
Cover image for What was your win this week?

What was your win this week?

Jess Lee on April 05, 2019

Happy Friday Everyone :) It's weekly retro time! Looking back, what was something you're proud of? All wins count -- big or small! Examples of ...
jess profile image
Jess Lee • Edited

This week, I...implemented! This is an index of all DEV posts w/ native video uploads.

helenanders26 profile image
Helen Anderson

This week, I gave my first tech talk for 120 members of the Wellington data and analytics community.

I also organised the event, not sure what was more nerve-wracking - stressing about speaking or stressing about whether the pizza would arrive, if we had enough seats, how many helpers I would need, if we were going to finish on time ...


andrerpena profile image
André Pena

Awesome. Congrats and keep it up

daveskull81 profile image
dAVE Inden

That's so awesome! Speaking at and organizing the same meetup is quite impressive. Great work!

abdullahramzan profile image
Abdullah Ramzan

Great congrats :)

jackharner profile image
Jack Harner 🚀

This week, I set up my first Node/Express App. It's just a simple little Webhook receiver that makes some calls to the BigCommerce API, but I'm pretty stoked I was able to get it work.

cubiclebuddha profile image
Cubicle Buddha

Yea, NodeJS was the first technology that really made me feel like I could gain some confidence in my programming skills. 6+ years later I'm now a Lead Dev. I owe Ryan Dahl and the Node devs a lot. :/

P.S. A+ Bob's Burgers gif! :)

maestromac profile image
Mac Siri

This week, I migrated's feature test to system test. This took way longer than I'd like to admit. Shoutout to @rhymes for making this possible!

chiangs profile image
Stephen Chiang • Edited

This week, I...

Learned to write better tests for frontend with jest and enzyme and I finished an online course!

heck yeah

cubiclebuddha profile image
Cubicle Buddha

oh man oh man, I love jest. Have you tried using thevscode-jest plugin yet? It's really great for getting quick feedback. In fact, I even thought about adding a section on vscode-jest to my article on "failing fast" but I had already posted it, and I'm trying to make my blog posts "immutable" haha. The past is the past! :)

Philosophical rambling and linking aside... I'd love to hear what's working for you with jest and what you think could be better. I really like talking about testing. .spyOn is my jam. So much better than having to rely on dependency injection.

chiangs profile image
Stephen Chiang

Haven't tried it yet; I try to keep light on the extensions, but I'll check it out thanks!

Thread Thread
cubiclebuddha profile image
Cubicle Buddha

Yea vscode-jest is definitely not a light extension, but neither is NCrunch which inspired it. But I find that quokka isn’t too bad memory wise.

engelmav profile image
Vincent Engelmann

awesome! this has been bugging me... (heh, get it!?) for a long time.

Got any quick pointers?

chiangs profile image
Stephen Chiang

What I think is a really important theme I kept seeing to keep in mind is when writing tests, focus on behavior not implementation.

It makes sense because implementation can change without really breaking the intended behavior of the UI component.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

This week, I went biking during lunch on 3 different occasions. 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♂️🚴‍♂️ And the spring weather has been beautiful!

theelectricdave profile image
David S.

So jealous! ( recovering from leg surgery )

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Ah man, that's a bummer. Been there though, I feel for ya. Hope ya make a speedy recovery!

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

This week, I released a feature that I've been spent waaaay too much time on (imo)! So glad to have it mostly done.

Also a big shout-out to @rhymes for leaving great comments on my PR and adding a lot of thoughts on implementation!

Two hands high five each other and turn into confetti!

mykalcodes profile image
Mykal • Edited

This week, I've worked out 5 times. I finally stopped making excuses about when I was going to start and just did it. I've noticed an increase in general energy and I've been stressing a lot less

Now I've just got to keep it up 😂😅

dog running

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Totally feel you here. Keep up the good work!!

mykalcodes profile image

Thanks! Keeping it up so far 😊

horus_sky profile image
Cedric W

This week, I...

