We're over 4000 in total, but we are only 30 in our office and we don't have a lot of contact with the other offices except for Windsor and Montreal, so it really feels like a small company with all the great benefits of a big company.
like great insurance, job security, really big and interesting projects. Even if I like playing with multiple disciplines like web design and back-end development, I'm nowhere near as good at that stuff than I am at front-end development, so I can focus on my job and rely on my great teammates that are way better at this than me. In short, we have a lot of resources and that's pretty nice.
Small startup, with 12 people total once tomorrow comes (Consider). It's definitely challenging for me since it's essentially my first full-time role since graduating. Involvement in a lot of different areas of the product provides many opportunities for growth, which I'm lucky to have so early in my career. I personally appreciate the smaller team size because it feels more manageable to communicate with and learn from my peers :)
Core PHP is not something to worry about if it functions the way it was intended. It may seem nice to re-write everything from the ground but for a business perspective that's a big risk. That usually happens when the company grows and have enough budget for the R&D division.
We write over & over the same piece of code among projects.
IMHO, we need to automate at least this layer.
On top of providing stable & tested boilerplates with UI integrated, I have some tools to parse and convert Plain HTML themes to javascript, Python or Php apps.
I'm researching a lot to make this happen.
A lot of R&D involved but is challenging & rewarding.
Small Startup, Eloquent Studio, less than five people. Work is fun and intense.
Being so small in terms of employee size also means everyone has to play multiple roles and keep the shit together always.
Appreciation from client and other members just make it more awesome.
I can understand, I'm also in a similar situation. On paper, I'm front-end developer but in actual, I'm making the backend, APIs, workflow. I even did the UI work of two apps.
2! This summer my friend and I are making websites for clients, and writing some interactive articles.
We just finished our second client website, which went really well. We loved working with the website's owner and had a great time working with them.
Writing articles is really exciting and difficult. It's such an open ended task, I'm learning a lot about taking a creative project from start to end within a small team.
I interned at Yahoo! last summer in the Sunnyvale office. It's at least 7000 people crammed in those 5 buildings with a central cafe. I used to eat all 3 meals at the office, best experience ever! I met some amazing engineers, learned a lot and had a blast. My team was 20 people which was a subdivision of 100 on a single floor with open office layout which helped me interact with all team members and gather information for my tasks. We used to play foosball everyday and go out for team lunches etc
They also have the bay just behind the office and I would go for a walk on the trail frequently. Yahoo! ( then Oath and now Verizon Media division ) has a strong engineering culture.
About 2000 employees world wide. We're 30 in our office, no HR, only technical people and one office manager.
The bureaucracy is low to non-existent. I've contributed in writing a job post and assisted in interviews, which was odd considering I'm a junior with no HR skills.
It's a startup with 9 people in total. 3 people in tech team:
My senior => He is leading the team and working on websites, mostly php work.
Me => RN developer taking care of all the mobile application development.
My colleague => she is a junior backend developer, she is making the APIs. I'm currently instructing her in that work.
So yeah, it's fun but there is too much workload.
I work for a company of 60, and just three years ago the number was closer to 6. In other words, we've been experiencing dramatic growth, and it comes with all kinds of challenges. When I arrived last October, much of the code base had never been looked over on site, and I questioned what I had gotten myself into. Now we have new developers, and we've been able to add some navigation to this rocketship.
Also, a 20-year-old company will come with some things you'll just have to ask for insider knowledge to understand. When you find a column in an old table that is named something like unused_field_1, it's best to ask the person who's been around from the beginning to tell you a story (and the stories are always great!).
We are 35. The company is 16 years old. I've been there for like 3 months. We are hiring 10 new developers in the coming weeks.
I've worked for government and one of the biggest aluminum transformer in the world.
I definitely prefer smaller company because there is a real sense of accomplishment and fulfilment. If the project takes longer or the tools aren't on par, I prefer addressing it than putting more money and just waiting. We all know each other, do some activities on and after office hours (not too much, just enough). Feels like a big family where everyone looks after others. Even if I have bosses, they don't feel like bosses and they let employée take the decisions that suits their and their project needs.
17,000. (But I have worked in startups with basically 2 employees, including myself, to large corporations with 350,000 people, also including myself :P).
