
Cover image for What was your win this week?

What was your win this week?

Jess Lee on March 15, 2019

Happy Friday! Looking back at your week, what was something you're proud of? All wins count -- big or small! Examples of 'wins' include: Givin...
cobra_winfrey profile image
adam kuhn

This week, I...built Frida Kahlo in pure CSS for the CodePen Challenge


jess profile image
Jess Lee

WOW that is beautiful!!!

cobra_winfrey profile image
adam kuhn

Thanks so much! Quite happy with how it came out :)

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prooffreader profile image
David Taylor

I joined DEV today and this is the first thing I saw and I'm pretty happy about it.

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cobra_winfrey profile image
adam kuhn

Thanks David! Recently got to catch a Magritte show myself, it was stunning :)

hellodavidryan profile image
David Ryan

Really lovely work :)

tweedlelindzee profile image
Lindsey Stanton

This is really incredible!

cobra_winfrey profile image
adam kuhn

thank you so much!

isaac32767 profile image
Isaac Rabinovitch

Double points for being both artistic and technically clever.

jess profile image
Jess Lee

This week, I...enjoyed Pi day off and took care of a lot of personal business.

Such as...

  • Dealing with phone insurance so I finally have a new phone on the way!
  • Calling my health insurance which resulted in a credit plus lower co-pays??
  • Stamping wedding invitations!
  • Booking an optometrist appointment.

Those little things were seriously hanging over my head and now I feel like some weight has been lifted. If your list of 'little things' are piling up, I highly recommend taking some time off to help re-center.

I also tried ClassPass for the first time a few days ago and discovered they offer 'wellness' classes. Instead of working out, I opted for infared sauna and that was amazing!

mollynem profile image
Molly Nemerever

love it! class pass keeps me sane :)

desi profile image

infrared sauna sounds so relaxing and nice in this cold weather!

leob profile image

Yes that sort of pesky little thingies can be annoying, they're boring but you just gotta do them, sooner or later. And you feel relieved once you do.

turnerj profile image
James Turner

This week, I... did my first commits to the repo! The commits are pretty small in the scheme of things, some typos here and consistency fixes there but still, helps towards making a better platform.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor


nataliecodes profile image
natalie stroud

This week, I made my first post on and finished all of the CSS unit in the online bootcamp I'm working on! Also volunteered at a children's hospital nearby like I do every week but those nights are always highlights in my week <3

jess profile image
Jess Lee


djpandab profile image
Stephen Smith

This week, my computer science degree!!!!

wizkid_alex profile image
Alex Oladele

Two more months and I'll be joining this celebration


sleepyfran profile image
Fran González • Edited

This week, I managed to get a pseudo-MVP of a project I'm working on. My plan is to integrate DEV into it too!

P. S: It's open source, in case anyone's interested :)

mx profile image
Maxime Moreau

Oh guy, proposing articles based on the reading time, simple but sooo cool!

sleepyfran profile image
Fran González

Thanks! It's definitely something that I found myself using a lot lately! I'm working on the DEV integration right now and hopefully I'll have it ready soon :)

andreasvirkus profile image

Just wanted to second @Maxime - this idea is really nifty!

peoray profile image
Emmanuel Raymond

Hey, I'd love to contribute to your project

chustedde profile image

This week, I joined and made my first post!

andersjr1984 profile image

Welcome. It's my go-to site for neat things!

stseagle profile image
Simone Seagle

Me too!!

isalevine profile image
Isa Levine

same! hi! welcome! :)

desi profile image

This week, I...

  • wrote a chapter for Isaac Lyman's book for junior devs
  • built a silly app on Glitch
  • started jotting notes to call my doctor.. and then actually calling!

jess profile image
Jess Lee

yessss i love party parrot!

jess profile image
Jess Lee

and whoa! congrats on writing that chapter. we're really excited about @isaacandsuch 's book!

itachiuchiha profile image
Itachi Uchiha

My Life

Actually, nothing.

This week, I wanted to die. Really, I thought about this. Something goes wrong in my life. But I don't know about anything. It happened suddenly.

Now, I'm thinking life is meaningless.


I used Uppy file uploader. It was an amazing experience for me. Because this uploader doesn't look like others. I really had fun.

jayhankins profile image
Jay Hankins

Ali, I've been there before so I understand. I'll just say that we're so glad you're here, and if you want to talk I'd be happy to listen (DM me on Twitter)

P.S. thank you for sharing Uppy. I would not know about it without you. :)

itachiuchiha profile image
Itachi Uchiha

Thanks, Jay. I think people sometimes people have similar problems. But this is first for me. I'm usually cheerful. Thanks for your help :) We'll talk :)

I'm also sorry to you had bad times.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Hey Ali, I'm sorry you're going through this. If you'd like to talk more, please email I'd be happy to help.

itachiuchiha profile image
Itachi Uchiha

I'll send an email to you. Thanks, Ben! It may sound routine to you but I'll :) Thanks.

stargator profile image

Hey Ali,

I've been there. Somethings that might help you:

And please listen when I or others say they've been there. Life's tough, and sometimes it seems you had written the manual and then you realized it's just a napkin with some quick thoughts noted on it. :) Recognizing that you are not alone in this feeling is important, cause that means you have something in common and can either share your experience/knowledge as well as learn from those that came before you.