  • Updated a table component and learned some new interesting features about tables I never knew/used before. <caption>'s FTW
  • Helped a couple content authors with some card components
  • Read up on Vue.js. Still need a nudge to justify learning/using it.
  • I also finished beating Mario + Rabbits on the Switch. On to Steamworld Heist.

mjraadi profile image
Mohammadjavad Raadi

Been working on some advanced CSS topics, learning new things about react, launched a new website, published my third article here and most importantly got my PRs merged to


nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Awesome stuff Mohammadjavad. That's a lot of wins in one week. 👏

mjraadi profile image
Mohammadjavad Raadi

Thanks Nick, it was the second week of Norouz(Persian new year) and I had more free time.

nabcode profile image
Luis Nabith

This week,I fix some errors and better the design on a project, Started learning more about Ionic framework, completed another web template and I added more features to my portfolio site.

Can't wait for the launch on 23rd...😀😀

perlatsp profile image
Perlat Kociaj

This week, I made my first contribution in a big open source project... :)
My PR got accepted, merged and pushed to the live app/website and i can say i was feeling awkwardly exited when this happened. Now i see the changes i made and i say “damn this is what i changed and everybody gets to see this” insert proud gif here

Also this week i fixed a couple of bugs on a big project at my new workplace where they were hanging around a long time. Were i managed to refactor 100 lines of code to 14!!

andrerpena profile image
André Pena

Thanks taking time to contribute to

davecalnan profile image
Dave Calnan • Edited

This week, I contributed to open source for the first time. I built a little tool for Tailwind CSS, had a pull request merged to the docs, and published my first npm package.

Definitely going to do more to give back to the tools I use every day.

happy man dancing

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Big week!

daveskull81 profile image
dAVE Inden

I finished my first week in my new role as a Developer Advocate!

panditapan profile image

This week, I actually have a win * - *

On Sunday I did a small programming class in thunkable for 2 girls and I was able to make one very excited with programming and the other be confident enough in asking questions (at least with me for now). It was also the first time I ever did a programming class as well!

I'm a happy panda :D

vzhou842 profile image
Victor Zhou

This week, I replaced Disqus on my blog with an open-source alternative that's over 10x lighter. Big win for my page performance, and it started a lot of discussion on Reddit.

lukewestby profile image
Luke Westby • Edited

This week, I...
Published an A/B test on to improve our donate button. It’s a small thing, but it has been life-changing to be able to contribute in small ways to something big and important.

cmilr profile image
Cary Miller

This week I had an interview at a big Silicon Valley company, and for whatever the reason, I was absolutely relaxed and just felt good. Like GOOD good! No matter the outcome, I had a really fun day!

rleija_ profile image

I got my first email subscription in the first month of blogging!

defman profile image
Sergey Kislyakov • Edited

This week, I... got my driving ID/license. Took me a while.

denmch profile image
Den McHenry

This week, I finally wrangled an unwieldy pull request that started out as some quick and easy accessibility fixes to legacy code, and ended up with dozens of commits touching the front, back and middle of the codebase. And nothing broke.

Jayne from Firefly: 'Time for some thrilling heroics.'

cubiclebuddha profile image
Cubicle Buddha

I got my new coworker to trust me enough to pair-program with me and to have a good experience. The trick was listening to them and hearing that they were concerned about the schedule. So being a (sometimes)decent Scrum master... I spoke to the PO and got a few tickets moved out of the sprint so my new coworker could concentrate. When I got back to my new peer, they were excited to slow down and take the time to collaborate.

lankydandev profile image
Dan Newton • Edited

This week, I posted my first new blog post onto my redesigned site Built with Gatsby and hosted on Netlify after hearing so much talk about JAMstack.

Just need to finish migrating old posts and then make full switch to it and turn off my original blog.

If you happen to go look at it after this comment, let me know any feedback, good or bad 😄

setevoy profile image
Arseny Zinchenko

This week, I finally sorted out about Redis replication and the main part - how its Sentinel works :-)

Not such a big achievement as could be - but this will sort out some issues on my job's backend application and eventually we'll get rid of the memcached service.

