DEV Community

What’s a concept you understand now, but took you forever to grasp?

Ben Halpern on November 19, 2018

I’m sure we all have plenty of answers to this one, but sometimes we forget how far we’ve come.

joshichinmay profile image
Chinmay Joshi
  1. JavaScript Promises.
  2. The referencing of this in JavaScript.
  3. CSS display property. (Sometimes I still don't get it).
  4. Lambda and Proc in Ruby.
  5. DyanmoDB
  6. ECS and EC2 on AWS. (I still don't get it).

This list could cross the count of a hundred.

abbhishek971 profile image


  1. JS Promises
  2. AWS CodePipeline
lsenavaitis profile image
  1. Js promises
aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Pointers. I'm totally 100% unsure why now, I think they must have been explained really poorly, but I didn't get them at all at first.

skrish2017 profile image

This too. The course I taught went full on Java so the C++ type pointers were no longer used. But as long as C++ was around I struggled with getting the right resources to help students with it.

cjbrooks12 profile image
Casey Brooks

In my college experience, I think pointers were just introduced too early in the curriculum. Students are barely able to grasp the fundamentals of control flow and scope, are just starting to learn about types, and are then thrown in the deep end with pointers. Until you really understand types and good variable scoping, pointers will make no sense.

kungtotte profile image
Thomas Landin

In my opinion there are two main issues: C uses fucking awful syntax for pointers which is always a stumbling block when trying to learn something.

The second is that most explanations only tell you what pointers are, not what they're used/useful for.

jonchampaigne profile image
Jon Champaigne

The, "used/useful for", bit being particularly key there.

pulljosh profile image
Josh Pullen

Nowadays I have a pretty solid handle on webpack, babel, and other related tools, but it took me a long time to get here. The entire Node ecosystem, including its meta tools (essentially all the devDependencies), were really tough for me to grasp.

The interplay between browser, server, and developer-run javascript can still get me caught out sometimes.

vitalcog profile image
Chad Windham

For anybody that can relate to this thread, that is an amazingly well put together article that helps with understanding different pieces of the modern front-end dev world...

pulljosh profile image
Josh Pullen

Oh wow, that's an excellent resource.

I absolutely love learning the "why" behind everything, and that post does a great job of covering it all. Thanks for the recommendation!

prnthh profile image
Pranith Hengavalli

I find myself having a hard time switching to the React toolchain. The concept of needing a preprocessor for your HTML/js before it can be opened by a browser really bothers me. One of the best things about web development imho was that code would just run as-is in the browser.

Or maybe I'm just getting old.

mungojam profile image
Mark Adamson

Check out videos of React Advanced meetup London from a couple of months ago. There was a guy who showed that you can do pretty much the same thing without any preprocessing now that modern browsers support most of the features in React. Things will hopefully get simpler again as older browsers fall away

jsk profile image
Jsk • Edited

Interplay between browser and server still confuses me. Any articles on figuring this out would be appreciated - what's served to browser, run on server, how does this get setup?

swarupkm profile image
Swarup Kumar Mahapatra

Recursion . I understand that recursion is where a function calls itself, until it doesn't.
But given a problem statement, transforming it to recursive program is still difficult to grasp.

I understand that recursion uses stack frames to load the function.
Hence I too solve such problems like DFS (Depth First Search) using stacks and for-loops

drewhoo profile image
Drew Hoover

It took me so long to understand recursion, like 2-3 years before I felt comfortable thinking recursively. Making recursive solutions early on required just throwing shit at a wall and seeing what worked. Now it (recursion, not throwing shit at walls) is my favorite way to solve problems.

lugodan profile image
Dan Lugo

I experienced the same as a CS student,lots of practice and use of recursion helped!

nikola profile image
Nikola Brežnjak

Here are a few of mine in no particular order and not necessarily only code related:

  • Pointers and memory allocation in C
  • Why kids are not taught financial literacy in schools
  • Sorting algorithms
  • The power of habit and compound interest
  • The importance of having a coach
  • N-dimensional arrays
  • The importance of failing
  • Linked lists
  • The importance of starting a blog
  • A* search algorithm
  • The importance of living below one's means and staying humble
dimensi0n profile image

The importance of starting a blog ? Please explain me

nikola profile image
Nikola Brežnjak

I was told, way back in the day, that it's important to start a blog and get your name out there. For a very long time, I was baffled by that statement and thought it's a waste of time (don't judge, I was young :)).

It wasn't until I started my own, for no other reason than to have my notes searchable (Evernote was not a thing back then), that I saw the huge impact it had on my career.

As I was honing my skills as a 'blogger', my general writing improved, so I was able to communicate my thoughts in a clear an concise manner. Mind you, I was learning about getting better at writing, and I was publishing posts on a 'multiple posts per week' basis.