Most of the large companies I have worked on (including this one) tend to organize in groups that operate as "small companies within the big company" and interact with the other groups sparingly -in part because the operations are completely different-. You have a good insight of your project and the ones close to you, but the large picture is lost. Work is intense but normally comes in waves (while at a smaller company it is intense continuously) and you don't need to wear as many hats as you do in smaller places.
I work in a medium sized company. About 300-400 in total but many of those are call center agents/administrative personnel. Development wise there are about 20 of us with half being DBAs. It’s pretty awesome in terms of being able to work on almost every part of a project but can get tiresome as some of the others mentioned. However this is my first development job and it’s been amazing to get the opportunity to learn as much as I can and not get boggled down doing the same repetitive tasks day in and day out.
All my long term jobs have been in relatively small organisations - right now it's around 35. I've been through a few startup sized operations, a couple of two-man shows and so on. I did work for a University once but in a small department.
I like small - you need more of an appetite for risk as things can be volatile, but you get to be involved in things and if you're lucky, see them take off and grow.
For my part I work in a IT service startup Pixium Digital and we are about 10 in our Singapore office and opening a new office with 3-4 people in Nice, France. Having worked in a big company before I was tired of all the politics and huge chain of commands which sometimes can leave you stuck waiting for days. Working in this startup has been an amazing experience!
Got to learn a lot of new tech as everyone has to contributes on projects
Had the chance to learn many new things since we work in many different areas of IT
Having open space offices eases communication ( I can talk to my boss directly)
We can easily organize company events where everyone can come and space isn't limited. (try hosting 300 people events at a restaurant)
My boss is always open to new ideas which makes it easy to suggest trying new things.
One of the things I love the most is if I show interest and dedication my boss will not hesitate to try and ask more of me. (giving me my own team, project etc)
Startups are always tricky as the atmosphere can be either very toxic or very amazing. But for my part I am very happy I decided to travel half the world to be in Singapore at Pixium Digital.
Huge! We've got tens of thousands who work in the UK alone. Getting good benefits and job security is great, as is the opportunity to move around into different job roles. I also never felt like I was thrown in the deep end as a new developer. The cons usually involve the time it takes to action something. Also, it can be a pretty isolating place for a new starter because everyone has been there for a while and it can be hard to find your place amongst the masses.
I work in a small Android app development startup, <10 people in all. Everybody works remote so the flexible hours are a perk. The major downside I find is that we're kind of disorganised as a team. We're very inconsistent about our monthly meetings and I feel not all my co-workers share my need for diligence and organisation, so I'm currently scouting around for jobs to get into a more organised workplace.
I work in a product startup. We are about 20-30 people in the company and almost all are from different countries.
It's fun working here. I met a lot of people with cultures that are different than mine. Their way of thinking is different like how they approach problems and come up with possible solutions. Even the behaviour as well, working with them taught me a lot of things. I have to adapt and be flexible which helped me a lot in growing professionally and personally.
It's an amazing opportunity to be able to work with them 😊
It’s a small agency which develops web applications for large companies in Germany.
We are mostly developers, there are four project managers, three designers and one SEO guy.
I really like working in a smaller company because it feels more like coding with your friends for a couple of hours than real work.
The communication is good because there is basically no hierarchy and our office is small enough to give every colleague a visit if you have a question.
If you need something or if you have a problem, you can easily talk to the boss and there is always a way to solve that problem.
Before, I worked in a large enterprise with approximately 30000 employees and it was basically no fun. I was an anonymous developer and for my bosses I was just someone who could be easily replaced. Even though the company made a fortune, they didn’t spent any money on good hardware or trainings for us developers. I once asked if I was allowed to attend a conference, my boss told me that I only want to go there to have some paid holidays. In my current company I was allowed to fly to DockerCon in San Francisco last year (remember I am from Germany) and everything was paid for.
So, if I need to change companies (for whatever reason) I would definitely choose a smaller one again!
I'm a professional PHP, Python and Javascript developer from the UK. I've worked with Django, Laravel, and React, among others. I also maintain a legacy Zend 1 application.
I work for a fairly large digital agency. There are four locations, and the one where I work occupies two floors of our building, so probably around 40-50 people there.
It's also part of a larger group of multimedia agencies that cover different markets and specialization.
The parent company is big enough that the pay is comfortably regular (I have worked for a much smaller agency with cash flow problems before), but my employer is small enough that it doesn't feel like a faceless monolith.