Also, wrote a few posts here about Redis and hope - this will help somebody else, as it's a bit tricky in some parts.

andrerpena profile image
André Pena

This week, I almost got my personal project production ready. Search is not quite functional yet but in 2 to 3 weeks everything will be working. Hopefully.

I'm proud of being able to control myself to do the stuff in my life that I judge important. Discipline, focus, momentum and good judgement are keys to success and one should feel proud if they achieve them.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor • Edited

My win this week is more of a win/shoutout. Thank you open source and the people that work in it. I posted a question on Twitter about TypeScript and Daniel Rosenwasser from the TypeScript team chimed in. Problem solved. Much appreciated Daniel!

Jimmy Fallon saying Thank You!

creativ_bracket profile image
Jermaine • Edited

This week, I completed the recording demoing how to integrate Firebase DB as the persistence layer for my Bookmark Manager app.


jveillet profile image
Jeremie Veillet

This week, I pushed my first PR to an OSS project, the Jekyll-sitemaps plugin, it's not been approved, but that's still feel good 😊

daveskull81 profile image
dAVE Inden

That's great! Nice work!

quii profile image
Chris James

This week, I started my first week at a new job as lead software engineer. I'm going to try and make the team have the kind of culture and principles i talk about in

Plus I called the team THE NINE NINE

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

This week, I...

Got an AWS S3 bucket event to trigger Lambda to push media files to Transcoder finally placing the output file in another bucket.

ashwinv11 profile image
Ashwin Vaswani • Edited

This week, I...wrote my first blog post Eat Your Veggies!

fzngagan profile image
fzngagan • Edited

This week, I built a feature for a plugin built with discourse. I thought I wasn't ready but I dived in and I was able to do a good amount of stuff which I thought would take me long to get comfortable with.

younesh1989 profile image
Younes Henni

This week, I wrote this practical piece to help me focus better during work sessions. I hope others can find it useful as well.

barbara80601146 profile image

I'm laughing reading all comments. This week is extremely lucky for me. accepted my article. I write a quick guide about coursework for them

defgrav04 profile image
Mina Oh • Edited

This week, I joined a pre-seed accelerator, Founder Institute. I'm so excited to graduate from the program and become a future founder. One more win for womankind! 👩🏻‍💻

I also published three new articles:

AND, half of a blog post I worked on for almost a month, give or take:
Bali Trip: Budget Travel Guide


buphmin profile image

This week, I found a way to connect to our database which has PAM authentication for mariadb via php. Now we have access to testing that involves the database again!

Additionally I helped convince the rest of my team that we will move forward with proper testing.

charleswritescode profile image
Charles-Eugene Loubao

This week, my biggest win was releasing a demo of a project I've been working on for a week to my client. Firebase Firestore backend & auth + Google Maps API with some drizzle of Vue.js on top 🙌


technolaaji profile image
Mohamad Kalaaji

This week, I gave a small talk at a local university to around 30-40 students part of Facebook developer group

they learned about git, heroku, nodejs, and express (a basic setup)

the look on their face when they pushed using git, it was like they have done magic 🎉


other than that, I'm starting to learn php for developing a plugin for wordpress and started developing a gutenberg block for wordpress using React + Graphql + create-guten-block (which grabs data from woocommerce and list them in my own design)

sdmg15 profile image
Sonkeng Maldini

This week, I wrote my first post

stetsenko_me profile image
Andrew Stetsenko

This week, more than 1000 people checked my first two posts on!

jamesshah profile image
James Shah

This week, I started learning (relearning, to be precise) data structures and algorithms for competitive programming and also started series of articles on

Check out my series here!

charlesanim profile image
Charles Anim • Edited

This week, I got inspired by some cool UI elements on codepen to build an entirely new product. Still working on the express backend for AWS. Pretty stoked!

jazzglobal profile image
Christopher Gambrell

This week, I learned about authentication in my web apps. This will help incorporate a Steam login feature into my current project! I also started working out.

theelectricdave profile image
David S.

This week, I...

Finally got my 'medicine 3.0' blog, regenerative times, off the ground.. after a year of thinking about doing it.

