DEV Community

flo merian
flo merian Subscriber

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Lessons from 42 launches on Product Hunt

Product Hunt definitely is a great place to launch a developer-first product.

If there certainly isn't a formula to launch successfully, there may be a set of principles to help maximize your chances:

  • Polish the details: keep the tagline and description simple and straightforward;
  • Show the product: no stock images, no marketing fluff;
  • Find a Hunter;
  • Schedule your launch early;
  • Schedule as much content as possible: first comment and social posts;
  • Raise awareness: build an audience, support other product launches;
  • Go live at 12:01 AM PST on a weekday for maximum exposure;
  • Rank in the Top 5 within the first 4 hours;
  • Engage: upvote and reply to every comment;
  • Keep launching.

Further inspiration

Below are more resources for inspiration:

You can find here more resources to help you get started:

Wrapping up

Over to you! I hope this series gave you some insights to prep your launch on Product Hunt. I enjoy contributing to launching dev tools and am happy to help more folks.

If you're launching something new, feel free to reach out on Twitter / X or LinkedIn.

Enjoy your launch day!

Thanks to Laura Du Ry (Appwrite), Tanya Rai (LastMile AI), Luis Guzmán (n8n), and Rishabh Kaul (Appsmith) for your contributions. Thanks to Jack Bridger for bs-checking this post. They're all in the Developer Marketing community, a place where 1,600+ tech founders and marketers from awesome dev-first, open-source companies hang out to share insights and best practices. Join the fun!

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