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Pachi 🥑 for WebCrumbs

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10 Signs You've Been Coding Too Much

A little humor for this Friday, anyone?
Have you ever wondered if those hours in front of the screen are turning you into a coding machine?
While dedication to your craft is commendable, too much of a good thing can be, well, too much. 😬
Here are ten signs that it might be time to step away from the keyboard and reconnect with the world beyond your IDE.

🚨Warning: Contains humor 🚨

1. You Dream in Code 💤

When you close your eyes at night and see lines of JavaScript instead of sheep, it might be a sign to take a break.

Dreaming about solving bugs or optimizing algorithms is your brain’s way of saying, "Can we do something else now?"

2. You Speak in Script Syntax 🗣️

If you’ve ever caught yourself saying, "I’m not sure if I left the oven on; if oven == true, then...return home," it’s **definitely **time to log off.
Speaking in conditional statements might be a sign that your programming routine is seeping into your everyday interactions.

3. You Mistake Everyday Bugs for Software Bugs 🐞

When you see a bug crawling across your table and your first thought is to debug rather than to squish it or set it free, you're too deep.
Remember, not all bugs need a software patch!

4. You Read Everything as Code 👩🏼‍💻

If a trip to the grocery store has you parsing item labels like HTML tags, it might be time to refresh more than just your web page.
When everything starts looking like code, it’s a sign your brain is stuck in developer mode.

5. You Use Git Commands in Real Life 🥲

Told an embarrassing story at a party? If your first thought is git commit --amend, you’re spending too much time in your version control system.
Unfortunately, life doesn’t come with a rollback feature.

6. You See the Matrix in Excel Spreadsheets 🪟

If you open Excel and feel like Neo deciphering the Matrix, it’s a sign you’ve been coding too long.
Excel is supposed to be about numbers, not existential crises about the nature of reality.

7. Your Solution to Every Problem is to Write a Script 🗒️

When your friend complains about sorting their book collection, and you offer to write a Python script instead of helping them alphabetically, it's time to step back.
Not every life problem needs a code solution (sadly 😣)

8. You’ve Named All Your Devices 💻

If you've named your laptop, external hard drive, and even your coffee maker with proper variables and given them network IDs, you might be a tad too attached to your tech.

9. You Plan Your Day Like a Scrum Meeting 📆

If you start every day standing in front of your mirror reciting your daily tasks like it’s a sprint planning meeting, you’re living too much like it’s agile out there.

10. You Laugh at Jokes About Binary 👾

If you find jokes like "There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don’t" hilarious, you've been basking in the glow of your computer screen for too long.

Do you need a break? ☕

While this article is supposed to be a funny piece about the #DevLife, if too much of it makes sense, maybe you really need a break🥲
Recognizing these signs is the first step towards achieving a healthier work-life balance.
Remember, even the most dedicated coders need a break to recharge.
So, shut down that IDE, step outside, and enjoy some of the non-coding world for a while.
Your debugger will still be there when you get back, and you'll be all the better for it. 💚

If you just need to talk to some other human beings, but is not feeling like leaving home, joins us at Webcrumbs Discord and let's be friends 😊😊😊

Top comments (46)

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Haha, loving the humor here!! This is a fun one, Pachi. 😀

pachicodes profile image
Pachi 🥑

Thanks haha It is humor, bur may hit too close to the reality for some haha

melroy89 profile image
Melroy van den Berg

More programming jokes please

davelhw profile image
Dave Lim

20+ years ago, I was working on a system with a complex commission calculation formula. I couldn't code according to the given matrix for 3 days, and I barely sleep.
The third day I was exhausted and decided to go back have some good rest.
In the middle of the night, i jump down from my bed and write the code in my dream and I solve it 🤣🤣

I knew I code too much, and I'm still coding today at age 47 🤪🤪

alexbodn profile image

concentration generates "traffic jams" in our neuron network, while relax is likely to free them.
when asked by my boss about my strolling in the middle of the working hours, my invariable answer is that he should pay me more for the strolling hours, since this is my time I find the solutions.
well, at least for the times I come back 😹

pachicodes profile image
Pachi 🥑

Lol lol you dream of code that really works hahaha

davelhw profile image
Dave Lim

LoL... No joke that code really works...
From then I understand I need good and enough rest and sleep to code better..

Thread Thread
melroy89 profile image
Melroy van den Berg • Edited

100%. Coding is a creative and mental process. A good amount of sleep helps you solve complex coding problems better. It's not just skill issue.

framk4everreal profile image

Its crazy because its often feels like a punishment to take a break, and some how you finally decide to punish yourself and when you get back from your punishment, you realize that you've just solved a bug issiue that had taking away 6hrs in less than a minute. There is always an important next line of code to write.

cjtaylor1990 profile image
Corbin Taylor

This is a great and funny post. Good job, @pachicodes

Further, can I just say that,

Excel is supposed to be about numbers, not existential crises about the nature of reality

is probably one of my favorite lines I've read this year from a Tech article.

pachicodes profile image
Pachi 🥑

Owwwwn thanks 💖

heyjmac profile image
J Mac

Loved it!! Should I be worried, though?
My sins:

  1. You Dream in Code 💤
  2. You Speak in Script Syntax 🗣️
  3. You Laugh at Jokes About Binary 👾
pachicodes profile image
Pachi 🥑

Go for a walk outside right now LOL

vkpdeveloper profile image
Vaibhav Pathak

Why are you talking about my life bro??

pachicodes profile image
Pachi 🥑


iamdesmond___ profile image
Desmond Obinna

This is funny 😁

pachicodes profile image
Pachi 🥑

Thank you!

pentatonicfunk profile image
Hendrawan Kuncoro

Your Solution to Every Problem is to Write a Script
hits too close

milkymaru profile image

Imagine if AI took care of everything and my only job was to catch some Z's!🥹

manjunathprasad profile image

Lol! Looks like I’ve experienced most of’em. Especially, dreaming about code had happened more often. I love this humour here though.

pachicodes profile image
Pachi 🥑

Hope you don't dream of bugs hahaha

clericcoder profile image
Abdulsalaam Noibi

Omg, This is me some few months ago 😂

alexbodn profile image

when I began trying Pascal, I was worried about things I can't do yet.

real life things, I mean, not programming related ones.

quite embarrassing.

jasonfx13 profile image
jasonfx13 • Edited

I couldn't find the undo button on something I messed up writing down by hand the other day

mattthecuber profile image

That's just bad UX smh

pachicodes profile image
Pachi 🥑

This is so rude that there is no bottom for that 😂

cjtaylor1990 profile image
Corbin Taylor

"...reconnect with the world beyond your IDE."

Got it. I'll reconnect with my terminal. I was thinking of revamping my .zshrc file anyways :P

pachicodes profile image
Pachi 🥑

😂😂😂😂 nooooooo

shoaibcodes profile image
Mohammed Shoaib

At some point in my life, I've experienced all these situations

pachicodes profile image
Pachi 🥑

Hope you are better now haha