One thing that held me up was whether or not i used a blogging engine i wrote and am fond of, or wordpress. Another thing that held me up is my perfectionism. I spent 4 months trying to come up with a perfect logo.

Finally i decided, screw it, i'll use a mockup of the final logo and just launch the thing and get started. A good logo can come later. Nobody is going to hyperfocus on that - it's all about having quality content.

So i kicked it off by writing content.

I think as the stash of content grows, i'll get more and more bugged by the logo until i go nuts and spend a whole weekend on it. But i can't let my perfectionism stop me from executing on good ideas anymore.

nickitax profile image
Nick Shulhin

This week, I... started to learn Go, signed up for and performed with my colleagues presentation about our experience with TensorFlow! 🎉

joshleong profile image
Josh Leong

This week, I...

Launched an internal facing helpbot in microsoft teams. For two whole days it still hasn't broke yet!! It's cool to see people talking with it and getting quick answers. This is especially useful for things like acronyms which we have a lot of in our organization. We also use a gazillion internal tools which I just added into the knowledge base one morning and saw an uptick in usage right away. Even better to hear was the watercooler talk about the new helpbot. #FunTimes

thomascraig profile image
Thomas Craig

This week, I got the job promotion :)

mrgodhani profile image
Meet Godhani

This week, I...started working on my side project for the online reader app. Also gained my first 80 paid users for my side project app.

sm0ke profile image

This week, I...Finally, add Yeoman on top of our web app generator. Now is much easier to generate apps, using the console.


lmolivera profile image
Lucas Olivera

This week, I finally completed the FreeCodeCamp APIs and Microservices Certification after struggling 3 months! I'm very proud of myself.

anthonyjclink profile image
Anthony J Clink

This week, I solved an integration issue with our machine learning system. It seems when updating, our software turns it off but never turns the ai back on!

zelinzky profile image
Roberto L. Taborda

This week, I...
Squashed a bug that made a machine vision application to skip the inspection on some products :3

val_mxo profile image
Oragbakosi Valentine

This week, I...
Finish working on the API for the online startup I'm working on and I finished my course on C++

dcruvolo profile image
David Ruvolo

This week, I...

  • At my organization, I launched a website for publishing automated reports and for developing interactive visualizations. It was a fun project to work on and it was good D3 learning experience.

  • I realized that I missed my one year anniversary of being in my first dev role (end of March).

cdaracena profile image
Christian Aracena

This week, I....built my first React Native android app and had a ton of fun building it!!

djpandab profile image
Stephen Smith

This week, I contributed to a work group revamping a traffic safety app for my state.

alt text

cassiebreviu profile image
Cassie Breviu

This week, I...

Created my first web VR game with BabylonJS and CannonJS!

Link to game. (FYI- You need a headset to play it.)

nabeelah profile image

This week, I... finally got a hang on React hooks and React Router!

blouzada profile image
Bruno Louzada

This week, I integrated an node js web application with ADFS authentication

misnina profile image
Nina • Edited

This week I went to my first meetup! It was for central arkansas javascript developers, and it was a really helpful meeting and everyone was nice!!

mshappe profile image
Michael Scott Shappe

This was a week of fixing lots of little things. As much as I love writing all new code and longer projects, it sometimes feels really good to just sweep up a bunch of smaller issues.

tricsusz profile image
Tóth Richárd

This week, I...released a feature in my project (PHP), connecting to Docusign API, handling document statuses etc.

oninross profile image
Nino Ross Rodriguez

This week, I managed to pull data out from google sheets and filter pur markers on google maps

sfwritermdk profile image
Marvin Kirkland

This week, I managed to complete a blog post, even if it was about how increasing depression symptoms caused me not to post. haha! How meta...

austinstanding profile image
Austin Standing

This week, I dropped my first single!

t4rzsan profile image
Jakob Christensen

This week I was made head of department for actuarial modelling and development (i.e. programming actuarial stuff). Yikes! 🤗🐴

albert_almonte profile image

This week, I...finally understood and implemented json web tokens (jwt) in an core api

akasrai profile image

This week, I joined,
happy to find amazing people here.