
Cover image for What was your win this week?

What was your win this week?

Jess Lee on March 01, 2019

It's the end of the know what that means... Weekly retro time! Looking back, what was something you're proud of? All wins count -- bi...
jess profile image
Jess Lee

This week, I...saw this in my google feed!

But in reality land, if this article didn't get posted today I would have felt like I had nothing to say. I had a pretty off week -- maybe it was just adjusting from coming back from a mini vacation, or the constant gloomy overcast or both, but I had a lot of internal resistance when it came to getting deep work done.

I think my biggest win (or a much needed reminder) was/is to cut myself some slack when I'm in this state and not get overwhelmed with negative thoughts about my own performance or productivity.

The business insider feature was truly uplifting though :)

contactestablished profile image
Matthew Wilson

That is so cool, congratulations! I would be on Cloud9 if that happened to me. Keep up the great work. Fight the good fight!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington
This week, I...

Actually, just today, I got a new guitar!!

Gretsch Streamliner!

... it's a Gretsch Streamliner G2655, for anyone that's into this sorta thing.

Looks like I'll be rocking out to the blues this weekend! 😎🎸

utkarsh profile image
Utkarsh Talwar

It's a beauty! <3

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Thankya much! And confirm that it plays as nice as it looks... was a good weekend!

askeroff profile image
Javid Asgarov

Oh, this looks so cool. Congrats!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Appreciate it!!

awwsmm profile image
Andrew (he/him)

Ooh nice! When I have some extra spending money, I want one of these. Only about $2k new. Oof.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington • Edited

Oh awesome. That's a beautiful bass! Kinda reminds me of the Joe Dart Bass that just went on sale today! Not sure if you're familiar with Vulfpeck (gotta love their site)... if not, then check'em out and enjoy the funk!

Thread Thread
awwsmm profile image
Andrew (he/him)

It's an Ernie Ball bass, just like the Stingray!

Vulfpeck are pretty good! This is one of my favorites of theirs:

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rvictorino profile image
Robin Victorino

VERY late to the party, but I have to inform you all that my life is now complete: Vulfpeck is on

jwp profile image
John Peters

Did you know the Beatles played Gretch Guitars early on. I think the song "Nowhere Man" had Gretch guitars jingling in the background. Such a nice sound.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

I did not know that, but that's super cool! I def dig the Beatles and guess what I bought myself for Christmas...

That's a Vox AC-15. I know the Beatles were famous for using Voxes! 😀

My Gretsch has a little extra jangle now. 🎸

jwp profile image
John Peters

I'm sorry. Nowhere Man did not have Gretch, but others did.

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

This week, my first changelog worthy feature shipped!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I'm really happy we shipped this:

It's not fully fleshed out, but it will open up a lot of doors in providing the best possible experience to all users.

joefiorini profile image
Joe Fiorini

Cool! I just started my blog this week and I'm thinking about doing that. Seems like it would be helpful.

link2twenty profile image
Andrew Bone

This week, I had a job interview to become a front-end developer!

frogbeerr profile image

I believe, I finally managed to wrap my head around vim and it's plugins.
Just took me like... half a year 😓

Also I finally managed to delete my last Windows Installation and am now running 100% powered by Linux.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Welcome to the collective.

ondrejs profile image

Now you're on a good path :)

luchfilip profile image
Filip Luchianenco • Edited

This week, I...finally published my first article on 🎉

Making git commit messages useful with Jira, Jenkins and scopes

tiffengineer profile image


recursivefaults profile image
Ryan Latta

This week, I...

  • Spoke at my 4th national conference and the feedback I got was it was the best talk of the day.
  • Wrapped up my mentoring engagement that started
  • Got a lead on some new consulting work
  • Chatted with a role model about some consulting topics
  • Scheduled some pair programming with someone who is amazing (May be a stream that I'll post here if we do that)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Amazing week!

contactestablished profile image
Matthew Wilson

Awesome! Mic drop...

lkopacz profile image
Lindsey Kopacz

This week, I... made a stacked area line chart in d3. I made it accessible which was a huge challenge but very fulfilling! I made sure you could access the data points with a keyboard, didn't depend on color to reflect meaning, and that read the data outloud when you tabbed to the area.

man screaming from side to side with his hands near his face.

contactestablished profile image
Matthew Wilson

Geez! I’m exhausted just reading that. Way to go. That’s a huge win!