You'll doing great! Don't let anything else tell you differently. We're not perfect and we shouldn't beat ourselves up about it. Recently, I have to remind myself that a lot.

itachiuchiha profile image
Itachi Uchiha


Thank you. I read the post you shared.

I strongly agree this part "sometimes it seems you had written the manual and then you realized it's just a napkin with some quick thoughts noted on it".

I think the problem of thinking about everything at the same time.

This is not good. Some people look carefree.

They don't care about their life, career, future etc. They only think about the moment and I'm not that kind of man.

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stargator profile image

Let me suggest something different, instead of thinking those folks "don't care about their life, career, future, etc. They only think about the moment..", how about look at it like some people are able to give the current task/problem at hand the focus and will worry later about the future, past, career, etc.

I have a habit of feeling out of my depth, then I think about my mistakes of the past whether career related or not. But I have any to learn to let my mind focus on the present, otherwise I'm not doing myself any favors.

That means it's a learned behavior for me, and probably others. That *doesn't mean it has to come naturally to you. It doesn't for me. And practice only strengthens that muscle.

selbekk profile image

This week, I posted my first two articles on! Over a 1000 views later, I'm a pretty happy camper. Also, I went to a meetup, and got to say hello to Sara Viera! Great week altogether <3

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Yay, congrats on publishing!!

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

This week, I...

  • finished Mozilla Tech Speakers onboarding
  • recorded a couple cool podcasts
  • have been working on a super fun project for the site

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

I'm really glad Blair made it into the win of the week. Capturing the reactions to these treats was a gift 🤣

stargator profile image

Oh she's/he's gorgeous!

leppercameron profile image
Cameron Lepper • Edited

This week, I wrapped up all my handovers and have left my first ever full-time software job. This might not seem like a win, particularly as I'm sad to leave my great team behind, and a little overwhelmed by how nice everyone has been in wishing me luck, but after years of self-doubt during my school and university degrees, then impostor syndrome in the workplace, I'm finding it nice to reflect on my first 15 months in the industry, realising that I've come a long way. That's the best win I could ask for. Looking forward to my new journey as a DevOps Engineer, starting Monday. Woo!

stargator profile image

Oh... please share your experience as a DevOps Engineer. I'm a Software Engineer and I think DevOps shouldn't be a siloed role. Everyone has a role to play in DevOps, it's not just one dedicated person or team's specific mission, it's the responsibility of all the developers, testers, managers, etc.

leppercameron profile image
Cameron Lepper

I certainly will! It’ll be interesting - I’m going from a fairly corporate-culture engineering company to a software startup. Not just my role is changing, but the whole environment. I feel a blog post brewing in a few weeks!...

golangch profile image
Stefan Wuthrich

This week, I had/have a 80h/h day job hell...
And beside working on my side-project

Started working on admin app

trevornemanic profile image
Trevor Nemanic

This week, I...

  1. Published two posts to! This platform has been so approachable that I felt another post wouldn't be time-consuming - and it wasn't!
  2. Went to an Android meetup and discussed many things Android-related.
horus_sky profile image
Cedric W

This week, I...been kicking myself in the head to finish this ES6 section of a Beginners Javascript course. I'm down to the final 3 lessons involving Destructuring, Classes, and Maps and I will be done. Sidenote: all of it is confusing =). I've been using jQuery and basic JS for years, learning through work experience, and decided to take a course to try and better understand it all.

On actual wins:

  • I fixed 2 CSS bugs that involved a div layering issue that caused blocking of a CTA btn at mobile
  • I figured out somehow media queries were affecting my print styles
  • Finished all my mandatory work training modules
  • Helped a content author figure out some simple HTML errors in our CMS
  • Got a chance to watch Into the Spiderverse with my two young boys (great movie)
horus_sky profile image
Cedric W

*** Update ***

Finished my course and got my Cert for Javascript. Now off to relearn what I just learned. =)

islam profile image
Islam Sayed

This week, I make a post on and it made 863 views, 52 reactions, and 10 comments. It is a beginner level one a out why we write <! DOCTYPE html>. I learned from that and I was happy that others might found it helpful too.
Here it is.

drozerah profile image

This week, I... have successfully completed the freeCodeCamp's JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures certification.

leejarvis profile image
Lee Jarvis • Edited

This week, I...