I work as a remote Technical Director from a company based in the US. Aside from the given role, I also do a lot of programming/development and rescue different projects with different stacks that I don't know about. So I guess it's still relatively small as of the moment. But hey! I get paid honestly and good!
We are just under 200 people. There are about 7 people on our local development team and 7 abroad.
We have a lot of clients, so there is a lot of work that we are doing on a daily basis. The best thing about me for working at such a small company is that I am given a ton of room to grow, and a lot of responsibility as a junior.
The other good thing is that my ideas are heard and actually implemented.
After this experience I am not sure that I would want to be at a really large company.
I work for a large conglomerate fintech company. It's awesome. I've never worked at such a large place that treats their employees so well. My orientation group back in February had 8 people in it, 3 of them were people who left <=6mo prior thinking the grass was greener and came back because it wasn't.
Between 30 and 40 (depending on whether it's intern season). But we're not specifically a software company, so in terms of developers...well, it's basically just me. I like working somewhere small enough to know everyone. I don't like being the only developer--it's isolating and hurts my ability to grow my skills.
We are 11 in total and 2 coming in next week. It's a fun, small workplace. Everybody (almost) knows what others are working on. We can help each other better. Conversations on tea time are really fun and entertaining.
Currently, a company of less than 20 employees. Working in small business has been fairly typical of my career, with the exception of a couple of years that I worked for a large hospital system. That said, I've worked as a contractor from simple IT support on up to board-level responsibilities in hospital systems.
Anyway, I enjoy working for this company. I'm in "senior leadership", as we refer to it. Kind of like a VP of a division of the company. My area of influence is IT and eCommerce. I have the authority to make decisions for the company as I see fit. Most of my subordinates are remote contractors since a lot of what we need done is project oriented. Or I contract with a local IT support company if I need local assistance. Where other departments are required to meet with ownership on a weekly basis, I often go weeks without having to provide updates. I do my thing and they give me their full trust that I'll get the job done.
I do a wide range of things in my daily work. In addition to day-to-day IT and eCommerce tasks, I also do things like:
Windows Domain Administration and all the annoyances that entails.
Microsoft Hyper-V Failover Cluster administration
Internal app development, such as industrial hose certification tracking, developing a custom CRM to complement our vertical market ERP, developing middleware for ERP-to-Automated Vending integration and developing and maintaining all the custom integration between our ERP and Magento 1.9 (soon moving to 2.x).
I do a lot of data processing, mostly related to price updates (Trump's tariffs are going to drive me to an early grave) and rich web content for our product data.
I sometimes get non-IT/eCommerce projects from the ownership (and sometimes I find things I'd like to improve myself) since I have experience running a business myself. Mostly improving business processes, negotiating contracts, providing mentoring to other departments, etc.
I have my pet projects, mostly programming-related stuff.
My days are never boring. And I always have some interesting challenge to take on. I prefer challenging work. Otherwise I get bored. It's not uncommon for me to look up from what I'm doing and realize it's time to go home.
My new job has less than 50 people in it. Split into 4 areas: .Net, Oracle, Technical, Business/Product.
I was in a company before that had 1200+ people in it, and my team was almost the size of this company. And I can say I am much, much happier at this new job. I know half the people's names already whereas before I didn't even know half my team's name.
70 people, and the specific project I work on is made by 5 people. I've worked in larger teams in the past (50/100 developers) and I prefer working on smaller teams. At the moment I'm the sole iOS developer in the company, and I get to work on some stuff on the backend in Python and I help the colleague working on Android as well, and I act as a PM for some customers. This is something harder to achieve in a bigger company, where you usually focus on one aspect of the product and have other people responsible for QA and dealing with customers. I can see the big picture here, and I always have a say in meaningful architectural changes to our platform. The only thing I miss is code review, working with other developers with similar skills helps a lot because you can always learn something from a coworker, while here I'm the only one knowing ObjC and Swift so nobody is contributing to my code base.
I work for isev we're a small UK agency (Less than 15) and it's pretty great.
I get to work on all sides of development including server, back end and front end. We mostly do client work but we have a few of our own internal projects as well. We have a central office but also a few people that work remotely, too.
I heard the other day that my company has 340 tech staff (that includes product etc), maybe 1000 in total
That's an order of magnitude bigger than anywhere else I've worked... So 6 months in I'm still getting used to a lot of the weirdness of a company this size (I've spent a lot of time in startups)
My company has around 3500 people across lots of countries.
In Germany we're 220, and where I am in Munich we're 80 people. Most are Java consultants/developers.
