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Cover image for What language or tool are you curious about, but have not found the time to use or learn?

What language or tool are you curious about, but have not found the time to use or learn?

Ben Halpern on July 06, 2020

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor • Edited

Rust and WASM. I did a Rust tutorial and then just haven’t made the time yet to dive in more.

Also Swift. I’ve never done any iOS dev and I keep hearing great things about Swift.

fallenstedt profile image
Alex Fallenstedt

I recently wrote an article about Rust + WASM for processing pixel data from a video feed. We plan to use it at Streem You can read a bit more about it here.

rhymes profile image
rhymes • Edited

Rust, WebAssembly and Crystal here

pavanmehta profile image
Pavan Maheshwari

Same I wanna try our Wasm preferably with Rust

shadowphoenix profile image

I know it's old school (and probably torture) but I'd love to learn C and x86 Assembly 😅
Why? Because I want to build my own operating system from scratch! 😄

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I want to build my own operating system from scratch! 😄

That's such a cool endeavor to push for.

octaneinteractive profile image
Wayne Smallman

A friend wrote an OS in JavaScript for fun.

srleyva profile image
Stephen Leyva (He/Him)

I’m learning this right now! Prepping for the OSCP

douglaskhubert profile image
Douglas Hubert

This repo might be helpful to you.

shadowphoenix profile image

Whoah, thank you so much! I'll definitely take a look at that!!

vishnumohanrk profile image
  • Redux
  • GraphQL
  • Gatsby
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I assume you're already familiar with the core React library? Just for my curiosity, what parts of the React ecosystem do you currently know well and what makes you choose these as being on your radar?

vishnumohanrk profile image

Basic concepts of react like components, state, props and hooks. I have done a few small projects with react. But I never felt the need for global state I kept App.js component as the main comp and passed the state down as props, maybe that's because these projects I worked on, are small. I was happy with useReducer and useContext, so far. I still need to work on more intermediate level projects before touching any third party state management tool. I read a few articles about what problems does GraphQl solves and I also want to build a portfolio/blog with gatsby and since gatsby uses GraphQl, so I chose these.

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spez profile image
Comment marked as low quality/non-constructive by the community. View Code of Conduct

It just means you're a noob. Or <noob. I know you would criticize me, but that's not a joke,

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vishnumohanrk profile image

Ok Thanks for pointing out that. It will be nice if you could share some resources or ideas to expand my knowledge. Thanks 😊. Have a nice day.

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spez profile image
Comment marked as low quality/non-constructive by the community. View Code of Conduct

I would. But only after next 10 hours. Check the time, its 0016 in India

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spez profile image

As promised, here is my tweet for a successful web developer:

leob profile image
leob • Edited

+1 for Gatsby !

Yes that's definitely on my radar as well ... and GraphQL then comes naturally, Gatsby depends heavily on it ... React and (to a lesser extent) Redux as well.

I was also thinking about Rust, dabbled with it a bit but never found a practical application. Funny enough it seems that most people are interested in using Rust as a sort of frontend language (via WASM) while I associate it more with the backend.

Oh and Flutter maybe.

Gatsby however looks more of direct practical interest.

mattnot profile image
Matteo Notaro

Redux is like taking the core part of react like hierarchy of components, state lifting and thigs like that and throw it away by the window

vishnumohanrk profile image
Vishnu • Edited

I saw on twitter most people saying that redux has become redundant with the introduction of hooks and Context. Also there is a new state management library recoil by facebook themselves.
I should have said any third party state management library.
This article by Kent C Dodds gives more insights on using one.

