DEV Community

Michael Tharrington Subscriber for CodeNewbie

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What you learning about this weekend?

Hey folks 👋

What y'all learning about this weekend?

Whether you're sharpening your JS skills, making PRs to your OSS repo of choice 😉, sprucing up your portfolio, or writing a new post here on DEV, we'd like to hear about it.

Learn at your own pace!

2 cartoons racing neck & neck while reading books at the same time.

Top comments (15)

andersbjorkland profile image
Anders Björkland

Hello all! 👋

I've learned a new tool for creating Entity Relationship Diagrams. It's called Database Markup Language. I like it a bit better than a previous tool that were more drag and drop. But I can't really say why I like this more 🤷‍♂️

I will be learning a bunch about Elixir and Phoenix as I set out to build a web application using the entities that I've just put into a diagram 😁

bhendi profile image

Found this awesome tool named unlighthouse which simplified auditing my website for seo and accessibility. It runs a lighthouse audit on every route and displays the results.

danbailey profile image
Dan Bailey

Microsoft Azure. Studying for my AZ-104 certification and doing some environment setup for a larger project that my girlfriend and I are working on.

Working on some stuff with the REST API in Wordpress for my personal site.

A little bit of Python, too.

prsaya profile image
Prasad Saya

I purchased a paper copy of the "C Programming Language (Second Edition)" by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritche. I first learned C programming (along with Unix) in the year 1991. After that, I never got a chance to use it much. Now, I am reading and trying some code from the new book, for fun, etc. The second edition covers the ANSI C.

renekkr profile image
João vitor carfe

Concurrency Patterns in Golang, Performance, Low level stuff and getting good ideas and expanding my mind 100x by analyzing reviews from Jonathan Blow, Molley Rocket and other programmers like Dave from OOP Rant, and it's always good to always try to find the negative points of anything, literally if you can, try to apply and look for the side negative of everything (when are you studying ok?), ex: X Sucks, Not to X, Worst practices with X, Bad X, stuff like that...

quocbinhnpm9081 profile image
Louis .Q Cao

Have a nice day.Today I learned about SOLID, Before that I learned OOP. I really don't know what to say but if you don't know SOLID then you don't really understand OOP. After learning about SOLID I feel as if I am a Senior hahaha I am currently a university student preparing for an interview for the position of Fresher .NET

techtech profile image

This weekend I learned how to get started with, published the first articles and found out everything interesting about this great forum! I also learned something about Markdown editor to be able to do more with this editor.

alkafaiz profile image
Faiz Alkautsar

Just tried out Remix today. It offers great features, but I still havent settled on how I feel about the framework, especially considering how robust NextJS is nowadays. Maybe it'll grow on me.

therful74 profile image

I love js!!

ip2location profile image

Exploring Github's wikis vs readthedocs