We work in project-teams of 5-15 people, usually in our office. Sometimes we travel for workshops with clients, but since having kids I reduced travelling to a minimum (only for conferences or company-get-togethers).
Work can get a bit repetitive at times, but it's possible to switch projects after some time, especially when something new is coming up.
We don't have on-call and work/tasks are estimated pretty well usually, so work-life-balance is excellent (I think I had to do overtime twice or three times im my eight years here).
Fortune 250...its great. They gave me opportunity to move into technical work that has led to me being a dev/analyst. The IT red tape is a little annoying.
I'm PhD. in Computer Science from Málaga, Spain. Currently, I am teaching developers and degree/master computer science how to be experts in web technologies and computer science.
Working as a DevOps eng with a small subsidiary (300 people, 40tech) that's owned by one in FAANG. It's frankly the best place to work, great wlb, great benefits.
Software engineer with 4+ years of experience in building products for numerous domains like fin-tech, real estate, video streaming, retail, and now e-commerce.
I suppose I work for a large company, 2,000 staff, however I used to work for a 10k company. 800 in my office, the rest spread across the world. It feels both small and big.
Overall, it's good. With a large company, you can feel a little lost, like just employee number 123, but my team/department is relatively small is which nice.
For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse
We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers.
We're over 4000 in total, but we are only 30 in our office and we don't have a lot of contact with the other offices except for Windsor and Montreal, so it really feels like a small company with all the great benefits of a big company.
lucky you...
What kinds of big company benefits exactly?
like great insurance, job security, really big and interesting projects. Even if I like playing with multiple disciplines like web design and back-end development, I'm nowhere near as good at that stuff than I am at front-end development, so I can focus on my job and rely on my great teammates that are way better at this than me. In short, we have a lot of resources and that's pretty nice.
Small startup, with 12 people total once tomorrow comes (Consider). It's definitely challenging for me since it's essentially my first full-time role since graduating. Involvement in a lot of different areas of the product provides many opportunities for growth, which I'm lucky to have so early in my career. I personally appreciate the smaller team size because it feels more manageable to communicate with and learn from my peers :)
Same, 5 devs, 12 people in total. Recently moved from a huge company and I must say, start-ups all the way! :)
PS: Whoever thought of that wiggly line that moves with you while you scroll on your /company page is a design genius
Checked out the startup! Looks really cool.
Working at a startup as a first full-time job sounds like a good idea. You learn a lot right off the starting line!
Cool startup, and wow, that's a pretty landing page.
15 - 25-ish people. A startup. Codegum, Inc.
Much like @danielw said, it's quite a privilege to get to do (almost) everything.
But it's hard. 😂 But it's part of the process. So it's fun.
And you learn, slowly, the art of adapting to the different technologies. I guess that's what's important.
And it feels like I recommend it now for people starting on their software development journey.
Start small, and work to learn.
Mine is a startup, like 50 60 people. Its ECOM based. ourshopee. It's a bit challenging as the maximum code is legacy but its fun.
Startup but code is legacy already? 🙄
I joined recently. its 3.5 years old, in core PHP. Trust me when you see the code it feels like an ancient manuscript.
I've been in such a situtation too. We ended up writing everything from ground.
I proposed the same but the proposal was brutally rejected.
Core PHP is not something to worry about if it functions the way it was intended. It may seem nice to re-write everything from the ground but for a business perspective that's a big risk. That usually happens when the company grows and have enough budget for the R&D division.
There's always room for improvement!
yaa that's the issue we are facing. the time and money.
But the truth is: php just works. It's been running WordPress for decades.
PHP is good. People try too hard to hate PHP while it's getting improved year by year.
I am a PHP developer. It's not the language, it's the people not using it as it should be used. The problem lies there only.
PHP is cool. Its the people implementing it are with issues. Not doing what should have done.
LARGE. They're multi-national and have employees all over the world. Can't count how many tbh as I'm starting on the 15th
I'm in the same boat, although I start tomorrow.
Good luck!!
Startup. One man show.
Whats your startup?
Automation, Dev Tools, Boilerplates.
Wow. That's a really cool idea. How are you coming running this? Does it keep you super busy?
We write over & over the same piece of code among projects.
IMHO, we need to automate at least this layer.
On top of providing stable & tested boilerplates with UI integrated, I have some tools to parse and convert Plain HTML themes to javascript, Python or Php apps.