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kosich profile image
Kostia Palchyk

Good article, thx for sharing!
As a redux user, I have to add the "useReducer/Provider" approach to my to-try list. This JS fashion is changing so fast.. 😓

Just wanted to add: never feel bad because you haven't tried something yet. There always will be something new to try. And that new thing probably will have it's downsides either. Give it a chance when you feel it's time, don't push yourself 🙂

rakhmad profile image
Rakhmad Azhari
  • Erlang
  • Rust
  • Roamresearch
  • Shortcuts
  • Swift
  • OCaml
yo profile image
  • Roamresearch
  • Figma
  • Apollo GraphQL
  • Hasura
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I now use Figma regularly as a pretty ignorant consumer. Actually learning it seems like a steep hill to climb! 😭

spez profile image

I find: Figma==MS Paint

somedood profile image
Basti Ortiz • Edited

C++ and Rust are definitely at the top of my list. I really wish I could integrate them into my JavaScript applications, but the build systems are so cumbersome that I often find myself too bothered to find the time to properly use and learn them.

woubuc profile image

The Rust WASM toolchain is pretty much at the point where it's usable, provided you know a little about both Rust and WASM. You could also check out Parcel bundler which supports Rust out of the box.

somedood profile image
Basti Ortiz

Wow. How convenient! I would love to learn more about how this all works under the hood.

Does Parcel compile Rust so that it directly binds with V8, or does it use some fancy foreign function interface (FFI)? Please do correct me if I'm wrong, but I figured that it might be the latter due to the presence of the no_mangle directive in the Rust example. Moreover, does Parcel provide the option to compile Rust into native Node add-ons instead?

Say, if I wanted to write a performance-critical application, this would be critical information for me in my tool belt.

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woubuc profile image
Wouter • Edited

Parcel compiles the Rust code to a WASM (WebAssembly) bundle. This is basically the Javascript standard equivalent of FFI, and should work in modern browsers and in Node.

If you specifically want to write native Node add-ons, I've heard pretty good things about neon but I haven't tried it out myself and it seems more involved than loading a WASM bundle with a bundler.

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somedood profile image
Basti Ortiz

Nice! Parcel is more attractive now that you mentioned WebAssembly. Thanks for the nod in the right direction. I'll definitely look into it.

Also, I've tried Neon once. It was an overall good experience, but tooling support is desperately lacking. In particular, Rust support in VS Code was a huge pain to deal with. Tooling aside, Neon is a neat alternative to FFI. It's best to give it a few years to mature before a proper judgement can be made.

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woubuc profile image

Lack of IDE support is definitely one of, if not the biggest obstacle for Rust right now. I haven't used VS Code in a while so I can't compare, but I'm using IntelliJ with the IntelliJ-Rust plugin and it works fairly well (some minor annoyances but no major issues).

You can also check for an overview of Rust plugins & support in various IDEs.

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somedood profile image
Basti Ortiz

It's very unfortunate, too, because Rust is a great language with promising ideas and paradigms to offer. I'll do some further research on IntelliJ's IDE capabilities. With that said, thank you very much for your advice.

gwutama profile image
Galuh Utama

From my experiences with C++, cmake is the de facto standard build system. And wrapping C++ as node module can be done using swig. Pretty good.

somedood profile image
Basti Ortiz

I am definitely open to making use of CMake. However, my biggest issue with it is the additional amount of knowledge required to set it up. The tedium of configuring a build system is the curse of compiled languages that discourages me from playing and hacking away. I do have some fault in that regard, but it is admittedly a cumbersome task.

dana94 profile image
Dana Ottaviani

Docker. I used it sometimes in my last company and it hasn't been at the top of my list of things I want to learn - but it IS on the list. I think it's because it's not a blocker for my other projects that I never made time to understand it. But I do keep bookmarking Docker related articles I find here on DEV.

manbirmarwah profile image
Manbir Singh Marwah

For me, it's Flutter.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

What's most appealing about Flutter?

nombrekeff profile image

For me, the experience of developing is what sold it to me. Having used Ionic and React Native, I can say it's the seamless development experience so far.

