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Cover image for Funny Friday and Self-care
Pachi 🥑
Pachi 🥑

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Funny Friday and Self-care

Hello everyone! Happy Friday :)

This week I will be writing something a bit different.
I have been really sick for almost a week now but didn't want to skip a Friday as this series is something I really enjoy writing.
So today I decided to share a little bit of the behind-the-scenes and maybe get a discussion about self-care started.

P.S. cover picture features my cat Shion, who is a champ at relaxing

Why Funny Friday?

I have been on DEV for a couple of years and I love this place.
One day I was a bit too stressed and I decided to deal with it with humor and started playing around with dev jokes.
It was a Friday, and I wrote a post about that. The post did well to I decided to keep doing it

Where do the ideas come from?

Sometimes from discussions I see on dev communities, or some interesting thing I see here on DEV.
And sometimes I honestly ask AI for ideas. AI is not very funny, but it gives me some inspiration.
English is not my first language (I am Brazilian) so I also use AI to review the posts for me, so it is really helpful.

What does it have to do with self-care?

Funny Friday started out with me trying to make fun of the fact that some of us code too much, and with the goal of aliviate my stress, and hopefully in the process help other to laugh a bit.
And to me, laugh is one of the best ways to take care of myself.

Have you been taking care of yourself?

So here is the discussion I want to start.
As I mentioned, this week I am sick, and I have been feeling bad about not working as much as usual. I worry that I am not delivering what I should and am afraid it would impact my employer's opinion of me.
While this is normal, it is not true, it is just my had making me worry for nothing. I am writing this to help myself overcome these silly ideas and understand that it is OK to take time to myself when needed, and I hope you know that too.

So, are you taking care of yourself?

What is self-care to you?

Thank you soo much for reading this, I really appreciate you.
And I am curious to know what self-care is to you?

Let me know on the comments.

Hugs from Pachi 🥰💖🥑

Top comments (3)

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Self-case used to be about getting things done to/for me -- a chiropractor appointment, a massage, facial, etc. But I realized recently that coordinating all of that and actually going to these services was more harmful than helpful. Now self-care means sitting alone, with no kids and no screens.

pachicodes profile image
Pachi 🥑

That is really nice Jess. Sometimes we think we need to do things to ourselves, but the thing we need most is to sit and do nothing

timexpeachtree profile image
Timex Peachtree

Personally for me self care is like kind of emptying my mind inventory.
When doing strenuous exercise like I need 100% concentration to not get hurt you kind of feel peace and in those fractions of a second clarity is much higher and time slows down while pushing body to limits.

Also hehe as a coder we always think what we type, my way of combating temporary burnout is to Go state of no-mind by practicing typing just fast typing with typing tutor, kind of mindless in first look but it clears stress and also improves skill, makes work much faster when you go to flow-state.