I'm researching a lot to make this happen.
A lot of R&D involved but is challenging & rewarding.
Is 24/7 job :)
Small Startup, Eloquent Studio, less than five people. Work is fun and intense.
Being so small in terms of employee size also means everyone has to play multiple roles and keep the shit together always.
Appreciation from client and other members just make it more awesome.
I can understand, I'm also in a similar situation. On paper, I'm front-end developer but in actual, I'm making the backend, APIs, workflow. I even did the UI work of two apps.
2! This summer my friend and I are making websites for clients, and writing some interactive articles.
We just finished our second client website, which went really well. We loved working with the website's owner and had a great time working with them.
Writing articles is really exciting and difficult. It's such an open ended task, I'm learning a lot about taking a creative project from start to end within a small team.
I saw you interned at Google, are you planning on going back to working at a company or do you think you want to continue on with freelancing?
This question is something I'm trying to figure out myself. I'm not sure I have any concrete thoughts on it yet. I still have to finish university.
Sorry for the somewhat vapid response lol. Let me get back to you.
12 years old startup that has grown into a 50+ employee strong company completely owned by a large payment solutions company Nets.
Oh yeah, there's a huge amount of legacy code from the last decade. It will never go away easily.
I interned at Yahoo! last summer in the Sunnyvale office. It's at least 7000 people crammed in those 5 buildings with a central cafe. I used to eat all 3 meals at the office, best experience ever! I met some amazing engineers, learned a lot and had a blast. My team was 20 people which was a subdivision of 100 on a single floor with open office layout which helped me interact with all team members and gather information for my tasks. We used to play foosball everyday and go out for team lunches etc
They also have the bay just behind the office and I would go for a walk on the trail frequently. Yahoo! ( then Oath and now Verizon Media division ) has a strong engineering culture.
About 2000 employees world wide. We're 30 in our office, no HR, only technical people and one office manager.
The bureaucracy is low to non-existent. I've contributed in writing a job post and assisted in interviews, which was odd considering I'm a junior with no HR skills.
It's a startup with 9 people in total. 3 people in tech team:
My senior => He is leading the team and working on websites, mostly php work.
Me => RN developer taking care of all the mobile application development.
My colleague => she is a junior backend developer, she is making the APIs. I'm currently instructing her in that work.
So yeah, it's fun but there is too much workload.
I work for a company of 60, and just three years ago the number was closer to 6. In other words, we've been experiencing dramatic growth, and it comes with all kinds of challenges. When I arrived last October, much of the code base had never been looked over on site, and I questioned what I had gotten myself into. Now we have new developers, and we've been able to add some navigation to this rocketship.
Also, a 20-year-old company will come with some things you'll just have to ask for insider knowledge to understand. When you find a column in an old table that is named something like unused_field_1, it's best to ask the person who's been around from the beginning to tell you a story (and the stories are always great!).
We are 35. The company is 16 years old. I've been there for like 3 months. We are hiring 10 new developers in the coming weeks.
I've worked for government and one of the biggest aluminum transformer in the world.
I definitely prefer smaller company because there is a real sense of accomplishment and fulfilment. If the project takes longer or the tools aren't on par, I prefer addressing it than putting more money and just waiting. We all know each other, do some activities on and after office hours (not too much, just enough). Feels like a big family where everyone looks after others. Even if I have bosses, they don't feel like bosses and they let employée take the decisions that suits their and their project needs.
17,000. (But I have worked in startups with basically 2 employees, including myself, to large corporations with 350,000 people, also including myself :P).
Most of the large companies I have worked on (including this one) tend to organize in groups that operate as "small companies within the big company" and interact with the other groups sparingly -in part because the operations are completely different-. You have a good insight of your project and the ones close to you, but the large picture is lost. Work is intense but normally comes in waves (while at a smaller company it is intense continuously) and you don't need to wear as many hats as you do in smaller places.
I work in a medium sized company. About 300-400 in total but many of those are call center agents/administrative personnel. Development wise there are about 20 of us with half being DBAs. It’s pretty awesome in terms of being able to work on almost every part of a project but can get tiresome as some of the others mentioned. However this is my first development job and it’s been amazing to get the opportunity to learn as much as I can and not get boggled down doing the same repetitive tasks day in and day out.
All my long term jobs have been in relatively small organisations - right now it's around 35. I've been through a few startup sized operations, a couple of two-man shows and so on. I did work for a University once but in a small department.
