DEV Community

Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern Subscriber

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What's the best software for collaborating on a slide deck?

Every time I've tried to take on tasks like shared conference talks, or even just get help on my own slides I've found we get caught up in the world of passing back different versions of the slides or only being able to collaborate synchronously and having a hard time swapping things without colliding.

Are there any good tools that enable async collaboration without being overly convoluted. Something akin to my git workflow but hopefully with a gentle enough learning curve?

It's either a case where there is a tool I'm missing or I'm just not using my current tools effectively. Either way, I'm reaching out to the community for thoughts!

Thank you.

Top comments (18)

derek profile image

I just did a presentation and built it with 🦆🦆go 👇🏽


And I 😍it!!!

If you treat it like any repo/project you can collab that way. Plus it's just html or markdown

The webRTC remote is nice, but they need a way to secure it for presentations.

daviddalbusco profile image
David Dal Busco

Your comment made my day ♥️

Absolutely the access to the presentation through the remote will be protected at some point, I already opened an issue about it a while ago

Currently we are focusing on releasing (soon) the beta of our upcoming web editor for presentations but afterwards this enhancement will be implemented 😉

derek profile image

Awesome! Thank you for creating it! It's an amazing project 💯

okbrown profile image
Orlando Brown

Yes this is dope!! Well done!!

florimondmanca profile image
Florimond Manca • Edited

Maybe text-based slides generators? And then store the Markdown files in git. 🌟

There are a couple of options for Markdown-based slides generators, for example:

This is absolutely not a plug about DeckSet, but I use it and enjoy it a lot because it’s just Markdown with a bit of sugar on top for layout and theming (Marp does the same, but it’s more limited in features).

Text-based slides are obviously more limited/less flexible than your usual PowerPoint. But at the same time I’ve found that less freedom kind of forces you to focus on the content rather than spending hours tweaking the aesthetics, and allows you to use git to get async collaboration. :)

Edit: actually MDX Deck looks like a great implementation of this too. 👍

steveblue profile image
Stephen Belovarich

Call me old fashioned but I use reveal.js. I like it because you can highly customize the content with HTML/CSS/JavaScript. Collaboration = Git and PR at that point, so the process of making a slide deck = process of web development.

juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez

I found it once when I was going to give a lightning talk and haven't used anything different since

davefollett profile image
Dave Follett

MDX Deck, you can get started here:

Note: shameless plug of my own series.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Plug away! I know I’d come across stuff like this but couldn’t put my finger on it. I can’t wait to read.

davefollett profile image
Dave Follett

I forgot to say why its collaborative. Its collaborative because the slide content is just MDX (markdown + JSX) and that is easily put into SCM. So I probably should have said, collaborative with other developers.

morajabi profile image
Mohammad Rajabifard

I used Figma for my pitch deck and it was fantastic! Zero lag collaboration and sharing, advanced text tool and so fast.

However, if you want animations or heavy code blocks it won't work for you, unfortunately.

warrensallen profile image
Warren Allen • Edited

I've bounced back and forth between Deckset and Remark for this. It's almost a toss-up for me, but I use Deckset.

  • Deckset: Simple and pretty, but $ and no page-embedding (and Mac-only viewer in case that matters).
  • Remark: A bit more power and flexibility, but with a bit more complexity and a few too many quirks for my tastes.
bmann profile image
Boris Mann

The more complicated question is what the collaboration looks like! Plain text in whatever shared plain text format you like for editing.

The best slide decks still come out of Keynote, with PowerPoint in second place. Working on a separate slides and then having one person being design / final layout with some copy editing.

Keynote and PPT can be shared directly in Dropbox or Google Drive or whatever for the syncing part.

filipe_mdsr profile image
Filipe Ramalho • Edited

Powerpoint always works like a charm for me. You just have to use OneDrive with it and then you can collaborate and get past versions. (Some features require Office 365)

Work together on PowerPoint presentations

The new versions have so many cool features including live transcription.

Present with real-time, automatic captions or subtitles in PowerPoint

cookrdan profile image
Dan • Edited

I recommend quip for collaboration stuff. There are slides available on the desktop version of the site or the download.

nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

you forgot the http://

cookrdan profile image

Thank you!

abraham profile image
Abraham Williams

I generally use Google Slides for everything. It's easy to edit, work with remote collaborators, and share with the audience afterwards.