Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of?
All wins count -- big or small 🎉
Examples of 'wins' include:
- Getting a promotion!
- Starting a new project
- Fixing a tricky bug
- Cleaning your house...or whatever else that may spark joy 😄
Top comments (106)
Uh. I signed a job offer 🙊
Hey, me too! Internet high five.
Congrats you both! 🎉
Keep grinding!
Congrats to you too, Abe!
Locked in!111111
Nice, Jacob! Congrats!!
Congrats 👏🏽
Yesterday I decided to forgo both a masters in management and a coding bootcamp to pursue self-taught software engineering. Today I finished Berkeley's CS61A Lesson 0 after getting my first development environment up on my computer (Python, GitBash, and Atom). I was a little too proud about setting up that development environment, even though all it involved was a bit of installing/uninstalling... >.<
I saw from your profile you are an English teacher, good luck for your career path! I also worked as ESL teacher before getting a job as software developer. Anyway, from my experience vscode is much better than atom but I haven't used it in a while so maybe it got better
Sorry for the late reply!
I've actually tried downloading vscode, but bc I'm the noob that I am, I had a hard time figuring out how to use it. Atom seemed simpler to use.
Do you think it would be better to use vscode though? What features are good about it?
When i made the switch from Atom to VSCode the thing i've noticed the most was performance. Atom was very slow even with my personal projects. As VScode has become the most used text editor I guess it's a good idea to learn how to use since your future colleagues are probably gonna use that too, at least that's the case for me. I didn't do much in term of setup. Just install it, browse the extensions library and install what suits you the most. I' not sure if Atom has it, but vs code now has a live share functionality which is super useful as it let's you screen share. I've already used it several times with my senior.
Thanks!! The live share functionality sounds great. I'll definitely download it and see :)
Atom's teletype has actually been around much longer than VSCode's LiveShare, which I think is almost the same thing (I myself don't use either so can't say for sure).
Good for you! Best of luck on your journey, you definitely chose a great community to be involved in!
Thank you!!
I’m so glad I joined dev.to ^
Half of my time goes on env setup. Keep going!
Setting up a dev environment is hard! Congrats!
Agree, congrats for taking that step and killing it!
Thanks for being so supportive!! :D
Getting the Climate Strike code into prod without breaking anything was a win 😄
Not just that, you did it on a FRIDAY! Double up-top for pushing to prod on a Friday without breaking anything.
Edit: Didn't account for the time difference. Still, it was Friday for someone in the world. 😅
Good job :)
Success even when breaking the rule of @kelly 😆
I gave my first meetup talk this week! 🎤
It was in the DEV IRL TLV meetup.
Thanks for whoever listened, the DEV community is fun and positive IRL too :)
Nice! What was your talk about?
It was a about making a blog with Gatsby and netlify.
Already learned a valuable lesson: live coding is much slower if you're holding a microphone in one hand :)
Haha I bet!! That's awesome!
Just uploaded a video of it. Sorry about the background noise... youtu.be/NyACQxpXza4
This week, I...flew from NY - SF and immediately jumped into 4 hours of meetings. Just proud to have made it through the day :)
4 hours of meeting! I'm wearing out just imagining it. FOUR! Hustle train ain't stopping! 👊
🦄 Applied for a remote job as a Junior software engineer
Just cleared the coding test and then initial interview (behavioral)
Last interview (technical) is on Monday
Kindly pray for me and share with me some cool interview preparation resources 😔
Thoughts and prayers. I am a junior dev too. What are some of the places you'd recommend to apply for remote positions?
1- Upwork
2- LinkedIn
3- A list of semi to fully remote-friendly companies in tech
Fingers crossed for you, Noman! Good luck!!
Can you share with us about your experience and opinion when applying remote position for junior?
Before applying to any remote job:
Improve your communication skills and get familiar with Slack
Learn GitHub Flow
Learn some basics of Agile/Scrum methodology
Some resources I mentioned earlier
Good luck!
I along with my other hackathon partners gave a talk to our juniors about hackathons and general coding guidelines 🌻🌻
Also, my npm package ProjectMan was dependent on 36 packages (including indirect dependencies) I did some refactoring to bring it down to 4 packages and this week NPM featured it in their official blog medium.com/npm-inc/npm-weekly-215-...
Managed to publish new content on dev.to after a long time! Been working on it for a few weeks after working hours, feels really good to finally put it out there.
Welcome back Heidi!
Completed my first technical challenge as part of a job interview 🤓
Good luck!!
I earned my first badge on DEV 🏆😁
How do I do that 😶
I'm not sure what all the badges are, but theres "streak" badges for if you post 4/8/16 etc weeks in a row 🙂
That is soo cool