Few years (yes, years) forward, I got such writing (and working) possibilities that I could have never even dreamed.

Therefore, get your name out there and share the knowledge freely. The effort will be rewarded in multiple ways in the long run.

Is it simple? Yes. Will it be easy? No.

Good luck!

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dimensi0n profile image

Thanks for your explanation.

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nikola profile image
Nikola Brežnjak

You're welcome. Hope it helps.

joelnet profile image
JavaScript Joel

Functional programming. I got the how but I never understood the why.

I took a free FP course on that taught me some Haskell and it Al clicked.

Unfortunately, I am forever doomed as I have a hard time going back to non-fp.

jonchampaigne profile image
Jon Champaigne

Same. Though, learned functional programming with Lisp, which I am sure makes me worse than even I can comprehend.

thobyv profile image
Thoby V ijishakin

Same here. Functional Programming was very frustrating for me wondering all that's side effects and pure functions etc.

Right now it's something I can't really seem to abandon.

All thanks to a strict frontend development library called Hyperapp. It enforces FP in JavaScript.

I'm still looking towards learning more as I still have alot of cool things in FP I haven't learned.

josegonz321 profile image
Jose Gonzalez

Same. A co-worker introduced me to F# a few years ago. I thought it was a bunch of baloney.

Then PF started to click. C# is too...verbose for my taste.

I'm forever cursed.

thobyv profile image
Thoby V ijishakin

Same here. Functional Programming was very frustrating for me wondering all about side effects and pure functions etc.

Right now it's something I can't really seem to abandon.

All thanks to a strict frontend development library called Hyperapp. It enforces FP in JavaScript.

I'm still looking towards learning more as I still have alot of cool things in FP I haven't learned.

mmphego profile image
Mpho Mphego

Please share the edx link

joelnet profile image
JavaScript Joel

Pretty sure this was it:

lyfolos profile image
Muhammed H. Alkan


jonchampaigne profile image
Jon Champaigne

I put this in the same type category of Lisp and Haskell that Linus did, to a degree, "anyone who [understands] it is probably crazy and dangerous."

edmar profile image
Edmar S. Gonçalves

Absolutely. Nobody needs to be a genius to do this. The job of an engineer is to solve problems with appropriate tooling. If you think about it, everybody commits acts of engineering every day. It's just that when in the context of computing systems, you just need to think in a different way and get used to leveraging a different set of tools.

rattanakchea profile image
Rattanak Chea • Edited

It took me a a while to get the hang of using Git in a team. It is scary to push the changes at first. Merging issues, stashing, undo, how every one uses Git flow differently, etc a lot could go wrong.

For now I am struggling with understanding AWS, continuous integration and a bunch of new technology.

bszeliga profile image

Totally agree with this but in more general terms, the concept of distributed version control. We started with Mercurial, and I remember being able to use it but could feel like I was missing something. Eventually once it clicked, understanding git became easy.

lhermann profile image
Lukas Hermann

Singletons and the static keyword (in class declarations), that took me a while. I had a hard time with it when I developed in PHP. Interestingly, when I started doing more work in JS I got the concept :)

nyanev profile image
Nikolay Yanev

In which cases do you use singletons? I’m not big fan of them and try to use it as little as possible.

lhermann profile image
Lukas Hermann

It's useful to store global state. Similar to Vue's vuex or React's redux.

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nyanev profile image
Nikolay Yanev

Than you

abbhishek971 profile image

And YAML and bash

ondrejs profile image


josegonz321 profile image
Jose Gonzalez


maxwell_dev profile image
Max Antonucci

The Model-View-Controller setup. I saw references to it everywhere but never really got how it worked or why it was important. It was only until using an actual framework did I see how it was useful in building apps to scale.

onecuteliz profile image
Elizabeth Jenerson

Yeah this was a big one for me too. It made logical sense - I understood by reading, but I didn't truly appreciate it until I actually used it.

onecuteliz profile image
Elizabeth Jenerson


The concept is easy enough of course.

However, as a beginner watching videos it seems the creators just KNOW what module, class, etc. to use. Some false sense of perfection is unintentionally communicated.

So if you truly embrace refactoring you also liberate your self from that false perfection. Just start: as you code the questions and cleanup organically appear and evolve.

manjufy profile image
Manjunath Reddy

Design patterns - most of them.
Still trying to decode every single day ;-)

bgadrian profile image
Adrian B.G.

