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Dipak Ahirav
Dipak Ahirav

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8 Exciting New JavaScript Concepts You Need to Know

As a developer, staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in JavaScript is crucial to writing efficient, modern, and scalable code. In this post, we'll explore 8 new and exciting JavaScript concepts that you should know to take your coding skills to the next level.

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1. Optional Chaining (?.)

Introduced in ECMAScript 2020, optional chaining allows you to read the value of a property located deep within a chain of connected objects without having to check that each reference in the chain is valid.

let name = person?.address?.street?.name;
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2. Nullish Coalescing (??)

Also introduced in ECMAScript 2020, the nullish coalescing operator returns the first operand if it's not null or undefined, and the second operand otherwise.

let name = person?.name?? 'Unknown';
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3. BigInt

A new numeric primitive in JavaScript, BigInt is used to represent integers with arbitrary precision, allowing for accurate calculations with large integers.

const x = 12345678901234567890n;
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4. globalThis

A new global object, globalThis, provides a way to access the global object in a way that's compatible with modern JavaScript environments.

console.log(globalThis === window); // true in a browser
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5. matchAll()

A new method on the String prototype, matchAll() returns an iterator that yields matches of a regular expression against a string, including capturing groups.

const regex = /(\w)(\d)/g;
const str = 'a1b2c3';
for (const match of str.matchAll(regex)) {
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6. Promise.allSettled()

A new method on the Promise API, allSettled() returns a promise that is resolved when all of the promises in an array are either resolved or rejected.

const promises = [Promise.resolve('a'), Promise.reject('b'), Promise.resolve('c')];
Promise.allSettled(promises).then((results) => console.log(results));
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A new method on the String prototype, at() returns the character at the specified index, allowing for negative indices to access characters from the end of the string.

const str = 'hello';
console.log(; // 'h'
console.log(; // 'o'
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8. Error Cause

A new property on Error objects, cause allows you to specify the underlying cause of an error.

try {
  throw new Error('Error occurred', { cause: new Error('Underlying cause') });
} catch (error) {
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Start Your JavaScript Journey

If you're new to JavaScript or want a refresher, visit my blog on BuyMeACoffee to get started with the basics.

👉 Introduction to JavaScript: Your First Steps in Coding

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Series Index

Part Title Link
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2 The Ultimate Git Command Cheatsheet Read
3 Top 12 JavaScript Resources for Learning and Mastery Read
4 Angular vs. React: A Comprehensive Comparison Read
5 Top 10 JavaScript Best Practices for Writing Clean Code Read
6 Top 20 JavaScript Tricks and Tips for Every Developer 🚀 Read
7 8 Exciting New JavaScript Concepts You Need to Know Read
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10 10 Best Practices for Optimizing Angular Performance Read
11 Top 10 React Performance Optimization Techniques Read
12 Top 15 JavaScript Projects to Boost Your Portfolio Read
13 6 Repositories To Master Node.js Read
14 Best 6 Repositories To Master Next.js Read
15 Top 5 JavaScript Libraries for Building Interactive UI Read
16 Top 3 JavaScript Concepts Every Developer Should Know Read
17 20 Ways to Improve Node.js Performance at Scale Read
18 Boost Your Node.js App Performance with Compression Middleware Read
19 Understanding Dijkstra's Algorithm: A Step-by-Step Guide Read
20 Understanding NPM and NVM: Essential Tools for Node.js Development Read

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Top comments (19)

skamansam profile image

at() is inherited from the Array prototype, which is inherited by the String prototype. It is way more useful than with Strings, as it allows us to use negative indices on arrays, a feature JS has needed for quite some time, IMO. Instead of writing myArray[myArray.length-1] you can now use

sahilatahar profile image
Sahil Atahar

Nice article!

dipakahirav profile image
Dipak Ahirav • Edited

Thank You so much @sahilatahar

mahmoud_sayed_fbc6599eb8f profile image
Mahmoud Sayed

great pieces of information tysm

dipakahirav profile image
Dipak Ahirav

Thank You so much @mahmoud_sayed_fbc6599eb8f

jamstra profile image
Jam Straw

Last is most interesting.

richardhovdsveen profile image


robertfoconnor profile image
Robert O'Connor


remtech profile image
Remi Osisanya

Thanks for the information.:)

neha_gawali_cf75c5651a487 profile image
Neha Gawali

globalThis new for me . thanks for information

prashantsimejiyasiya profile image

Good Article

dipakahirav profile image
Dipak Ahirav
Sloan, the sloth mascot
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lokeshkavisth profile image
Lokesh Kavisth

Very informative☺️

dipakahirav profile image
Dipak Ahirav
divyanz_pal profile image
Divyansh pal

Found it to be Very helpful!

dipakahirav profile image
Dipak Ahirav

Thank you @divyanz_pal

javad_mohammadi_bc75eac5b profile image
Javad Mohammadi

thanks, I enjoyed

dipakahirav profile image
Dipak Ahirav

thanks for feedback @javad_mohammadi_bc75eac5b