  1. Completed yearly performance appraisals for half of my team 💪
  2. Moved company job adverts to more diverse and inclusive recruitment agencies/job boards 📋
  3. Booked a holiday 🏖
  4. Cleared out my garage of junk 🧹
  5. Joined 🤗
  6. Made it to Friday 🙏

bogdaaamn profile image
Bogdan Covrig

This week, I aced my first developer interview ever! Shout out to @mortoray , @emmawedekind and @aershov24 for great inspiration and for providing good resources here on in this regard.


emmabostian profile image
Emma Bostian ✨

OMG YAY congrats!!

ijebusoma profile image
Vanessa Osuka • Edited

This week, I made significant progress on a Javascript React app I've been working on.

I've also been able to keep up with a yoga and workout routine I started this year, feels nice. :)

jess profile image
Jess Lee

cjbrooks12 profile image
Casey Brooks

Just last night, I received 2 PRs to Orchid!

Pull request

pholisa_fatyela profile image
Pholisa Fatyela

This week, I gave a group of upcoming software developers some constructive feedback. Also have been mentoring them and learning more about them as individuals. 😄 🎉

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

When a months-ago delegated task became an emergency that got dropped in my lap (because I'm both knowlegeable and fast to do things), but I had no access to actually do the task, but was able to Jabber/Slack a non-Linux tech through the processes necessary to complete the task. Was a double-win:

  • Able to get the task done
  • Able to impart some (quite a bit more than "some", actually) learnin' to someone
mmarinez20 profile image
Manuel Mariñez

This week, I...

  • Manage to get automated tests to work with headless browser

  • Better understanding of continuous integration process

ericschillerdev profile image
Unfrozen Caveman Dev

This week, I...

Attended my first conference in years. Going to Enterprise Data World was huge for me, since I spent last year switching specialties to Data Engineering, and am now cool enough to attend the conference as one of two delegates from my company.

ryankilleen profile image
Ryan Killeen

This week, I...

Made my first (accessibility focused) contribution to DEV!

If you're a keyboard-only user you'll notice a 'skip to content' link is now available as the first element you tab into after the address bar. Currently only functions on the home page, soon to be remedied!

skipping avocado

pra3t0r5 profile image
Pra3t0r5 • Edited

This week, I managed to come up with an automatization over a software interface of wich I cannot access its code, by using multithreading and java robot class (ik I'm a little behind, but I'm very little experienced and never used those techs ever), in very little time and with a pretty big benefit for the company I work on, since it is the very first 4 players HTC Vive VR Lan Gaming platform open to public in my city.

nebrius profile image
Bryan Hughes

This week, I started playing with Web Assembly for the first time. It's not very easy right now, sice it's new and complicated, but I overcame some seriously tricky bugs and got things working! And of course I wrote about it on and plan to write more about it. 😃

It's alive

lechenco profile image
Gabriel Lechenco

This week, I talk with a teacher about future research that we will work about the next months. The source is about recognition of patterns in ECG signals trying to classify good and bad heartbeats.

I'm really excited to start to work on it.

3sanket3 profile image
Sanket Patel

This week, I

  • spent around 8hrs in side projects/oss. The main thing is I completed the tasks that I planned(which is rare for me with side projects)

  • Learned, there is no other way than 'start and fail... Restart and re-fail... if you are still there, you will get to enjoy your success.

safijari profile image
Jariullah Safi

This week, I discovered the location of and then deployed the fix for a deadlock in a python codebase. It actually took me about the full week to do this (with a bunch of other stuff happening on the side).

It was a particularly nasty bug and python did not make debugging it easy. Worst part was that it was non deterministic and seemingly only happened in production. Ended up adding a ridiculous amount of trace statements until I could nail it down.

andreasjakof profile image
Andreas Jakof

This week, I...

  • startet making a Web App independent of „our database“ to prepare the move to Azure
  • watched a newly developed API go online smoothly
  • removed lots of old code (by me and my predecessor) ... I love throwing away code
  • turned off three no longer needed web services
  • dabbled in SignalR (for the first time) and took a web site with it online (intranet). It’s a web site for the spotify squad health check and watching votes come in in real time was really cool. I went some lengths to make complete anonymity possible, so that even myself with access to the database can‘t tell the individual votes. And I am a bit proud of it.
3sanket3 profile image
Sanket Patel

This week, I

  • spent around 8hrs in side projects/oss. The main thing is I completed the tasks that I planned(which is rare for me with side projects)

  • Learned, there is no other way than 'start and fail... Restart and re-fail... if you are still there, you will get to enjoy your success.

elmuerte profile image
Michiel Hendriks • Edited

This week, I started yak shaving twice and did not recognize it quick enough (twice half a day spend).

Wait... that wasn't a win.