I do not remember an example but Im living one now:

Kafka SQL, looks like SQL but because they work on streams the queries never end, and on top of that there are multiple ways to interact to the KSQL server.

elcotu profile image
Daniel Coturel

I don't know if it took me forever, but this year one of my goals was to fully understand functional JavaScript. I read Eloquent Javascript, practiced a lot. I'm sure I don't know the half of it, but now that I get it, I think it's very powerful.

krantos profile image

Dependency Injection, but time to time I need to revisit it.

lhermann profile image
Lukas Hermann

I still don't understand it :)
It seems to me every time I try to read up on it it is something different than what I had learned before.

rrampage profile image
Raunak Ramakrishnan
  1. Backtracking
  2. Dynamic programming
  3. Learning to use some higher order functions like reduce and flatMap
  4. The utility and power of sed!
tulga1970 profile image

I have to agree with this list. Bullet points 1 and 2 really took me a while to fully understand (I still sometimes struggle with it though). But the moment I gradually realize the concept was a learning FP especially with Haskell.

tcchau profile image

How to implement exponential back off with JavaScript callbacks. Once I got it working I copied the snippet of code into my snippets notebook and always, always had to just look it up every time I needed to implement it again.

Things got easier once Promises arrived and now with async/await it’s trivial.

cjbrooks12 profile image
Casey Brooks
  • The N+1 problem. It took bringing down the production website to really understand why it was such a huge problem. And then, when I reduced the time to do an expensive batch calculation from around 30 seconds per user (needing to batch around 20 users at a time) to just a couple of seconds for the entire batch, it really clicked how fast a database really is, and how ORMs are optimized to fix these problems if you know what you're doing.
  • Parsing expressions. I really like writing parsers and want to create a toy language someday, but expression parsing is something that eluded me for the longest time. The algorithms needed to parse an expression is just so dense and mentally difficult to grasp, despite the actual implementation needing very little code. I have a much better grasp on it now and can at least understand how these algorithms work, but there's still lots for me to learn before I could write my own toy language.
  • Caching. Ah who am I kidding, I still don't know this very well 😜
theminer3746 profile image

You spend 80% of your time creating flowchart(s) for the program. The remaining 20% is actually coding and actually implementing your abstract flowchart into a concrete program. Which, if you design the program properly, should be a piece of cake.

samuraiseoul profile image
Sophie The Lionhart

Pointers, in C++(other langs I've used obfuscate them) specifically for me.

I still kind of wonder if pointers are like zen koans in the idea that if you think you understand them, then you don't understand them.

hugaomarques profile image
Hugo Marques

I had problems to understand what percentiles were and how they could be used to analyze metrics. I started to understand only when a peer told me "imagine all your measurements, order then and only took the X results where X is meant to be the pX". That's was a great moment :).

For details:

bertilmuth profile image
Bertil Muth

The OO concepts like inheritance, polymorphism and especially: what is it good for.

kennross profile image

Observable 😬

matthewbdaly profile image
Matthew Daly • Edited

The model layer, and that using MVC doesn't mean everything has to go into either explicit model classes, views or controllers.

I know from experience that I'm not the only one to not get this earlier in my career, as I wrote several applications with fat controllers, and now work on several written by other people.

nielsbom profile image
Niels Bom

Closures. 💀

coreyrodgers95 profile image
corey rodgers

Working out how node uses modules, how to require them in web pages an the browser ,using browserify to use modules on a client browser, for some reason this took me a long while to work out but something just clicked

cvanpoelje profile image

How to work on the right part at the right time,
Problems usually lead to new questions who lead to problems that need solved.
It took me so long to realize that I can cut one problem into 100 small problems.
Which in turn would make solving the major problem a lot easier.
Also, whatever distracts you, needs to be done another time.

nateous profile image

Unit testing! Haha. I was so nieve when I thought "I write good code, I don't need unit tests!"

nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

DNS. Seemed like magic for the longest time.

codingmindfully profile image
Daragh Byrne

That a pointer in C could point to a function - functions live at an address just like data. Which helped me understand most programming languages I’ve encountered.

codingmindfully profile image
Daragh Byrne

Also that a well firing agile team can be a thing of beauty. The trick is getting it firing!

ggingell profile image
Grant Gingell

This will sound strange but: Efficiently writing effective unit tests. Too often when starting out I would write tests that were redundant, dual purpose and overly complex. I would even test functionality that was not the responsibility of the unit under test. Now I focus on strong coverage of the API and refactoring each unit so that a high percentage of coverage is easy to accomplish while remaining meaningful.