_morgan_adams_ profile image

That's awesome!

eekayonline profile image
Edwin Klesman

This week, I

A: reached 400+ followers on the awesome Dev.To Community 🙌🏻.
B: I earned my first €70 Ads income on my blogs
(mainly, thanks to

bc7 profile image

This week, I... Set up SSL on an aws elastic instance! It was my first time working with aws and docker containers so I hit a few walls I definitely overlooked in the heat of the moment, but I'm glad I didn't pass it to someone else on the team (that's how I ended up with it haha).


tiffengineer profile image

This week, I...
figured out a lingering problem with my flagship, get me hired app. I really struggled understanding the library and the library authors React component example. Ive wrestled with this for two years now.

The other day I was looking for the issue I raised; no music, just me and the code all began to make sense. I thought I'd need some sort of state management when really, all I had to do was pass a function as a prop to another component.

I also figured out, without much help, how to implement search on my blog. Yes, I used a pre-made component but I struggled with gatsby-plugin-algolia and getting the hits on my blog to index, as well as figuring out an undefined slug and 404 page when I would search in a test, click the article, and it wouldn't work.

It took me at least 10 hours over a period of two days to figure out my bug and hack some stuff together. Once I figured it out I was...ecstatic.

Two wins in one week. I'll take it.

themafro profile image
Matthew Francis

This week, I...successfully installed Windows 10 on my MacBook Pro with Bootcamp so I can play Overwatch when I should be working 👀

contactestablished profile image
Matthew Wilson

Ha ha ha! A a win. Nice!

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson
  1. One of our pipelines that was red all week finally went green right before it was time for me to leave today!

  2. After a long break I finally got a blog post up:

_morgan_adams_ profile image

This week, I achieved the perfect number of followers on!


Seriously though, I appreciate everyone who is following me. I don't post a ton, but I'm glad what I do put out there is useful to a the few of you out there so I guess I better keep at it 😄 Stay 1337!

mykezero profile image

This week, I...

Learned how to use Pandoc to combine multiple markdown files into one big html file.

pandoc (ls *.md).Name --ascii -o tfs-setup.html
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

That way, I could break the documentation into sections and re-arrange them by only changing file names!

tommi profile image

Wow! I've been trying to find an easy, simple and quick solution to do this for ages! Would you be so nice to link here other resources, articles, or docs about it?

Thanks a lot!


vintharas profile image
Jaime González García

This week, I...

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Wow, so much productivity.

vintharas profile image
Jaime González García

Thank you! It was really cool to recount what I had been able to achieve in such a shitty week and realize Woot! Great job! :D

All thanks to Teo who has honed my focus to be razor sharp XD

Thread Thread
vintharas profile image
Jaime González García

Thank you for asking! :D

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

This week, I finally upgraded my development server to PHP 7.2! It only took about 30 minutes, on account of my having meticulously documented the entire server configuration in Sphinx, and always updating it as I change the system.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


eidsonator profile image
Todd Eidson

This week, I... Had my first pull request accepted for an open source project in a couple of years.

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her) • Edited

This week I made a code change that replaced two jobs with one and sped it up 10x!!!

dreamingechoes profile image
Iván González Sáiz • Edited

This week, one repo I have created with a list of resources about mental health in the software industry to bring awareness about the topic has reached 1k stars, and it started to get new issues and pull requests of people contributing with new resources 😊


You can check the repo here: awesome-mental-health

jdmedlock profile image
Jim Medlock

This week, I helped coordinate a global meetup of 100+ participants in Slack. It was a blast and next weekend we're going to try YouTube Live Streaming

Happy Meetup

utkarsh profile image
Utkarsh Talwar • Edited

This week, my team and I launched DEV CLI on ProductHunt! Much gratitude to the DEV team!

msfjarvis profile image
Harsh Shandilya

This week, I...went on a weekend getaway after being holed in at home for months :D

Here's a panorama I took of a place I saw just this evening

ozzyogkush profile image
Derek Rosenzweig

This week, I finished a first-step effort to stop using a proprietary software package by reimplementing the features we need for one of our apps. Took a few weeks to get it all in place, but it will simplify parts of our actual app significantly.

ceeoreo profile image
Ceora Ford

This week, I finished my portfolio website🥳🥳🥳 Feel free to check it out🤗🤗:

jess profile image
Jess Lee


joehobot profile image
Joe Hobot

This week, I...was able to create full end-to-end pipeline using builtkite/gradle/helm/chartmuseum etc... point being: github > buildkite > build& deploy > K8s

scottishross profile image
Ross Henderson

This week, I...

I have been working from home the last few weeks due to a broken leg. I've finally started ramping my hours up to be working full-time (I need the money) but I was able to complete a full database creation and insert/update script for our new environment.

larswaechter profile image
Lars Wächter

This week, I...