I had two good interviewees, so I will count that as a win.

abdurrahmaanj profile image
Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer

This week, our python user-group was finally listed on the wiki ❤

jess profile image
Jess Lee


stargator profile image
Stargator • Edited

This week, I...

  • Applied for a few projects within my company
  • Called to have water service turned on THREE times for property being rented out
  • Scheduled with several contractors to come to the rental and give estimates this weekend.
  • Upgraded to Flutter 1.2.1
  • Started watching the Boring Flutter podcast in order to learn more practical aspects of flutter development.
  • Took Friday off for my Birthday! Excited for the time to make some spaghetti with roasted brussel sprouts instead of meatballs

mollynem profile image
Molly Nemerever

This week, I...published my first blog post! I also started studying Ruby on Rails. Very focused and grounded week for me. Didn't let the stress of learning something new get to my head. step by step!

stay focused

learnbyexample profile image
Sundeep • Edited

This week, I finally

happy rainbow

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor • Edited

Multiple wins this week,

  • I'm on vacation. It will also be my win next week. 😉

  • I got my two year badge.
  • I also passed 20K followers on 😎
  • Got my Gatsby socks!

Want your own pair?

That's pretty much it. Not much happened this week. 😜

isalevine profile image
Isa Levine

this week, i...made a really scary leap and joined here and posted about a topic i'm brand new to and presented on it to a group of peers! still just spending my weekend trying to get my adrenaline back down, lol

mikolaj_kubera profile image
Mikolaj Kubera

This week, I... started to write an app for comicbooks writers and artists to find each other and collaborate :] Just a pretext to learn some Elm, haha.

betkowski profile image
Betkowski • Edited

This week, I... finished all my projects, so I decided to create a tool that would help me and other designers in our everyday work-life. Designed and built a random color palette generator, tested it, and now I'm sitting with coffee, and enjoying the view.

Needs a bit more love, I'll make a post about it here and share it eventually.

jeankaplansky profile image
Jean Kaplansky

This week, I...

Developed a RWD CSS grid in an environment where no one expects it. I also made it responsive and accessible. I tested the whole thing in Windows IE 11, Edge, and Firefox with Narrator and NVDA in addition to testing on my Mac.

No one expects stuff like this from the person they think of as “the tech writer.”

ryuuji159 profile image
Daniel Cortés • Edited

This week, I...Dockerized my little personal webpage
I really hated Docker during last year but seeing videos from Devon Crawford inspired me to finnaly try it again.

Currently I have 4 containers, 2 for the apps and 2 for the database of each one and they are routed to the internet throught ngix that is instaled in the server doing proxy_pass.

Maybe it could be better but I'm really still learning.

uudreams profile image
Rachel Stevenson M.A.

This week, I learned that shift + enter in windows command prompt will make any python command work.. I kept hitting just enter and wondered why i kept getting an error message. So Yay!

messerli90 profile image
Michael Messerli • Edited

This week, I...

  1. Got Futures and async to click. I've been looking at them all wrong and it just clicked and makes sense now 😄

  2. Started really digging in on 🧪TDD and properly learning the testing suites for the frameworks I work with.

  3. Making an effort to comment & contribute after being a silent lurker forever 👈

davidbradbury profile image
David Bradbury 🐧

This week, I joined DEV after seeing references to it in enough places and deciding to check it out. I'm glad I did!

I've found my people!

mykezero profile image

This week, I...

Finished setting up TFS for continuous integration. Tests now run after every change and I no longer have to build any deployment packages by hand.

joehobot profile image
Joe Hobot

This week, I...finished creating a pipeline in buildkite.

gradle build on buildkite and deploys charts to kubernetes

tvanantwerp profile image
Tom VanAntwerp

This week, I...

...launched my first Gatsby site for work!

Leo as Gatsby doing a toast.

codingmindfully profile image
Daragh Byrne • Edited

Beta launched my online course. It’s called The Mundful Developer and there is just enough time to squeeze in here.

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

This week, I codified 3 services via CloudFormation that are tools of a CI pipeline.

juanmanuelramallo profile image
Juan Manuel Ramallo

This week, I built a minesweeper with Rails and React ❤️🙈

lbrnth1 profile image
Yonathan Levin • Edited

This week, I fixed a popular security issue that had no answers on Stack overflow 😚

jckuhl profile image
Jonathan Kuhl

This week, I... turned a checkbox into a switch with pure CSS:

andrewharpin profile image
Andrew Harpin

Those are some of the best days as a developer

sfwritermdk profile image
Marvin Kirkland

I just launched my Wordpress blog about my self-learning web development journey!

My Web Development Odyssey

jochemstoel profile image
Jochem Stoel

This week, I did nothing. Nada, zilch.

mahmoudai profile image
Mahmoud Ahmed

This week, I Built my first LSTM network in keras ang got amazing results !!

I did it