I like small - you need more of an appetite for risk as things can be volatile, but you get to be involved in things and if you're lucky, see them take off and grow.
For my part I work in a IT service startup Pixium Digital and we are about 10 in our Singapore office and opening a new office with 3-4 people in Nice, France. Having worked in a big company before I was tired of all the politics and huge chain of commands which sometimes can leave you stuck waiting for days. Working in this startup has been an amazing experience!
Startups are always tricky as the atmosphere can be either very toxic or very amazing. But for my part I am very happy I decided to travel half the world to be in Singapore at Pixium Digital.
Huge! We've got tens of thousands who work in the UK alone. Getting good benefits and job security is great, as is the opportunity to move around into different job roles. I also never felt like I was thrown in the deep end as a new developer. The cons usually involve the time it takes to action something. Also, it can be a pretty isolating place for a new starter because everyone has been there for a while and it can be hard to find your place amongst the masses.
I work in a small Android app development startup, <10 people in all. Everybody works remote so the flexible hours are a perk. The major downside I find is that we're kind of disorganised as a team. We're very inconsistent about our monthly meetings and I feel not all my co-workers share my need for diligence and organisation, so I'm currently scouting around for jobs to get into a more organised workplace.
I work in a product startup. We are about 20-30 people in the company and almost all are from different countries.
It's fun working here. I met a lot of people with cultures that are different than mine. Their way of thinking is different like how they approach problems and come up with possible solutions. Even the behaviour as well, working with them taught me a lot of things. I have to adapt and be flexible which helped me a lot in growing professionally and personally.
It's an amazing opportunity to be able to work with them 😊
In my company there are 32 people working.
It’s a small agency which develops web applications for large companies in Germany.
We are mostly developers, there are four project managers, three designers and one SEO guy.
I really like working in a smaller company because it feels more like coding with your friends for a couple of hours than real work.
The communication is good because there is basically no hierarchy and our office is small enough to give every colleague a visit if you have a question.
If you need something or if you have a problem, you can easily talk to the boss and there is always a way to solve that problem.
Before, I worked in a large enterprise with approximately 30000 employees and it was basically no fun. I was an anonymous developer and for my bosses I was just someone who could be easily replaced. Even though the company made a fortune, they didn’t spent any money on good hardware or trainings for us developers. I once asked if I was allowed to attend a conference, my boss told me that I only want to go there to have some paid holidays. In my current company I was allowed to fly to DockerCon in San Francisco last year (remember I am from Germany) and everything was paid for.
So, if I need to change companies (for whatever reason) I would definitely choose a smaller one again!
I work for a fairly large digital agency. There are four locations, and the one where I work occupies two floors of our building, so probably around 40-50 people there.
It's also part of a larger group of multimedia agencies that cover different markets and specialization.
The parent company is big enough that the pay is comfortably regular (I have worked for a much smaller agency with cash flow problems before), but my employer is small enough that it doesn't feel like a faceless monolith.
I work as a remote Technical Director from a company based in the US. Aside from the given role, I also do a lot of programming/development and rescue different projects with different stacks that I don't know about. So I guess it's still relatively small as of the moment. But hey! I get paid honestly and good!
We are just under 200 people. There are about 7 people on our local development team and 7 abroad.
We have a lot of clients, so there is a lot of work that we are doing on a daily basis. The best thing about me for working at such a small company is that I am given a ton of room to grow, and a lot of responsibility as a junior.
The other good thing is that my ideas are heard and actually implemented.
After this experience I am not sure that I would want to be at a really large company.
I work for a large conglomerate fintech company. It's awesome. I've never worked at such a large place that treats their employees so well. My orientation group back in February had 8 people in it, 3 of them were people who left <=6mo prior thinking the grass was greener and came back because it wasn't.
Between 30 and 40 (depending on whether it's intern season). But we're not specifically a software company, so in terms of developers...well, it's basically just me. I like working somewhere small enough to know everyone. I don't like being the only developer--it's isolating and hurts my ability to grow my skills.
We are 11 in total and 2 coming in next week. It's a fun, small workplace. Everybody (almost) knows what others are working on. We can help each other better. Conversations on tea time are really fun and entertaining.
Currently, a company of less than 20 employees. Working in small business has been fairly typical of my career, with the exception of a couple of years that I worked for a large hospital system. That said, I've worked as a contractor from simple IT support on up to board-level responsibilities in hospital systems.
