you anyway
hmm... I'm not sure why. But some suggestions for you:
folder same level withcode.exe
, if you running on Windows)Sweet
Theme: Lucy
Font: Fira Code
Plugins : Go , TSlint, Prettier, advanced-new-file
Theme: Horizon Italic
Font: Comic Mono
This is so beautyfull. The theme, the font, go, panel to the right... God
Haha thanks 😊
damn son. this is amazing
I didn't bother to look for the buttons for changing fonts and colors. The default looks fine.
Used to use Markdownlint too.
It is nice, but it is one of a few plugins, that shouldn't be ON be default; otherwise, you can't cooperate with others...
I have Markdownlint configuration in the repository, and CI fails the build if there's any violation. I don't see a problem here.
I made PR to people who don't have Markdownlint, too.
Theme: Custom theme made on Themer.dev
Font: IBM Plex Mono
Extensions: materiel Icon Theme, vim, wakatime, rust, Remote WSL, Markdown Preview Enhanced, Glitch, MS-Dos Theme