DEV Community

Akbar Nafisa
Akbar Nafisa

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Setup Route 53 for Client App

For this part, we will modify the URL from Cloudfront to our own domain. However, first, you need to have a domain. You can buy it from AWS Route 53 or other providers like Hostinger, GoDaddy, etc. In my case, I bought the domain outside AWS.

Create Hosted Zone

To add the domain to AWS, we need to create a new hosted zone in Route 53.

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Then, you can add the domain name.

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Finish by clicking the Create hosted zone button at the bottom of the page.

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Modify Nameserver

If you bought the domain from a different provider, you need to change the nameservers to AWS. Retrieve the nameservers from the detailed hosted zone.

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Then, update the nameservers with the domain provider in the settings page.

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Create SSL/TLS for New Domain

For the next step, request a new certificate for your domain using ACM. Open ACM and request a new certificate.

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Add the domain name.

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Finish the request by clicking the Request button.

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Verify the Certification

The next step we will verify our certificate, to do so letโ€™s click on the certificate that we just created.

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Click the Create records in Route 53 button.

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Next, click on the domain and click Create records to finish.

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Then, letโ€™s wait a couple minute until the status changed to Issued

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You can also check the records page to confirm the new record has been added.

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*Edit the Domain Name in Cloudfront*

In this part, change the domain of Cloudfront. Open the Cloudfront distribution, then click the Edit button inside the Settings page.

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Add the new domain and select the SSL certificate. Finish by clicking Save changes at the bottom of the page.

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Wait for Cloudfront to finish its deployment.

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*Create New Record for the New Domain*

In the final step, we will add to Route 53. To do this, open the Route 53 page and click the Create record button.

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Then, select Simple routing.

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Next, click Define simple record.

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Now, fill in the record name, select the routing traffic to the Cloudfront distribution, and choose the distribution.

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Finally, click the Create records button to complete the process.

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Now, let's wait a couple of minutes, and we will be able to access the page.

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