Some other good points:

  • Great docs
  • Loads of out-the-box widgets (components)
  • Quite a big community
  • And UI warnings, for example, if your text overflows the screen, it will show a warning in the app showing where the issue is and explaining the problem.
manbirmarwah profile image
Manbir Singh Marwah • Edited

Hot reload, extensive widget support, close to native experience with support for cross-platform.
Having some experience with Android using Java, those are some features that seem quite appealing to me.

guneyozsan profile image
Guney Ozsan

I second flutter. I think it feels fun and promising as an ecosystem. Also as a game developer I found it closest to the workflow of Unity 3D on application domain, which is a great convenience and fun to work with. Also both are well documented (Yes I’m looking at you php).

I hope to do some hobby projects in the future, perhaps when kids start school in 6-7 years lol:D

spez profile image

Even my startup switched from Capacitor to Flutter.

abenerd profile image

I love flutter, unfortunately I haven't done much with it myself yet but I'm super intrigued.
A little fun fact: Flutter implements the whole material design guideline while the official native android sdk doesn't.

manbirmarwah profile image
Manbir Singh Marwah • Edited

Woah, that's quite a mind-blowing fact! 🔥

vinceramces profile image
Vince Ramces Oliveros

Not entirely all material design spec. See here

nombrekeff profile image

I love Flutter. We are moving from Ionic to flutter at our company.

I imagine there are downsides to using it, but for now, it has only improved our stack.

jinka2015 profile image
kosich profile image
Kostia Palchyk • Edited

My short list:



  • Ramda & whole Fantasy Land
  • MonetJs
  • SWR/react-query


  • GhostCMS
  • Svelte
  • Nx
  • NestJS


  • some ML
  • AWS and other cloud services/platforms

Plus a ton more I don't remember now — people create new cool stuff daily!

And what is on your list, @ben ?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

And what is on your list, @ben ?

Rust/WASM definitely near the top. I also played around with Flutter when it was new but sort of put it on the shelf to let it mature. I'd love to revisit that.

But gaining a better understanding of containers/VMs/etc. is higher on my list— because that would help me contribute better ideas to the infrastructure side of DEV.

kosich profile image
Kostia Palchyk • Edited

I've found that often it takes a few hours to try some new lang/tool/technique

While postponing it in my list lasts for months or even years 😓

I remember when I learned new cool kid's words "repository" and "git".
Kept hearing that all around, but couldn't find courage to check em out.
Took me years to finally sit down & try 😀

shaijut profile image
Shaiju T

Nice 😄, How you are planning to get better understanding of containers/VMs/etc ? Do you have any course in mind or learning by reading documentation ?

vonheikemen profile image

Did someone said fantasy land? Some time ago I found a series of posts that talked in great detail about that stuff: Fantas, Eel, and Specification.

kosich profile image
Kostia Palchyk • Edited

Thank you, Heiker! Bookmarked it.
Have you started using it after reading this?
Where you doing FP before that?

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vonheikemen profile image

Have you started using it after reading this?

Yes. But funny enough we (all of us) already use some of that stuff, we just don't know it.

Where you doing FP before that?

A little bit. Not too much because "hardcore" FP looks very weird in javascript.

I've been writing about FP in javascript for quite a while now, I put everything I know here.

jonaskuske profile image
  • Kubernetes – I actively use Docker and have also played around a bit with Docker Swarm to create a cluster (for serverless functions), but the leap to k8s scares me 😃
  • GraphQL – I know more or less how it works and can write very basic queries and mutations, but am very far away from being able to use it for a real project. Fragments, caching...
  • GSAP – I've seen all the amazing animations people create using it and it looks so cool. But my knowledge there ends after a simple'selector', { opacity: 1 })...
juniordevforlife profile image
Jason F • Edited

Elixir. I became interested in Functional Programming and started trying to do things using an FP approach in JavaScript, and tinkered with FP libs in JS. This led me to wanting to learn an FP language. I chose Elixir because Phoenix sounded interesting. I spent a few weeks with Elixir, made a couple of basic apps, and even attended a meetup. Then Covid-19 happened, AND I started working on my master's degree.

vonheikemen profile image

Sadly I don't have the energy to learn all that stuff. V actually stands a chance, it's like a really tiny language.

pontakornth profile image
Pontakorn Paesaeng • Edited
  • Haskell --- I like the language but it confused me. I don't really know how to use it either.
  • Rust --- It's good but I don't know what to develop with Rust.
  • Flutter --- Computer stopped thinking.
  • Kotlin --- I am not sure.