  • published my first npm package
  • solved a tricky problem in a side project

rrampage profile image
Raunak Ramakrishnan

This week, I... debugged a distributed system where the exact same code on 2 different nodes which was working previously was no longer working. Made me question the determinism of computers and nature of reality

bizzy237 profile image

This week, I... got a response from another department in my company that they want to work with me. after so many blown interviews

essentialrandom profile image
Essential Randomness

This week, I...

  • Published my first technical article 🔥🔥🔥
  • Wrote my second ever talk proposal for a tech conference 🤞🤞🤞🤞
  • Shared my visions for future coding projects with people who share my passions ♥️♥️♥️
ondrejs profile image

Lot of commits to my Android App...apart from that I have started to write simple Python malware for Windows (of course for educational purposes only ). Otherwise, nothing new.

codingmindfully profile image
Daragh Byrne

This week, I uploaded the first three videos for my upcoming online course (The Mindful Developer). So satisfying, it’s been in the pipeline forever!

geosoft1 profile image
George Calianu

This week, I did more tests...

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes • Edited

This week, I...
… restarted our YMCA membership, rounded up the whole family, and went to the gym four days in a row for the first time since injuring my leg last July. I'm sore.
How I Gym

nour_sofanati profile image

This week, I...started working on my free web development course that'll go on for free with no ads on my youtube channel.

And i also got contacted by my university to start working and collaborating with them on a new educational web app!

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

This week, I...was able to make the dadjoke api work with the twitter api to tweet random jokes on my twitter, then binged on You and The Umbrella Academy on Netflix 😆

ianknighton profile image
Ian Knighton

This week, I...finally published a post I've been sitting on for weeks and found a decent place to post it.

devdammak profile image
Damola Adekoya

This week, I learnt how to compile multiple sass files and output multiple CSS files...thanks to Emma wedekind

many approach I saw online everything was into a single file style.css

jess profile image
Jess Lee
devdammak profile image
Damola Adekoya

Wow... Idk there is tagging on this platform... I would have tag her...

tomekbuszewski profile image
Tomasz Buszewski

This week, I...

Switched a job! Yesterday, actually, but I really love it! Plus, yesterday marks exactly one month after my marriage 8)

askeroff profile image
Javid Asgarov

This week, I...

  • Finished a couple of new features on my side project and deployed it.
  • Bought a domain for my personal site to be done with gatsby
  • Published an article here
wintermute21 profile image
John Best

This week, I.Got a new permanent job!

thefern profile image
Fernando B 🚀

This week, I wrote a post and worked on a video game tutorial book, great progress was made.

amc2010 profile image

This week, I...

applied for lambda school and I have an interview with them next week!

bnb profile image
Tierney Cyren • Edited

This week, I got to help mentor a bunch of extremely talented people on how to submit their first CFP 🤗

mtvillwock profile image
Matthew Villwock

This week I... built and then broke apart a 500+ line component into separate files for logic and presentation, as well as making the widget look nice on desktop and mobile.

jcharliegarciam profile image
Carlos García

This week, I...

Finally understood how to use images obtained from DICOM files in a Neural Network in Keras! (The Network didn't give me the results I wanted lol)

gokul595 profile image
Gokul Murali

This week, I released my first Rails gem for authenticating APIs using JWT.


bhupesh profile image
Bhupesh Varshney 👾

This week, I...
Made a sample (noob level) chat app
Please Try it and give feedbackk 😋😋

glennmen profile image
Glenn Carremans

This week, I... got offered 10£ to feature my DEV post on their blog forum.

This is the blog post they liked:

balopina profile image
Daniela de Oliveira

This week I am trying to wake up early and failing completely!

tshimsthedoor profile image
Tresor Tshimanga

My question is I can create an app and make it as accomplishment of the week? And how to share it on this platform

nickitax profile image
Nick Shulhin

This week... I completely disassembled my broken drone and started to attempt to connect each of the parts individually to Raspberry Pi - fun time 🤘

johnpaulada profile image
John Paul Ada

This week, I... held an Enterprise Design Thinking Workshop with my team to generate ideas that were being required by upper management. We managed to generate a lot! :D

dalperin profile image
DAlperin • Edited

This week, I started learning React and made my blog with Gatsby!

swizzard profile image

This week, I got a new job! I'd been out of work for a few weeks, but I'll be starting at groundwork later this month!

mellen profile image
Matt Ellen-Tsivintzeli

This week, I helped to create the new USB stick to give to manufacturing.


eveyonline profile image

This week, I did my first contribution to about the hacktoberfest we organized in France.