Anyway, I enjoy working for this company. I'm in "senior leadership", as we refer to it. Kind of like a VP of a division of the company. My area of influence is IT and eCommerce. I have the authority to make decisions for the company as I see fit. Most of my subordinates are remote contractors since a lot of what we need done is project oriented. Or I contract with a local IT support company if I need local assistance. Where other departments are required to meet with ownership on a weekly basis, I often go weeks without having to provide updates. I do my thing and they give me their full trust that I'll get the job done.
I do a wide range of things in my daily work. In addition to day-to-day IT and eCommerce tasks, I also do things like:
My days are never boring. And I always have some interesting challenge to take on. I prefer challenging work. Otherwise I get bored. It's not uncommon for me to look up from what I'm doing and realize it's time to go home.
My new job has less than 50 people in it. Split into 4 areas: .Net, Oracle, Technical, Business/Product.
I was in a company before that had 1200+ people in it, and my team was almost the size of this company. And I can say I am much, much happier at this new job. I know half the people's names already whereas before I didn't even know half my team's name.
70 people, and the specific project I work on is made by 5 people. I've worked in larger teams in the past (50/100 developers) and I prefer working on smaller teams. At the moment I'm the sole iOS developer in the company, and I get to work on some stuff on the backend in Python and I help the colleague working on Android as well, and I act as a PM for some customers. This is something harder to achieve in a bigger company, where you usually focus on one aspect of the product and have other people responsible for QA and dealing with customers. I can see the big picture here, and I always have a say in meaningful architectural changes to our platform. The only thing I miss is code review, working with other developers with similar skills helps a lot because you can always learn something from a coworker, while here I'm the only one knowing ObjC and Swift so nobody is contributing to my code base.
I work for isev we're a small UK agency (Less than 15) and it's pretty great.
I get to work on all sides of development including server, back end and front end. We mostly do client work but we have a few of our own internal projects as well. We have a central office but also a few people that work remotely, too.
I heard the other day that my company has 340 tech staff (that includes product etc), maybe 1000 in total
That's an order of magnitude bigger than anywhere else I've worked... So 6 months in I'm still getting used to a lot of the weirdness of a company this size (I've spent a lot of time in startups)
We're a small, remote-first company of 25 or so. 10 in support, 9 in dev/design, and the rest in biz/comms/marketing!
Very cozy, easy communication, and Slack/Basecamp/Github for easy communication and project tracking.
My company has around 3500 people across lots of countries.
In Germany we're 220, and where I am in Munich we're 80 people. Most are Java consultants/developers.
We work in project-teams of 5-15 people, usually in our office. Sometimes we travel for workshops with clients, but since having kids I reduced travelling to a minimum (only for conferences or company-get-togethers).
Work can get a bit repetitive at times, but it's possible to switch projects after some time, especially when something new is coming up.
We don't have on-call and work/tasks are estimated pretty well usually, so work-life-balance is excellent (I think I had to do overtime twice or three times im my eight years here).
Fortune 250...its great. They gave me opportunity to move into technical work that has led to me being a dev/analyst. The IT red tape is a little annoying.
25 People, non-VC funded start up building a business communications/collaboration platform.
Super fun because you get to do everything.
Hard af because you have to do EVERYTHING.
I teach in a institution which has more 40k workers and the night I'm consulting with 4 colleagues 😂
We're 14 @ rocka
It's like we're a bunch of friends building cool stuff together.
We're just 65, and we are only 20 in our office!
Feels nice, because this isn't a tech company, and I do everything on my own, which is somehow good and bad ;)
3 people. A Small startup :D
I work for a company of around 9k people world-wide. Only 450 in my country though, which I rarely see, since I work mostly remote from my house.
Working as a DevOps eng with a small subsidiary (300 people, 40tech) that's owned by one in FAANG. It's frankly the best place to work, great wlb, great benefits.
We're 17 people team. 7 frontend developers, 6 backend developers, 2 testers, 2 product managers.
Its startup company.
Capgemini client is Discover. Both are enormous
I suppose I work for a large company, 2,000 staff, however I used to work for a 10k company. 800 in my office, the rest spread across the world. It feels both small and big.
Large. As in 300k employees globally.
Overall, it's good. With a large company, you can feel a little lost, like just employee number 123, but my team/department is relatively small is which nice.