Edit 1: Fix spelling

ecognito profile image
E Cognito

Rust is definitely at the top of my list.
Elm is intriguing although some of the rumblings I've heard make me worry a bit over long term viability.
Test driven design - I think it is over the top but I can definitely stand to improve my automated testing chops.
Event sourcing - with or without domain driven development. Can be hard to make the distinction at times.
CouchDB is a solution I've long wanted to use, but still looking for an appropriate problem to apply it to.

acoh3n profile image
Arik • Edited

I find Clojure to be a fascinating language. A descendant of LISP it comes from a long history of language design that is very different from other, more mainstream languages.

LISP has a reputation for being somewhat cryptic to read, having terrible performance (especially compared to something like C back in the "old days") and used primarily in an academic context. Personally, I find a lot to appreciate in LISP's terse syntax because it packs a lot of punch. But I guess it's a matter of taste.

Clojure, which first appeared circa 2007 took LISP and put a practical spin on it. For one, it targets the JVM as its operating environment so as to take advantage of the huge eco-system that was built around Java in the past 20 something years.

The thing that attracts me to Clojure the most, is that it forces me to think very differently about my solution. As someone who uses mostly object-oriented languages on a day-to-day basis for the past 20 years or so, I know that most modern languages will get the work done. But there isn't any joy to it particularly. It's merely perfunctory. Clojure brings back the joy of discovery. And of thinking in a completely new way, but still remain in the realm of pragmatic programming since Clojure is meant for "real world" applications.

But convincing an engineering manager isn't exactly easy. From what I can tell a company is either a "Clojure shop" or it isn't. There isn't really much of a middle ground. So I've yet to find the opportunity to build something that I had to ship with it.

atulcodex profile image
🚩 Atul Prajapati 🇮🇳

JavaScript, node js, node js 💛🌴

gwutama profile image
Galuh Utama

Go and Rust.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

What would you say is appealing about each?

gwutama profile image
Galuh Utama • Edited

I am planning to replace C/C++ (mostly for systems programming targetting embedded devices) with rust. Rust looks mature enough and third party libraries are plenty now.

For Go, I’m looking for more performant languages for backend services that is easy to write and maintain.

sanjayojha profile image
Sanjay Ojha

An open source search engine, very fast too.

msfjarvis profile image
Harsh Shandilya

I do know and write things in Rust but am not at the familiarity I wish to have. GraphQL, WASM and probably functional programming in Kotlin through Arrow.

GitHub logo arrow-kt / arrow

Functional companion to Kotlin's Standard Library

Maven Central Latest snapshot Kotlin version badge License StackOverflow

Λrrow is a library for Typed Functional Programming in Kotlin.

Arrow aims to provide a lingua franca of interfaces and abstractions across Kotlin libraries For this, it includes the most popular data types, type classes and abstractions such as Option, Try, Either, IO, Functor, Applicative, Monad to empower users to write pure FP apps and libraries built atop higher order abstractions.

Use the list below to learn more about Λrrow's main features.

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If you have a blog post, talk, or upcoming event on Arrow, please considering opening an issue or…

mbdunson profile image
M. Brian Dunson

I'd say React (it's the cool thing, right?). I'm old school (still using jQuery! and wrote my first code in Atari Logo when I was 10!) and would love to learn some of the newer JS frameworks. I'd also like to learn Python and get familiar with WebAssembly.

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald


I've been wanting to learn it for a long time, but I haven't had sufficient excuse. Main work involves C++ and Python, and my book is about Python.