This talk is one of many that helped me improve:

But mostly it has been learned through time and tears spent re-reading old unit tests that did not stop bugs and took way too long to write.

nicolasjhampton profile image
Nicolas Hampton

Containerization. I'm taking time currently to tackle this one, but the difference between an image and a container is so subtle that it's very hard to comprehend at the beginning.

nyanev profile image
Nikolay Yanev

Unit test

nicpolhamus profile image
Nicolas Polhamus

Memoization has been a bit tricky for me to grasp for a while, but I've got some good friends that have helped me geta better understanding.

somedood profile image
Basti Ortiz

I gotta go with my best friend prototypal inheritance here.

umardaraz profile image
  1. Abstractions, when a abstraction is good and when it is bad (Sometimes I still struggle with it).
  2. Joins in Sql.
  3. Javascript prototype inheritance
  4. CSS floats and clear

This list can go on....

dimensi0n profile image

Coroutine was so difficult till I watched a talk from golang creator

mshertzberg profile image
Michael Scott Hertzberg

could you share a link?

dimensi0n profile image
bingla profile image
Pierre Nilsson

RegEx... jk, I still don't get that. ;)

picocreator profile image
Eugene Cheah • Edited

Technology does not solve human problems. Only humans do.

picocreator profile image
Eugene Cheah

Context: I started as a young bright eyed optimist, that tech could be used to solve everything. Only to realise most problems in the world out there are not due to tech, but human nature.

Tech may at times make certain solutions - easier, cheaper, or harder to do so (possibly all 3 at the same time).

But ultimately only us humans can make our own selves better. With tech being the enabler to solutions previously too expensive, or too complicated.

bengreenberg profile image
Ben Greenberg
  1. this and specifically binding
  2. controlled components in React
  3. Proc in Ruby
squ94wk profile image


Sadly there was hardly anyone around that was able to teach me what actually happens.
Now I try to be that person to others.

geocine profile image
Aivan Monceller

Redux, still struggling with all the boilerplate so I just keep on avoiding it.

mshertzberg profile image
Michael Scott Hertzberg


swizzard profile image


moriahmaney profile image
Moriah Maney

definitely recursion. that messed my brain UP in college for some reason!

yorodm profile image
Yoandy Rodriguez Martinez
  1. SQL (I still use ORM's cause the syntax gives me major headaches)
  2. Perl (not a concept, but you know...)
  3. CPS.
  4. What to do with Monads in a non-Haskell world.
adambrandizzi profile image
Adam Brandizzi

Beans in Java.

adambrandizzi profile image
Adam Brandizzi

...and monads, as usual.

sonofhammer profile image

ForEach loops. Took me two weeks of sticky notes, diagrams, and code to finally get it.

neverendingqs profile image
Mark Tse

That a REST API call is just a glorified HTTP call.

woddell profile image
Chris Weir

Data Structures. My lecturer at University wasn't the best and explained them very poorly. I always figured I'd never understand them. Then I watched CS50 and it 'clicked'.

jesterxl profile image
Jesse Warden

Pure functions (18 months, heh)

gustavofsantos profile image
Gustavo Santos

Javascript Proxies

hadigolkarian profile image
Hadi Golkarian

Javascript single threaded event loop and event propagation.

chiangs profile image
Stephen Chiang

The redux pattern specifically NgRx libraries.

But at some point it all clicked and it's fairly easy to implement for me now.

joshpike profile image
Josh Pike

CSS selectors

  • relations hierarchy
  • specificity hierarchy

Still need to trial and error more than I'd like to admit :)

vdedodev profile image
Vincent Dedo

The difference between a cursor and a connection.

skrish2017 profile image

Recursion. In fact even now I feel like there are elements to it that confuse me. But better hold on it now after teaching it for several years. :)

mandaputtra profile image
Manda Putra

CSS Media Queries...
req.query req.params and another req properties

leighsn profile image
Leigh Scherrer
  1. Recursive algorithms!
  2. Promises
  3. Callbacks
jakedohm_34 profile image
Jake Dohm

Callbacks. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out how they work! I actually never understood how they worked until I learned promises, and then for some reason, it clicked for me!

ccleary00 profile image
Corey Cleary

When you're interviewing, you're interviewing the company just as much as they are you. This applies no matter what level you're at in your career.

benjaminblack profile image
Benjamin Black


mongopark profile image
Ola' John Ajiboye

I think it has to be props in React. I didn't get until someone said it just like argument to a function the name doesn't really matter. And also testing, It just didn't make any sense at first.

thewellspokendev profile image
The Well Spoken Dev

..... And no one's said it yet. SQL joins => EF6 😫😫😭

I write hundreds of these regularly and still go cross eyed when I have to reverse outer joins with DefaultIfEmpty....

dev_in_the_house profile image

Static site generators! Didn't get it. Now I love them!

akshay090 profile image

For me it was Redux, I took around 2 weeks to get my head around it.
Now i think it isn't that hard was i too hyped up then🤔