Maybe my next job will afford me an opportunity, though.

jessesbyers profile image
Jesse Smith Byers

I've been starting to play around with D3 and React for interactive data visualizations and would like to move more in that direction overall, but I'm not even sure where to start! I think I need to learn Python as a first step so that I can start exploring more visualization tools.

octaneinteractive profile image
Wayne Smallman

I got into Swift, and took it as far I could before the tug of Xcode became too much … and then Xcode happened and I ran like a frightened child!

I need a project in mind to learn something, and Xcode — for me, at least — makes it so difficult to learn for the sake of learning.

thomasstep profile image
Thomas Step

I really want to learn Kubernetes starting from scratch. I have only ever jumped into projects that already have everything setup, so I want to learn it starting from a blank VM. Any suggestions on projects to implement that help in learning this?

anduser96 profile image
Andrei Gatej

Have you considered reading its source code?🤔

thefluxapex profile image
Ian Pride • Edited

C++ (and C at some point). Over the last 20+ years I've started learning it so many times and can write a "Hello Word" and basic math bins in it, but I never finished learning it. I code for myself so I've never had any time frame so I usually just learn the languages I need to do what I want and scripting languages always ended up being capable of what I needed so I end up holding it off again for another year. I finally got around to Python and Fortran in the last couple of years and been loving them, but I still go back to AutoHotkey mostly. Funny you posted this because I was truly getting ready to start learning C++ again soon. Right after I finish this AutoHotkey/Fortran project I'm working on...

woubuc profile image

I've worked a little with Rust in the past, but would like to dive deeper into it for webdev.

For Javascript, I'm waiting for a stable release of AdonisJS 5 to dive into that. "Laravel for Node" is a dream come true, and the preview versions already look and work fantastic.

I was going to say something about wanting to learn Svelte but waiting for Typescript support, but it looks like there has been a lot of progress recently so I know what I'll be doing when I get some downtime!

swagwik profile image
Sattwik Sahu

I'd like to learn React+Redux+Firebase, but I can't grasp most of the stuff from the tutorials out there. Plus, it is really time consuming...
But I've heard it's really awesome and I want to learn it.

pinotattari profile image
Riccardo Bernardini

SPARK/Ada the language derived from Ada suited for formally checking your software. In my free time I am using it for small projects. Every now and then I post something about my experiences with it.

sdabhi23 profile image
Shrey Dabhi

Rust and Go

I have heard so much about them, but haven't had the opportunity yet to try them out. I am more of a project based learner, so please do suggest a few interesting projects to get started with either of them!

_garybell profile image
Gary Bell

React and Vue.

I've spent most of my career doing development on existing software and reusing the existing components or adding new ones in the same manner. I've never had a chance to try these new things yet.

I will soon, as I'm working on a complete Greenfield project where I can try new things and use "new" tech, but I'm not fully at a front end stage yet

surjithctly profile image
Surjith S M
1. ES6
2. React
3. Express
4. Vue
6. CSS Grid
7. Jamstack
8. Back-end Dev
lauragift21 profile image
Gift Egwuenu

I've been putting aside learning TypeScript. It's getting more and more popular in the ecosystem and almost all job openings I find has it listed as a requirement. I'm currently working on a React + TypeScript App to help me learn and get familiar with the concepts and using it in a real world app.

jennapederson profile image
Jenna Pederson

Python. Because everyone talks about how great it is! I haven't worked on any projects using it or had a specific need for it yet but it comes up a lot in the "what should I learn next?" or "what language is the best to start with?" type questions.

alexandrudanpop profile image
Alexandru-Dan Pop

There are so many things I'd like to spend more time on, but can't find the time, like:

  • Deno
  • Svelte
  • Blitz js

Also, I'm quite interested in learning more about serverless technologies.

raycaballero profile image
Ray Caballero

React Native, GraphQL, and Deno.

esraanasr92 profile image
Esraa Nasr


dsky profile image

In general it's not about the time but...

I'd like to be more familiar with Event Sourcing and CQRS pattern. Unfortunately, the current activities too small for them.

In other hand I have an iOS development and SwiftUI itself. I really enjoy it. Still waiting for a chance to write something for production.

harshpyati0798 profile image
Harsh Pyati
  1. Go
  2. Rust
  3. TS
  4. GraphQL
  5. Flutter
  6. Android Jetpack Compose
  7. Docker
  8. K8s
hangindev profile image
Jason Leung 🧗‍♂️👨‍💻

WebGL and Rust(WebAssembly). Both to me can make the web more powerful.

fdocr profile image

SwiftUI and to play more with my Raspberry Pi's (Pies? 😆)

singhshemona profile image
Shemona Singh

React Native! My work focuses on frontend web in React but I'm always questioning how much time I should spend strengthening the skills of my field or venturing out to explore an unfamiliar territory like the mobile world. 🤔

zubairmohsin33 profile image
Zubair Mohsin


proweb profile image
Sergey Mochalov

Dart and Flutter. Never developed for mobile. It was and stiil is web in general. Wanna something new.

xanaxilovsky profile image
Mario Radomanana

As a full back-end developer, I'd like to learn HTML/CSS/JavaScript more seriously.

bitpunchz profile image

WASM, also curious about GatsbyJS so I've decided to make a learn it and make a blog with it very soon

seanolad profile image


_hs_ profile image

Scala, Elixir, Rust, Apache Druid (not sure if DB count as tool)

webdev_chen profile image
Uchena Miller

Python, Headless CMS, MongoBD.

prafulla-codes profile image
Prafulla Raichurkar

Next.js, rust ruby

xowap profile image
Rémy 🤖

RabbitMQ is an impressive piece of software and the tools behind it probably played in that. It's been coded using Erlang so that's definitely a language I would like to learn.

nitinreddy3 profile image
Nitin Reddy

Flutter is something I look forward to.

vaibhavkhulbe profile image
Vaibhav Khulbe
  • Python with Machine Learning
  • Azure
  • Vue.js (will probably start it this week 🤞)
  • TypeScript (planning to learn it after Vue)
  • Ruby
  • Go
  • D3.js
metalmikester profile image
Michel Renaud

Too many to mention, but F# is the first one that came to mind when I saw the question.

srikanthm9 profile image
Srikanth Mokkapati

Being a Backend Developer from 2 + years. Front end development in general, Flutter and JavaScript.

koredefashokun profile image
Oluwakorede Fashokun

Rust (learnt a little), Solidity, ElasticSearch, NLTK.

rafaacioly profile image
Rafael Acioly

Kotlin, but i know that i need to learn some java first :(

chingaipe profile image
Alick Chinga

On the web dev side - GraphQL has always picked my interest.
And the mobile side - Kotlin.

harveyhalwin profile image
Heinek Halwin

React Js and React Native. Also, I want to learn how to build PWA's with React.

dividedbynil profile image
Kane Ong
vblazenka profile image
Vedran Blaženka

I'm getting into C lately and I wish to work with Rust and Go one day

Also, I would like to revisit Mathematics and get better at it (currently on a clunky high-school level)

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt • Edited
  • Figma / UX stuff
  • GraphQL (actually, I am too happy with REST)
  • Headless CMS
  • Native desktop development
  • Elasticsearch
  • Terraform
pencillr profile image
Richard Lenkovits

Web Assembly!!! In Go or Rust. I find that very intersting, and I think it might be the future for resource heavy web applications.

jwesorick profile image
Jake Wesorick


uf4no profile image

Vercel/ZEIT and I'm giving it a try right now! Currently fighting with it to setup a custom domain 😣

danondso profile image
Dublin Anondson

Rust, GraphQL, and Redux.

davidmm1707 profile image
David MM👨🏻‍💻


matthewsalerno profile image

Rust, Haskell, and Godot

krishnakakade profile image
krishna kakade

Ruby and rails
Express and nodejs
Most important thing is in upcoming days I am going to learn this. BTW what about you means which languages/tools you haven't find time to use/learn ?
Good day

emmanx profile image

Client side GraphQL and Golang

zoltanhalasz profile image
Zoltan Halasz • Edited

Blazor WebAssembly, Ionic 5 and ReactJS. I wish I had time to do at least 2-3 tutorials for each of them.

mustabelmo profile image
Mustapha Belmokhtar

For me it's #React. I always postpone it and say I have to cover it from scratch but I fail every time I schedule it I end up canceling it.

skydevht profile image
Holy-Elie Scaïde

Reason ML. I integrated a project to learn it properly, but never found the time for that.

sergix profile image
Peyton McGinnis
  • Haskell
  • Crystal
  • ReasonML
koladev profile image
Mangabo Kolawole

Erlang. I read some articles and it looks very interesting. Every dev telling if you want an immortal server, then Erlang is the language to choose. Very curious about that.

geongeorge profile image
Geon George

Elixir Phoenix

ddm50 profile image

Laravel & GraphQL, besides that nothing really.

frikishaan profile image
Ishaan Sheikh

Some kernel programming, I am very curious how actually things work under the hood.

muhimen123 profile image

Go, Tailwind CSS

mohitdeshwal profile image
Mohit Deshwal

Not language or tool.. Touch Typing..

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

I'm curious about Flutter. But I'm not sure if I have the time right now to go down that rabbit hole.

schmitzel76 profile image
Patrick Schmitz

Rust and Go both seem quite interesting to me. Did some bug fixing in an existing Go application already, but haven't done anything with Rust yet.

swarupkm profile image
Swarup Kumar Mahapatra

C programming

alchermd profile image
John Alcher

Elixir, Clojure, and Haskell. My goal is to someday be proficient in at least one pure functional language.

jasterix profile image

Spring Boot is on the horizon for me

ayoubbousetta profile image

Graphql/and maybe Go lang

miteshkamat27 profile image
Mitesh Kamat


imaculate3 profile image

Rust , these responces are validating

djtai profile image
David Taitingfong

Django/Flask - I use Python so much but have never really touched those tools. Rust and Go have been on my to-learn list for a bit now.

ip127001 profile image
Rohit Kumawat • Edited

I am looking forward to learning animation in CSS.

gauravdagde profile image

For me grafana and kubernetes

icncsx profile image

Elixir and OCaml

crimsonmed profile image
Médéric Burlet

Snowpack it looks really awesome:

rrortegaa profile image
Rosa Ortega Aburto
  • Gatsby
  • Go
  • Redux
  • Vue
lindsaykwardell profile image
Lindsay Wardell

Elixir Phoenix LiveView. It looks amazing, and I'm a big fan of functional programming, but between work and life I just don't have the time to dedicate to another language or framework.

vsundesha profile image
Vicky Sundesha

I am pretty used to JAVA, Would like to step into the functional programing world with scala :)

rmvirut profile image
Kojo Acquah

C++. For some reason just can't make the time for it. Feeling pretty overwhelmed

phnomcoder profile image

Rust + WASM and DFINITY Motoko Programming language :)

joshuaamaju profile image
Joshua Amaju


Just been stuck on what to build with it.

_saranshbarua profile image
Saransh Barua

Rust, webassembly, webgl. Although I've started learning threeJS , shaders and other cool stuff.

rhmuller profile image
Rodrigo Herpich Müller
  • Elixir
  • Flutter
  • Go
swapnil0545 profile image
Swapnil Mhaske👨‍💻🎮☕🌄

I did some rust learning. But unfortunately, my company doesn't have any projects on rust. So basically I am stuck with javascript. I m thinking of taking python now.

mraubreycodes profile image
Aubrey Fletcher

React Native. I really haven't had the time to use this, though I have a book from Packt to use this, and I have read it.

nirajn profile image
Niraj Nandish

Swift mainly coz I've always been interested in iOS dev and I've heard it's a great language

demetrakopetros profile image
Petros Demetrakopoulos
